


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 and the rest of the ensemble are essentially unrestrained.
2 es in the AV3V and were tested conscious and unrestrained.
3  to activate the LE cells when the siphon is unrestrained.
4 t corresponding responses when the siphon is unrestrained.
5 efore proinflammatory effects of mCRP remain unrestrained.
6 of intermediate neural progenitors (INPs) is unrestrained.
7 mice that are conscious, unanesthetized, and unrestrained.
8 lick during the first day after a permitted, unrestrained 4.3 m(3) oil release conducted on the North
9                                          The unrestrained accumulation of Tfh cells in the absence of
10  important regulators of the cell cycle, and unrestrained activation of E2F-dependent transcription i
11  pivotal oncogenic mechanism responsible for unrestrained activation of ERK and AKT pathways in human
12 on Hippel-Lindau tumour suppressor (VHL) and unrestrained activation of hypoxia-inducible transcripti
13                                              Unrestrained activation of oncogenic kinases together wi
14                                The resulting unrestrained activity of Ang II in brainstem regions neg
15 ody response to an organ transplant--despite unrestrained acute T cell-mediated allograft rejection.
16 initiated escalated aggression, a measure of unrestrained aggression that has a high probability of t
17 resents a vicious feedback loop that elicits unrestrained AKT signaling.
18 IP2 SAM-SAM domain heterodimer complex using unrestrained all-atom molecular-dynamics simulations.
19 rm of insulin degrading enzyme (IDE) through unrestrained, all-atom MD simulations have been investig
20                                    We report unrestrained, all-atom molecular dynamics simulations of
21 brain imaging with cellular resolution in an unrestrained and behaving animal.
22     Conversely, radiotelemetry systems allow unrestrained and continuous monitoring of blood pressure
23 er, when examining difference scores between unrestrained and restrained conditions, knockout mice ex
24                    Ninety-five participants (unrestrained and restrained males and females) were test
25 nd GABA in rats under two conditions: awake, unrestrained and under chloral hydrate anesthesia.
26 terminal G.A pair; instead, G1 appears quite unrestrained, and A16 stacks on both C15 and G2.
27 10 transgenic mice, parasite replication was unrestrained, and except for antimony responsiveness, me
28                             Their heads were unrestrained, and head position was tracked.
29 ied after overnight food deprivation, awake, unrestrained, and unstressed; all ICV infusion of L-NMMA
30 menting response was also observed in awake, unrestrained animals and was found to be dynamically mod
31  days and measured ventilation in conscious, unrestrained animals before and after microinjecting glu
32 il now, no technology compatible with use in unrestrained animals has combined high spatiotemporal re
33 nimals but was much less effective in awake, unrestrained animals in terms of both the number of sens
34 odulating the activity of defined neurons in unrestrained animals is a powerful approach in investiga
35 recordings of neuronal activity in awake and unrestrained animals is needed to provide new insights i
36                            Neural imaging in unrestrained animals shows that URX and RMG encode O2 co
37  a seizure on unanesthetized freely behaving unrestrained animals.
38 tification of these cells in unanesthetized, unrestrained animals.
39 latency of response to a thermal stimulus in unrestrained animals.
40  have not been adequately explored in awake, unrestrained animals.
41 through active sampling movements with their unrestrained antennae.
42  simple forms of learning was carried out in unrestrained Aplysia in which the amplitude as well as t
43  loss of insulin response is associated with unrestrained apoC-III production and impaired triglyceri
44      In this study, we have carried out four unrestrained approximately 1 ns length MD trajectories i
45 Arg3.50(139) ionic bond would break, and the unrestrained Arg would be prevented from orienting itsel
46                   Here we describe a simple, unrestrained associative place-conditioning paradigm.
47                                        Using unrestrained atomistic molecular dynamics simulations, w
48                             This resulted in unrestrained autophagy in cardiomyocytes, which contribu
49 inant IFNgamma was sufficient to reverse the unrestrained bacterial growth and ultimately the lethal
50                                        In an unrestrained balance task in cats, we demonstrate that a
51 d to induce growth cone steering, but not at unrestrained bead binding sites.
