


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 d spectrally efficient data encoding must be utilised.
2 ults is highly dependent on control datasets utilised.
3 samples as a function of the adjunct culture utilised.
4 rnative first exon being the most frequently utilised.
5                       In contrast to devices utilising 1D grating or Kretchman prism coupling configu
6                                      We have utilised 2 DCIS cell lines, MCF10DCIS.com (ErbB2-normal)
7  which stimuli are presented in the commonly-utilised 2-Back working memory (WM) tasks is counter-pro
8     Separation was performed on C(18) column utilising 5% (v/v) acetic acid in water and acetonitrile
9                                   The method utilised 6-mm disks punched from the DBS samples (equiva
10                                           We utilise a concept analysis framework in exploring the an
11                                     Here, we utilise a database of opportunistic reports of garden bi
12  extended from a synchrotron light source to utilise a lab-based microfocus X-ray source and flat pan
13 independent alignment performance tests that utilise a large set of orthologous gene families we demo
14 t of energy can be extracted from it when we utilise a machine that operates in a reversible cycle.
15  This study is the first to our knowledge to utilise a randomised trial design to demonstrate the eff
16                            The current study utilised a bioassay-directed chemical analysis scheme to
17                                  Further, we utilised a fluorescent reporter (8xTOPFLASHd2EGFP) to de
18                                           We utilised a focused small interfering RNA screen in 14 br
19                                           We utilised a genome-wide marker set for linkage analysis c
20 e for production of these cytokines, we have utilised a novel bovine IL-22 specific recombinant antib
21                                   This study utilised a population-based pharmacokinetic approach to
22 ndard mathematical and logical functions and utilised a qualitative risk assessment approach for farm
23                    The proposed architecture utilises a combination of sequential and parallel measur
24                                   The method utilises a highly selective and sensitive method of mult
25         Together our data suggest that PINK1 utilises a lowly populated yet more suitable Ub-CR confo
26 nsfer learning classification framework that utilises a nearest-neighbour or support vector machine s
27  describe a 3D erythroid culture system that utilises a porous polyurethane (PU) scaffold to mimic th
28                            The current study utilises a solid phase extraction technique to fractiona
29 andard of reference, describing our approach utilising a consensus panel whilst minimising incorporat
30 ration and tunable steering of two OAM beams utilising a custom-designed circular antenna array at 28
31 sents a compact three-dimensional structure, utilising a fold that recurs within larger polypeptides
32                                              Utilising a multi-channel electrode transparent to ultra
33 eous sampling from the spaces of both trees, utilising a newly-designed set of phylogenetic tree prop
34 ims to uncover new TOP1 targeting approaches utilising a selection of natural compounds in the presen
35 isation of neon in a metastable atomic state utilising a strong-field, few-cycle light pulse.
36 ection of the porcine gastrointestinal tract utilising a transposon (Tn) mutant library screen.
37 Provider and patient responses were compared utilising a two-sided unpaired t test with Bonferroni co
38 resent a rapid mass spectrometry-based assay utilising a universal calibration curve.
39               In vivo serial dilution assays utilising a variety of model systems inclusive of human
40                                           By utilising accurate quantitative methods we achieve a bet
41                           Recent models have utilised agent-based models and complex networks to expl
42 cess was studied using a non-targeted method utilising ambient ionisation with a direct analysis in r
43 ti-angiogenic isoforms termed VEGFAxxxb that utilise an alternative splice site in the final exon hav
44                     In the present study, we utilised an aptamer based proteomics approach to profile
45                                 Here we have utilised an aptamer-based proteomics approach to profile
46               The quantification of the PAHs utilised an internal standard.
47                     A qualitative case study utilising an embedded single case design was conducted t
48                      In a visual search task utilising an ultra-large display area mimicking search t
49                                   This study utilises analytical techniques to provide a comprehensiv
50 tributes of the mass spectrometric data were utilised and relative quantification data were extracted
51 ood accuracy and precision, showing that the utilised approaches were efficient in finding the evalua
52 mical biosensor platform for BTX-2 detection utilising aptamer as specific receptor.
