


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 atures, and the conversion of forest to peri-urban.
2 annually in rural (0.93 percent points) than urban (0.52 percent points) areas.
3 w of all massive transfusions provided in an urban academic hospital from January 1, 2009, through De
4 seen by primary care physicians (PCPs) at an urban academic medical center.
5                                        Large urban academic university hospital.
6                The study was conducted in an urban, academic emergency department.
7 ing intensivists at a 24-bed open SICU at an urban, academic hospital.
8 ative, descriptive study was conducted at an urban, academic, level I trauma center.
9 randomized clinical trial was conducted at 5 urban addiction clinics in Norway between November 1, 20
10 /ethnicity, probation time, and offense at 2 urban agencies that exemplify specialty and traditional
11 onsiders ENM releases to compartments (e.g., urban, agriculture) in a manner that reflects their diff
12 is population is limited, particularly among urban AIAN.
13                                              Urban air pollution concentrations vary sharply over sho
14 st mechanistic insights into how exposure to urban air pollution leads to activation of guinea pig an
15  provides an overview of cigarette smoke and urban air pollution, considering how their composition a
16  land use and transportation policies impact urban air pollution, especially for small cities.
17 driving restrictions in an effort to address urban air pollution.
18  area of Oakland, CA, developing the largest urban air quality data set of its type.
19  using a 2-stage random sampling design in 2 urban and 3 rural strata.
20                    Detection of FHxSA in all urban and AFFF-impacted sites (0.04-19 ng/L) indicates t
21 ncluded N-rich DOM sources characteristic of urban and agricultural development, including chicken an
22 rticularly relevant in watersheds undergoing urban and agricultural development, leading to increased
23 ndancy analyses revealed that in the summer, urban and agricultural streams were abundant in chloroph
24              Excess rates were restricted to urban and deprived communities, suggesting that a thresh
25 les/mile) were larger than those measured on urban and drayage routes (i.e., 5.06 x 10(11) to 1.31 x
26 syndrome that significantly differed between urban and forest populations.
27  indoor and outdoor averages, via archetypal urban and indoor settings, to 3646 real-world cities in
28 ive spatial autocorrelation was recorded for urban and nonurban ponds at 0-50 km (distance between po
29 gh July 31, 2015, from government schools in urban and periurban areas surrounding Bangalore, India.
30 es is affected by the confluence of polluted urban and relatively clean marine airmasses, each with d
31                         Within each country, urban and rural areas in and around selected cities and
32 ng medical care and patient outcomes between urban and rural areas in China during this period are no
33        The average difference of GSL between urban and rural areas over all vegetation types, conside
34 g system replacement, while also considering urban and rural disparities and spatial colocation of nu
35 ment was not significantly different between urban and rural hospitals in any study year, with an adj
36             Population intake fractions from urban and rural outdoor sources are lowest in Northern r
37 ifying exposure from indoor and ground-level urban and rural outdoor sources using an effective indoo
38 ex, socioeconomic position, causes of death, urban and rural residence, and preexisting comorbidities
39                 Proportions of cases in semi-urban and rural residents in the 2015-16 and 2016-17 epi
40    Results were generally consistent between urban and suburban/rural census block groups, and for da
41 ed to investigate surface waters from rural, urban, and AFFF-impacted sites in Canada.
42 es, forests that have been converted to peri-urban, and increased precipitation during spring migrati
43 e carbon and nitrogen dynamics indicated the urban aquifer also serves as a biogeochemical reactor.
44                                Governance of urban area expansion thus emerges as a key area for secu
45                    Also, the extended GSL in urban area is consistent among different climate zones i
46              The method is applicable at any urban area where speciated hydrocarbon monitoring is ava
47 6-year-old randomly selected residents of an urban area.
48 ins approximately 18% water sourced from the urban area.
49 ed by facility location in this high-density urban area.
50  areas, significant higher than 25.5% in the urban areas (p < 0.001).
