


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ty but has no effect on aqueous secretion or uveoscleral outflow.
2 ated with lower aqueous production and lower uveoscleral outflow.
3 tes the possibility that brimonidine affects uveoscleral outflow.
4 l PG treatment could contribute to increased uveoscleral outflow.
5 may thus indicate a drug-induced increase in uveoscleral outflow.
6  intraocular pressure primarily by enhancing uveoscleral outflow.
7 t night is counterbalanced by an increase in uveoscleral outflow.
8 Gs) lower intraocular pressure by increasing uveoscleral outflow.
9 ressure has led to increased interest in the uveoscleral outflow.
10 ular pressure (IOP), primarily by increasing uveoscleral outflow.
11                           Because changes in uveoscleral outflow across the ciliary muscle could caus
12 mportant information about the regulation of uveoscleral outflow and the pathologic course of glaucom
13                          It has no effect on uveoscleral outflow but does increase total outflow faci
14 crease aqueous humour production or increase uveoscleral outflow by different mechanisms from those d
15                             Conventional and uveoscleral outflow (F(c) and F(u), respectively), as we
16                      Conventional (F(c)) and uveoscleral outflow (F(u)), and rate of aqueous humor tu
17 iliary muscle cells has a role in increasing uveoscleral outflow facility after topical PG administra
18 liary muscle ECM may contribute to increased uveoscleral outflow facility after topical PG administra
19 liary muscle ECM may contribute to increased uveoscleral outflow facility during anterior segment inf
20  supporting the hypothesis that increases in uveoscleral outflow facility induced by PG administratio
21 increased MMPs contributing to the increased uveoscleral outflow facility observed after topical lata
22 hat MMP-1 activity is involved in regulating uveoscleral outflow facility.
23                             Conventional and uveoscleral outflow (Fc and Fu) were calculated by the G
24       C was determined again (C(dead)) while uveoscleral outflow (Fu(dead)) and Fin were deduced.
25                                              Uveoscleral outflow (Fu) was calculated.
26 ing the vortex veins did not appear to alter uveoscleral outflow further (1.2 +/- 0.8 microL/min).
27 dertaken to assess directly whether there is uveoscleral outflow in the mouse eye by monitoring the m
28 and endothelin (ET)-1, induce an increase in uveoscleral outflow, in part through receptor-mediated m
29 traocular pressure, presumably by increasing uveoscleral outflow induced by relaxation of the CM.
30 ynamics (aqueous flow, outflow facility, and uveoscleral outflow), IOP, and pachymetry data from 94 h
31 date, 3,7-dithia PGE(1) exerted no effect on uveoscleral outflow measured directly.
32  suggests their involvement in the increased uveoscleral outflow of aqueous humor by PGF(2alpha).
33 2) = 0.10) and between corneal thickness and uveoscleral outflow (ONT and OHT, R(2) = 0.10).
34                                              Uveoscleral outflow passes through extracellular spaces
35  contributes to regulation of MMP within the uveoscleral outflow pathway after exposure to latanopros
36 ent of normal human eyes associated with the uveoscleral outflow pathway and in the iris, corneal end
37 HCM cells could contribute to changes in the uveoscleral outflow pathway, which may lead to an increa
38 eous outflow in the mouse eye is through the uveoscleral outflow pathway.
39 us spread, and possibly movement through the uveoscleral outflow pathway.
40 tein is in contact with aqueous humor in the uveoscleral outflow pathway.
41 thereby reducing hydraulic resistance in the uveoscleral outflow pathway.
42                                              Uveoscleral outflow provides a potential pathway to the
43 rrelation was found between aqueous flow and uveoscleral outflow (R(2) = 0.15).
44       Although the rates of aqueous flow and uveoscleral outflow slow with maturity, their relative d
45        The presence of both conventional and uveoscleral outflow suggests that the mouse is a useful
46 ole for increased MMPs in the enhancement of uveoscleral outflow that occurs after topical treatment
47                                              Uveoscleral outflow was calculated by the Goldmann equat
48                                              Uveoscleral outflow was measured by perfusing the anteri
49 ult rabbits, IOP was lower, aqueous flow and uveoscleral outflow were higher, and fluorophotometric o
50 eadings were compared, IOP, aqueous flow and uveoscleral outflow were higher, fluorophotometric outfl
51                                      Because uveoscleral outflow, which traverses the ciliary muscle,
52  subjects in their inability to increase the uveoscleral outflow with increases in aqueous inflow.

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