


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 strong collecting duct epithelial barrier is unresolved.
2 ween E2 and ChlR1 in the HPV16 life cycle is unresolved.
3 e to the development of malignancies remains unresolved.
4 ons of variants residing in risk loci remain unresolved.
5 ion, and homeostasis in seeds remains mostly unresolved.
6 synapses, but the cellular mechanisms remain unresolved.
7 roots, shoots, or neither of the two remains unresolved.
8 ircuit mechanisms for these processes remain unresolved.
9 ffects, the aetiology of WBD remains largely unresolved.
10 l mechanisms of most such modulations remain unresolved.
11 ally among those of the Pentapetalae, remain unresolved.
12 nities, but their combined influences remain unresolved.
13  physiological function and cellular fate is unresolved.
14  that drive it in natural populations remain unresolved.
15 rigin of trunk denticle odontoblasts remains unresolved.
16 osine residues in a substrate protein remain unresolved.
17 r such site-specific tropism remains largely unresolved.
18 c contractility and arrhythmogenicity remain unresolved.
19         The mechanisms governing this remain unresolved.
20 ng of this lipid-protein interaction remains unresolved.
21 the ecology of ancestral bipedal hominins is unresolved.
22 ng mechanism that sustains infection remains unresolved.
23 ates selectivity between states is currently unresolved.
24 The reasons for this complex geometry remain unresolved.
25  above this characteristic threshold remains unresolved.
26 etic regulation of adult form and physiology unresolved.
27 ral to ADPKD, but the molecular mechanism is unresolved.
28  the majority of cases remain pathogenically unresolved.
29  induced lung damage and disease outcome are unresolved.
30 echanisms that determine this variability is unresolved.
31 cleus, its role in mitochondria has remained unresolved.
32 ism underlying these genetic associations is unresolved.
33 oth disease type 2D (CMT2D) is still largely unresolved.
34 for chronic pulmonary oxygen sensing, remain unresolved.
35 ehavioral states via the LC-NE system remain unresolved.
36 role of Lyn in mucin gene expression remains unresolved.
37 e known, the relationships among them remain unresolved.
38  activates Rab11 in most eukaryotic cells is unresolved.
39 hat lie at the core of these circuits remain unresolved.
40 cation in the absence of locomotion has been unresolved.
41 ticity, but the underlying mechanisms remain unresolved.
42  position as suggested by morphology remains unresolved.
43 , particularly in high-risk infants, remains unresolved.
44 ut (KO) mice, but the molecular mechanism is unresolved.
45  the risk of postoperative mortality remains unresolved.
46 wever, details of this process have remained unresolved.
47  its assembly and mechanism of action remain unresolved.
48 DAC) cooperate within NuRD complexes remains unresolved.
49 rrier (BBB) and induce neuropathology remain unresolved.
50 ally related to symptom presentation remains unresolved.
51 ch these processes operate are still largely unresolved.
52 ect for resistance to decolonizing agents is unresolved.
53 d response affects plant performance remains unresolved.
54  others, such as xylose utilization, remains unresolved.
55 he observation repeatable, but the mechanism unresolved.
56 y of MTOR-regulated mRNA translation remains unresolved.
57 cing these behavioral characteristics remain unresolved.
58 with major depressive disorder (MDD) remains unresolved.
59 ermining ecological patterns in fixation are unresolved.
60 ficant number of cases remaining genetically unresolved.
61 molecular basis for this protection has been unresolved.
62  noise in the auditory system remain largely unresolved.
63 mechanisms that control Hsf1 activity remain unresolved.
64 pendently of Hrd1 stabilization has remained unresolved.
65 ch encoding at the subcortical level remains unresolved.
66                       Their functions remain unresolved.
67 exposure on the risk of atopic dermatitis is unresolved.
68 d modern levels ( approximately 21%) remains unresolved.
69 th measurements and leaving important issues unresolved.
70 MCs, which underlie vascular disease, remain unresolved.
71  magnitude of this ecosystem service remains unresolved.
72 y control this early communication are still unresolved.
73 mechanisms underpinning Skint-1 activity are unresolved.