52                                              Unrestrained bead propulsion matched or exceeded rates o
53 bjects are scanned awake and their heads are unrestrained, because the NHPs move their heads faster a
54  developed methods for chronic recordings in unrestrained, behaving bats reveal two consistent bouts
55  activity of small subsets of neurons during unrestrained behavior.
56 y and smoothly released for recording during unrestrained behavior.
57 l of pRb from the beta-cell should result in unrestrained beta-cell replication, increased beta-cell
58 pression, tethers formed from undulations of unrestrained bilayer area.
59 responses to the same stimulus in the awake, unrestrained bird.
60                 This report shows that wild, unrestrained bottlenose dolphins use their learned whist
61  a tight control of LytB activity to prevent unrestrained breakdown of the cell wall.
62 s exhibit high rates of proteolysis that are unrestrained by physiologic increases in insulin, intrav
63  diminish potentially deleterious effects of unrestrained calcineurin activity in cardiac and skeleta
64 estraints are lower than models generated in unrestrained calculations and (ii) the low-energy struct
65  "motor" compartment of the RE in the awake, unrestrained cat during simple locomotion on a flat surf
66 ent in both pRb and p130, beta-cells undergo unrestrained cell cycle reentry and activation of apopto
67 te activation of Shh target genes results in unrestrained cell division and eventually medulloblastom
68 enhancing cell growth to levels required for unrestrained cell division.
69  driven by oncogenic lesions that facilitate unrestrained cell expansion and resistance to antiprolif
70 tiating cells (CICs) are responsible for the unrestrained cell growth and chemoresistance of malignan
71  feature constitutive hormone production and unrestrained cell proliferation; the mechanisms linking
72                Zinc deficiency alone induced unrestrained cellular proliferation in the esophagus and
73 clin/Cdk function, loss of p27 may result in unrestrained cellular proliferation.
74 ical measures can be obtained for physically unrestrained cetaceans.
75 nto the rat lateral cerebral ventricle under unrestrained condition.
76 e (GLU), and dopamine (DA) in rats in awake, unrestrained conditions and during chloral hydrate anest
77 s were tested under head-restrained and head-unrestrained conditions.
78 st and after pharmacological manipulation in unrestrained conscious mice using electrocardiogram (ECG
79                     The measurement of AR in unrestrained, conscious animals provides new opportuniti
80 eic acid were made into area infraradiata of unrestrained, conscious rats (n = 10) and the responses
81  major determinant of nuclear shape and that unrestrained contractility causes nuclear dysmorphia, nu
82 ransmitters in spinal dialysates from awake, unrestrained control and diabetic rats under resting con
83 evalent forms of the disease is complex, but unrestrained de-novo lipogenesis driven by hyperinsulina
84 rway basal stem cells are lost through their unrestrained differentiation, resulting in the simplific
85                                              Unrestrained DNA supercoiling and the number of topologi
86                                              Unrestrained DNA supercoiling was measured using a Me3-p
87 enuated BRCA1-A functions at DSBs and led to unrestrained DSB end resection and hyperactive DNA repai
88                                      Because unrestrained E2F activity in the absence of Rb function
89 rs, are a hallmark of most cancers and allow unrestrained E2F-1 transcription factor activity, which
90 was not significantly different from 100% in unrestrained eaters (99 +/- 6.8%) but was lower in restr
91 +/- SEM) and weighing 63.8 +/- 1.7 kg and 34 unrestrained eaters aged 59.4 +/- 0.6 y and weighing 64.
92 ence in 100 x rEI:TEE between restrained and unrestrained eaters by any of the dietary assessment met
93  a second study consisting of restrained and unrestrained eaters.
94 an antagonizes blockade of CTLA-4, promoting unrestrained effector function and proliferation, and an
95             This, in turn, may contribute to unrestrained epithelial cell proliferation and carcinoge
96 einvasive method to measure and study IOP in unrestrained experimental animals.
97 ccRCC cells, JARID1C inactivation led to the unrestrained expression of heterochromatic noncoding RNA
98 to TLR activation and produce TNFalpha in an unrestrained fashion.
