


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 telomeric duplexes that are otherwise poorly unwound.
2 to the substrates that were the most readily unwound.
3 tly more than one ATP molecule per base pair unwound.
4 es in the 5' untranslated region of mRNA are unwound.
5 hese structures, the SH1 helix is seen to be unwound.
6 icates that the U5-IR stem becomes partially unwound.
7 in initial rate and maximum amount of duplex unwound.
8  and nucleic acid that forms as duplexes are unwound.
9  as the double helix melts, and before it is unwound.
10 hile hydrolyzing approximately 5 ATPs per bp unwound.
11 teraction of a Chi site contained within the unwound 3' ss-DNA tail with the RecC subunit during DNA
12                          UvrD preferentially unwound 3'-single-stranded tailed duplex substrates over
13  wounded (277+/-15 microm) compared with the unwounded (356+/-6 microm) corneas (P=0.0008) after 16 w
14 nd competitor DNA concentrations, the enzyme unwound 44% of F21:HF31 that was initially bound to the
15 ing, whereby the AdnA nuclease processes the unwound 5' strand to liberate a short oligonucleotide pr
16 of the panhandle structure by N protein, the unwound 5' terminus likely remains transiently bound to
17 in the viral RNA and remains associated with unwound 5' terminus.
18                            All four proteins unwound a 10 bp helix in vitro in the presence of ATP; h
19                                          WRN unwound a 3'-single-stranded (ss)DNA-tailed duplex subst
20                                         P143 unwound a 40-nucleotide primer in an ATP-dependent manne
21 y base pairs it has unwound, and once it has unwound a critical length, it reverses the unwinding rea
22                FANCJ and BLM synergistically unwound a DNA duplex substrate with sugar phosphate back
23 However, Pif1 working with pol delta readily unwound a full-length Okazaki fragment initiated by a fo
24 blocking Rac1 interactions until irradiation unwound a helix linking LOV to Rac1.
25                                           In unwounded aged skin (versus unwounded younger skin), the
26  sodium-coupled transporter, LeuT, define an unwound alpha-helix as the central element of the ion-bi
27  isoforms and similar cleavage efficiency of unwound alpha1(I) and alpha2(I) chains suggested increas
28 ure would need to adopt an unusual, slightly unwound, alpha11/3 helix conformation (three complete tu
29    Furthermore, the maximum amount of duplex unwound also decreased with increasing stability.
30 a checkpoint response only after the DNA was unwound and DNA polymerase alpha had been loaded.
31 hyrin bound, the pi helix is not extended or unwound and is in the "substrate-bound" conformation.
32 ent stalling, G-quadruplexes are efficiently unwound and replicated.
33 ery to access the DNA, the chromatin must be unwound and the DNA cleared of histone proteins.
34 mation, the two terminal stems are "open" or unwound and the other stems are closed.
35  origins are recognized, the DNA molecule is unwound and the replicative helicase is loaded onto the
36 rnover conditions, although the substrate is unwound and the repressor displaced when the single-stra
37 bubble expands downstream until 18 bases are unwound and the RNA is at least 7 nt long, at which poin
38 e further showed that blunt dsRNA is locally unwound and threaded through the helicase domain in an a
39                     After splicing, U2/U6 is unwound and U6 annealed to U4 to reassemble the tri-snRN
40  for the monocyte-specific antigen CD11b, in unwounded and epithelial scrape-wounded mouse corneas.
41 NK, M-CSF, and OPG proteins were detected in unwounded and wounded mouse corneas by immunocytochemist
42  RI (ALK-5) and RII co-localized in both the unwounded and wounded skin and was present in the same c
43 P mRNA expression in uninfected (wounded and unwounded) and in wounded corneas inoculated with P. aer
44 BLM can 'measure' how many base pairs it has unwound, and once it has unwound a critical length, it r
45  stalled forks are actively dechromatinized, unwound, and repressed by an ATR-dependent checkpoint pa
46 y and characteristically interacted with the unwound, antisense strand E7 siRNA.
47    No MCM2-positive staining was observed in unwounded areas at any time point.
48 67, whereas no Ki67 staining was observed in unwounded areas under any condition tested.
49 hat the DNA of the rDNA ARS is not as easily unwound as the H4 ARS.