74 s important patient subgroup remains largely unresolved.
75 foreign antigen before T cell activation are unresolved.
76 issions, 51.4% were categorized as recurrent/unresolved.
77 s generated by distinct oncogenes is largely unresolved.
78  many infections, some investigations remain unresolved.
79  implications for biomass and production are unresolved.
80 ug for which the mechanism of action remains unresolved.
81 fundamental aspects of macroautophagy remain unresolved.
82 y divergent populations have previously been unresolved.
83  CALR perturbs megakaryopoiesis is currently unresolved.
84 ooms, particularly in the United States, are unresolved.
85 r in hominin evolution and dispersal remains unresolved.
86 ivity and its functional significance remain unresolved.
87 chanism(s) underpinning this response remain unresolved.
88 act the formation of Trm populations remains unresolved.
89  but the potential mechanisms remain largely unresolved.
90 ylation across the parasite proteome remains unresolved.
91  aspects of its physiological mechanisms are unresolved.
92 ltifunctionality at landscape scales remains unresolved.
93 cterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection remains unresolved.
94 enemy community biodiversity in the field is unresolved.
95 s, but their X chromosome state has remained unresolved.
96 but the mechanisms underlying resistance are unresolved.
97 e activity during movement execution remains unresolved.
98 echanism of O2 transport into silage remains unresolved.
99  of STIM1 in insulin-secreting beta-cells is unresolved.
100 he role of coding sequence evolution remains unresolved.
101 and parental genome contributions to ZGA are unresolved.
102 neuronal encoding within this network remain unresolved.
103 anisms of compound exocytosis remain largely unresolved.
104 e of airborne particles to the atmosphere is unresolved.
105 ity of surgery and radiation therapy remains unresolved.
106  causal gene and underlying mechanism remain unresolved.
107  this to pharmacotherapeutic actions remains unresolved.
108  plant and animal methyltransferases remains unresolved.
109 ades, yet their behavioral correlates remain unresolved.
110 ticity, but the underlying mechanisms remain unresolved.
111 rin functions to neuronal pathologies remain unresolved.
112 rons, but the underlying mechanisms remained unresolved.
113 nism of mtDNA movement between cells remains unresolved.
114 sicles by a retention mechanism that remains unresolved.
115 en soil is amended with Si-rich materials is unresolved.
116 nd its role in protection against UTI remain unresolved.
117 er, the neuronal mechanisms of attention are unresolved.
118 nteract with a multitude of MHC molecules is unresolved.
119 cks spatiotemporal variations in GPP remains unresolved.
120 of dimensionality on the glass transition is unresolved.
121 er the polymerizing arm of the cycle remains unresolved.
122 living tissue, the protein structures remain unresolved.
123 ing their binding interface in the target is unresolved.
124 ive ability essential to musicality, remains unresolved [1-5].
125 significant questions in CO2 research remain unresolved: (1) mechanisms of CO2 effects on plant devel
126 suggest that the loss of ALX/FPR2 results in unresolved acute inflammation and SMG dysfunction (xeros
127 ) driving this conformational change remains unresolved and in most cases high-resolution structures
128 ide-effects than hypoxia, but its utility is unresolved and may be modest or absent in some settings
129  of renal ischemia-reperfusion injury remain unresolved, and effective therapies are lacking.
130 white wines gave voltammograms featuring two unresolved anodic waves corresponding to the oxidation o
131 ely detached from the health system, or held unresolved anxieties about the consequences of their dec
132                      Among those that remain unresolved are the existence of an inactivated intermedi
133 ng selective nerve pathology in CMT2D remain unresolved, as does the cause of the mild-to-moderate se
134 ions of these events are complex and largely unresolved at the whole-genome level.
135 activity that remained below 10%, suggesting unresolved autoimmune activity.
136 ecular mechanism triggering gamete fusion is unresolved because both Izumo1 and Juno lack sequence si
137 a providing dependable evidence for specific unresolved biological hypotheses.
138                                          The unresolved blood culture identification sensitivity for
139 nets, but the extent to which this occurs is unresolved both theoretically and observationally.