51 nization have led to higher levels of BTs in urban areas and provide a glimpse into future BT dynamic
52                                           As urban areas become home to an increasing share of the wo
53 e average mid-sleep time of people living in urban areas depends on the age and gender of each cohort
54  On the one hand, we found that lizards from urban areas differ from nearby forest lizards in that th
55 ected associations with shorter distances to urban areas during migration, and stronger than expected
56 ng the boundaries and within the interior of urban areas during migration, especially in the autumn w
57 bird populations are more likely to occur in urban areas during migration, especially in the autumn.
58 levels of ALAN outside and especially within urban areas during migration.
59 antial capital and labor flows from rural to urban areas even though these differ only in the underly
60 erifolia tree leaves has been sampled in the urban areas of 28 European cities, over 20 countries, wi
61 n extensive, high-resolution analysis of the urban areas of Brazil and South Africa.
62 mpling survey was conducted in the rural and urban areas of Hunan, China.
63 ss primary production (GPP) of vegetation in urban areas plays an important role in the study of urba
64 y cycle (changes in vegetation greenness) in urban areas starts earlier (start of season, SOS) and en
65 s and human exposure to nanosized aerosol in urban areas, and potentially may act as nanosized conden
66 itated the success of some native species in urban areas, but it has also allowed human pests and dis
67  relationships between residence in poor and urban areas, race/ethnicity, and asthma morbidity among
68 d during autumn migration, especially within urban areas.
69 clinicians by zip code relative to US Census Urban Areas.
70  average air pollutant concentrations across urban areas.
71 occurring across a majority (90%) of India's urban areas.
72 g blue tits breeding in forest, suburban and urban areas.
73 tics found in the environment, especially in urban areas.
74 sions may also be an important BrC source in urban areas.
75 s of GPP and the terrestrial carbon cycle in urban areas.
76 source of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) in urban areas.
77 on the use of wide-area explosive weapons in urban areas.
78 ates, women and clinics were concentrated in urban areas.
79  when compared to the respective surrounding urban areas.
80 nsible, at least in part, for these observed urban associations.
81 er-soluble in rural Centreville, Alabama and urban Atlanta, Georgia, respectively.
82 ations for chemistry occurring in and around urban atmospheres globally.
83 er they could have other effects that enrich urban biodiversity.
84 ing investment (clutch size), indicated that urban birds generally have higher survival, but smaller
85 example, estimated nighttime noise levels in urban block groups with 75% vs. 0% black residents were
86 ngs provide strong integrative evidence that urban blue tit nestlings are not receiving a suitable di
87 ion adult (aged >/=19 years), non-immigrant, urban Canadians in 30 cities who responded to the mandat
88 lasma pneumoniae in Thailand have focused on urban centers and have not included molecular characteri
89                                              Urban centers are important foci for plant biodiversity
90 opulation aggregation and the development of urban centers between 1000-1200 CE.
91 urces of atmospheric pollution identified in urban centers is derived from both industrial and motor
92 frican migrants in Europe and nonmigrants in urban centers will inform and support targeted health ca
93  that underpinned the emergence of the first urban centres in northern Mesopotamia.
94  epidemic in Brazil and was one of the first urban centres to report Zika infections.
95 hat is consistent with "tipping" theories of urban change.
96 dered in future studies on air pollution and urban climates.
97 s between February 2014 and March 2016 in an urban clinic in Baltimore, Maryland.
98 erventions to female sex workers (FSWs) at 2 urban clinic sites in South Africa.
99 s study is that it was conducted at a single urban clinic, and the generalizability to other settings
100                    We studied more than 4500 urban clusters of varying size to determine the impact o
101 he year, with increased travel from rural to urban communities after national holidays, for example.
102 of awareness and knowledge about glaucoma in urban communities than previous studies.
103 s often show reduced reproductive success in urban compared to adjacent natural areas.
