


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  the commonly studied vertebrate models (the urodele amphibians).
2  distributed in specific brain areas of this urodele amphibian.
3 is a property that seems to be restricted to urodele amphibians.
4 s for a contributing factor in the deficient urodele amphibian Ab responses.
5                                              Urodele amphibians and teleost fish regenerate amputated
6 imitive ectoderm of embryos from mammals and urodele amphibians, and here we report the isolation of
7 etazoan phylogeny, but among vertebrates the urodele amphibians are exceptional.
8                                 For example, urodele amphibians can completely regenerate all lost ti
9  extensive ability for adult regeneration as urodele amphibians, including 1 of the more popular mode
10                     The regenerating limb of urodele amphibians is an important system for evaluating
11                                  The newt, a urodele amphibian, is able to repeatedly regenerate its
12                                           In urodele amphibians, lens induction during development an
13                           In contrast, adult urodele amphibians make larval-like responses and are no
14                                              Urodele amphibians (newts and salamanders) are of partic
15                    We show here that, in two urodele amphibians, newts and axolotls, the regulation o
16                         Tooth development in urodele amphibians occurs from a restricted region of an
17 ribution to the peptides found in anuran and urodele amphibian orders.
18  and recently metamorphosed juveniles of the urodele amphibian Pleurodeles waltl.
19 ral nervous system of adult specimens of the urodele amphibian Pleurodeles waltl.
20                       Adult teleost fish and urodele amphibians possess a spectacular ability to rege
21   These findings support the conclusion that urodele amphibians possess a well-developed vasotocin sy
22                                         Some urodele amphibians possess the capacity to regenerate th
23                               The axolotl, a urodele amphibian, provides a model with all the benefit
24                                              Urodele amphibians regenerate appendages through the rec
25                                              Urodele amphibians (salamanders) are important models fo
26 ation in embryos from axolotls, representing urodele amphibians, since urodele embryology is basal to
27                                        Adult urodele amphibians such as the newt have remarkable rege
28 VT-immunoreactivity (ir) was greater in this urodele amphibian than in any other species.
29                                           In urodele amphibians, the hypothalamic neuropeptide argini
30 ms governing pluripotency are conserved from urodele amphibians to mammals.
31                              The capacity of urodele amphibians to regenerate a variety of body parts

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