50 DNA junction, and this DNA molecule was also unwound at a high rate.
51 te in heterotrimeric collagen I is partially unwound at equilibrium.
52                          The alpha2 helix is unwound at its N terminus, which appears to be essential
53 ning the present tetrahydroepoxide adduct is unwound at the lesion site, whereas the diol epoxide add
54 e triple helical structure has to be locally unwound before hydrolysis, but this process is not well
55 , defined as the average number of basepairs unwound between two successive rate limiting steps in th
56  defined as the average number of base-pairs unwound between two successive rate-limiting steps repea
57 , with as many as 42,300 base pairs of dsDNA unwound by a single RecBCD enzyme molecule.
58                                   The duplex unwound by about 15 degrees.
59  suggest that, at least in MuLV, the tRNA is unwound by either the Gag protein or a cellular protein
60  the tRNA acceptor stem is not substantially unwound by NC in the absence of the RNA genome, that is,
61                  A PNA-RNA substrate was not unwound by NS3 under similar conditions.
62                    The PNA-DNA substrate was unwound by NS3, but the observed rate of strand separati
63 rminated with 3'-ssDNA; however, such DNA is unwound by RecQ to create ssDNA for RecJ exonuclease.
64 3' single-stranded tail is not recognized or unwound by Sgs1.
65 s were functional RNAs (ribozymes) that were unwound by the helicase, and the first synthesised prote
66  a long forked duplex that is not completely unwound by the helicase.
67             After the duplex DNA template is unwound by the T7 helicase, specific primers anneal to t
68 eplaced by two single-stranded oligo(dT)s is unwound by the UL9 protein-ICP8 complex.
69  are well separated from the promoter region unwound by the XPB DNA helicase and extend, respectively
70                        The interbend DNA was unwound by use of the intercalator chloroquine, or, alte
71 e rate of formation and the stability of the unwound complex depend profoundly on supercoiling and th
72 ty DnaA binding sites to a completely loaded unwound complex, increasing both the precision of DNA re
73  it is typically assembled, and an extended, unwound conformation.
74 g by trapping the non-template strand in the unwound conformation.
75 hat all three DNA strands adopt extended and unwound conformations similar to those of RecA-bound dsD
76 e site of VKOR that alters between wound and unwound conformations.
77                                              Unwounded contralateral eyes served as controls.
78 and that the degree to which the template is unwound contributes importantly to the stability of the
79 in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) compared with unwounded controls in rabbit corneas.
80                      Contralateral eyes were unwounded controls.
81                                    In normal unwounded cornea, lumican is expressed by stromal kerato
82 helial injury, but not in keratocytes in the unwounded cornea.
83 < 0.01) fewer gammadelta T cells resident in unwounded corneal epithelium, which failed to increase i
84 mRNA was detected in uninfected (wounded and unwounded) corneal tissues and appeared to decrease in a
85 d in infected and in uninfected (wounded and unwounded) corneal tissues.
86                                              Unwounded corneas served as control specimens.
87 KL, M-CSF, and OPG proteins were detected in unwounded corneas, but were expressed at higher levels i
88                                           In unwounded corneas, EGFR was localized in basal cells and
89                                           In unwounded corneas, TbetaR-I and TbetaR-II were present a
90 ansfer experiments (from wounded cultures to unwounded cultures) confirmed the existence of a soluble
91  to a novel conformation, that of a slightly unwound, curved, planar amphipathic alpha 11/3 helix (th
92                        At high pH helix B is unwound, destroying the substrate binding pocket.
93                        Local zones of easily unwound DNA are characteristic of prokaryotic and eukary
94      Although any individual RecBCD molecule unwound DNA at a constant rate for an average of approxi
95 g H. pylori addA(NUC)B or addAB(NUC) mutants unwound DNA but had approximately half of the exonucleas
96  the time-course for formation of completely unwound DNA displayed a distinct lag phase that increase
97 varying size, we demonstrate that all of the unwound DNA generated at a stalled replication fork can
98 creased with duplex length because partially unwound DNA intermediate states are highly populated dur
99 ions affect the generation of a distorted or unwound DNA intermediate that has been implicated in hai
100 lecting the transient formation of partially unwound DNA intermediates during unwinding catalyzed by
101 lecting the transient formation of partially unwound DNA intermediates.
