


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 reduced association between IkappaBalpha and v-Rel.
2 tein abolish this transactivation ability of v-Rel.
3 he Env aa to influence several properties of v-Rel.
4 bility parallels the transforming ability of v-Rel.
5 alpha is unable to inhibit nuclear import of v-Rel.
6 n of a cis-acting nuclear export signal onto v-Rel.
7 o v-Rel markedly reduced the oncogenicity of v-Rel.
8 n is increased in response to both c-Rel and v-Rel.
9 gnal in v-Rel did not affect oncogenicity by v-Rel.
10 pha in spleen cells transformed by wild-type v-Rel.
11 EST domain are required for association with v-Rel.
12 t essential for the transforming activity of v-Rel.
13 phocytes by the potent NF-kappaB oncoprotein v-Rel.
14 2 contribute to its oncogenicity and that of v-Rel.
15 elomerase (TERT) was directly upregulated by v-Rel.
16 o its weaker oncogenic potential relative to v-Rel.
17 ntributing to the transforming properties of v-Rel.
18                              The oncoprotein v-Rel, a member of the Rel/NF-kappaB family of transcrip
19 ian Rev-T retrovirus encodes the oncoprotein v-Rel, a member of the Rel/nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB tr
20 colony numbers comparable to those formed by v-Rel alone.
21 e stronger than c-Rel, and overexpression of v-Rel also resulted in the formation of a v-Rel containi
22                  Moreover, the expression of v-Rel altered the ratio of alternatively spliced and ful
23 N-terminus, the center and the C-terminus of v-Rel, altered three different aspects of DNA binding.
24 al transformation of primary spleen cells by v-Rel, although distinct requirements for MAPK activity
25 ifferences in the transactivation domains of v-Rel and c-Rel are responsible for their different abil
26  that p40 regulates cellular localization of v-Rel and c-Rel by distinct mechanisms.
27  that p40 regulates cellular localization of v-Rel and c-Rel by the same mechanism.
28 ic cells and that it responds differently to v-rel and c-rel induction.
29 role of a limited set of alterations between v-Rel and c-Rel located within the Rel homology region (
30 ing genes regulated by NF-kappaB's oncogenic v-Rel and c-Rel proteins uncovered that Rel protein expr
31 mily, is highly elevated in cells expressing v-Rel and contributes to the immortalization of cells tr
32                                    Moreover, v-Rel and IRF-4 synergistically cooperate in the inducti
33 liminated formation of soft agar colonies by v-Rel and reduced the proliferation of v-Rel-transformed
34                     However, the response to v-Rel and the AP-1 factors was not as vigorous as that o
35 ormation we constructed an inducible form of v-rel and used it to identify potential cellular target
36 tion was correlated with the presence of p50/v-Rel and v-Rel/v-Rel nuclear kappaB-binding activity.
37 or an N-terminal transactivation function of v-Rel, and the analysis of several Env mutants demonstra
38  and the expression of IRF-4 is increased in v-Rel- and c-Rel-transformed fibroblasts relative to con
39 tions acquired during c-Rel's evolution into v-Rel are deletion of c-Rel's transactivation domain 2 (
40 n; other sequences in the N-terminal half of v-Rel are needed for full transactivating ability.
41   We find that distinct domains in c-Rel and v-Rel are required for association with p40.
42  (Env) amino acids (aa) at the N-terminus of v-Rel are required for its full oncogenicity.
43 nly a set of six mutations within the RHR of v-Rel are responsible for its ability to bind to a broad
44                                              v-Rel associated with the imperfect NF-kappa B site stro
45  lymphoid cells or alter the distribution of v-Rel between the nucleus and the cytoplasm in v-Rel-tra
46 oprecipitation experiments demonstrated that v-Rel binds to the sh3bgrl promoter in transformed cells
47    Together, these findings demonstrate that v-Rel blocks apoptosis and suggest that this activity ma
48            However, here we demonstrate that v-Rel, but not a truncated c-Rel, expressed under the co
49  associated with a dramatic reduction of p50/v-Rel, but not v-Rel/v-Rel nuclear DNA binding activity
50 their ability to enhance the oncogenicity of v-Rel by increasing its ability to activate transcriptio
51 IkappaBalpha in the transforming activity of v-Rel by overexpressing IkappaBalpha in v-rel transgenic
52  for PEST-dependent cytoplasmic retention of v-Rel by p40.
