


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 in two watersheds with contrasting levels of urbanization.
2 y by rainfall, temperature and the degree of urbanization.
3 increasing in these regions due to increased urbanization.
4 in stream sediments increased with degree of urbanization.
5 ts policy to promote economic growth through urbanization.
6 rapid economic development and unprecedented urbanization.
7 mental etiology associated with affluence or urbanization.
8 e and the consumption of sugar increase with urbanization.
9  the wider societal changes that accompanied urbanization.
10 response of terrestrial taxa and habitats to urbanization.
11 operties of the land surface associated with urbanization.
12 h as the streamflow regime is altered during urbanization.
13 and offers the world's largest potential for urbanization.
14 to the equator but with disparate degrees of urbanization.
15 verity of hydrologic changes associated with urbanization.
16 nd aluminum (Al(3+)) contents as a result of urbanization.
17 strongly with development and, specifically, urbanization.
18 tructure explain demographic consequences of urbanization?
19                                              Urbanization affects adaptive and nonadaptive evolutiona
20                                              Urbanization affects communities of herbivorous arthropo
21 ecology, we do not adequately understand how urbanization affects the evolution of organisms, nor how
22 erall, we find no evidence that the level of urbanization affects the rate of economic growth.
23 However, across the globe, processes such as urbanization, agricultural intensification, and abandonm
24 ore relevant to asthma in this region (e.g., urbanization, air pollution, parasitism, and stress).
25 twice as high as previous estimates based on urbanization alone.
26            Thus, nest survival reflected how urbanization altered species interactions, particularly
27                                              Urbanization and agricultural intensification of landsca
28 house gases and changes in land use, such as urbanization and agriculture.
29                                  The rise of urbanization and an increasingly indoor lifestyle has af
30 north temperate ecosystems, where increasing urbanization and associated chloride runoff can salinize
31 rate the basis for increased prevalence with urbanization and associated economic and dietary change.
32  with two major components of global change: urbanization and biological invasions.
33 t resurgence of vector-borne diseases due to urbanization and development there is an urgent need to
34                  China has experienced rapid urbanization and dramatic economic growth since its refo
35        There is a strong correlation between urbanization and economic development across countries,
36 e re-examine the causal relationship between urbanization and economic growth in Chinese cities and p
37 national-level CO2 emissions are affected by urbanization and environmental policy.
38                                              Urbanization and globalization in the Middle East have r
39  control in its transmission, leading to the urbanization and globalization of the disease.
40 eats, especially in light of rapid growth in urbanization and globalization.
41  pressures on the local environment, through urbanization and harbour development.
42 a's Western Ghats, where there is both rapid urbanization and high levels of fish endemism.
43 nal EVA pathway for the relationship between urbanization and increased CVD prevalence in urban India
44                        Climate change, rapid urbanization and increased global travel have facilitate
45                                        Rapid urbanization and increasing demand for transportation bu
46 te of the environmental quality due to rapid urbanization and industrialization causes a severe globa
47                          With the continuous urbanization and industrialization in the world, energy
48                     Global phenomena such as urbanization and international travel are key factors in
49 nergy use, but on local and regional scales, urbanization and land use changes are also important.
50                    Kalnay and Cai claim that urbanization and land-use change have a major effect on
51       Sampling sites spanned a wide range of urbanization and log-transformed total pyrethroid concen
52 erience may help to explain the link between urbanization and mental illness.
53                   Outbreeding resulting from urbanization and migration from traditional population s
54                                              Urbanization and other changes in land use have an impac
55 ernational literature addressing the role of urbanization and related parameters in association with
56               There is a strong link between urbanization and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
57 ealing a positive feedback between landscape urbanization and urban and regional economic growth in C
58 from pathogenes easily treated or prevented, urbanization, and armed conflict.
59 a time of rapid global environmental change, urbanization, and biodiversity losses.
60      This is due to globalization, unplanned urbanization, and climate change, as well as host geneti
61  increased global population, aging, travel, urbanization, and climate change, favor the emergence, e
62  challenges imposed by climate change, rapid urbanization, and evolving regulations.
