


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 d apoptosis, inflammation and energy storage/usage.
2 chia coli removal under simulated real-world usage.
3 r parasite determinant of host cell receptor usage.
4 tem expansions required for traditional ISTD usage.
5 together fundamentally limit their effective usage.
6 utine quantification for a broad spectrum of usage.
7 nslation rate modulation by synonymous codon usage.
8  between street structure and its functional usage.
9 onserved, but with surprising variability of usage.
10 of tough, self-healing polymers of practical usage.
11 lly evaluate strategies for their economical usage.
12    Therefore, these parameters limited their usage.
13  be controlled by a switch in metal cofactor usage.
14 some may take longer to achieve more general usage.
15 pon for food consumption and prehensile tail usage.
16 polyadenylation often regulates mRNA isoform usage.
17 ated processes and underlying neural network usage.
18 and T cell repertoire diversity, and isoform usage.
19 v from CWs will be improperly disposed after usage.
20 associated with alternative invasion pathway usage.
21 r from specific constraints that limit their usage.
22  AT nucleotide bias, AT-, GC-skews and codon usage.
23 nzymes and lead to seemingly wasteful enzyme usage.
24 les and methods for testing differential APA usage.
25 which is characterized by biased TRBV14 gene usage.
26 association was consistent regardless of ITN usage.
27  of each model and provide a guide for model usage.
28 ticipation, the ablation procedure, and data usage.
29 here it regulates carbohydrate (CHO) and fat usage.
30  be carefully preserved and processed before usage.
31 ients with known duration of glucocorticoids usage.
32 bited an inherent bias toward lambda L chain usage.
33 d CpG/UpA frequencies independently of codon usage.
34  detailing the potential for reducing animal usage.
35 estore the membrane permeance for repetitive usage.
36 s, symptom severity, and prenatal medication usage.
37 udy provided a quantitative atlas of poly(A) usage.
38 e that was developed to visualize V(D)J gene usage.
39  secondary outcome was changes in antibiotic usage.
40 rson contact with suboptimal protective mask usage.
41 e interference of 2-NBDG with normal glucose usage.
42 aling, independently of mRNA levels or codon usage.
43 tion of the tRNA pool to the demand in codon usage.
44 ralleled minimum sample and solvents volumes usage.
45  functional analyses of sex-specific isoform usage.
46  safe for human consumption and agricultural usage.
47 pecies richness did not explain social media usage.
48 9% (n = 4,041) of households reported filter usage 2-3 years after filter distribution compared to th
49 sts that urban form can affect motor vehicle usage, a major contributor to urban air pollution.
50 ermined on a pathway-by-pathway basis; codon usage, abundance, and sequence similarity contributed pr
51 so observe significant alterations in 3' end usage across orthologs.
52                  Finally, we show that codon usage affects protein structure and function in vitro an
53 ause of morbidity and mortality, and tobacco usage, alcohol consumption, and poor oral hygiene are es
54 -cell RNA sequencing and TCR alphabeta-chain usage analysis to define potential mechanisms for this e
55 terrogated the relationship between platelet usage and aggregated hospital-wide patient data over a r
56 of AALs and promotion of improved antibiotic usage and appropriateness, supporting the routine incorp
57                                       Energy usage and CO2 emissions from freight have historically g
58 ally, despite their differing V gene segment usage and different docking mechanisms, mutational analy
59 ire, with predominant VH4 or VH5 gene family usage and Env V3 specificity.
60 st intron processing, alternative 5 and 3'ss usage and exon skipping are marked by distinct patterns
61   The model results suggest that daytime PWS usage and Fe,night generate a residual water potential g
62     How poly(A) polymerases may regulate PAS usage and hence gene expression is poorly understood.
63                Longer duration of ventilator usage and hospitalization was associated with increased
64         Considering the co-occurrence of PWS usage and HR during a single extended dry-down, a wide r
65 res revealed a correlation between parameter usage and impact on structure prediction precision.
