


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ifically enriched according to the size of a uterine fibroid.
2 s regarding the molecular characteristics of uterine fibroids.
3  shows a modestly enlarged uterus with three uterine fibroids.
4   HIFU provides an excellent option to treat uterine fibroids.
5 s effective and safe in treating symptomatic uterine fibroids.
6 stream regulator REST in the pathogenesis of uterine fibroids.
7 KT-mTOR) pathway] is aberrantly expressed in uterine fibroids.
8 use model for a gene that is misexpressed in uterine fibroids.
9 tracellular matrix deposition, a hallmark of uterine fibroids.
10 cretion of the 2 collections and the risk of uterine fibroids.
11 tissue after focused ultrasound treatment of uterine fibroids.
12  heparin might be useful in the treatment of uterine fibroids.
13 tanding of the molecular basis of the common uterine fibroids.
14 mmon non-Mendelian manifestation of isolated uterine fibroids.
15  this study was to identify risk factors for uterine fibroids among women undergoing tubal sterilizat
16 fant formula feeding and ultrasound-detected uterine fibroids among young African-American women with
17 CC is associated with clinically significant uterine fibroids and aggressive renal tumors.
18 ene is etiologically implicated in diabetes, uterine fibroids and cancer.
19 t of women aged 40 years with a diagnosis of uterine fibroids and no desire for future pregnancy was
20 ctively controlled excessive bleeding due to uterine fibroids and reduced the size of the fibroids.
21 pments in drug delivery for the treatment of uterine fibroids and tumors of similar composition.
22 59 women (mean age, 35.9 years +/- 4.8) with uterine fibroids and/or adenomyosis who were unable to c
23 justed for age, BMI, race, family history of uterine fibroids, and isoflavone excretion, this trend r
24                                              Uterine fibroids are common tumors that can cause heavy
25                                              Uterine fibroids are hormonally responsive; estradiol an
26                                Utilities for uterine fibroids before and after treatment were obtaine
27 tal acetate for the treatment of symptomatic uterine fibroids before surgery are uncertain.
28 ide acetate for the treatment of symptomatic uterine fibroids before surgery are unclear.
29 ight urine collections (48 h apart) from 170 uterine fibroid cases and 173 controls were analyzed for
30 Is) have been hypothesized to play a role in uterine fibroid development.
31                     Two readers compared the uterine fibroid, dominant (ie, largest) fibroid, and per
32 visualization at aortography performed after uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) and, using OA arterio
33 egnancy rates after conventional and partial uterine fibroid embolization (UFE).
34 ber 1, 2010, and December 27, 2010, prior to uterine fibroid embolization.
35 epatic chemoembolization for cancer; and 60, uterine fibroid embolization.
36 tudied in 76 consecutive patients undergoing uterine fibroid embolization.
37  and illustrate the methodology by analyzing uterine fibroid gene expression data.
38                          Our analysis of the uterine fibroid growth gene expression data suggests tha
39 amycin (mTOR) pathway in the pathogenesis of uterine fibroids has been suggested in several studies.
40 n was found between isoflavone excretion and uterine fibroids; however, the intake of soy foods, the
41 E significantly improves symptoms related to uterine fibroids in 85%-90% of patients.
42  follicle, can be associated with the common uterine fibroids in a syndrome called multiple cutaneous
43 t pattern, manifesting as skin leiomyoma and uterine fibroids in affected individuals.
44 sure has been shown in Eker rats to increase uterine fibroid incidence in adulthood.
45                                              Uterine fibroids (leiomyomas) are a major women's health
46                                              Uterine fibroids (leiomyomas) are the most common tumors
47                                              Uterine fibroids (leiomyomas) have historically been vie
48  of Ms P, a 41-year-old woman with recurrent uterine fibroids, menorrhagia, anemia, and fatigue who w
49        Already approved for the treatment of uterine fibroids, MRgFUS is in ongoing clinical trials f
50 9 or 1985-1987) or who reported a history of uterine fibroids (n = 317).
51                                              Uterine fibroids occur in approximately 50% of women ove
52 ere virtually unchanged after adjustment for uterine fibroids or endometriosis history.
53 mon conditions that lead to surgery, such as uterine fibroids or endometriosis.
54        Risk was marginally related to having uterine fibroids (OR=0.6, 95% CI: 0.5, 1.0) and long-ter
55 o differences in breast fibrocystic disease, uterine fibroids, or endometrial lining thickness as ass
56 ignan-containing foods on the development of uterine fibroids remains to be determined.
57 on (-$30,850; 95% CI, -$31,629 to -$30,091), uterine fibroid resection (-$1509; 95% CI, -$1754 to -$1
58 erence, -37.7 days; 95% CI, -41.1 to -34.3), uterine fibroid resection (mean difference, -11.7 days;
59 presence of an IGF-I autocrine loop predicts uterine fibroid responsiveness to tamoxifen.
60 l study was to evaluate the relation between uterine fibroid risk and phytoestrogen exposure.
61 rse association between lignan excretion and uterine fibroid risk.
62 o-megabase interval spanning FH in the NIEHS Uterine fibroid study, a cross-sectional study of fibroi
63        This study intended to review HIFU in uterine fibroid therapy, to evaluate the role of HIFU in
64                                              Uterine fibroid treatment using HIFU was effective and s
65 e of FH and the linked genes in nonsyndromic uterine fibroids, we explored a two-megabase interval sp
66 Cases comprised women aged 17-44 years whose uterine fibroids were first visualized at the time of tu
67                                              Uterine fibroids were used as a perfusion model.
68 fective outpatient procedures for women with uterine fibroids who want to conceive.
69 om normally cycling premenopausal women with uterine fibroids, who were not on hormonal treatment at
70              The trend for a reduced risk of uterine fibroids with increasing quartiles of lignan exc

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