104 ransporting to 28 hospitals in 2 rural and 5 urban counties in Oregon and Washington.
105 ved in the least-urban counties; in the most-urban counties, a 1.13% (0.73%, 1.54%) increase was obse
106 Restrictions were only implemented in highly urban counties, based on US Department of Agriculture Ec
107 increase in PM2.5, was observed in the least-urban counties; in the most-urban counties, a 1.13% (0.7
108 ple in large cities to infer the dynamics of urban daily rhythms.
109 ccurred within 24 hours compared with 64% of urban deaths.
110 ing effect in combination with the effect of urban densification.
111 n scenarios, informing future evidence-based urban design and policy crafting in the region.
112                                              Urban design favours motorised transport, and physical a
113 ue and an important public health target for urban design.
114  neighborhood physical disorder-a measure of urban deterioration-is thought to encourage crime and hi
115  are correlated with their putative stage of urban development as measured by a series of socio-econo
116 to be an unparalleled proxy for tracking the urban development of ancient Rome over more than a mille
117  presents evidence on the mechanisms linking urban development patterns to rapid evolutionary changes
118 tors, suggesting a strong connection between urban development, increasing physical connectivity, and
119 decline in sizes of private gardens in newer urban developments.
120 ssed exposure to violence through either the urban district-level homicide rate or self-reported meas
121  assess the relative impact of five types of urban disturbances including habitat modifications, biot
122                          Despite advances in urban ecology, we do not adequately understand how urban
123 reas plays an important role in the study of urban ecology.
124                                   Studies of urban ecosystems have relied on two-dimensional (2D) mea
125     Randomized clinical trial conducted at 2 urban EDs in the Bronx, New York, that included 416 pati
126 f Care for patients identified with HCV in 2 urban EDs, and consider the results in the context of ou
127                                       URECA (Urban Environment and Childhood Asthma) is a birth cohor
128                The benefits of growing in an urban environment seem to outweigh known negative effect
129 ppreciably until several kilometers into the urban environment, where concentrations of solutes such
130                                              Urban environments are warmer, have higher levels of atm
131 ether, our results suggest that selection in urban environments favors different traits than selectio
132                      Plants are important in urban environments for removing pathogens and improving
133 UHI) is a widely observed phenomenon whereby urban environments have higher temperatures and differen
134 ortant sources of fine particle pollution in urban environments, but their contribution to the atmosp
135 om other precursors in forested and polluted urban environments.
136 tic habitats (reduced taxonomic richness) in urban environments; in contrast, they support high taxon
137 d, but the approach is transferable to other urban estuaries.
138                         The nascent field of urban evolution brings together efforts to understand ev
139           The next generation of research on urban evolution will provide critical insight into the i
140                                              Urban expansion often occurs on croplands.
141 include mining infrastructure establishment, urban expansion to support a growing workforce, and deve
142 derstanding of how global patterns of future urban expansion will affect the world's cultivated areas
143                        Our results show that urban expansion will result in a 1.8-2.4% loss of global
144                        A birth cohort of 560 urban families was recruited from neighborhoods with hig
145 emissions, land occupation, water use, etc.) Urban farming (UF) has been advocated as a means to incr
146  we developed a novel method to estimate sub-urban, food-borne carbon and land footprints using multi
147 oxide (NO2) to explore relationships between urban form and air pollution for a global data set of 12
148       We use satellite-based measurements of urban form and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) to explore relatio
149  the need for future study of how changes in urban form and related land use and transportation polic
150                                 Three of the urban form metrics studied (contiguity, circularity, and
151 cle facilities) was transformed to match the urban form of Indio - Cathedral City, California, United
152     We also find that the combined effect of urban form on NO2 is larger for small cities (beta x IQR
153 (a city at the 75th percentile for all three urban-form metrics, and with a network of buses, trams,
154  among Ghanaian adults residing in rural and urban Ghana and 3 European cities (Amsterdam, Berlin, an
155 naian men was 34.7% in rural Ghana, 45.4% in urban Ghana, 53.9% in Amsterdam, 61.0% in Berlin, and 52
156                Yet, microbial communities in urban green space soils remain poorly characterized.
157 rtance of maintaining a diverse portfolio of urban green spaces and plant communities therein to faci
158                                              Urban greening and tree cover may hold promise as proact
159 dy in Canada to examine associations between urban greenness and cause-specific mortality.