66 (SNRK) decreases cardiac metabolic substrate usage and mitochondrial uncoupling, and protects against
67 memory-RA(+) subsets with restricted TCRbeta usage and nearly monoclonal CDR3 containing novel conser
68 nderstanding of the molecular mechanism of N usage and offer gene targets for plant improvement.
69 to assess for associations between IGVL gene usage and organ tropism.
70 autoantibody repertoire with preferred VH:VL usage and pairings, limited mutations, clonal dominance,
71 wed herein are the (a) history of antibiotic usage and resistance against gonorrhea and the consequen
72                      Increasing azithromycin usage and resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae threatens
73              Specifically, asthma medication usage and respiratory symptoms increased [OR=3.51; 95% c
74              Many questions remain regarding usage and results, making this area suitable for cancer
75  increasing the variability of syllable-type usage and syllable sequences, while having no effect on
76 proposed to occur due to changes in receptor usage and thereby to lead to immune evasion.
77  for chemicals that had a greater historical usage and were banned only recently or are still in use.
78                               Different past usages and current emission patterns were found at both
79  CDR3 characteristics (length and amino acid usage) and junction characteristics, and calculates the
80 he eukaryotic flagellum (undulipodium in her usage) and mitotic apparatus originated from an endosymb
81  on the regulation of transcription, isoform usage, and allele-specific expression.
82 AT-AMS program on AAL prevalence, antibiotic usage, and appropriateness of prescribing.
83 ails, modest changes in poly(A) signal (PAS) usage, and evidence of mitochondrial damage in these mic
84 earing aid use postimplantation, patterns of usage, and perceived bimodal benefits in daily life.
85 t behavior such as house tidiness, pesticide usage, and pet ownership showed no significant influence
86 by biases in mRNA secondary structure, codon usage, and Ssb action.
87 and ubiquitin modification have plastic site usage, and this plasticity is likely another way in whic
88 scriptional regulation, like alternative TSS usage, antisense transcription and exon splicing.
89                                    IGVL gene usage appears to provide clues about disease pathophysio
90                              Two examples of usage are provided, including increasing serum PFOA afte
91 tions of legalized, widespread, or continued usage are speculative.
92 fe (TOL), as implied by textbook content and usage, are still commonly employed.
93 orelbine may be re-tasked from their current usage as a 5-HT1B/1D agonist or cytostatic drug to act a
94 h, we determined TCRalpha- and TCRbeta-chain usage, as well as alphabetaTCR pairs expressed on BAL CD
95 d a striking bias in IGHV and IGKV/IGLV gene usage, as well as pairing preferences with a particular
96 enced by physical aspects of rooms and their usage, as well as the lifestyles of human residents.
97                                              Usage-based cognitive linguistic (UBCL) theories offer a
98                                              Usage-based theories challenge this view, maintaining th
99 ent of stock-outs, in-country purchasing and usage behavior, and available purchasing options.
100 extent of stock-outs, in-country purchasing, usage behavior, and breadth of available purchasing opti
101 elpful in evaluating middle ear pathologies, usage being indication specific.
102 uch as the ability to view and compare codon usage between individual organisms and across taxonomica
103                 Accurately quantifying codon usage bias for different organisms is useful not only fo
104                    Given the impact of codon usage bias on recombinant gene technologies, this databa
105                                        Codon usage biases are found in all eukaryotic and prokaryotic
106 -MG subjects displayed distinct gene segment usage biases in both VH and VL sequences within the naiv
107 r waste is important for safe nuclear energy usage, but remains a significant challenge.
108 ime of SC ISEs with aqueous solutions before usage by optimizing the thickness of the SC layer with a
109                    The PCDDB has found broad usage by the structural biology, bioinformatics, analyti
110 and 3 clinical trials, with six approved for usage by the US Food and Drug Administration and one by
111  cell-scale metabolic model to study pathway usage, calculating a median Q10 coefficient of 2.73 +/-
112             Prolonged infections or adjuvant usage can trigger emergency granulopoiesis (EG), leading
113 l Constituents lists when sampled at typical usage conditions.