53 nt study suggests that HMW fraction could be utilised as a source of polyphenols for the food industr
54 ron and four typical plant-derived materials utilised as bulking agents in saffron, i.e., Crocus sati
55                          Raman probes can be utilised as clinical tools able to provide rapid, non-in
56                  The novel sweeteners can be utilised as non-caloric sweeteners in the production of
57 m tea extract (ATE) and whether it is fit to utilise ATE by fortification in rice bran breakfast cere
58  the energy input during direct compression, utilising ball milling as the method of energy input, wh
59                   Tissue engineering aims to utilise biologic mediators to facilitate tissue regenera
60                             In this study we utilise biotagging, a novel genome-wide profiling approa
61 ork suggests that dCACHE domain proteins can utilise both subdomains for ligand recognition.
62 al magnetic and spintronic devices which can utilise both thermal and applied field energy to change
63 sent VarMod (Variant Modeller) a method that utilises both protein sequence and structural features t
64                                  Octopus SKP utilising both I4e and I2e targets provides detailed inf
65      Potentially competing species appear to utilise broadly overlapping resources with similar profi
66                       A supplied nutrient is utilised by a "source" functional type, generating a sec
67 teractions between biomolecules produced and utilised by bacteria and short plasma exposures are requ
68 ed by blending MSF and PS, and they could be utilised by chocolate manufacturers in tropical countrie
69 ies from environmental stresses and might be utilised by food manufacturers for the same purpose.
70                                   Lactate is utilised by H. pylori, and our work suggests that this p
71 developed at the University of Bath, UK, and utilised by researchers at Aarhus University, Denmark, t
72 tion, location, and mechanism of suppression utilised by Tregs to control alloreactive responses are
73 e to support the hypothesis that adult males utilise chemical signalling to communicate dominance to
74  cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) at mating and utilise chemosensory self-referencing to recognise recen
75  reactors and separation units as well as to utilise CO2 and recycle side-products in the process are
76 generating genome wide DNA modification maps utilising commercially available semiconductor based tec
77 Compared with the more widely cultivated and utilised common buckwheat (F. esculentum), Tartary buckw
78 r, the scientific literature does not always utilise consistent terminology and the misuse of some ex
79 his contribution we propose a middle ground, utilising crowd-behaviour research to improve compartmen
80  in the early part of the viral lifecycle by utilising cyclophilin A (CypA), cleavage and polyadenyla
81                                              Utilising D-optimal design, the effects of the degumming
82 eployment of the system simple and rapid, we utilised data from three electrodes only: Fz, Cz and Pz.
83 ere review the most recent developments that utilise different mathematical modelling approaches to p
84          ZFHX3 has two main transcripts that utilise different transcription start sites.
85    The discordant results of further studies utilising different matrices (dry and wet-to-dry) indica
86                                              Utilising DNA methylation patterns as a form of molecula
87           Integrated Genomic Profiling (IGP) utilising DNA/RNA with tumour/normal comparisons in a Cl
88 in the wound environment; it cannot be fully utilised due to the inherent lack of suitable technologi
89        The different experimental conditions utilised during olive oil extraction processes influence
90 al interactions in which two or more species utilise each others' metabolic by-products.
91    Three supervised ML models were developed utilising endoscopic data only, histological only and co
92                                 Here we have utilised experimental and modelling strategies to charac
93         Recently, various technologies which utilise fermentation with skins have been developed for
94 d as a principle method for converting under-utilised fish into valuable products for the pharmaceuti
95                                    Honeybees utilise floral odours when foraging for flowers; we inve
96 n be analysed in a lateral flow assay format utilising fluorescent microspheres with optically discre
97 onally, mass-spectrometry detection has been utilised for confirming the identity of the individual e
98 ng and fractionation, the starch may also be utilised for food and non-food applications.
99 raps with a single laser beam, which will be utilised for future cold atom gradiometry.
100 ted scFv fragments as receptor proteins were utilised for one step site-directed immobilisation on th
101 gn of Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was utilised for optimisation of parameters affecting immobi
102 ) with matrix-matched calibration method was utilised for quantification.