99 tery flow and PP were measured in conscious, unrestrained, fasted partial portal vein-ligated rats wi
100 edical education (GME)-principally fueled by unrestrained federal support-will lead to a physician su
101 s this inactivation mechanism and results in unrestrained FGFR1 ubiquitylation in cells.
102  acute infarct size but were associated with unrestrained fibroblast proliferation, impaired scar rem
103 ectious pathogens, chronic inflammation, and unrestrained fibroproliferation are likely to be part of
104 tations affecting fork reversal also induced unrestrained fork progression and chromosomal breakage,
105 to analyze the muscle patterns of intact and unrestrained frogs during kicking, a natural defensive b
106  and 0.5 degrees for bond angles based on an unrestrained full-matrix least-squares refinement.
107                            Twenty-five 10 ns unrestrained fully solvated molecular dynamics simulatio
108 stimate the coupling term as a biophysically unrestrained function of the presynaptic inter-spike int
109 d or acquired ADAMTS13 deficiency allows the unrestrained growth of microthrombi that are composed of
110 al problems with mixed cultures on scale are unrestrained growth of one bacterium, which leads to sub
111                                          The unrestrained growth of tumor cells is generally attribut
112 rates detrimental long-term consequences for unrestrained growth.
113  to sustain sufficient protein synthesis for unrestrained growth.
114 etion, their lymphadenopathy may result from unrestrained homeostatic proliferation.
115 ctivity must be tightly regulated in vivo as unrestrained HR can cause genomic instability.
116 e state, with membrane-anchored farnesyl and unrestrained HVR, the catalytic domain fluctuates reinle
117                              We suggest that unrestrained IFN-gamma synthesis is one key immunobiolog
118 -17 are key to its host-protective capacity, unrestrained IL-17 signaling is associated with immunopa
119 kines, is essential to prevent initiation of unrestrained immune activation.
120 s IDO-dependent mechanism to limit otherwise unrestrained immune responses, inhibition of this counte
121  basalis, and infection by Listeria remained unrestrained in its absence.
122                    Thereafter, infection was unrestrained in mice lacking iNOS but was fully controll
123  in the United States involve a child riding unrestrained in the same vehicle with a drinking driver.
124 the spread of new technologies is relatively unrestrained in the United States, many of these technol
125 teraction with like types, whereas it is the unrestrained individuals that must face the negative lon
126 ion of BACH2 and its phosphorylation enabled unrestrained induction of TCR-driven effector programs.
127  as mediating pathways that lead to further, unrestrained inflammation and depression.
128 mmatory phenotype, establishing a pattern of unrestrained inflammation associated with nonhealing wou
129 rotecting tissues from injury and infection, unrestrained inflammation can cause chronic inflammatory
130          Crohn's disease is characterized by unrestrained inflammation with a genetic component.
131 However, brains from ASC(-/-) mice displayed unrestrained inflammation, including elevated levels of
132 erminate immune responses as a check against unrestrained inflammation.
133                                         This unrestrained inflammatory response may cause tissue dama
134 ematopoietic phenotypes seem to be driven by unrestrained inflammatory signaling that leads to the ex
135 cyclitolic ceramide analog designed to avoid unrestrained iNKT cell activation.
136 ystal conformation exhibits low conductance; unrestrained it increases the channel radius upon applic
137                               When inactive, unrestrained kinesin movement generates flows that wash
138                                              Unrestrained Kit signalling leads to the transformation
139                                              Unrestrained KO mice exhibited significantly lower c-Fos
140  long-term 2-photon intravital microscopy of unrestrained large arteries in live CX3CR1-GFP (green fl
141 or clinical decay, chronic stabilization, or unrestrained lethal growth of the pathogen; the response
142 red adipose tissue insulin action results in unrestrained lipolysis and lipotoxicity, which are hallm
143 amic insulin action, which may contribute to unrestrained lipolysis seen in human obesity and type 2
144 n contrast, systemic disease, in the form of unrestrained lymphoproliferation, continued unabated.
145 ithout lipid/heparin were performed in alert unrestrained male rats.
146             Here, we show that in conscious, unrestrained male Sprague Dawley rats the infusion of in
147 ay be driving a speciation event, by a live, unrestrained male.