114 chemicals in e-cigarette vapor under typical usage conditions.
115 munogenic among IFNbeta products in clinical usage, contain residual innate immune response modulatin
116 TSS) selection and alternative promoter (AP) usage contribute to gene expression complexity but littl
117 to estimate ITN impact (population-based ITN usage data that can be stratified by gravidity), we esti
118 uidelines to reduce inappropriate antibiotic usage, decrease antimicrobial resistance, and optimize p
119                                          VKA usage decreased from 92% to 24% (p < 0.0001).
120                       Despite its widespread usage, detailed understanding of the FIB-induced structu
121 ght into the mechanisms by which branchpoint usage drives alternative splicing.
122      These events of differential transcript usage (DTU) have been observed for thousands of Arabidop
123 ance that should improve in silico algorithm usage during assessment of clinically relevant variants
124                     An analysis of parameter usage during folding free energy calculations of stochas
125 ting conditions to replicate likely clinical usage, EBOTAb was first delivered 1, 2 or 3 days post-ch
126 nd meat protein production have low nitrogen usage efficiencies and high energy needs.
127 es of 16.4 and 18 Gbps with spectral-density usage efficiency as high as 4 bit/s/Hz over 16 m in free
128 e recruitment of the ribosomes, or the codon usage establishing the speed of protein elongation.
129 o investigate the effect of normal household usage flow patterns on lead exposure.
130 ity index, infection history, and antibiotic usage for 12 months prior to testing (pre-AAT-AMS) and 3
131                                     APA site usage frequencies of 42 genes were switched by auxin, su
132 ere we test the hypothesis that although the usage frequencies of synonymous codons change from organ
133 ue relies on the accurate knowledge of codon usage frequencies.
134 5; 95% CI, 1.26-3.04) for paternal areca nut usage from 20 to 29 years of age, versus from >30 years
135                                          TZD usage had no effect on the ultimate visual acuity outcom
136  visible and near infrared applications, its usage has been limited due to practical issues of contin
137                                  Splice site usage has been mapped exhaustively across different spec
138                           Furthermore, codon usage has been shown to affect protein structure and fun
139 elet products are the most variable in daily usage, have short shelf lives, and are also the most exp
140 7- to 111-fold) when compared with the codon usage hierarchy of the psbA genes.
141 pha3135-145-specific T-cell antigen receptor usage, HLA-DR15-alpha3135-145 tetramer(+) Foxp3(-) Tconv
142 er order features of song such syllable-type usage (i.e., how many times each syllable type is used)
143  changes in transcriptional start site (TSS) usage, identifying thousands of genetic variants affecti
144     To investigate the in vivo role of codon usage in animals, we took advantage of the sensitivity a
145 nogenerators and enable their more promising usage in applications ranging from powering electronic d
146 DEXSEq analysis identified differential exon usage in ATPase, class II, type 9B (adjusted P<0.1) in d
147  overlap and substantially altered TRBV-gene usage in both blood and gut samples, and increased diver
148 enges in estimating relative isoform or exon usage in complex splicing events.
149 m representation), depending on residual arm usage in daily life to substitute for the missing hand's
150 n transcript length, the importance of codon usage in determining protein synthesis rates, and the ne
151  high glucocorticoid efficacy and widespread usage in medicine, resistance, disease relapse and toxic
152               We annotated internal promoter usage in operons using SL1 and SL2 data.
153 sting an important role for synonymous codon usage in organism physiology.
154 pporting a hierarchy of erythrocyte receptor usage in P. falciparum.
155 stances, thereby facilitating network motifs usage in real biological problems.
156 e biological marker for potential diagnostic usage in severe psychiatric disorders.