53                        The overexpression of v-Rel, c-Rel, and c-Rel delta resulted in a prolonged el
54  fatal lymphoma/leukemia in young birds, and v-Rel can transform and immortalize a variety of avian c
55                     While the Rev-T oncogene v-rel causes tumors in birds, the ability of c-Rel to tr
56 of v-Rel also resulted in the formation of a v-Rel containing complex bound to a consensus AP-1 site.
57 e in transformation and that the capacity of v-Rel-containing complexes to escape the inhibitory effe
58 ults suggest that the oncogenic mutations in v-Rel cooperate and enable v-Rel to form nuclear complex
59                                    IRF-4 and v-Rel cooperated synergistically to transform fibroblast
60 e (NLS), IkappaB alpha is unable to mask the v-Rel-derived NLS in the context of the v-Rel-IkappaB al
61  third mutation cluster in the C-terminus of v-Rel destabilized the binding of v-Rel to all of the ka
62       Deletion of the NLS of either c-Rel or v-Rel did not abolish association with p40, but did conf
63 letion of the nuclear localization signal in v-Rel did not affect oncogenicity by v-Rel.
64                         The highly oncogenic v-Rel differs from c-Rel which has low transforming pote
65  demonstrate that the oncogenic mutations in v-Rel directly alter the ability of this protein to bind
66            However, most models propose that v-rel disrupts the normal transcriptional regulatory net
67 elated with the presence of constitutive p50/v-Rel DNA binding activity and overexpression of several
68 tion of 10 Phe residues at the N terminus of v-Rel does not enable transactivation, indicating that a
69  activities of the Rel/NF-kappaB oncoprotein v-Rel emphasizes the importance of characterizing the de
70        We also show that the addition of the v-Rel Env aa to the N terminus of human c-Rel can enable
71                          Using a conditional v-Rel estrogen receptor chimera (v-RelER) which transfor
72                                              v-Rel exhibited the most pronounced effect, whereas c-Re
73                  In v-Rel-transformed cells, v-Rel exists as homodimers or heterodimers with the endo
74 e that the elevated expression of ch-IAP1 in v-Rel-expressing cells is due to an increased rate of tr
75 t example of a gene that is downregulated in v-Rel-expressing cells that also plays a role in v-Rel t
76  assayed in a number of wild-type and mutant v-Rel-expressing fibroblast and hematopoietic cells.
77 ich) family of proteins, is downregulated in v-Rel-expressing fibroblasts, lymphoid cells, and spleni
78 present immature T-lymphocytes, constitutive v-Rel expression appears to be leukemogenic at earlier s
79  and nfkb1, while nontransforming mutants of v-Rel failed to do so, suggesting a role for these two g
80                       The relative velocity (v(rel)) for NDTBT with the latter two N-debenzoyl taxane
81 surrounding Phe-3 and Phe-9 is essential for v-Rel function.
82 minal deletion of 118 amino acids present in v-Rel had almost no influence on its DNA binding.
83        The aggressive oncogenic potential of v-Rel has arisen from multiple mutations within the codi
84                                              v-Rel has multiple changes as compared to the proto-onco
85 s inappropriately activated or suppressed by v-Rel have been identified, their contributions to the v
86 l attempts to transform mammalian cells with v-Rel have failed, suggesting that v-Rel transformation
87 so observe that both v-Rel homodimer and p50/v-Rel heterodimer bind IkappaBalpha weakly compared to o
88  thymocytes lacking p50, indicating that p50/v-Rel heterodimer formation is not essential for the tra
89 -oncoprotein c-Rel, and these changes render v-Rel highly oncogenic in avian lymphoid cells.
90                    We also observe that both v-Rel homodimer and p50/v-Rel heterodimer bind IkappaBal
91               We suggest that the ability of v-Rel homodimer to deregulate subunit-specific gene expr
92                    Our results indicate that v-Rel homodimers are active in transformation and that t
93 ing that a threshold level of DNA binding by v-Rel homodimers is required for transformation.
94 es examined presumably because it stabilized v-Rel homodimers.