63 f vegetation phenology dynamics under future urbanization, and for developing change indicators to as
64 ecades, such as expanding human populations, urbanization, and forest fragmentation, may have altered
65  more homogeneous with respect to ethnicity, urbanization, and occupational history than the former.
66 ific influences including industrialization, urbanization, and technology.
67 ific influences including industrialization, urbanization, and technology.
68  expansion and increased migration linked to urbanization are assumed to be eroding the genetic struc
69                           Rising incomes and urbanization are driving a global dietary transition in
70 anges in population size, age structure, and urbanization are expected in many parts of the world thi
71    Thus, even if the biophysical outcomes of urbanization are homogenizing, managing the associated s
72 deposition in response to climate change and urbanization are not likely to affect fine root dynamics
73 Published accounts suggest that responses to urbanization are often taxon specific, highly variable,
74 tensive agriculture initially and encouraged urbanization around 4,500 BP.
75 xt direction to improve our understanding of urbanization as an evolutionary process.
76 onale for either encouraging or discouraging urbanization as part of a strategy for economic growth.
77  vegetation types, the phenology response to urbanization, as defined by GSL, ranges from 1 to 4 days
78  beginning in CE 1850 resulted in widespread urbanization, as well as a larger and more intensively c
79               In particular, the evidence of urbanization being a risk factor for substance misuse is
80                                    Landscape urbanization broadly alters watersheds and stream ecosys
81                  We also find that aging and urbanization can substantially influence emissions in pa
82 ity composition was distinctly grouped along urbanization categories (urban, suburban, and rural) cla
83 of our estimate are consistent with those of urbanization characterized by changes in the percentage
84  a suite of disturbances (e.g., agriculture, urbanization, climate change) degrades habitats and thre
85 ticity value is 0.95 (i.e., a 1% increase in urbanization correlates with a 0.95% increase in emissio
86 t that environmental changes associated with urbanization could decrease soil CH4 consumption in subt
87       The prevalence data were combined with urbanization data and population data from United Nation
88                       It is unclear how this urbanization disturbs the microbial ecology of soils and
89  explicitly links land changes to underlying urbanization dynamics.
90                    After adjustment for age, urbanization, economic status and metabolic factors, BLL
91 ticle, we present evidence for a significant urbanization effect on climate based on analysis of impa
92 ity- and time-specific FP when assessing the urbanization effects on local climate.
93                  While industrialization and urbanization elevate a country's economic base while con
94 ls indicate that, on the global average, the urbanization-emission elasticity value is 0.95 (i.e., a
95                         Our finding that the urbanization-emissions elasticity may depend on the stre
96 ogen loading is caused by population growth, urbanization, expanding water and sewer infrastructure,
97  appears to mitigate the negative effects of urbanization for this species.
98 on phenology and urban size, an indicator of urbanization, for the conterminous United States.
99 stment for age, gender, physical inactivity, urbanization, geographic variation, cigarette smoking, d
100 st and Central Africa some of the most rapid urbanization globally is expected to increase the demand
101 h the seasonal water flow variations and the urbanization gradient along the Orge River.
102 lants and nesting birds in forests across an urbanization gradient in Ohio, USA, from 2001 to 2011.
103  variation in physiological traits along the urbanization gradient might be the next direction to imp
104 e damage in different tissues vary along the urbanization gradient, and suggest that applying pace-of
105  water flow, Zn speciation changes along the urbanization gradient: geogenic forms of Zn inherited fr
106 e and magnitude of hydrologic changes across urbanization gradients in nine U.S. cities (Atlanta, GA,
107  across biogeophysical gradients than across urbanization gradients in places with similar biogeophys
108 diversity and abundance of herbivores across urbanization gradients, a primary objective of this revi
109 icate similar development trajectories among urbanization gradients, but heterogeneity in the type an
110 sect and mite abundance and diversity across urbanization gradients.
