


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  However, dichloromethane extract proved the utmost antioxidant activity in cell (WS1) based-assay (I
2 d patient expectations, it is crucial to pay utmost attention to patient selection, accurate keratome
3 at these patients should be treated with the utmost care.
4 eful tools of evolutionary biology, although utmost caution is required when interpreting the results
5 on of such results must be regarded with the utmost caution.
6 hemicals released in minuscule amounts is of utmost diagnostic importance.
7       Albeit this technique has demonstrated utmost efficacy in studying free radicals, its applicati
8 he tailings sands used for reclamation is of utmost environmental importance.
9 hallenges, nurses strive towards doing their utmost for patients and families.
10 minus of the molecule is postulated to be of utmost functional importance.
11                 Surprisingly we observed the utmost hydrogen evolution i.e. 4848 mumol/h/0.1 g (quant
12 development of better treatments a matter of utmost importance and urgency.
13 es to prevent or treat CHIKV infection is of utmost importance and will be facilitated by increased u
14 aracterization of therapeutic proteins is of utmost importance due to the role of carbohydrates in pr
15                Detection of explosives is of utmost importance due to the threat to human security as
16 urveillance of GBS population remains of the utmost importance during clinical trials of conjugate GB
17   The formation of disulfide bonds is of the utmost importance for a wide range of food products with
18                  This information is also of utmost importance for any practical application that use
19 g what drives breast tumor progression is of utmost importance for blocking tumor metastasis; we have
20 curate quantification of nucleic acids is of utmost importance for clinical diagnostics, drug discove
21 fficient multicolour imaging - a task of the utmost importance for contextualizing biological data.
22 and identification of plant pathogens are of utmost importance for controlling plant diseases and mit
23 bstitute protein-bound water, information of utmost importance for drug design.
24 ance activities in which test accuracy is of utmost importance for effective disease intervention.
25                               Thus, it is of utmost importance for future PELDOR applications in stru
26 erstanding of these findings will thus be of utmost importance for future research in the field and i
27  cell reactivity generated in vivo is of the utmost importance for generating effective DC immunother
28                              Water is of the utmost importance for life and technology.
29 ein extraction and sample preparation are of utmost importance for optimal results; however, extracti
30 justments to photosynthetic machinery are of utmost importance for plants' survival in a fluctuating
31 own that spatial patterning of the egg is of utmost importance for subsequent development.
32  structural integrity of its cell wall is of utmost importance for survival, and to this end, a rigid
33  of glutamate receptors in neurons is of the utmost importance for synapse formation and synaptic pla
34 astric immune protection in humans is of the utmost importance for the development of an effective hu
35 bstrates like semiconductor materials are of utmost importance for the development of highly sensitiv
36 nsiveness of CD8(+) T cell populations is of utmost importance for the efficacy of many vaccines and
37                  The obtained results are of utmost importance for the evaluation of the performance
38 ng GBM cells and tumor microsatellites is of utmost importance for the treatment of this devastating
39 nts on pre-eruptive conditions, which are of utmost importance for volcanic crisis management.
40 e engineering of nanomaterial surfaces is of utmost importance here, as the interface between the mat
41 eliberate human activity and behavior are of utmost importance in areas as diverse as disease spread,
42 ectious viruses and disease biomarkers is of utmost importance in clinical screening for effective id
43  or 3D micro or macro sized structures is of utmost importance in developing new devices and applicat
44                                           Of utmost importance in evaluations of clinical samples for
45       The detection of these compounds is of utmost importance in military and forensic applications.
46 een organic and metal catalyst systems is of utmost importance in nature and chemical synthesis.
47 ormation of polycyclic ring structures is of utmost importance in organic synthesis.
48 etween treatment efficacy and toxicity is of utmost importance in patients with elderly MM, sensitive
49 ement techniques and airway tools are of the utmost importance in preventing airway catastrophes.
50          Understanding this phenomenon is of utmost importance in providing a basis for the mechanica
51           Glycan-protein interactions are of utmost importance in several biological phenomena.
52                                           Of utmost importance in such systems is to understand how t
53  the adequate oxygenation strategy is of the utmost importance in that setting.
54 topic locations of parathyroid adenoma is of utmost importance in the conduct of the parathyroidectom
55 r immobilization on electrode surfaces is of utmost importance in the fabrication of biosensors.
56         Discovery of biosensors has acquired utmost importance in the field of healthcare.
57 ion of water from the reaction system are of utmost importance in the generation of high-molecular-we
58  application of this technology, which is of utmost importance in the health sector, because lung can
59                                   IL-1 is of utmost importance in the host response to immunological
60 ell-cell and cell-matrix interactions are of utmost importance in the pathogenesis of inflammatory di
61 hages activated by inflammatory agents is of utmost importance in the pathogenesis of thrombotic dise
62                                           Of utmost importance in the practice of neurological critic
63 recise postoperative target refraction is of utmost importance in today's modern cataract and refract
64 nce evolution and structural dynamics are of utmost importance in understanding the molecular mechani
65                  The role of radiology is of utmost importance not only in diagnosing s-OHSS but also
66                          Therefore, it is of utmost importance nurses use the best available evidence
67 t launch forces induce gene expression is of utmost importance since many of the biological experimen
68                                     It is of utmost importance that clinicians and researchers be awa
69                            It is also of the utmost importance that the global scientific community e
70                                     It is of utmost importance that these proteins be characterized i
71  high dosage of isoproterenol seems to be of utmost importance to achieve long-term success after a s
72 ntres incorporated into the macrocycle is of utmost importance to achieve tailored properties in tetr
73                           It is therefore of utmost importance to assess the chemical and structural
74   Thus, accurate cell cycle regulation is of utmost importance to avoid the accumulation of mutations
75 ish better clinical usage of IMiDs, it is of utmost importance to clarify the antitumor mechanism of
76  goods) under eventual random failures is of utmost importance to design and protect critical infrast
77 d materials for electronic devices, it is of utmost importance to design organic building blocks with
78 ctions on the human population, it is of the utmost importance to devise strategies to noncytopathica
79 ted/heterogeneous landscapes is therefore of utmost importance to ecologists.