95 . the region immediately following the c-Rel/v-Rel homology domain, appears to play an important role
96 the rapid and complete relocalization of the v-Rel-IkappaB alpha complex from the cytoplasm to the nu
97 is required for cytoplasmic retention of the v-Rel-IkappaB alpha complex.
98  the v-Rel-derived NLS in the context of the v-Rel-IkappaB alpha complex.
99       In summary, these results suggest that v-Rel immortalizes chicken spleen cells through a pathwa
100                            The expression of v-Rel in a macrophage cell line resulted in elevated lev
101 also mediates the rapid nuclear shuttling of v-Rel in an interspecies heterokaryon assay.
102  acute oncogenicity of the viral oncoprotein v-Rel in animal models.
103 regulated system to characterize the role of v-Rel in cell transformation.
104  was able to prevent nuclear localization of v-Rel in chicken embryo fibroblasts, coexpression of Ika
105                                Expression of v-Rel in fibroblasts, a B-cell line, and spleen cells up
106              The activation of telomerase by v-Rel in lymphocytes was also accompanied by inactivatio
107                 The transforming activity of v-Rel in p50 null mice has been identified as v-Rel/v-Re
108                 Coexpression of SH3BGRL with v-Rel in primary splenic lymphocytes reduced the number
109 paB) in the GCB-like human BJAB cell line or v-Rel in the chicken DT40 B-lymphoma cell line causes re
110        In agreement with a possible role for v-Rel in the inhibition of programmed cell death, its in
111         These experiments suggest a role for v-rel in the regulation of a unique gene whose protein p
112 roblasts, coexpression of IkappaB-alpha with v-Rel in the target cell for v-Rel mediated transformati
113                    To understand the role of v-rel in transformation we constructed an inducible form
114 otent activator of the ch-IAP1 promoter than v-Rel in transient reporter assays, cells stably overexp
115                            Overexpression of v-rel in two B-cell lines and in splenic cells induced t
116 y the potent viral Rel/NF-kappaB oncoprotein v-Rel, in contrast to a Pin1 mutant in the WW domain inv
117 to impart a number of unique properties onto v-Rel, including increased transforming and transactivat
118                                     Although v-Rel increases the expression of these factors, their a
119 een cells approximately as well as wild-type v-Rel, indicating that interaction with I kappa B-alpha
120                    In fibroblasts, wild-type v-Rel induced expression of mip-1beta and nfkb1, while n
121                                              v-rel-induced neoplasias are thought to be caused by the
122                                              v-Rel induces a rapidly fatal lymphoma/leukemia in young
123                                              v-Rel induces avian and mammalian lymphoid cell tumors a
124                       The mechanism by which v-Rel induces oncogenic transformation remains unclear.
125                       The mechanism by which v-Rel induces transformation of avian lymphoid cells and
126    Current models for cell transformation by v-Rel invoke the combined activation of gene expression
127                   The retroviral oncoprotein v-Rel is a chimeric protein that has 11 helper virus-der
128                   The retroviral oncoprotein v-Rel is a member of the Rel/ NF-kappa B family of trans
129                   The retroviral oncoprotein v-Rel is a member of the Rel/ NF-kappaB family of transc
130                                The oncogene, v-rel is a member of the rel/NF-kappaB family of transcr
131                                              v-Rel is a truncated and mutated form of c-Rel and trans
132 paB-alpha to inhibit nuclear localization of v-Rel is affected by cell-type specific differences betw
133                                     However, v-Rel is also transforming in transgenic thymocytes lack
134                                        Since v-Rel is an acutely oncogenic member of the Rel/NF-kappa
135 ts show that the transactivation function of v-Rel is necessary but not sufficient for cell transform
136     We show that the continued expression of v-Rel is necessary to maintain the viability of transfor
137 nstrate that a threshold nuclear function of v-Rel is required for manifestation of its oncogenic pro
138                                              v-Rel is the acutely oncogenic member of the NF-kappaB f
139                   The potent oncogenicity of v-Rel is the consequence of a number of mutations that h
140                                              v-rel is the oncogenic member of the Rel/NF-kappaB famil
141                                              v-Rel is the oncogenic member of the Rel/NF-kappaB famil
142 been associated with oncogenesis in mammals, v-Rel is the only member of this family that is frankly
143                                              v-Rel is thus a valuable tool to characterize the role o
144  avian reticuloendotheliosis virus strain T, v-Rel, is a member of the Rel/ NF-kappa B family of tran
145 iptional activator than its viral derivative v-Rel, its oncogenic activity is significantly weaker.