157 nd health practices including health service usage in the intervention arm compared to the control ar
158 tometry is a popular technique that has wide usage in the medical sciences, especially for studying p
159 emperature environments, which enables their usages in high temperature applications.
160                   The efficiency of its data usage is about 10-30 times higher than that of barcode-b
161                       This suggests that TCR usage is associated with the differentiation state of th
162 cal formulation, we have found that platelet usage is highly dependent on weekday/weekend pattern, nu
163 y way to create porous structures, but their usage is limited due to synthetic difficulties, process
164 aditional peak calling algorithms, while its usage is not limited to the prediction of accessible and
165                                        Codon usage is one of the factors influencing recombinant prot
166 is briefly discussed, and an example of such usage is presented for a bonafide metabolite extract sam
167 th the SOAP and RESTful approaches and their usage is reviewed regularly in order to ensure that the
168  methods are not feasible due to high memory usage issues and provision of limited network motif info
169 ts through changes to species distributions, usage maps can be spatially explicitly linked to individ
170                                   Fine-scale usage maps can be used in consenting and licensing of an
171 tween 2008 and 2015, to produce harbour seal usage maps with confidence intervals around Orkney and t
172 neurodegeneration, and modulation of non-AUG usage may represent a novel therapeutic strategy.
173  of water, and any further increase in water usage may significantly impact local water resources.
174            This indicates that changes in BS usage observed in humans with SF3b1 mutations may result
175 transforms from cubic to orthorhombic, while usage of 1,4-benzoquinone preserves the cubic phase of C
176 form VEGF-A165 b (resulting from alternative usage of a 3' splice site in the terminal exon) is prote
177 e other functional opportunities afforded by usage of a heteroaromatic system, we believe the azohete
178                        Here, we evaluate the usage of a prolyl endopeptidase from Aspergillus niger (
179 lution are often overlooked despite the wide usage of A(n+) in materials synthesis.
180                 Alternative splicing and the usage of alternate transcription start- or stop sites al
181 for 480 intergenic miRNAs, indicating a wide usage of alternative TSSs.
182 gests a new therapeutic approach through the usage of an anti-IL6 treatment to extend the tumor-free
183              We were interested in the codon usage of an antibody Fab fragment gene exhibiting extrem
184 rol to avoid excess false positives with the usage of an asymptotic chi-square distribution.
185 nscripts in mutant cell lines identified the usage of an intermediate promoter site, with consequenti
186 ted with increased risk of graft failure was usage of antiglaucoma agents (P = .01).
187 ms of unconventional translation initiation: usage of AUG-like sites (near cognates) or repeat-associ
188 estrating the entire workflow and optimizing usage of available computational resources.
189 zole (THI) in some foods may result from the usage of caramel colorants E150c and E150d as food addit
190                        However, the clinical usage of carbasugar SGLT2 inhibitors has been underexplo
191                               With increased usage of cardiovascular drugs (CVDs) for treating cardio
192      However, it is important to analyse the usage of cell nomenclature in publications at a large sc
193                In this study, we analyse the usage of cell nomenclature, both in Vivo, and in Vitro i
194 nce of oligoclonal expansion, or a preferred usage of certain V-beta genes in AD skin.
195 he results of fully autonomous and objective usage of compMS(2)Miner are presented here.
196 platforms have recently started adopting the usage of computational units that generate outputs proba
197 red in ChEMBL to investigate the patterns of usage of different animal models across a range of exper
198 found that talin destabilization affects the usage of different integrin subtypes and sensing of extr
199                       Despite the widespread usage of FCs, adverse reactions related to their consump
200 th and COL4A5 variation were associated with usage of feeders, suggesting that longer bills may have
201 accompanied with questions on preference and usage of honey.
202 fluence procedure reliability, efficiency of usage of hospital resources and risk to staff and patien
203 increased load, because of consistently high usage of hub regions.