160 ing use of this technology, here we evaluate urban greenspace 3D connectivity, taking into account th
161  population and are where much of the future urban growth is expected to occur.
162 ety at large to shape a sustainable path for urban growth.
163 e extended summer season in agricultural and urban habitats.
164 um health is underdeveloped in comparison to urban health, and poverty and health.
165                                          The urban heat island (UHI) is a widely observed phenomenon
166 rofile can form at the upper boundary of the urban heat island circulation.
167  and low moisture availability generates the urban heat island effect (UHI).
168 ctance (i.e., "cool roofs") can mitigate the urban heat island effect and reduce energy use.
169 g rates and thus may impact the intensity of urban heat islands.
170 ms of asphalt pavements rutting diseases and urban heat islands.
171 vement temperature field and alleviating the urban heat islands.
172                                        While urban heat mitigation strategies have been shown to have
173 sures, including allergens and endotoxin, in urban homes stimulate the development of cytokine respon
174        Women who presented for delivery at 2 urban hospitals in Santa Cruz Department, Bolivia, were
175         We show that upstream emissions from urban household consumption are in the same order of mag
176 significant for rural households but not for urban households, suggesting differing dependence on wat
177 ent of Agriculture Economic Research Service Urban Influence Codes.
178 ping new hypotheses concerning adaptation to urban infrastructure and human socioeconomic activity.
179 ociated health benefits are hindered by poor urban infrastructure.
180 nment and careful management of sources from urban input, sewage waste and irrigation runoff.
181 use of intensive agricultural activities and urban input.
182 d from unsustainable defense of the wildland-urban interface to developing fire-adapted communities.
183 P loading and may mitigate eutrophication in urban lakes and streams in developed cities.
184 PE atmospheric concentrations across a large urban landscape and specific knowledge gaps at the inter
185 ic trauma (BAPT) over an 8-year period at an urban level 1 trauma center.
186      Transition of populations from rural to urban living causes landscape changes and alters the fun
187 history of allergy, OR 2.1 (95% CI 1.6-2.8), urban living, OR 1.9 (95% CI 1.2-2.9), and male sex, OR
188 ctivity in two neighbouring communities, one urban (Milange) and one rural (Tengua), in a region of M
189 utional cynicism, and segregated patterns of urban mobility and organizational ties that differential
190 ect large-scale Wolbachia transformations of urban mosquito populations.
191 od lead levels (BLL) were investigated in an urban neighborhood in Philadelphia, PA, with a history o
192 of park users and their physical activity in urban neighborhood parks with and without walking loops.
193 uropean starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) cohabit urban neighborhoods and may serve as sentinels for these
194  statistically significant relationship with urban NO2; their combined effect could be substantial.
195                                 Residence in urban or poor areas and non-Hispanic black race/ethnicit
196                Trends by wealth quintile and urban or rural residence were fitted with multilevel mod
197 tatus, household sanitation and hygiene, and urban or rural residence) in nonpregnant WRA.Cross-secti
198 able models that were adjusted for age, sex, urban or rural residence, and socioeconomic status, elev
199 tential, however, requires understanding how urban parameters affect the fraction of individual trips
200 we compared soil microbial communities in 41 urban parks of (i) divergent plant functional types (eve
201 ts: both bacterial and fungal communities in urban parks responded to plant functional groups, but fu
202 less diverse soil microbial communities than urban parks that are under continuous anthropogenic dist
203 icate that, despite frequent disturbances in urban parks, urban soil microbes still followed the clas
204 ared for in major trauma centers vs 88.7% of urban patients.