146 uggest that induction of IRF-4 expression by v-Rel likely facilitates transformation of fibroblasts b
147                       The mechanism by which v-Rel malignantly transforms chicken spleen cells is not
148  of these two c-Rel-derived amino acids into v-Rel markedly reduced the oncogenicity of v-Rel.
149 suggests that the anti-apoptotic activity of v-Rel may affect other apoptosis inhibitors or other fac
150            Our studies also demonstrate that v-Rel may induce AP-1 members by directly upregulating g
151              The activation of telomerase by v-Rel may, therefore, partially protect the transformed
152 ppaB-alpha with v-Rel in the target cell for v-Rel mediated transformation did not reduce the ability
153 so, suggesting a role for these two genes in v-Rel mediated transformation.
154                                              v-Rel-mediated activation of telomerase is achieved by m
155  avian IkappaB-alpha protein, contributes to v-Rel-mediated oncogenesis.
156  studies identified Ha-Ras as an effector of v-Rel-mediated transformation and reveal a novel role fo
157 e that elevated TC10 activity contributes to v-Rel-mediated transformation of CEFs and demonstrate fo
158 s suggest that ch-IAP1 is induced during the v-Rel-mediated transformation process and functions as a
159 nts for MAPK activity at different stages of v-Rel-mediated transformation were identified.
160 ated expression of ATF2 is also required for v-Rel-mediated transformation, its ectopic overexpressio
161 amine the contribution of these complexes to v-Rel-mediated transformation, mutations were introduced
162 al in both the initiation and maintenance of v-Rel-mediated transformation, whereas Fra-2 is dispensa
163 evaluated the role of AP-1 family members in v-Rel-mediated transformation.
164 AP-1 transcriptional activity contributes to v-Rel-mediated transformation.
165 mine the role of individual AP-1 proteins in v-Rel-mediated transformation.
166                                        These v-Rel mice should aid in the study of lymphoma developme
167        This is the first report showing that v-Rel might execute its oncogenic potential through modu
168                                     A second v-Rel mutant, v-SPW, has been shown to be defective for
169         We have previously characterized two v-Rel mutants (v-G37E and v-R273H) that are temperature-
170                 The transforming activity of v-Rel mutants correlated with their ability to inhibit p
171  dimerization interface of v-Rel to generate v-Rel mutants with selective dimerization properties.
172  in cells transformed by weakly transforming v-Rel mutants.
173 the induction of these effects since neither v-Rel nor c-Rel deletion mutants were able to induce sim
174 lta NLS, which has a deletion of the primary v-Rel nuclear localizing sequence, does not interact eff
175                                 The oncogene v-rel of Reticuloendotheliosis virus, strain T, is deriv
176                                          The v-rel oncogene encoded by reticuloendotheliosis virus is
177                                          The v-rel oncogene encoded by reticuloendotheliosis virus st
178                   Cell transformation by the v-rel oncogene is mediated by the aberrant expression of
179                                          The v-rel oncogene is the most efficient transforming member
180 elA and identification of its kinship to the v-Rel oncogene, it was anticipated that NF-kappaB itself
181 NF-kappaB avian reticuloendotheliosis viral (v-rel) oncogene related B (RelB) subunit is not induced
182                                          The v-Rel oncoprotein belongs to the Rel/NF-kappaB family of
183                                          The v-Rel oncoprotein belongs to the Rel/NF-kappaB family of
184 imentally manipulate the distribution of the v-Rel oncoprotein between the nucleus and the cytoplasm.
185           In contrast, nuclear export of the v-Rel oncoprotein by IkappaBalpha is disrupted by alanin
186 NF-kappaB in human hematopoietic tumors, the v-Rel oncoprotein induces aggressive leukemia/lymphomas
187                                          The v-Rel oncoprotein of the avian Rev-T retrovirus is a mem
188 ed the kappaB DNA-binding specificity of the v-Rel oncoprotein relative to c-Rel.