103 each Sudan dye in adulterated saffron can be utilised for quantitative (1)H NMR (qHNMR), a well-estab
104   In this study, a sonochemical approach was utilised for the development of graphene-gold (G-Au) nan
105 mploying concatenated LC-MS and NMR data was utilised for the first time to study the relationships b
106 ed phenolic extracts from apple seeds may be utilised for the recovery of natural coloured antioxidan
107                      The pH shift method was utilised for the recovery of proteins from salmon trimmi
108 materials and biomass have historically been utilised for thousands of years, but a new conversation
109 these less toxic derivatives of PEI could be utilised for topical plasmid DNA vaccine delivery to hum
110 epared bioelectrode (Ur/NiO-NP/ITO/glass) is utilised for urea sensing using cyclic voltammetry and U
111       The crude enzymes produced by SSF were utilised for yeast cell treatment leading to simultaneou
112 Hence, finding alternatives to the currently utilised formulation practises, represents an important
113             The purpose of this study was to utilise gamma-H2AX immunostaining as a biodosimetric too
114  of obesity this report outlines an approach utilising gene expression data and a suite of bioinforma
115 ve produced a novel, simple and rapid method utilising genetically encodable FRET-based biosensors to
116 r organisms such as microbial pathogens that utilise genome plasticity as a strategy for adaptation.
117                              Quality control utilising Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points in
118                          The current project utilised heterogeneous stock (HS) male mice (n = 580) to
119 ined by conventional cold percolation method utilising hexane as the extraction solvent.
120 o-Mother (M2M) or "Mentor Mother" programmes utilise HIV positive mothers to provide support and advi
121                                    This work utilises HPLC-MS and a constrained total-line-shape (CTL
122                   This is the first study to utilise human cerebellum fixed in paraformaldehyde and c
123          To begin to test this hypothesis we utilised human cell-based assays, ex vivo murine BALF, i
124 (MS)-based in-depth proteomics approach that utilises human proteome-derived peptide libraries of var
125 ulphite/oxygen biofuel cell is reported that utilises human sulphite oxidase (hSOx) and Myrothecium v
126 elopment, we performed in situ hybridisation utilising human embryonic tissue, and observed expressio
127 taring directly at the predator) can only be utilised if the prey is very confident of the existence
128  theoretical knowledge that was difficult to utilise in practice.
129  work suggests that this technology could be utilised in a diagnostic tool to discriminate between th
130 ganic synthesis, and as such, they have been utilised in a diverse range of transformations.
131                                         When utilised in addition to clinical assessment, the PLASMIC
132 een linked with an enhanced tactile function utilised in an aquatic context, so far in pliosaurids, t
133 e under-collected, under-conserved and under-utilised in breeding.
134 ear-field optical microscopy (SNOM) has been utilised in conjunction with quantum dot labelling to in
135 ana (Kakadu plum), a native Australian fruit utilised in dietary supplement industry.
136 ew of different nanostructured architectures utilised in electrochemical devices and their applicatio
137 so presents examples of biological molecules utilised in film fabrication, such as DNA, several kinds
138                         These results can be utilised in formulating spray schedules and safety evalu
139           Especially 'Pipacs 1', may be best utilised in functional food products.
140  Chinese medicines and have been extensively utilised in functional foods and traditional medicines i
141 complex, cobalamin (1) has been successfully utilised in organic synthesis as a catalyst for Co-media
142                             Our current work utilised in silico methodologies and peptide databases a
143 pocytes contain the medium-chain fatty acids utilised in the acylation of UAG, including octanoic aci
144 F are accessible cell sources which could be utilised in the treatment of cartilage injuries, either
145 ld) infusion mouse model of hypertension was utilised in this study.
146                  Overall, the feasibility of utilising in-process samples of DDGS for protein extract
147                                              Utilising individual-level data of adherence to AL in 48
148         The digitisation of this information utilises information provided on specimen labels, and as
149                   As some of the most widely utilised intercellular signalling molecules, transformin
150 rformance of a novel prosthetic graft, which utilises internal ridge(s) to induce spiral flow.
