


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 gulator of FGF23 production, particularly in uremia.
2 d there are no clinical signs or symptoms of uremia.
3 not reduce the burden of vascular disease in uremia.
4 on of apoptosis to neutrophil dysfunction in uremia.
5 he clinical course of both liver disease and uremia.
6  pattern that is similar to that observed in uremia.
7 defects in platelet function associated with uremia.
8 dified mice without and with adenine-induced uremia.
9  28.0 +/- 17.7; P < 0.001) without affecting uremia.
10 early insulin resistance and dyslipidemia in uremia.
11  be a strategy for improving AFV function in uremia.
12 l dysfunction following adenine experimental uremia.
13 ing sequela of diabetes mellitus and chronic uremia.
14 inflammation and cardiovascular mortality in uremia.
15 stconditioning in 2 rodent models of chronic uremia.
16 cause simply feeding more protein aggravates uremia.
17 haracteristic cardiomyopathy associated with uremia.
18  nuclear magnetic resonance at 3 and 6 wk of uremia.
19 me in human drug metabolism, is decreased in uremia.
20 with muscle atrophy from diabetes or chronic uremia.
21  transcription (STAT) signaling as occurs in uremia.
22 ncreases as urea is raised over the range in uremia.
23 ibute directly to the carbonylation found in uremia.
24  nephropathy has become the leading cause of uremia.
25 UT-A protein whose abundance is increased by uremia.
26 ardial and hepatic calcifications induced by uremia.
27  that increased TGF-beta1, a complication of uremia, activates Notch in endothelial cells of AVFs, le
28                                    Worsening uremia also renders CKD patients vulnerable to potential
29 s a mechanism linking inflammation, smoking, uremia and coronary artery disease pathogenesis.
30 tonomic neuropathy arises in the presence of uremia and diabetes, with severe dysfunction seen when t
31          kat2J/kat2J mice develop anemia and uremia and die before 1 yr of age.
32 lyses should therefore prevent both clinical uremia and the later, often lethal sequelae.
33 ncreased significantly after 3 days of acute uremia and this increment was prevented by thyroparathyr
34 ially vasculopathic, especially in diabetes, uremia, and aging, in which AGEs classically accumulate.
35 oad, hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis, overt uremia, and even progressive azotemia in the absence of
36 overload, hyponatremia, metabolic alkalosis, uremia, and hyperglycemia, than those patients who did n
37 of diabetes, dyslipidemia, oxidative stress, uremia, and hyperphosphatemia, "osteoblast-like" cells f
38 ted because they exhibited less proteinuria, uremia, and inflammatory infiltration.
39 CVD and provide unique insight into specific uremia- and PD-induced pathomechanisms of CVD.
40              With trauma, sepsis, cancer, or uremia, animals or patients experience accelerated degra
41  malnutrition with atherosclerotic events in uremia are unclear.
42                                        Acute uremia (ARF) causes metabolic defects in glucose and pro
43  is the first study in humans characterizing uremia as a state in which hepatic CYP3A4 activity is ac
44 imarily organic in nature and are related to uremia as well as the other comorbid conditions that fre
45 elanocortin signaling in the pathogenesis of uremia-associated cachexia and demonstrate the potential
46 I-12i would also be effective in attenuating uremia-associated cachexia in a mouse model.
47                We tested the hypothesis that uremia-associated cachexia is caused by leptin signaling
48  such as leptin may be an important cause of uremia-associated cachexia via signaling through the cen
49 e melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4-R) attenuates uremia-associated cachexia.
50 crobiota and reducing progression of CKD and uremia-associated complications.
51 otyping were performed with a large group of uremia-associated parathyroid tumors.
52 ly include both conventional and dialysis or uremia-associated risk factors.
53 chromosome 11 occurred in only one of the 46 uremia-associated tumors (2%); the tumor also contained
54                  Therefore, we conclude that uremia associates with intestinal dysbiosis, intestinal
55 lar calcification persists after reversal of uremia, because of a lack of active resorption of apatit
56 uelae: hematuria, anemia, dysuria, stunting, uremia, bladder cancer, urosepsis, and human immunodefic
57  effect on the cardiac remodeling process in uremia, but because high levels of GH have adverse cardi
58  decreased glomerular filtration (leading to uremia), compromised glomerular integrity (leading to pr
59                                              Uremia contributed partially to peritoneal inflammatory
60 each, were begun before clinical evidence of uremia developed in each patient and/or before the nonpr
61                                              Uremia did not affect secretory IgA release into the ile
62                       AKI and the associated uremia did not seem to affect extrarenal HO-1 gene activ
63 bnormalities cause cardiovascular disease in uremia; few observational studies in humans have explore
64 pruritus of cholestasis, but not pruritus of uremia, Hodgkin's disease, or atopic dermatitis.
65 racteristics of overhydration, hyponatremia, uremia, hyperglycemia, and alkalosis.
66                          Different levels of uremia, hyperphosphatemia, and aortic calcification were
67                                              Uremia impairs the atheroprotective properties of HDL, b
68 nd UT-A protein abundance is up-regulated in uremia in both liver and heart.