140 out one-third of the detected peaks remained unresolved by MALDI-TOF, which led to a 3-5 times lower
141 I activity, and its depletion is found in an unresolved case of CI deficiency.
142 med an exome-wide association study with 195 unresolved case subjects and 6,905 control subjects.
143         These strategies could help overcome unresolved cell therapy manufacturing challenges and com
144                                        A key unresolved challenge for developing an effective HIV-1 v
145 cially in the tree layer, represents a major unresolved challenge for forecasting biosphere responses
146 mpedance and parallel screening) is still an unresolved challenge in bioelectronics.
147 deno-associated viruses (AAVs) pose a major, unresolved challenge that restricts patient enrollment i
148      This review discusses opportunities and unresolved challenges in applying optogenetic techniques
149 TKA, the fibrotic joint exists in a state of unresolved chronic inflammation.
150 tients remains by far the most important yet unresolved clinical problem in the Brugada syndrome (BrS
151  This review provides examples of some major unresolved clinical problems encountered in daily cardio
152 aromatic, between C12-C36, in the previously unresolved complex mixture (UCM) of two motor oil sample
153 we present a method for measuring previously unresolved components of Earth's radiogenic heating usin
154 ises a large fraction of chromatographically unresolved compounds, often referred to as humic-like su
155 y spectrometry (TWIMS) of poorly resolved or unresolved conformers.
156  if the fluorophores have many different yet unresolved dark states, as long as there is only a singl
157  state during abstinence is a long-standing, unresolved debate among addiction researchers.
158 ny details of the mechanism of action remain unresolved, despite the importance in translating liposo
159 he GTPase activation mechanism at previously unresolved detail.
160 ) with BMF of suspected inherited origin but unresolved diagnosis after medical evaluation and Fancon
161 present areas of common ground and important unresolved differences.
162 nt decades, but the mechanisms of change are unresolved due to a lack of quantitative ecological data
163 through environmental selection, and remains unresolved due to lack of empirical data.
164 tothecin (CPT) whose biosynthetic pathway is unresolved due to the lack of genomic and transcriptomic
165 graphic distribution is a critical and often unresolved ecological question.
166 voidable process operating conditions (e.g., unresolved equipment maintenance issues).
167                          We hypothesize that unresolved ER stress induces the inflammatory responses
168 missive environment for protein aggregation, unresolved ER stress, and chronic inflammation.
169 y thought to be biologically inactive and an unresolved factor in the flux of methane, a potent green
170 ilencing and epigenetic alternations remains unresolved for most transgenic plants.
171  of ADPLD-affected families were genetically unresolved (GUR), suggesting further genetic heterogenei
172 he human CFTR structure reveals a previously unresolved helix belonging to the R domain docked inside
173 owever, the proportion of patient cases with unresolved HER2 statuses (equivocal by IHC and in situ h
174  successful over evolutionary time, but that unresolved host-symbiont conflict may have precluded the
175                          However, it remains unresolved how acute and chronic changes in energy avail
176                          However, it remains unresolved how multiple BMPs would cooperate to establis
177                                   It remains unresolved how the amount of rotation occurring between
178                           However, it is yet unresolved how to address metal mixtures in risk assessm
179  substrate specificity was realized remained unresolved, however.
180 nd should be considered in all children with unresolved HPA.
181 t entails at least two inherent and thus far unresolved hurdles: 1) provision of an unlimited source
182 h immunologic investigation in patients with unresolved immunodeficiency.
183 ion responses to soil moisture, which remain unresolved in ecosystem models.
184 erobic capacity, and its feasibility remains unresolved in patients with heart failure.
185 tional lymphocytes, but key questions remain unresolved in the field, including why these cells have
186 ctrotonic coupling to AP-generating cells is unresolved in the heart: such coupling is present in vit
187 mplex genomes, unique molecular biology, and unresolved in-group relationships.
