


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 sneezing, throat discomfort, swelling of the uvula.
2 raflocculus, bilateral fastigial nuclei, and uvula.
3                    In the lower folia of the uvula and nodulus, Purkinje cell expression of PKC-delta
4 owing: tonsillar zones, larynx, soft palate, uvula, and nasal cavities.
5 eral cerebellar nuclei; and the nodulus, the uvula, and the paraflocculus.
6 n of the flocculus/paraflocculus, or nodulus/uvula, included the following: vestibular (e.g., z) and
7 get a particular cell group, nodulus/ventral uvula inhibition targets a large diversity of cell types
8 estibular nuclei targeted by nodulus/ventral uvula inhibition using orthodromic identification from t
9 l role of the cerebellar nodulus and ventral uvula (lobules X and IXc,d of the vermis) for vestibular
10 ifestations that included hepatopathy, bifid uvula, malignant hyperthermia, hypogonadotropic hypogona
11 and 10 of the cerebellar vermis (nodulus and uvula), MSTd neurons respond selectively to heading and
12 lesion-depletion studies in which unilateral uvula-nodular lesions caused depletion of PKC-immunolabe
13 lation modulated CFRs and SSs in ipsilateral uvula-nodular Purkinje cells, demonstrating that the pri
14 afferent climbing fibers that project to the uvula-nodulus (folia 8-10).
15 voking CFRs and SSs in Purkinje cells of the uvula-nodulus in chloralose-urethane-anesthetized rabbit
16  and Lugaro cells) and Purkinje cells in the uvula-nodulus of anesthetized mice during vestibular sti
17 fferent mossy fiber input to the ipsilateral uvula-nodulus was not necessary for SS modulation.
18 d climbing fiber signal to the contralateral uvula-nodulus, causing loss of both vestibularly modulat
19 r primary afferent signal to the ipsilateral uvula-nodulus, while leaving intact the vestibular climb
20 te the largest mossy fiber projection to the uvula-nodulus.
21                     The majority (94% to the uvula/nodulus and 100% to the flocculus) innervates the
22 fferent neurons projecting to the cerebellar uvula/nodulus and flocculus lobules in the gerbil.
23     For otolith organ-related afferents, the uvula/nodulus receives strong inputs from primary otolit
24                       The cerebellar nodulus/uvula (NU) has been shown to participate in this computa
25  posterior vermis [also known as nodulus and uvula (NU)] are thought important for spatial orientatio
26 active (Fos-IR) granule cells in the ventral uvula of the cerebellum.
27 ns in lobules X (nodulus) and IXc,d (ventral uvula) of the caudal vermis during vestibular stimulatio
28 ns in lobules X (nodulus) and IXc,d (ventral uvula) of the macaque caudal vermis during vestibular st
29 sity and aneurysms, hypertelorism, and bifid uvula or cleft palate and is caused by heterozygous muta
30  = 2.0; 95% CI, 1.0-3.8), enlargement of the uvula (OR = 1.9; 95% CI, 1.2-2.9), and tongue enlargemen
31 eart defects, hypomastia, cleft palate/bifid uvula, progressive scoliosis, and structural brain abnor
32                Purkinje cells in the ventral uvula respond to patterns of optic flow resulting from s
33 tion within the granule cells of the ventral uvula that may be a common neural substrate for some eff
34  the medial half of folium IXcd, the ventral uvula, which spans the medial two stripe pairs (P1+/- to
35 e principal cerebellar projection was to the uvula with a less dense projection to the nodulus.
36  the labeled fibers were found mostly in the uvula, with fewer afferents in the flocculus and paraflo

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