102 at very low ionic strength, where regions of unwound DNA may exist in the duplex.
103 s(-1) and a dissociation step from partially unwound DNA of k(off) = 1.9 s(-1).
104 function of this protein is to stabilize the unwound DNA or to aid lesion unwinding in preincision co
105 but only if the R loops are within an easily unwound DNA sequence.
106 in the assimilation and stabilization of the unwound DNA strand, thus facilitating translocation of t
107 , MTERF1 binds a significantly distorted and unwound DNA structure, exhibiting a protein conformation
108 pin, slipped strand, triplex, quadruplex, or unwound DNA structures.
109 this region of T antigen provides the proper unwound DNA substrate for initiation to occur, we demons
110           The DnaB-DnaC complex binds to the unwound DNA within the Escherichia coli replication orig
111 ide (27), both of which also inhibited top2, unwound DNA, and are assumed to be DNA intercalators.
112 ular Cell, heterodimerizes with FANCM, binds unwound DNA, and reveals how the Fanconi anemia core com
113  a distinct lag phase for formation of fully unwound DNA, indicating that unwinding occurs in discret
114  that detect only the final product of fully unwound DNA.
115 s to oxidizable bases in the damaged, partly unwound DNA.
116  transiently in mRNA and in single-stranded, unwound DNA.
117                               With partially unwound DNAs, thymine cyclobutane dimer was excised at a
118 d foot skin of patients with diabetes and in unwounded dorsal skin of diabetic mice (P < 0.05).
119 al ring-shaped T7 helicase molecules as they unwound double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) or translocated on s
120                                        DHX36 unwound dsDNA poorly compared with G4s of comparable int
121 ested under conditions in which the helicase unwound duplex DNA.
122 vities that can operate on each strand of an unwound duplex DNA.
123              Extension of the 5'-tail of the unwound duplex induces a large conformational change in
124 ucleotides to form a highly asymmetrical and unwound duplex.
125 ited to accommodate one or two strands of an unwound duplex.
126 o examine the fate of ORC when origin DNA is unwound during replication initiation, we determined the
127 vations suggest that most oriC copies become unwound during stationary phase, forming an initiation-l
128  DNA turn, consistent with the length of DNA unwound during transcription initiation.
129 m loop (U6 ISL), a stable helix that must be unwound during U4/U6 assembly.
130 c Holliday junction structures, which can be unwound efficiently by WRN and BLM.
131                                              Unwounded endothelium acted as a negative control.
132                                              Unwounded endothelium acted as a negative control.
133  expressed independent of the JNK pathway in unwounded epidermis.
134 ating epithelium, but rather in the adjacent unwounded epithelium of the cornea, with most cells bein
135 tructured loop or a Watson-Crick duplex were unwound equally well by both enzymes.
136 P-positive nerve density in both wounded and unwounded eyes compared with vehicle-treated corneas.
137                                           In unwounded eyes, cyclin D showed diffuse cytoplasmic loca
138 ecreased in wounded fetal tissue relative to unwounded fetal controls or wounded adult skin.
139 acunarity analysis effectively discriminated unwounded fibromodulin-null versus wild-type skin as wel
140  relate to the number of base pairs that are unwound for each ATP that is hydrolysed.
141  for NSF in which approximately 1 residue is unwound for every hydrolyzed ATP molecule.
142 e number of degranulated MCs is increased in unwounded forearm and foot skin of patients with diabete
143  many genetic observations, the detection of unwound fork structures in vivo and the identification o
144  gyrase-dependent formation of FI*, a highly unwound form of supercoiled DNA.
145 are likely to pass through the usher in this unwound form.
146           Cytosolic Ca(2+) concentrations in unwounded fou2 were found to be lower than in the unwoun
147                          This strand is then unwound from its complement and transferred in the 5'-to
148                             These ultimately unwound further to reveal segmented portions of the fibe
149                                        ChlR1 unwound G-quadruplex (G4) DNA with a strong preference f
150                                        FANCJ unwound G4 DNA substrates in an ATPase-dependent manner.
151 was in excess of the substrate, NS3 (500 nM) unwound &gt;80% of a DNA substrate containing a 15-nucleoti
152 ers were depleted to the level comparable to unwounded hamster skin.