148  Arg80 and that loss of HAI-2 in IECs led to unrestrained matriptase activity and efficient cleavage
149                                              Unrestrained MD calculations indicate that DAOTA-M2 disp
150 a modern force field, we performed a 200 mus unrestrained MD simulation of the acid-unfolded state of
151 ocking these structures to B-DNA followed by unrestrained MD simulations led to a stable complex in w
152                                              Unrestrained MD simulations suggest that the conversion
153                                  Dynamics in unrestrained MD trajectories were in poor agreement with
154 valuated luciferase bioimaging in conscious, unrestrained mice after neonatal intracranial or intrava
155 ponses to inhaled methacholine in conscious, unrestrained mice after sensitization and airway challen
156 ) and heart rate were measured in conscious, unrestrained mice after they were instrumented with intr
157           We monitored breathing patterns of unrestrained mice during wake-sleep states and while alt
158 ) injection of human REN (hREN) in conscious unrestrained mice elicited a pressor response, which was
159  weights to lightly anesthetized, completely unrestrained mice established a paradigm that simulates
160 mps were performed on 5-h-fasted, conscious, unrestrained mice using an arterial catheter for samplin
161 eely controllable virtual reality system for unrestrained mice.
162 ctroacupuncture in conscious, freely moving, unrestrained mice.
163  mechanism at atomic resolution, revealed by unrestrained microsecond equilibrium molecular dynamics
164 is in differentiated Colo-205 cells involves unrestrained mitochondrial proliferation and progressive
165    Taken together, our data demonstrate that unrestrained MK growth and proliferation results in rapi
166 tensive NMR data set and performed the first unrestrained molecular dynamics (MD) simulation in water
167 and-protein complex we report 10 ns of fully unrestrained molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with ex
168                                              Unrestrained molecular dynamics calculations showed that
169 a closed-pore conformation that results from unrestrained molecular dynamics equilibration of the str
170          With a total of more than 43 mus of unrestrained molecular dynamics simulation, this study i
171                                    Extensive unrestrained molecular dynamics simulations (accumulativ
172            The model was refined in light of unrestrained molecular dynamics simulations conducted in
173                                 We performed unrestrained molecular dynamics simulations for several
174 eport on the results of five independent and unrestrained molecular dynamics simulations of an RNA te
175 e carried out molecular modeling and 1.25 ns unrestrained molecular dynamics simulations of the adduc
176                                              Unrestrained molecular dynamics simulations of the dimer
177                              Here we present unrestrained molecular dynamics simulations of the DNA a
178                                              Unrestrained molecular dynamics simulations of unfolding
179                                              Unrestrained molecular dynamics simulations predicted th
180                    We have carried out fully unrestrained molecular dynamics simulations starting fro
181         In the present study, restrained and unrestrained molecular dynamics simulations, carried out
182            In this work, we generate several unrestrained molecular dynamics trajectories of its isol
183                                        Using unrestrained molecular dynamics, it was shown that for t
184 the incorrect to the correct structure using unrestrained molecular dynamics.
185 in then relaxed the complex by a 100-ns long unrestrained molecular dynamics.
186 old and refine structures, as well as to run unrestrained molecular-dynamics simulations.
187 perinsulinaemic conditions in the conscious, unrestrained mouse.
188  studies on discrete object manipulation and unrestrained movements.
189  modeled androgen receptor was refined using unrestrained multiple molecular dynamics simulations in
190 cal data and TIRF microscopy show that NEDD4 unrestrained mutant constitutively downregulates the IKS
191 trophysiological activity of NAcc neurons in unrestrained, naive Sprague-Dawley rats.