205 ications for global public health policy and urban planning and highlight the role of activity inequa
206 tion is a pressing problem for sociology and urban planning, but existing methods have limitations.
207 the examples of better rain-data management, urban pluvial flood-risk management and forecasting, dri
208 eaf magnetic content, may successfully allow urban PM source apportionment.
209                   These results suggest that urban PM2.5 may exacerbate allergic inflammation in the
210 allergen-induced lung eosinophilia caused by urban PM2.5 was investigated.
211 ally young central Italy, is the hallmark of urban pollution.
212 s observed at 100-150 km and was stronger in urban ponds in both cases.
213                     Contrary to predictions, urban ponds supported similar numbers of invertebrate sp
214 ation after recall from screening in a large urban population after implementation of digital breast
215 than 500000 people contain a majority of the urban population and are where much of the future urban
216 sitive effect in the treatment of GERD in an urban population of Iran.
217 ion sites, would reduce the vulnerability of urban populations and infrastructure to temperature extr
218 this may be an important limiting factor for urban populations of this and potentially many other spe
219 phenotypic differences from one another than urban populations.
220  "lost" patients is likely common in similar urban populations.
221 ificant adaptation imperative for vulnerable urban populations.
222 tantially affected attendance patterns, with urban practices in affluent areas that typically have ap
223            To describe and evaluate rural vs urban processes of care, injury severity, and mortality
224 ween Oct 1, 2014, and April 30, 2016, at the urban Rahima Moosa Mother and Child Hospital (RMMCH), Jo
225 e higher PM2.5 concentrations present in the urban region than those in the suburban areas.
226                                  In the most urban region, the 90th percentile of the AED arrival tim
227 l mortality did not differ between rural and urban regions (1.44% vs 0.89%; P = .09); however, 89.6%
228  more regional acute care hospital beds, and urban residence (all P < 0.05).
229  the trauma care in Lima, Peru, and included urban resident and faculty surgery and trauma care physi
230 ort a higher PSQI score (4.45 +/- 2.81) than urban residents did (4.18 +/- 2.60) (p < 0.001) and the
231 nsitivity analyses and seemed stronger among urban residents, especially those who lived in major cit
232 ious driving cycles: Artemis driving cycles (urban, road, and motorway), the New European Driving Cyc
233 solar photovoltaic (PV) system deployment on urban rooftops to reduce the UHI, and we price one poten
234                            Heavy metals from urban runoff preserved in sedimentary deposits record lo
235  full range of potential impacts of trees on urban runoff, which includes deposition of nutrient-rich
236 0 countries participating in the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiological (PURE) study.
237  did a prospective cohort study (Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology [PURE] in 135 335 individuals a
238 intense during the summer and at night, with urban-rural aerosol pH differences in excess of 0.8 and
239                                     Although urban-rural disparities in evidence-based treatment for
240                               In response to urban-rural disparities in healthcare resources, China r
241 scores for five or more of seven domains and urban-rural residence information were available.
242  modulating, and even reversing the expected urban-rural temperature gradients.
243  sludge management (FSM) in LMICs by region, urban/rural status, and wealth.
244 cribed dermatologic medications at a single, urban, safety-net hospital outpatient dermatology clinic
245 ed population of river km, and in 70% of the urban sampled population.
246 s the sensitivity of Austrochiltonia spp. to urban sediment contamination and identifies bifenthrin a
247 ed insights in the structure and dynamics of urban segregation that would be otherwise easy to miss o
248 .49; 95% CI, 1.30-1.70), and treatment in an urban setting (HR, 1.45; 95% CI, 1.21-1.73.) Although so
249 ology of first-episode psychoses in rural or urban settings since the introduction of early intervent
250  two-thirds of the studies were performed in urban settings with predominantly African-American women
251 n the extinction of native remnant plants in urban settings, or whether they could have other effects
252 ture, resource mining, livestock grazing and urban settlement.