111  homicide rates by mechanism of homicide and urbanization group have not been described.
112  Countries with high GNIs and high levels of urbanization had not only high absolute prevalences of o
113  indicates that increasing mechanization and urbanization had only relatively small effects on skelet
114 with stronger environmental policy/outcomes, urbanization has a more beneficial (or, a less negative)
115                                The impact of urbanization has been estimated by comparing observation
116                                 Accelerating urbanization has been viewed as an important instrument
117                                              Urbanization has many benefits, but it also is associate
118 ronmental fragility of cities under advanced urbanization has motivated extensive efforts to promote
119  temperature in southeast China, where rapid urbanization has occurred.
120                                     However, urbanization has resulted in entire landscapes that are
121                   The worldwide explosion of urbanization has spurred recent research on the environm
122 y of BT release and land use associated with urbanization have led to higher levels of BTs in urban a
123 ed to education, poverty, population health, urbanization, health infrastructure, gender equality, co
124  Plain headwater streams along a gradient of urbanization (i.e., percent watershed impervious cover);
125                     Our results suggest that urbanization, if measured by a landscape indicator, does
126  of evidence to identify mechanisms by which urbanization impacts water quality.
127 national income, Western diet, and, for BMI, urbanization in 1980 and 2008.
128 ood risk due to changing climate pattern and urbanization in a more heavily populated U.S.
129  anthropogenic CH4 emissions, due largely to urbanization in China.
130 ncluding multidrug resistance and increasing urbanization in regions such as sub-Saharan Africa, warr
131 ts the need to consider the health impact of urbanization in rural areas across SSA.
132 ustry could respond to industrialization and urbanization in the developing world while simultaneousl
133 n part to population growth and uncontrolled urbanization in tropical and subtropical countries, bree
134 phalitis, and Rift Valley fever viruses; and urbanization, in which humans become the amplification h
135 l-borne forms of Zn regardless the degree of urbanization, indicating that erosion of Zn-bearing mine
136 decades, using built-up areas as a landscape urbanization indicator.
137     The findings support the hypothesis that urbanization influences sweet preference and sugar consu
138 ociated with enhanced P exports from growing urbanization, intensified agriculture, or climatic chang
139                                              Urbanization is a global process contributing to the los
140                               However, rapid urbanization is also associated with crowding, environme
141                              Rapid worldwide urbanization is at once the main cause and, potentially,
142                                              Urbanization is characterized by high levels of sealed l
143 of 0.05 degrees C per decade attributable to urbanization is much larger than previous estimates for
144 ntitative relationship between phenology and urbanization is of great use for developing improved mod
145                                              Urbanization is often cited as a main cause of increasin
146                                     Although urbanization is often considered a local issue, the aggr
147                                              Urbanization is responsible for some of the most extreme
148                                              Urbanization is widely presumed to degrade ecosystem ser
149 sources of human-induced habitat alteration (urbanization, land clearing for agriculture) or a suite
150 ore rural areas, our results do suggest that urbanization leads to homogenization of the airborne mic
151     Recent studies indicate that demographic urbanization level has no causal effect on economic grow
152                            Homicide rates by urbanization level were analyzed using the Compressed Mo
153 nt-related factors, such as living district, urbanization level, medical institution, and monthly inc
154  base, to extract demographic information on urbanization level, percentage non-Europeans in the area
155 ent monthly income, geographic location, and urbanization level, those suffering from PLA were found
156 e, percentage non-Europeans in the area, and urbanization level.
157 stments were made for: 1) monthly income; 2) urbanization level; 3) diabetes mellitus; 4) hypertensio
158 nd evenness explained demography better than urbanization, level of invasion, numbers of predators or
159 concept of biodiversity; the contribution of urbanization, lifestyle factors, and nutrition (eg, vita
160  Despite low herbivore diversity and intense urbanization, macroalgal removal by fishes on some Singa
161 d future trends in global climate change and urbanization may amplify this trend.