192                              When uninduced, unrestrained negative supercoiling was organized into 32
193 protect T cells from adverse consequences of unrestrained NF-kappaB activation, such as cellular sene
194       Striatal [GABA](ecf) was determined in unrestrained, non-hibernating ground squirrels (T(b) ran
195 10 mm Hg from day to day and hour to hour in unrestrained nonhuman primates, which indicates that sna
196 trained front target occupant in front of an unrestrained occupant compared with a restrained front t
197  a restrained rear target occupant behind an unrestrained occupant compared with a restrained rear ta
198 ined side target occupant sitting next to an unrestrained occupant compared with a restrained side ta
199 s were randomized into two groups--awake and unrestrained or treated with intensive care medicine the
200                       At the cellular level, unrestrained p38 MAPK activity diminished cardiac contra
201 cts, combined disruption of Dusp1/4 promoted unrestrained p38 MAPK activity in both mouse embryonic f
202 ring becomes severe and unacceptable despite unrestrained palliative efforts; some of these patients
203             Tracheally intubated, awake, and unrestrained patients (group 1, n = 54; mean age, 113 +/
204                                              Unrestrained phosphorylation by JNK, as obtained by a ce
205                                              Unrestrained PKA activity is pathological, and an enduri
206 ut (KO) mice (i) initial liver infection was unrestrained, plateaued, and then declined somewhat by w
207  assessed by using invasive tracheostomy and unrestrained plethysmography.
208 age-depleted dermal cells confirmed that the unrestrained proliferating cells contain procollagen I+
209                               The consequent unrestrained proliferation allows the glycolytic phenoty
210 enetic and epigenetic alterations that allow unrestrained proliferation and increased survival.
211 n self-renewing multiple myeloma cells begin unrestrained proliferation by unknown mechanisms.
212 athway overcomes cellular protection against unrestrained proliferation in cancer.
213              The mechanism for intermittent, unrestrained proliferation of myeloma cells is unknown,
214 To determine the factors responsible for the unrestrained proliferation of PEL, we have studied the g
215              However, the risk of triggering unrestrained proliferation of permanently engineered T c
216 l cell suspensions essentially abrogated the unrestrained proliferation of the CD11b- dermal cells.
217       The growth factors responsible for the unrestrained proliferation of these lymphomas have not y
218 fe mechanism for the cell to protect against unrestrained proliferation.
219        Concomitant loss of p53, which causes unrestrained propagation of tetraploids into aneuploid c
220     Comparison of torsionally restrained and unrestrained protein dynamics simulated at three levels
221 he earliest stages of development in living, unrestrained pups.
222 re transducer to measure IOP continuously in unrestrained rabbits.
223 tenin to cell/cell contacts, indicating that unrestrained Rap activity underlies the alterations in c
224 p66(Shc) in normal epithelial cells leads to unrestrained Ras activation, preventing anoikis through
225 matosensory cortex of the unanesthetized and unrestrained rat.
226 rgic agonist, were administered to conscious unrestrained rats 24 hr later to elicit the cardiac resp
227 d mean arterial blood pressure in conscious, unrestrained rats [peak elevations vs. baseline: PrRP-20
228  all relevant muscles in both head-fixed and unrestrained rats and two-dimensional imaging to monitor
229 d with fluorescent microspheres in conscious unrestrained rats before and 2, 4, and 6 hours after lip
230 ere recorded in the dorsolateral striatum of unrestrained rats before and after amphetamine injection
231                                              Unrestrained rats chronically implanted with electrodes
232             Single unit recordings in awake, unrestrained rats confirmed and extended previous findin
233  (250 microg/kg over 30 min) into conscious, unrestrained rats prevented LPS-induced hyperdynamic and
234 rt-1 and Hcrt-2 given i.c.v. into conscious, unrestrained rats stimulated significant elevations in m
235 activity (SP-LI) in spinal CSF of conscious, unrestrained rats using microdialysis techniques followi
236 excitations induced by bicuculline in awake, unrestrained rats, suggest that modulation of GABA inhib
237                           We demonstrate, in unrestrained rats, that the discharge activity of a homo
238 ssure of oxygen (PO2) in the renal cortex of unrestrained rats, which might in turn contribute to the
239 ses to subsequent hypoglycemia in conscious, unrestrained rats.
240 le neurons in the lateral striatum of awake, unrestrained rats.
241 he medial preoptic area (mPOA) of conscious, unrestrained rats.
242 s combined with microiontophoresis in awake, unrestrained rats.
243 ng was combined with iontophoresis in awake, unrestrained rats.
244 easurement of renal tissue oxygen tension in unrestrained rats.