188                                              Unresolved infection can be attributed to nonfunctional
189 nisms and the glial subtypes involved remain unresolved, infection of NG2 glia was recently observed
190                                       During unresolved infections, some viruses escape immunological
191 s a result of pulmonary tissue damage due to unresolved inflammation during invasive pulmonary asperg
192                           Given that chronic unresolved inflammation is emerging as a central causati
193                                              Unresolved inflammation is key in linking metabolic dysr
194                                Overactive or unresolved inflammation is the primary determinant in he
195                                     However, unresolved inflammation may lead to the development of c
196                                      Chronic unresolved inflammation plays a causal role in the devel
197 elopment involves dysregulated autophagy and unresolved inflammation, demonstrated by studies in gene
198 ysfunctional adipose tissue (AT) in obesity: unresolved inflammation, inappropriate extracellular mat
199  of specialized immune cells and leads to an unresolved inflammatory response within the tissue.
200 , which are prone to artifacts from noise or unresolved interfering signals.
201 as truly increasing with harmonic order, the unresolved isotopes at the fundamental distribution of c
202 detection of tumorous tissue is an important unresolved issue for cancer surgery.
203                                 An important unresolved issue in microbial secondary metabolite produ
204 es an enduring yet dynamic memory remains an unresolved issue in studies of memory.
205                                      A major unresolved issue in the cloning of mammals by somatic ce
206                                 An important unresolved issue is the extent to which incompatibility
207          The traceability of olive oil is an unresolved issue that remains a challenge.
208                       However, it remains an unresolved issue whether beat-to-beat alternations in in
209 elation to the martensitic phase is still an unresolved issue, even though it is critical to the unde
210 nteractions respond to mechanical cues is an unresolved issue.
211 en spacing and size of such structures is an unresolved issue.
212  continents, to elucidate this long-standing unresolved issue.
213  established during development is a largely unresolved issue.
214                                              Unresolved issues and directions for future study are pr
215                                              Unresolved issues in the field are outlined.
216  will be placed in the context of previously unresolved issues related to BDNF biology, as well as ho
217                                     However, unresolved issues related to the spatial, spectral, and
218 data that throws light on several previously unresolved issues.
219 anism that initiates skeletal EC coupling is unresolved, it is clear that both the alpha1 and beta su
220 ionary importance of this group has remained unresolved, largely because of their poorly constrained
221  of lasing with electrical injection-remains unresolved, largely due to fast nonradiative Auger recom
222 ed herbicides (GBH) is still a debatable and unresolved matter.
223 d d-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (d-G3P) by an unresolved mechanism.
224 recognizes intermediate filaments through an unresolved mechanism.
225 ed from a linear polyketide precursor via an unresolved mechanism.
226 available and more accessible, the currently unresolved mechanisms can be studied in greater detail t
227 and Canada, providing additional evidence of unresolved mechanisms that restrict the emergence and pe
228 ic glycolysis supports proliferation through unresolved mechanisms.
229  to investigate the role of the structurally unresolved membrane-proximal stalk region (MPSR) (residu
230 how that BAP1 inhibits cell death induced by unresolved metabolic stress.
231             We begin by discussing two major unresolved methodological concerns facing wealth researc
232 inucleation of cardiomyocytes accompanied by unresolved midbody structures.
233  selection as a driver of speciation remains unresolved, not least because we lack a clear empirical
234          Yet, its internal phylogeny remains unresolved owing to limited sampling.
235 3/+4) in mixed Ni-Fe centers, confirming the unresolved paradox of a reduced metal redox activity wit
236                                          The unresolved parts of the structure are within the realm o
237                            There are however unresolved physics issues impeding optimal implementatio
238 fractions were broad and chromatographically unresolved, possibly representing reoccurring fluorophor
239 ents, whose organization in the Z-ring is an unresolved problem.
240 electron tomography to address long-standing unresolved problems in the physical sciences.
241 tal unit in visual search, we point out some unresolved problems that their account will have to solv
242 hought and include unique lipids with as yet unresolved properties.
243                                          One unresolved question in ApoE biology is whether ApoE is n
244 ans reach their final shape is a central yet unresolved question in developmental biology.
245                        A central and largely unresolved question in drug discovery, which is especial
246 tinct brain regions still are a fundamental, unresolved question in prion research.