253  past hunter-gatherers, agriculturalists and urban settlements on global tropical forests.
254 he issues involved in testing and validating urban simulation models involving spatial data and its a
255     Ten ambient PM samples collected from an urban site were analyzed, and although DTT oxidation was
256 t 2758 rural sites and 478 393 people at 604 urban sites).
257 s consistent with the "invasion" theories of urban sociology.
258 espite frequent disturbances in urban parks, urban soil microbes still followed the classic patterns
259                             Here, we test if urban sources of ALAN are responsible, at least in part,
260   These findings support the conclusion that urban sources of ALAN can broadly effect migratory behav
261 t baboons are at risk of being herded out of urban spaces that contain high-energy anthropogenic food
262 tal education, number of siblings, and rural/urban status.
263 he exposure to Campylobacter when harvesting urban stormwater for toilet flushing and irrigation acti
264 ment, or LID) has the potential to transform urban stormwater runoff from an environmental threat to
265 ating the movements of people and resources, urban street networks offer a spatial footprint of these
266 ple, we estimated high average COI in a peri-urban subregion with lower transmission intensity, sugge
267 emissions of volatile organic compounds from urban/suburban vegetation and corresponding ground-level
268 F) has been advocated as a means to increase urban sustainability by reducing food-related transport
269 consistently extract the main skeleton of an urban system and to further classify each road in terms
270 mplex microbial communities and functions in urban systems.
271                       The magnitude of rural-urban temperature contrasts is largely controlled by agr
272                                              Urban tertiary medical center.
273 stently defined populations in predominantly urban tertiary settings.
274 vities and AOA abundances were higher in the urban than in the suburban soils.
275                                              Urban, traffic-related air pollution remains a concern t
276 of mosquitoes and is capable of an epidemic, urban transmission cycle with high rates of infection.
277 The biofuel ethanol has been introduced into urban transportation in many countries.
278 nts with 1 or more previous admissions to an urban trauma center (recidivists) were identified and co
279  delivery of dsRNA to an invasive forest and urban tree pest, the emerald ash borer (EAB, Agrilus pla
280                                 In addition, urban trees tend to grow more quickly than their counter
281 to secure the ecosystem services provided by urban trees.
282 ing econometrics to quantify a key source of urban ultrafine particles.The biofuel ethanol has been i
283 sts in child mortality across regions and in urban versus rural areas.
284  promise as proactive strategies to decrease urban violence.
285 omly varying blocks, stratified by location (urban vs rural) and size of rings (</=20 individuals vs
286 andom sampling (according to age, residence [urban vs rural], and sex) in all countries to recruit el
287 tern, central, and eastern China], urbanity [urban vs rural], ethnic origin [Han and non-Han], occupa
288 rated since 1985, sex, socioeconomic status, urban (vs rural) residence, and causes of death were sim
289 mple of 17633 patients (1438 rural and 16195 urban) was created to track hospital outcomes (78.9% wit
290 d adults served by EMS (1971 rural and 65076 urban) was enrolled.
291  chemicals via combined human metabolism and urban water fingerprinting assay.
292                                              Urban water fingerprinting provides a timely alternative
293 nt cost-effective opportunities to diversify urban water supplies.
294 portance of household actions in influencing urban watershed nutrient budgets.
295 ons and sources of annual N and P loads from urban watersheds are poorly characterized in northern ci
296 ces affect the movement of road salt through urban watersheds.
297 ss attributed to surface water recreation at urban waterways, lakes, and coastal marine beaches is re
298                                          The urban West showed the largest increase relative to other
299 search identifies contaminants of concern in urban wetland sediments by assessing sediment toxicity u
300 es bifenthrin as a contaminant of concern in urban wetlands.

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