151                                           We utilised isogenic keratinocytes, microvascular endotheli
152 pment and optimisation of biotransformations utilising isolated enzymes.
153 gated this well-established genetic isolate, utilising its unique genomic structure to increase the a
154          A three-period crossover design was utilised lasting 42 weeks, with three 10-week treatment
155 ompared with Soxhlet/SPE, the MAE/SPE method utilised less solvent and higher recoveries were achieve
156 st (most bitter portion of the bread sample) utilising liquid-liquid extraction, solid-phase extracti
157 to protect and exploit their tissue-niche by utilising locally available fuels to implement specific
158                                   This study utilises machine learning (ML) to classify disease using
159 his study, we present a 45-day protocol that utilises magnetic activated cell sorting to generate enr
160  importance they have often been immobilised utilising many different methodologies.
161              Adult females did not appear to utilise marking trees to advertise oestrous state during
162 al dysfunction, the inability to efficiently utilise metabolic fuels and oxygen, contributes to patho
163 ration of 2D materials on CMOS photonic chip utilising methods of synthetic chemistry and microfluidi
164 ar period in order to understand how best to utilise milk for processing throughout the year.
165                                    The SCNPs utilise molecular recognition with surface-immobilised p
166     These results highlight the potential of utilising molecular assisted breeding in perennial ryegr
167                These methodologies should be utilised more by the scientific community investigating
168 the hypothesis that empathic functioning may utilise motor control mechanisms which are also used for
169  DCC with template-directed protocols, which utilise multiple weak noncovalent interactions to pre-or
170 we present MUXSTEP: , an open-source library utilising multiplex networks for the purposes of binary
171                                     Analysis utilised narrative synthesis.
172        The extent to which individual plants utilise nitrate and ammonium, the two principal nitrogen
173        There has been increasing interest to utilise oats and their components to formulate healthy f
174 l industries, lignin remains the most poorly utilised of the lignocellulosic biopolymers.
175  for vegetable oil in the northern latitudes utilises oilseed rape (Brassica napus subsp. oleifera) a
176 cted treatment was instituted in 13 patients utilising on/off label FDA approved drugs (n = 9), clini
177 gulated phenomena, albeit different bacteria utilise one of several alternative regulatory mechanisms
178 cessible to this high degree of certainty by utilising one of these two approaches alone.
179 e GWA analysis and 42 841 for the RHM, which utilises only mapped SNPs.
180      Due to the short length of the peptides utilised, only a limited number of subsites have however
181                                         * We utilised our recently published phenology model that des
182 ome of the issues associated with previously utilised out-groups.
183         Perception is seen as a process that utilises partial and noisy information to construct a co
184                                      Here we utilise phantom sensations and ultra high-field neuroima
185  phosphate-depleted conditions some bacteria utilise phosphite and hypophosphite as alternative sourc
186 al receptors, as well as synthetic materials utilising physical and chemical properties of the target
187                   A patient centred approach utilising physiotherapy, targeted botulinum toxin inject
188 re fallowed soil showed a marked capacity to utilise phytate for growth compared with arable or grass
189 es, highlight the potential of sim, an under-utilised plant species from South-East Asia, as a new so
190 ngs highlight the potential of sim, an under-utilised plant species from South-East Asia, as a source
191  Future research directions on how to better utilise plasma to improve the functionalities of starch
192 eaction (HER) as an alternative to currently utilised platinum based electrodes (with in electrolyser
193  consistently emerged as the most frequently utilised prey in all seasons by both male (56%) and fema
194                                   This study utilised primary rat adipose to validate a novel strateg
195 r applications for materials produced via or utilising PSMet strategies include enhancing gas storage
196 llow split peas, four classification methods utilising rare earth elements (REEs) measured through in
197 iversity conservation efforts offer an under-utilised resource for supporting conservation.
198 this multidisciplinary approach of analysis, utilising rheology, calorimetry and microscopy, argue fo
199                                   The method utilises selective dual-channel fluoresence for vitamins
200                                              Utilising sensory-guided multi-dimensional fractionation
201  sequencing platforms are currently the most utilised sequencing systems worldwide.