245 spatial and temporal characteristics of free unrestrained reaching movements of the arm were examined
246                                              Unrestrained recombination causes undesired endpoints (t
247                                              Unrestrained reconsolidation may have the opposite effec
248 hese observations, we also found patterns of unrestrained retrotransposons in p53-driven mouse and hu
249 al homeostasis is reflected in the fact that unrestrained signaling activity in mammals is associated
250 ich acts as a Rheb GAP, yields constitutive, unrestrained signaling from the cell growth machinery co
251 tructure factors and those derived from this unrestrained simulation is 23% to 1.0 A resolution.
252                                      A 30 ns unrestrained simulation reveals dynamic partitioning of
253             The simulations were compared to unrestrained simulations of the EPSP synthase tetrahedra
254                             Comparisons with unrestrained simulations show that internal and global m
255 of these interactions using microsecond-long unrestrained simulations shows that urea-aromatic stacki
256                                           In unrestrained simulations, the cellulose diffuses into th
257                         In another set of 10 unrestrained simulations, the dominant growth mode was d
258                                   Unlike the unrestrained simulations, the resulting sarcolipin struc
259 gy profile of the gating transition and from unrestrained simulations, we conclude that the pore of t
260 onsistent with the observed behaviors of the unrestrained simulations.
261  describe and discuss a series of long-time, unrestrained, solution molecular dynamic runs for this s
262                                              Unrestrained spider dragline 'super-contracts' when it i
263 at another potential negative consequence of unrestrained spontaneous LIP is constriction of the tota
264                      A total of 41 conscious unrestrained Sprague-Dawley rats were studied during 2-d
265 ular brain imaging of mice in the conscious, unrestrained state and demonstrate the effects of isoflu
266                                        Three unrestrained stochastic dynamics simulations have been c
267 in, which can inhibit transcription, reduced unrestrained supercoiling by 75% at one chromosomal loca
268                                 The level of unrestrained supercoiling in the hph gene varied, from h
269 ing should be enhanced transiently until the unrestrained supercoiling is removed by diffusion or top
270 elated with their effects on either total or unrestrained supercoiling.
271  In one cell line, the hph gene contained no unrestrained supercoiling.
272 n inexpensive chicken blood extract to relax unrestrained superhelical tension.
273 required to effectively eliminate pathogens, unrestrained T(H) activity also contributes to tissue in
274 om the miR-29ab1 genomic cluster, results in unrestrained T-bet expression and IFN-gamma production.
275                                        Among unrestrained target occupants, the adjusted RRs were, fo
276                Prior research indicates that unrestrained TGF-beta1 and/or type 2 cytokine-driven imm
277      Consequently, absence of T-bet leads to unrestrained Th17 cell differentiation and activation ch
278 s response must be tightly regulated because unrestrained TLR signaling generates a chronic inflammat
279 e (EA) on persistent inflammatory pain in an unrestrained, unsedated, and conscious rat model.
280  likelihood refinement with stereochemically unrestrained updating of the model, proved to be of cruc
281                                              Unrestrained use of blood cultures has serious implicati
282 ing of dentate granule neurons with a novel, unrestrained virtual reality system for rodents, we disc
283 ical microstimulation (ICMS) during hours of unrestrained volitional behavior.
284  methacholine was measured by use of a Buxco unrestrained whole-body plethysmograph.
285                                              Unrestrained whole-body plethysmography measurement of e
286                  This was done by subjecting unrestrained wild-type, cryophilic, or thermophilic worm
287 tracking microscope records the motion of an unrestrained worm expressing channelrhodopsin-2 or halor
288                      Because each cell in an unrestrained worm is a rapidly moving target, our system
289 re, by using fluorescent biosensors in live, unrestrained worms, we show that intestinal pH also osci
290 c molecules and drive redox chemistry, which unrestrained would be destructive.
291 er chronic inflammation is the key driver of unrestrained wound healing (i.e., the fibrotic response)
292 significantly lower c-Fos levels relative to unrestrained WT mice in 9 regions, including lateral sep
293 d potency observed with the conformationally unrestrained Xaa-boroPro class of inhibitors, the L-L di

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