247 lomorpha in the tree of life remains a major unresolved question in the study of deep animal relation
248                                           An unresolved question is how HIV-1 achieves efficient repl
249                             An important and unresolved question is how orientation tuning emerges du
250                                 An important unresolved question is how populations of coldwater-depe
251                                          One unresolved question is how RLRs interact with each other
252                                  An open and unresolved question is how STRF maturation affects stimu
253                                           An unresolved question is the involvement of chromatin mark
254                                      A major unresolved question is the mechanism in which the intera
255                   Moreover, an important but unresolved question is whether hippocampal mismatch sign
256                                           An unresolved question is whether PKA is sufficient to init
257 sh by discussing current models to the still unresolved question of how piRNA precursors are selected
258 n polyamide binding in live cells remains an unresolved question that impedes their deployment in viv
259 orm of the dimer remains a controversial and unresolved question, we addressed this matter by enginee
260 time of arrival of people in Australia is an unresolved question.
261                       A critical, and as yet unresolved, question is whether the mucosal bottleneck s
262                     We conclude by exploring unresolved questions and future directions for inquiry r
263  continued promise for unlocking many of the unresolved questions in evolutionary biology and biogeog
264                           Finally, we review unresolved questions in gene regulation as it pertains t
265                             One of the major unresolved questions in influenza A virus (IAV) ecology
266 e also discuss future aspirations to address unresolved questions in this exciting area of research.
267                             One of the major unresolved questions is the location, morphology, and ne
268 e results hold the promise of answering many unresolved questions linking structural diversity of vir
269 till unknown, in this study we address other unresolved questions pertaining to the molecular mechani
270                  That uncertainty relates to unresolved questions regarding the supramolecular nature
271 important insights and highlight significant unresolved questions related to ZIKV and other emerging
272 s here on work that strives to address these unresolved questions, with emphasis on fate mapping and
273 tial advantages but also safety concerns and unresolved questions.
274 ant antioxidative systems gives rise to many unresolved questions.
275 unphosphorylatable Rad54 (Rad54-S572A) cause unresolved Rad51 foci and confer a defect in HR.
276 Furthermore, we show for the first time that unresolved rDNA sequence variation resulting from imperf
277 ws resolution of HR-mediated repair and that unresolved replication intermediates impair chromosome s
278 ation and transcription and likely represent unresolved replication intermediates.
279  structure and observed structural disorder (unresolved residues), difference distance maps between a
280 y members of the ykkC motif RNA, the longest unresolved riboswitch candidate, naturally sense and res
281  a number of additional contrasts related to unresolved sample features.
282 trast, mstnb GOF and inhbaa LOF both lead to unresolved scarring after cardiac injury.
283 compromised mitotic fidelity as evidenced by unresolved sister chromatids with marked accumulation of
284          In mouse and human IECs, prolonged, unresolved stress was accompanied by continued down-regu
285 amilies mapping to the X-chromosome remained unresolved suggesting that more XLID genes or loci are y
286 entity segmental duplications remain largely unresolved, this comprehensive assembly provides new bio
287                      It nevertheless remains unresolved to what extent variable ocean heat is imprint
288 of these components remain, however, largely unresolved today, likely because of viscosity issues and
289 dients of biodiversity are a fundamental yet unresolved topic in ecology.
290 c networks in microbial communities poses an unresolved visualization and interpretation challenge.
291  of this specific P stress adaptation remain unresolved, we reveal a detailed phospholipid-recycling
292                          However, it remains unresolved whether changes in one's own pain sensation m
293                               However, it is unresolved whether energy metabolism may resultantly reg
294                          However, it remains unresolved whether feeding leads to endogenous opioid re
295                          However, it remains unresolved whether schizophrenia-associated cortical str
296                                        It is unresolved whether the permanent auditory deprivation th
297 ephalon (pallium) of vertebrates, it remains unresolved which ancestral neurogenesis mode prefigures
298                         However, it is still unresolved which factors are required and therefore defi
299 on a cohort of 71 patients with persistently unresolved white matter abnormalities with a suspected d
300 WES can substantially decrease the number of unresolved white matter cases.

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