162 anges in stream DOM quality due to watershed urbanization may impact stream ecosystem metabolism and
163 al average, such that biological response to urbanization may predict response to future climate chan
164 ich have been changing during the decades of urbanization, may also have been influenced by demograph
165 icators as a sole representing indicator for urbanization might be misleading.
166 xtremes and land use practices, particularly urbanization, might promote fecal contamination of shall
167 odels were created to examine the effects of urbanization, neighborhood poverty, and race/ethnicity o
168 ve increased access to supermarkets, and the urbanization of both urban and rural areas is a key unde
169                        This reveals a marked urbanization of poverty in the developing world, which i
170                                    The rapid urbanization of the world has dramatically increased the
171    Reasons for the rising prevalence include urbanization of the world's population, increased availa
172                         In this article, the urbanization of VL in Brazil is reviewed, touching on th
173      Concern is growing about the effects of urbanization on air pollution and health.
174  for predicting and understanding impacts of urbanization on arthropods.
175 is and especially the effects of progressive urbanization on cardiovascular risk in these populations
176 ittle is known regarding the consequences of urbanization on freshwater habitats, especially small le
177 bs may help to reduce the adverse impacts of urbanization on microclimate, soil processes and human h
178 eys could determine the effect of increasing urbanization on myopia prevalence in this population.
179 s of varying size to determine the impact of urbanization on plant phenology, with the aids of remote
180  Here, we review evidence for the effects of urbanization on the evolution of microbes, plants, and a
181                             The influence of urbanization on vegetation phenology is gaining consider
182 g change indicators to assess the impacts of urbanization on vegetation phenology.
183                                              Urbanization, one of the principal drivers of these tran
184 t environmental changes, ie, westernization, urbanization, or both, are strongly related with decline
185                          Written accounts on urbanization outside of Rome are scarce and the archaeol
186 nation caused by rapid industrialization and urbanization over the last three decades.
187                                              Urbanization overlain upon a diverse set of physical tem
188                                    Catchment urbanization perturbs the water and sediment budgets of
189 dies has specifically examined the role that urbanization plays in ecoevolution or explicitly examine
190  control the Aedes populations, uncontrolled urbanization, population growth, climate change, and inc
191 function and human behaviors associated with urbanization should be more similar in certain kinds of
192 and 2050 s, considering land use changes and urbanization simultaneously.
193  Although most species respond negatively to urbanization, some thrive in human-dominated settings.
194                                              Urbanization status was defined at the county level and
195   These declines are taking place across all urbanization strata and among white and black males and
196  persons 15 through 24 years old among all 5 urbanization strata increased between 10.7% in small cou
197                             We also reviewed urbanization studies on other traits that can be associa
198                  Haiti has experienced rapid urbanization that has exacerbated poverty and undernutri
199 highly variable, and linked to properties of urbanization that weaken top-down and/or bottom-up proce
200  relative to other land use changes, such as urbanization, that affected a similar total land area.
201  an epidemiologic transition whereby, due to urbanization, there is an increase in traditional cardio
202 dence indicating that the processes relating urbanization to economic development and knowledge creat
203                                      India's urbanization trajectory will have crucial implications o
204 for age, body mass index, physical activity, urbanization (urban vs rural), geographic variation (nor
205                              With increasing urbanization vector-borne diseases are quickly developin
206  treatment) and potential (genetic variants, urbanization, vitamin D insufficiency, and eradication o
207 e results underscore a significant potential urbanization wedge for reducing energy use in rapidly ur
208 ita gross national income (GNI) and level of urbanization were explored in the overall sample and amo
209                   The demographic effects of urbanization were not direct, but were filtered through
210 hlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) and increasing urbanization were the strongest drivers of changes in mo
211  grasslands are expanding rapidly along with urbanization, which is expected to increase at unprecede
212   Achieving food security in an era of rapid urbanization will require considerably more understandin
213                    India is undergoing rapid urbanization with simultaneous increases in the prevalen
214                  The inexorable trend toward urbanization worldwide presents an urgent challenge for

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