153 viously shown to bind to hormone as a partly unwound helix, forms a complete alpha-helix that displac
154 shed the virulence of DeltaBcsep4 mutants on unwounded hosts.
155 is reactions until about four base pairs are unwound in a burst.
156                            FANCJ efficiently unwound in a kinetic and ATPase-dependent manner entropi
157  DNA hundreds of base pairs in length can be unwound in a nonreciprocal phase of the reaction, consis
158                     The number of base pairs unwound in a single binding event for Dda is increased f
159  helicase, i.e. the number of the base-pairs unwound in a single catalytic step is only 1.4(+/- 0.2).
160 r experiments, which show that SNAREs can be unwound in a single encounter with NSF.
161 blished an RNA substrate for NS3 that can be unwound in a single sub-step.
162  suggests that origin regions are frequently unwound in native chromatin.
163                           U4 and U6 are then unwound in order for U6 to pair with U2 to form the spli
164 amp opening allows DNA to be loaded into and unwound in the RNAP active-center cleft, that DNA loadin
165 mulated with a mechanism in which the DNA is unwound in two kinetic steps with rate constant of k(unw
166  positions a nucleosome, evidently partially unwound, in a structure that facilitates Gal4 binding to
167 esence of excess enzyme, the quantity of DNA unwound increased significantly as the length of the sin
168                              Strikingly, BLM unwound individual DNA molecules in a repetitive manner,
169                          In turn, helix D is unwound into a flap now partially covering the N-termina
170 way, small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) must be unwound into their component strands, then assembled wit
171                                 The sequence unwound is the 18-bp A + T-rich segment that links the t
172 s manner while the second copies the already unwound lagging-strand template in a discontinuous manne
173                Consistently, WRN efficiently unwound large (CTG)(n) hairpins and promoted DNA polymer
174 to the central channel of the N-tier and the unwound leading single-strand DNA traverses the channel
175 esized both in wounded leaves and in distal, unwounded leaves in response to herbivory or other mecha
176 The increase in PLA activity in the systemic unwounded leaves was biphasic in wild-type tomato plants
177 aximizes at about 4-6 hr in both wounded and unwounded leaves, and then declines.
178                                           In unwounded leaves, the levels of these oxylipin-containin
179 G activity in extracts from both wounded and unwounded leaves.
180                                              Unwounded left eyes were normal controls.
181                    While xDNA2 acts on ssDNA unwound mainly by the Xenopus Werner syndrome protein (x
182      Electron microscopy revealed completely unwound molecules.
183  substrate containing a Holliday junction is unwound most efficiently.
184                                       In the unwounded mouse cornea, type XVIII collagen was expresse
185 D11b antigen were detected in the stromas of unwounded mouse corneas.
186 standard substrate for 3'-->5' helicases, is unwound much less efficiently by BLM and WRN than are th
187 UT-1, PGK-1, nor VEGF mRNA was detectable in unwounded nontransgenic skin.
188          Although the existence of different unwound nucleosome states has been hypothesized, there h
189  the existence of two distinct states of the unwound nucleosome, which are accessible at physiologica
190 end of the triple helix, which may leave the unwound oligonucleotide susceptible to nuclease degradat
191                        PcrA also efficiently unwound oligonucleotides containing a duplex region and
192                  In this complex the DNA was unwound on either side of the lesion by no more than 10
193                                           An unwound open complex spanning approximately 25 nucleotid
194  transmembrane segment 5 (TM5i) in either an unwound or a helical conformation.
195    These studies also suggest that partially unwound or noncomplementary regions of DNA could be phys
196 ng that the oxidation process is favored for unwound or single-strand regions of DNA.
197 e activity appears to be specific for highly unwound, or single strand-containing substrates.
198                          The class D mutants unwound origin DNA normally but were compromised in thei
199 inds single-stranded DNA that stabilizes the unwound origin.
200 of RPA, the ssDNA binding protein that marks unwound origins before polymerase recruitment.