202 llaboration of multidisciplinary researchers utilising several high throughput 'omics platforms.
203                             We show that, by utilising shortcuts to adiabaticity in a quantum engine
204  a label/label-free microarray platform that utilises silicon/silicon oxide (Si/SiO2) substrates.
205         Two immobilisation methods were also utilised; simple electrostatic binding of the antibody t
206                               This technique utilises singlet oxygen ((1)O2) generation via a laser e
207 d bovine gelatines in adulterated samples by utilising sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel ele
208 cently emerged as a promising alternative to utilise solar light for the production of valuable chemi
209                                     Bacteria utilise specialised protein secretion systems to interac
210                    The pretargeting approach utilises specific non-covalent interactions (e.g. strept
211 us teeth are rare in fishes, which typically utilise spines for defence.
212                                           We utilise spray-coating under ambient conditions to sequen
213                                           We utilise structural and mutational analyses, fibril growt
214 l networks; we conclude that manual tracking utilises such slow serial decision making pathways up to
215 ybean by sophisticated oil extraction method utilising supercritical CO2 resulted in a significant de
216                                    The assay utilised superparamagnetic beads, and using TRPS monitor
217 tly used in the field of bioelectrochemistry utilising supramolecular architectures based on an LBL a
218 uts, we designed a flow cytometry panel that utilises surface marker expression observed in standard
219                                              Utilising systems immunology approaches combining in sil
220                                      Here we utilise the accessible nervous system of the locust to a
221          Research indicates that pedestrians utilise the gaze direction of others nearby to acquire e
222 hybrid organic-inorganic microcavities which utilise the organic component for sustaining high temper
223 ronic counterparts) and, hence, cannot fully utilise the parallel processing potential of optical fib
224                      While some applications utilise the resonant nature of surface polaritons, other
225                                      We have utilised the CoSMoS process in the development of an age
226 suotopic coordinate systems in the mouse, we utilised the geometry of binocular vision.
227                                           We utilised the latest socioeconomic datasets to compile Ch
228                                   The method utilises the fact the binding of the aptamer to the prot
229 face on the underside of the pitcher lid and utilises the impact of rain drops to 'flick' insects int
230                                   This study utilises the polydactylous Silkie (Slk) chicken breed, w
231                                              Utilising the 'Irish DNA Atlas', a cohort (n = 194) of I
232 ls of European ancestry), imputing genotypes utilising the 1000 Genomes Project.
233 ensitivity and reproducibility were obtained utilising the automated system and the biotin-avidin ass
234  using the TCD detector and under 3 min when utilising the BID detector.
235                                              Utilising the dispersive energy shift caused by the inte
236                                              Utilising the dynamical properties and geometrical confi
237 igated by linear sweep voltammetry analysis, utilising the G-Au modified GCE in a linear range of 10-
238                                              Utilising the increase in skin temperature during infect
239 t functional regeneration can be achieved by utilising the inherent capacity of cells to create highl
240 thod able to produce stable 3D structures by utilising the liquid to solid phase change of a composit
241  have developed a convenient, low cost assay utilising the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, to rapidl
242 genic activity of the isolates was evaluated utilising the pER8:GUS reporter assay system in transgen
243 es can be integrated with Wikipedia, thereby utilising the pre-existing infrastructure, tools and abo
244 munosensor developed using sandwich assay by utilising the rabbit polyclonal antibody as the capture
245 ntitatively extract the above five images by utilising the remarkable properties of speckles.
246                                           By utilising the sequences of two interacting proteins (que
247      Quantitative ultrasound (QUS), commonly utilising the two parameters velocity of sound (VOS) and
248 ion sources demands improved X-ray optics to utilise their capability for imaging and probing biologi
249 hed owing to the array of applications which utilise them including solar cells, transparent conducti
250 il-water interface has allowed scientists to utilise them to form emulsions (O/W or W/O), which may b
251               Very few persistence estimates utilised these methods, but those that did indicated per
252 r researchers who are actively interested in utilising these tools.