204 er cells can have different patterns of exon usage of individual genes when compared to normal tissue
205 r cutaneous inflammation and suggest topical usage of inhibitory ligands as an approach to treating s
206         Despite a long history and extensive usage of insoluble aluminum salts (alum) as vaccine adju
207 oit this mechanism to adjust and balance the usage of its ribosomal resources.
208                                   In Turkey, usage of l-Cysteine as a food additive isn't allowed in
209 yntactic components and significantly higher usage of lexical components in their language.
210 se provide the rationality for the potential usage of MCL in sepsis caused by G(+) bacteria (e.g., S.
211         The aim of this work is to study the usage of multi-detector HRCT chest in diagnosing pulmona
212  of tumors, and cancer prevention by regular usage of NSAIDs.
213 as hindered further development and clinical usage of PDT.
214 has brought us to the doorstep of widespread usage of personalized medicine.
215                         To facilitate better usage of published data, provide standardization of anno
216 limitations of cell-free binding studies and usage of recombinant receptor domains, we performed comp
217                                          The usage of RSA was motivated by the fact that our previous
218                                 An increased usage of several IGHV genes, including IGHV1-69 and IGHV
219 olicy" resulted in a significantly increased usage of SLT.
220                  Despite the ever-increasing usage of small-angle scattering as a valuable complement
221                    Here we leverage the wide usage of smartphones with built-in accelerometry to meas
222  probable AD patients had significantly less usage of syntactic components and significantly higher u
223 nd Iglambda in serum and to evaluate L chain usage of the Ab response against the hemagglutinin (HA)
224                           We demonstrate the usage of the methods on two typical examples of noncoval
225                        Here, we examined the usage of the newly characterized oligomers as an active
226 th directly depositing SS316 on Ti6Al4V, the usage of the novel transition route can eliminate the in
227         Specific HLA-A alleles varied in the usage of the proximal versus distal PAS, with some allel
228 ctivity with real sample analysis ensure the usage of the sensor for practical scenario.
229                      Here we demonstrate the usage of the server for various biological problems incl
230 lls proved highly biased, with a predominant usage of the TCRbeta variable gene 2 (TRBV2) in vaccinee
231 ature of organophosphates and hence that the usage of these insecticides should be reconsidered.
232        Our results demonstrate the potential usage of these self-functional electrospun AL-BSA infras
233                          We demonstrated the usage of this dual-functionality probe for both flow cyt
234 rmed the splicing of an aberrant exon due to usage of this novel motif, resulting in a frameshift and
235                                              Usage of time-averaged disease activity as a covariate w
236 al testing of the impact of synonymous codon usage on the production of functional proteins.
237 ese results suggest that the effect of codon usage on translation elongation speed is a conserved mec
238 d study authors' recommendations of clinical usage or further testing.
239 cases with a significant trend of increasing usage over the time period studied (P for trend<0.001).
240                                   To compare usage patterns and outcomes of a nurse practitioner-staf
241                We have investigated platelet usage patterns at our institution, and specifically inte
242 ns likely reflect a combination of different usage patterns, transport, and fate of these compounds.
243 .001) in parallel with increased prophylaxis usage, possibly because frequent bleeders adopted prophy
244                                These pathway usage predictions were subsequently validated through (1
245  1.42 (95% CI, 0.80-2.54) for <5 years betel usage prefatherhood (Ptrend=0.0002), with increased risk
246 nd used these models to examine if substrate usage preferences and substrate depletion kinetics of in
247 re associated with an abnormal global origin usage profile, suggesting that proper establishment of n
248  distribution compared to the program stated usage rate of 81% (n = 14,988) 2.7 years after filter di
249 DS-Cav1 pre-F stabilization, optimized codon usage, reduced CpG content, and vector packaging signifi
250                           In addition, codon usage regulates ribosome movement and stalling on mRNA d
251                We show Star-PAP-specific PAS usage regulates the expression of the eukaryotic transla
252 tin factors on cotranscriptional splice site usage remains unclear.