201 ppears to be dictated by the geometry of the unwound part of the transmembrane (TM) helix 3, mostly a
202             The NMDGT motif on the partially unwound part of the transmembrane helix TM7 and the resi
203 s release to the cytoplasm provided that the unwound part of TM3 switches from a shielding to a yield
204 iencies of both wild-type (about 1 base pair unwound per dTTP hydrolysis) and mutant (4 to 6 base pai
205 TP hydrolysis) and mutant (4 to 6 base pairs unwound per dTTP hydrolysis).
206                         To determine whether unwounded plants can release significant amounts of vir
207 ciently transferred this T-DNA into cells of unwounded plants in the absence of exogenous vir gene in
208 ical interactions between A. tumefaciens and unwounded plants.
209 e and phospholipase), determine JA levels in unwounded plants.
210 ites attention to the functional role of the unwound portion of TM helices (TM6 Trp-202-Glu-208 in Ad
211 athway between the sodium-binding sites, the unwound portion of transmembrane helix 1 and the substra
212 ound-induced (win) mRNAs are detected in the unwounded portion of that leaf and in specific leaves th
213 f residues in the opposing hairpin loops and unwound portions of adjacent helices.
214 branch migration by RecA, where a completely unwound product consisting of the paired nascent leading
215 d SSB; however, RuvAB generates a completely unwound product consisting of the paired nascent leading
216 tion fork and stimulates FEN-1 to cleave the unwound product in a structure-dependent manner.
217 rved pi helix was in the extended, partially unwound "product release" state.
218 he ability of BC200 to act as an acceptor of unwound quadruplexes via a cytosine-rich region near the
219 oncentrations (1 nM), the bulk of the DNA is unwound rapidly by pre-bound UvrD complexes upon additio
220                 A shorter 12-bp substrate is unwound rapidly under single turnover conditions.
221                                              Unwounded rat corneas served as control samples.
222 showed that heteroduplex DNA is likely to be unwound rather than degraded.
223 o acids 128-142 and 147-154) separated by an unwound region (amino acids 143-146).
224                     Surprisingly, the easily unwound region can functionally substitute for the ARS1
225 ts in ARS1 and ARS307 but contains an easily unwound region whose functional importance was supported
226  of oriC, whereas DnaB fails to bind to this unwound region, the open structure is insufficient by it
227 C, likely due to the presence of extensively unwound regions in the plasmid.
228                                 All proteins unwound RNA and DNA best at pH 6.5, which demonstrate th
229 d translocate axially from wounded shoots to unwounded roots in a LOX2-dependent manner.
230 RNA, thereby facilitating the release of the unwound rRNA mother strand and the recycling of DbpA for
231                The value of 60-65 base pairs unwound/s by both methods is consistent with the rate of
232 omain (TM6a) that is separated by a central, unwound section from a cytoplasmically localized domain
233  the reporter in the roots and hypocotyls of unwounded seedlings.
234 ing, duplex unwinding and degradation of the unwound sense strand and RNA-induced silencing complex f
235         The first base pair of the duplex is unwound, separating the 5' nucleotide of the guide from
236 mptive DNA reaction intermediates containing unwound sequences 5' to, 3' to, or encompassing the DNA
237 cases, the complexes are characterized by an unwound SH1 helix first seen in an unusual 2.5-A scallop
238 ked its N-terminal RPA interaction site also unwound short DNA duplex substrates similar to wild-type
239 AdnAB helicase under conditions in which the unwound single strands are coated by SSB and thereby pre
240 ing a synthetic sequence that mimics freshly unwound single-stranded DNA at replication fork showed t
241 o load RecA protein onto the chi-containing, unwound single-stranded DNA.
242 lecular G4 DNA likely to form in transiently unwound single-stranded genomic regions.
243 ge (80S), ATP-enhanced complex that contains unwound siRNAs, cofractionates with known RNAi factors,
244 ression was strongly increased compared with unwounded skin and the signal was localized to the wound
245 tral endopeptidase expression in wounded and unwounded skin as well as in cells derived from human sk
246 sion, the presence of nondegranulated MCs in unwounded skin is required for proper wound healing, and
247  undetectable in keratinocytes isolated from unwounded skin, but induced in cells following contact w
248                                           In unwounded skin, cells are nourished by plasma.
249                                           In unwounded skin, human keratinocytes (HKs) are in contact
250 hemical localization of TGF-beta isoforms in unwounded skin, RI and RII were expressed throughout the
251 d skin, but not in ganglia that projected to unwounded skin, suggesting that neurons respond to a loc
252  in dermatan sulfate synthesis compared with unwounded skin.