189              The respective abilities of the v-Rel oncoprotein to localize to the nucleus in chicken
190 induction of fatal lymphomas in birds by the v-rel oncoprotein, and the rearrangement and amplificati
191       The avian Rev-T retrovirus encodes the v-Rel oncoprotein, which is a member of the Rel/NF-kappa
192                   Removal of the Env aa from v-Rel or site-directed mutations that revert the three m
193                     In addition we show that v-rel participates in the transcriptional regulation of
194 ing a transformation-competent chimeric RelA/v-Rel protein, suggesting a correlation with the capacit
195  the co-expression of wild-type or ts mutant v-Rel proteins and the anti-apoptosis proteins Bcl-2 or
196         Analysis of several mutant c-Rel and v-Rel proteins demonstrated that association of Rel prot
197 e now characterized the activities of mutant v-Rel proteins that are defective for specific protein-p
198       Infection with retroviruses expressing v-Rel rapidly induces fatal lymphomas in birds and trans
199 identify potential cellular target genes for v-rel regulation.
200  of fibroblasts with retroviruses expressing v-Rel resulted in an increase in the mRNA levels of IFN1
201                   Overexpression of c-Rel or v-Rel resulted in the formation of DNA binding complexes
202                            The expression of v-Rel results in the strong and sustained activation of
203  studies address the difference in c-Rel and v-Rel's ability to synergistically stimulate I kappa B a
204 ely, substitution of vTAD by cTAD1 increased v-Rel's transactivation and transforming efficiencies, w
205                The transactivation domain of v-Rel selectively conferred an oncogenic phenotype upon
206  these cells does not affect ts functions of v-Rel, such as DNA binding and stabilization of I kappa
207 t levels comparable to or slightly less than v-Rel, suggesting that a threshold level of DNA binding
208 ntly reduce the affinity of IkappaBalpha for v-Rel, suggesting that loss of export function for this
209 Two amino acid differences between c-Rel and v-Rel that are principally responsible for PEST-dependen
210  transactivation domain in the C terminus of v-Rel that is necessary for its biological activity.
211 our group identified a serine-rich domain in v-Rel that was required for biological activity.
212 rmation of lymphoid cells and fibroblasts by v-Rel, the oncogenic member of the Rel/NF-kappaB family
213                               The ability of v-Rel, the oncogenic viral counterpart of avian c-Rel, t
214 n to enhance the transformation potential of v-Rel, the overexpression of wild-type TC10 or the gain-
215 ression of IRF-10 is induced by the oncogene v-rel, the proto-oncogene c-rel, and IRF-4 in a tissue-s
216            Within these N-terminal Env aa of v-Rel there are three aa substitutions compared to the R
217  either pathway beyond the levels induced by v-Rel through the expression of constitutively active MA
218 e transcription start site were required for v-Rel to activate the ch-IAP1 promoter.
219 o enable sequences in the N-terminal half of v-Rel to activate transcription in yeast and chicken cel
220 erminus of v-Rel destabilized the binding of v-Rel to all of the kappaB sites examined.
221 ter was responsible for increased binding of v-Rel to all the kappaB sites examined presumably becaus
222                               The ability of v-Rel to escape IkappaBalpha regulation allows for the g
223 enic mutations in v-Rel cooperate and enable v-Rel to form nuclear complexes with aberrant DNA-bindin
224 ntroduced into the dimerization interface of v-Rel to generate v-Rel mutants with selective dimerizat
225             We also show that the ability of v-Rel to induce MAPK signaling more strongly than c-Rel
226 un-1 strongly interfered with the ability of v-Rel to morphologically transform avian fibroblasts.
227 transformation did not reduce the ability of v-Rel to transform avian lymphoid cells or alter the dis
228  subset of apoptosis inhibitors could rescue v-Rel transactivation mutants suggests that their reduce
229  SH3BGRL abolished the suppressive effect on v-Rel transformation and resulted in colony numbers comp
230 ells with v-Rel have failed, suggesting that v-Rel transformation may be a species-specific event.
231  been identified, their contributions to the v-Rel transformation process have been poorly characteri
232 luate the role of AP-1 family members in the v-Rel transformation process, a supjun-1 transdominant m
233 un heterodimers as major contributors to the v-Rel transformation process.
234 l-expressing cells that also plays a role in v-Rel transformation.