253 nerability as bacterial and fungal pathogens utilise this natural opening as an entry portal, and thu
254  and academic sense to explore the option to utilise this precious resource before generating new/add
255         A new study reports that moss likely utilise this same mechanism, and thus supports an early
256 process and the difficulties associated with utilising this information in universal prediction algor
257                                           We utilised Thomas and Harden's 'Thematic Synthesis' for an
258 connectome both on high- and low-resolutions utilising three different types of surrogate networks: s
259                                     We later utilised time-lapse microscopy to show that internalised
260  and the cellular signalling pathway(s) they utilise to communicate with the rest of the cell are sti
261        We identify two mechanisms that ILC3s utilise to exert their effects within intestinal tissue.
262 rom necropsies of deceased animals were then utilised to assess the consequence of exposure to plasti
263 uring diagnostic ultrasound scanning, can be utilised to both trigger and monitor release of payload
264 he correct understanding can be beneficially utilised to characterise the surface under investigation
265 nent analysis and discriminant analysis were utilised to create a model for the discrimination of oli
266 IA system under the optimised conditions was utilised to determine the antioxidant activity of tea sa
267 and cell line nomenclature as well as can be utilised to develop efficient text mining applications o
268 nce that whey protein isolates (WPI), can be utilised to encapsulate and protect bioactive substances
269 at hydrophobicity distal to the CPP could be utilised to enhance their capacity to bind to the cell m
270                          Critically, methods utilised to estimate divergence times between the refugi
271  or successive projection algorithm could be utilised to explore differences between prostate tissues
272 ere learned regularities about the world are utilised to facilitate perception of incoming sensory in
273            We show that such a scheme can be utilised to generate colour-entangled photons.
274 d for amorphous synthetic polymers have been utilised to generate master curves of viscoelasticity, w
275 ate synapse location and can subsequently be utilised to implement a synaptic democracy.
276   The results indicate that nutrients can be utilised to improve the production of EPS and that good
277 a generated from the network dynamics can be utilised to infer the tempo centrality, which is propose
278 SA) and molecular techniques (PCR/qPCR) were utilised to investigate the exposure of free-ranging red
279 t measurement methods, DPPH and CUPRAC, were utilised to measure antioxidant activities.
280              Further, a genetic algorithm is utilised to optimise polymer constituent blocks in an ev
281 surface methodology with Doehlert design was utilised to optimize the process parameters.
282 on and x-ray photoemission spectroscopy were utilised to perform a structural and compositional analy
283 nges immediately following injury and may be utilised to predict progression and monitor intervention
284 ferent modification strategies that has been utilised to reduce the burst effect from these implants.
285 Interpretative phenomenological analysis was utilised to seek to understand participants' experiences
286 ighted PLS regression coefficients (BW) were utilised to select important wavelengths.
287 nd chemically specific technique that can be utilised to study a wide range of biomedical application
288 edium chain FAs (8:0, 10:0, 12:0, 14:0) were utilised, together, to build a restricted number of TAG
289 ge, acquired through tertiary endosymbiosis, utilises transcript processing pathways that are very di
290 ld as we move closer to the ultimate goal of utilising Tregs as treatment for allograft rejection and
291 years, there has been increasing interest in utilising triticale for food production.
292 tial of an aptamer-based sensor (aptasensor) utilising Tunable Resistive Pulse Sensing (TRPS).
293                                      It also utilised two different detectors, the thermal conductivi
294         Over the course of the reaction, HDH utilises two molecules of NAD(+) as the hydride acceptor
295 ied in oats using rapid and sensitive method utilising UPLC-TQ-MS.
296 d extraction assisted by rotary agitator was utilised, using a mixture of methanol:water (80:20, v/v)
297                          Pollinating insects utilise various sensory cues to identify and learn rewar
298 idence that bonobos can identify individuals utilising vocalisations even years after their last enco
299 onent of this work constitutes an attempt to utilise whey protein as a retardant to the enzymatic hyd
300 stantially between humans and Drosophila, we utilised zebrafish as a model organism to study the func

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