253  control through alternative polyadenylation usage required to fine-tune the timing of meiosis progre
254  years when intensified intertidal shellfish usage resulted in the accumulation of substantial shell
255 idespread regulation of alternative promoter usage, resulting in light-dependent protein isoforms wit
256 e, health practices including health service usage, satisfaction with care, and costs.
257                                 We show in a usage scenario that our approach can reveal ambiguities
258                             Synonymous codon usage (SCU) varies widely among human genes.
259 ration from membrane to secreted IgH-mu exon usage, similar to in mammals.
260 onships, may be explored through their codon usage similarities.
261 ding an example of how differential receptor usage spatiotemporally controls and diversifies the effe
262 enchmarks for uses reported in the rainwater usage survey such as pool top-up, and warrant further ex
263 ormance Integrated Virtual Environment-Codon Usage Tables (HIVE-CUTs), to present and analyse codon u
264 es (HIVE-CUTs), to present and analyse codon usage tables for every organism with publicly available
265  Despite the obvious need for accurate codon usage tables, currently available resources are either l
266 found lower levels of household water filter usage than the internal program monitoring reported esti
267                       To encourage more wide usage, the backend is open-source, available for extensi
268                          Even after multiple usage, the Pt-NP/TiO2-PAN nanofibrous webs were stable w
269  maintain a molecular history of cis-element usage, thereby reducing the steps necessary to revive ef
270 es with unexpected versatility in amino acid usage; these sequences were distributed among 90 protein
271 , it remains less clear how energy substrate usage tissues, such as muscle, communicate with energy s
272  (DS-Cav1), and we also modified RSV F codon usage to have a lower CpG content and a higher level of
273 lization and strategic manipulation of codon usage, together with efficient pre-F packaging into vect
274 nded to that shortage by shifting antibiotic usage toward antibiotics traditionally known to place pa
275 h China due to seasonal variations in energy usage, trade wind movements, and industrial emissions.
276                                          PPI usage up to 90 days before the index date remained stati
277             We demonstrate that rDNA cluster-usage varies greatly among accessions and that rDNA clus
278                               Average device usage was 2.7 h/night.
279                  Ranibizumab and aflibercept usage was correlated by performing log-ratio analysis.
280 fixime resistance in the absence of cefixime usage was estimated to be such that the number of second
281                            When chemotherapy usage was incorporated, sequential chemotherapy was asso
282           TCRalpha variable gene (TRAV) gene usage was more diverse, with the dominance of TRAV29 ove
283 orts in the United Kingdom, low-dose aspirin usage was not associated with increased survival of pati
284                               Higher steroid usage was noted in the CMV positive group compared to ag
285                    No unique Valpha or Vbeta usage was observed.
286              The shift from glucose to lipid usage was pronounced in Pten(-/-) mice and correlated wi
287                             Alternative exon usage was widespread, and although common events were sh
288 ecorded over time through extensive clinical usage, we aim to explore BBB permeability prediction fro
289 ast function at this limit of full ribosomal usage, we profiled the proteomes of cells growing in dif
290             Articles using KB or citing that usage were most frequently published in the subject area
291 me inhibitor or angiotensin receptor blocker usage were not significantly different.
292 OC, soil GHG emissions, and agronomic energy usage were used to calculate system GWP, all management
293 trate HLA-A allele-specific variation in PAS usage, which modulates their cell surface expression pos
294 vascularis formation due to erroneous ligand usage, which was corrected by reducing Fgf9 gene dosage.
295 nctional categories display a distinct codon usage, which was interpreted as evidence that SCU is ada
296 ss the feasibility of reducing antibacterial usage while preserving patient outcome.
297 ation Sequencing has identified wide-ranging usage with highly diverse and unique repertoires.
298                Finally, matching branch site usage with isoform selection across the extensive panel
299 of target antigens and T cell receptor (TCR) usage, with initial evidence of public TCR sequences tha
300  antimicrobials, but not systemic antibiotic usage, with non-surgical periodontal therapy resulted in

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