253  indistinguishable from those in age-matched unwounded skin.
254 erating fetal fibroblasts and in wounded and unwounded skin.
255 during the anagen phase of the hair cycle in unwounded skin.
256 g index (LI) that was markedly elevated from unwounded specimens in the first 48 h after abrasion.
257 nwinding and/or by POT1 loading on partially unwound ssDNA strands to prevent strand re-annealing.
258 vironment in the absence of the receptor, is unwound starting at T(32) to provide optimal contacts in
259 raps the recognition site 5'-CATATG-3' in an unwound state, permitting intercalation centrally and hy
260 o capture its DNA substrate when it is in an unwound state.
261 might stabilize replication origins in their unwound state.
262 r results demonstrate not only that multiple unwound states exist but that their accessibility can be
263                   We anticipate that the two unwound states reported here will be the basis for futur
264 nealing of a complementary RNA by making the unwound strand more accessible.
265 randed (ss) DNA that is complementary to the unwound strand.
266 ity of WRN helicase by maintaining partially unwound strands in a melted state, rather than preventin
267 e, a serine and a main-chain carbonyl in the unwound stretch of trans-membrane helix 5 at the deepest
268 ependence for the formation of this combined unwound structure.
269  conjunctiva exhibited increases in LIs from unwounded subjects at singular timepoints (within 24 h o
270 ion did not require new DNA synthesis on the unwound template strand but did require RNA primer synth
271 es with high affinity (Ka > 10(8) M(-1)) and unwound the DNA duplex through intercalation (unwinding
272              When bound to ssDNA, the enzyme unwound the DNA in the 3'-to-5' direction.
273 anded DNA-binding protein, FANCJ efficiently unwound the DNA substrate harboring the thymine glycol d
274                              WRN efficiently unwound the forked duplex with streptavidin bound just u
275 ated that if the terminator DNA is partially unwound, the resulting melted DNA could bind tightly to
276 HrP helix is gently curved and C-terminally "unwound." The receptor accommodates the altered binding
277 -tail and the length of the duplex DNA to be unwound, this activity is sufficiently strong to mask th
278 under certain conditions RecG preferentially unwound three-strand junction DNA.
279 sform analysis in discriminating scar versus unwounded tissue in a wild-type mouse model.
280                                           In unwounded tissue, Smad 2 was cytoplasmic.
281  substrate binding by stabilizing the partly unwound TM1' helix.
282 ," and "highly curved." The rods can also be unwound to form thin "threads" that are very similar to
283  differ when sequences are presented from an unwound triple helix versus an independent single strand
284                              The two enzymes unwound triplexes without requirement for a duplex exten
285                                          WRN unwound two important intermediates of replication/repai
286 ity on DNA polymers, showing that DNA can be unwound under extremely permissive conditions that favor
287 1 mRNA was undetectable in either wounded or unwounded, uninfected corneal tissues, but it increased
288            We find that U4/U6 is efficiently unwound using DNA oligonucleotides by coupling unwinding
289 he amount of double-stranded DNA that can be unwound using the free energy derived from hydrolysis of
290 ity and the number of intraepithelial DCs in unwounded (UW) corneas.
291         However, the same duplex was readily unwound when a noncomplementary 5' tail was added to for
292                               The 3' stem is unwound when U6 RNA base-pairs with U4 RNA during splice
293  unwind the DUE region but unlike the easily unwound, wild-type H4 ARS.
294         Particularly, the GC-rich dsDNAs are unwound with lower amplitudes under single-turnover cond
295 ucleotide (nt) 3'-tail and 35-nt 5'-tail was unwound with optimal rates close to 60 base pairs/s at 1
296 ously aligned duplexes that are extended and unwound within a RecA filament.
297 roximal portion of the leuV promoter that is unwound within the open complex.
298 nded fou2 were found to be lower than in the unwounded WT, but they increased in a similar manner in
299               In unwounded aged skin (versus unwounded younger skin), the level of miR-200c was also
300  while the ZRNaseII mRNA was not detected in unwounded Zinnia organs.

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