80 n to energy carriers and intermediates is of utmost importance to energy and environmental goals.
81 l aging and atmospheric transformation is of utmost importance to evaluate their impact on atmospheri
82   Elucidating the composition of waxes is of utmost importance to explain their behavior in liquid oi
83 robiotics in the prevention of NEC, it is of utmost importance to first ensure that a safe and high-q
84 rgery (MIS) and the high-tech industry is of utmost importance to future developments.
85                          Therefore, it is of utmost importance to gain knowledge about how plastic na
86 tution of AlO4 for SiO4 tetrahedra, it is of utmost importance to have information on the number as w
87                                     It is of utmost importance to identify patients at the highest ri
88 trol ERalpha expression and stability are of utmost importance to improve breast cancer diagnostics a
89 formation process of nanoparticles is of the utmost importance to improve their design and production
90 ny cellular processes, and their study is of utmost importance to many areas of biochemistry, cellula
91 ecuring employment after qualification is of utmost importance to newly qualified nurses to consolida
92 concentrated on an extreme example, it is of utmost importance to realise that such subtleties might
93        A dynamic harmonization process is of utmost importance to standardize therapeutic risk strati
94 the periphery remain understudied yet are of utmost importance to the field of basic immunology, as w
95  targeting of the tumor with radiation is of utmost importance to the radiation oncologist.
96 ls for future clinical translation, it is of utmost importance to understand a few critical parameter
97 oring endogenous transcription of SNCA is of utmost importance to understand PD pathology.
98                      Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to understand the physical basis on wh
99 inical trials and prospective studies are of utmost importance to unravel the links between foot pain
100  Fuchs endothelial dystrophy (FED), it is of utmost importance to use a phacotechnique that is the le
101 re of the relaxation pathway manifold, is of utmost importance with the ultimate goal of slowing the
102            Closure of abdominal fascia is of utmost importance, and preventing postoperative complica
103  protection to this demographic group are of utmost importance, as the proportion of the population a
104  risk of transmission of CWD to humans is of utmost importance, considering that people can be infect
105 ar and cellular makeup of an organism are of utmost importance, especially when trying to understand
106 tiotemporal variation of ALK mutations is of utmost importance, highlighting the potential of deep se
107 hape (both statically and dynamically) is of utmost importance.
108  for developing Alzheimer disease (AD) is of utmost importance.
109  The validation of novel biosignatures is of utmost importance.
110 rrier within this unit is established, is of utmost importance.
111 e is processed in skin cells is therefore of utmost importance.
112 afety of any refractive procedure are of the utmost importance.
113 nt, validation of these results should be of utmost importance.
114  curative therapy wherever appropriate is of utmost importance.
115 conformations of an individual protein is of utmost importance.
116 s of individual mitochondria is therefore of utmost importance.
117 hypertension prevention and treatment are of utmost importance.
118 ctions, especially HSV infection, are of the utmost importance.
119 ucation and rapid laboratory response are of utmost importance.
120 teract with regulators at other sites are of utmost importance.
121 determination of these characteristics is of utmost importance.
122 ine in management of allergic diseases is of utmost importance.
123 logical strategies in bipolar disorder is of utmost importance.
124 hese silent chains of transmission is of the utmost importance.
125 the forces driving these interactions are of utmost importance.
126 erical computation abilities is therefore of utmost importance.
127 nts of the respective protein subunits is of utmost importance.
128  risk of interventional treatment, is of the utmost importance.
129 ion of immunization for all age groups is of utmost importance.
130 is capable of in its current form are of the utmost importance.
131 w-up and a subspecialty team approach are of utmost importance.
132    Therefore, prevention of metastasis is of utmost importance.
133  management of allergic reactions are of the utmost importance.
134 lation is affected by such aberrations is of utmost importance.
135 isms to enforce signaling specificity are of utmost importance.
136 validation in an international setting is of utmost importance.
137 ients with documented ocular lymphoma are of utmost importance.
138 ovements in sustainability indicators are of utmost importance.
139 ogical information on these forces is of the utmost importance.
140 chanisms involved in this outcome are of the utmost importance.
141          Thus, the present methodology is of utmost interest for routine and quality control purposes
142 gen, one of the major energy reserves, is of utmost metabolic importance.
143 c composition of organic materials where the utmost precision or small sample sizes are not needed.
144 e factors that lead to such variations is of utmost relevance in the design of effective therapies.
145 ly strong for pain which likely reflects the utmost relevance of behavioral responses to protect the
146            Our findings might also be of the utmost relevance to development of therapeutic intervent
147 ar machinery driving hepatic functions is of utmost relevance.
148 vortex resulting in organ dysfunction of the utmost severity that contributes to its morbidity and mo
149 s are G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) of utmost significance in the development of potent analges
150            Predicting therapy response is of utmost significance, as it prevents overtreatment and ad
151                                       Of the utmost significance, evidence for nonlinear cross-bridge
152 on and redox states of the enzyme are of the utmost significance.
153  patients; therefore early identification is utmost significance.
154                             We should do our utmost to see it succeed.
155 volumetric uptake for carbon dioxide and the utmost total and deliverable uptake for oxygen at relati
156 y funeral practices must be implemented with utmost urgency in order to reverse the growth of the out
157 integrin receptors in the retina could be of utmost value for future intervention in pathologies of t

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