69 (3) UT-A protein abundance is upregulated in uremia in both liver and heart; and (4) UT-B is expresse
70              Here, we used adenine to induce uremia in both Npt2b-deficient and wild-type mice.
71  calcium and magnesium in brain during acute uremia in dogs.
72 nst the catabolism of a low-protein diet and uremia in patients with renal failure.
73                Because of adverse effects of uremia in the innate and adaptive immune systems, we hyp
74                                        Also, uremia in vitamin D2-treated TPTX dogs failed to increas
75                                              Uremia, in the absence of renal injury, induced the NGAL
76                                              Uremia increases the abundance of this 49-kD UT-A protei
77 a, streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus, uremia induced by subtotal nephrectomy, and from pair-fe
78 may represent an independent risk factor for uremia-induced atherosclerosis.
79 th ESRD, supporting a mechanistic link among uremia, inflammation, and atherosclerosis.
80                                              Uremia is a complex metabolic state marked by derangemen
81                                      Because uremia is accompanied by hypertension, the effects of hy
82  of the parathyroid by both hypocalcemia and uremia is dependent upon intact dicer function and miRNA
83 jury in the pathogenesis of complications of uremia is incompletely defined, although diminished bioe
84 ure), suggesting that renal ischemia but not uremia is necessary for the apoptosis observed.
85  to the same kidney, revealing that systemic uremia is not necessary for protection.
86 he pathogenesis of cachexia in patients with uremia is unknown.
87 terorganismal communication, suggesting that uremia is, at least in part, a disorder of RSS.
88 he neurological abnormalities noted in acute uremia may be related in part to the rise in the Ca cont
89 at the posttranslational regulation of TF in uremia may have a causative role in the increased ST ris
90                          One complication of uremia, metabolic acidosis, stimulates the degradation o
91                                We posit that uremia modulates TF in the local vessel wall to induce p
92          The results indicate that (a) acute uremia of 3 days is associated with a marked rise of Ca
93 ted peptide reversed the cachexic effects of uremia on appetite, weight gain, body composition, and m
94                   We evaluated the effect of uremia on CYP3A and transporter expression in vitro by i
95 d investigations into the effects of chronic uremia on myocardial infarct size and the protective eff
96 re anuric and developed clinical symptoms of uremia on POD 1.
97 C4-RKO mice resisted the cachexic effects of uremia on weight gain, body composition, and metabolic r
98                           In adenine-induced uremia, only a modest increase in serum FGF23 levels occ
99 ents but not in those with diabetes, disuse, uremia or fasting.
100                                              Uremia or humoral factors are not responsible for the pr
101 t and whether their abundance was altered by uremia or hypertension or in human heart failure.
102 6-kDa protein is upregulated in rat heart in uremia or models of hypertension; and (3) the rat result
103 conventional cardiovascular risk factors and uremia- or dialysis-related variables with PVD.
104 ad impaired PTH secretion after experimental uremia- or folic acid-induced AKI.
105              We separated plasma LDL from 90 uremia patients undergoing hemodialysis into 5 subfracti
106                                              Uremia per se mildly reduced miR-133b levels only.
107 and (b) these alterations are not related to uremia, per se, but are dependent on the presence of exc
108                                           If uremia prevents suppression of essential amino acid or p
109 extremely high prevalence of traditional and uremia-related cardiovascular risk factors.
110 e Charlson comorbidity index (CCI) and other uremia-related comorbidities, not included in the CCI, w
111  on the epidemiology of both traditional and uremia-related CVD and focus on postulated mechanisms of
112 iated with the recognition and management of uremia-related CVD in developed and developing nations.
113 extremely high prevalence of traditional and uremia-related CVD risk factors.
114       Together, IS and AHR have potential as uremia-specific biomarkers and targets that may be lever
115 rs (eg, diabetes mellitus and hypertension), uremia-specific factors that arise from accumulating tox
116  to identify 49 HDL-associated proteins in a uremia-specific pattern.
117                  Regarding function of these uremia-specific proteins, only SAA mimicked ESRD-HDL by
118 due to emerging conditions such as hemolytic uremia syndrome.
119 l settings of atherosclerosis, diabetes, and uremia that promote arteriosclerotic calcification-elici
120 d to both acute and chronic hypocalcemia and uremia, the major stimuli for PTH secretion.
121                                              Uremia (U) was induced in female dilute brown agouti/2 m
122                                              Uremia was imposed on LDL receptor null mice (a model of
123                                              Uremia was induced by 5/6 nephrectomy in adult female mi
124                                              Uremia was induced in male Sprague-Dawley rats via a two
125 ses of coma such as diabetic ketoacidosis or uremia were excluded.
126 d increased oxidative stress associated with uremia, which may contribute to the improved survival af
127 sm induced by either chronic hypocalcemia or uremia, which was measured by increased phosphorylation
128   We also studied the independent effects of uremia without concomitant kidney injury by performing b
129 trophy (10 to 14%; P < 0.05) was observed in uremia without evidence of dysfunction or changes in myo

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