235 L only had a modest effect on suppression of v-Rel transformation.
236 t (TC10Q76L) greatly enhanced the ability of v-Rel transformed CEFs to form colonies in soft agar.
237 4 (HMG 14) is expressed in a wide variety of v-rel transformed cell types.
238 get genes that exhibit altered expression in v-Rel transformed cells.
239 ression of supjun-1 inhibited the ability of v-Rel transformed lymphoid cells and fibroblasts to form
240 f exogenous ch-IAP1 in temperature-sensitive v-Rel transformed spleen cells inhibited apoptosis of th
241 ne expression patterns have been examined in v-Rel-transformed avian bone marrow cells.
242                                              v-Rel-transformed cell lines have longer telomeres than
243     The inhibition of telomerase activity in v-Rel-transformed cell lines led to apoptosis within 24
244 suppresses apoptosis that is induced when ts v-Rel-transformed cells are shifted to the non-permissiv
245                                              v-Rel-transformed cells exhibit elevated RNA and protein
246  active, GTP-bound TC10 was also detected in v-Rel-transformed cells relative to control cells.
247 relevance to transformation and apoptosis in v-Rel-transformed cells, mRNA differential display has b
248                                           In v-Rel-transformed cells, v-Rel exists as homodimers or h
249 es by v-Rel and reduced the proliferation of v-Rel-transformed cells.
250 nd functions as a suppressor of apoptosis in v-Rel-transformed cells.
251 Rel between the nucleus and the cytoplasm in v-Rel-transformed cells.
252 ressed predominantly in the cytoplasm of the v-Rel-transformed cells.
253  decreased the colony formation potential of v-Rel-transformed cells.
254      The expression of TC10 was increased in v-Rel-transformed chicken embryonic fibroblasts (CEFs) 3
255 tibody we detected a 75 kDa-protein (p75) on v-rel-transformed chicken hematopoietic cells.
256  is cleaved in vivo in temperature-sensitive v-Rel-transformed chicken spleen cells undergoing apopto
257                             The formation of v-Rel-transformed colonies is enhanced in the presence o
258         The exogenous expression of IRF-4 in v-Rel-transformed fibroblasts decreased the production o
259                                              v-Rel-transformed fibroblasts produced interferon 1 (IFN
260 ponds to a gene that was highly expressed in v-Rel-transformed fibroblasts.
261 dicated that p75 is ectopically expressed on v-rel-transformed hematopoietic cells and that it respon
262                                          All v-Rel-transformed hematopoietic cells tested express hig
263                 IRF-4 is highly expressed in v-Rel-transformed lymphocytes, and the expression of IRF
264 ing RNA severely impairs colony formation of v-Rel-transformed lymphoid cell lines.
265           This induction is critical for the v-Rel-transformed phenotype, as suppression of MAPK acti
266 ith I kappa B-alpha is not essential for the v-Rel transforming function.
267  and truncated forms of c-Rel, implying that v-Rel transforms, in part, by induction of c-Rel target
268            Overexpression of IkappaBalpha in v-rel transgenic mice resulted in an extended survival,
269 y of v-Rel by overexpressing IkappaBalpha in v-rel transgenic mice.
270 ession of several kappa B-regulated genes in v-rel transgenic thymocytes.
271 t transgenic mice expressing the oncoprotein v-Rel under the control of a T cell-specific promoter de
272 -Rel in p50 null mice has been identified as v-Rel/v-Rel homodimers.
273 h a dramatic reduction of p50/v-Rel, but not v-Rel/v-Rel nuclear DNA binding activity and an increase
274 orrelated with the presence of p50/v-Rel and v-Rel/v-Rel nuclear kappaB-binding activity.
275                      While the repression of v-Rel was accompanied by the rapid degradation of Ikappa
276 ransactivation domain substituted by that of v-Rel was potently oncogenic in vitro and in vivo.
277 ng of functions needed for transformation by v-Rel, we have now characterized the activities of mutan
278 transforming and antiapoptotic activities of v-Rel were abolished by defined Ser-to-Ala mutations and
279 ion impaired the transcriptional activity of v-Rel, whereas a double mutant abolished its function.
280                                 The study of v-Rel will continue to increase our knowledge of how cel
281 n vitro, indicating that the dimerization of v-Rel with endogenously expressed Rel/NF-kappaB proteins
282 esponsible for PEST-dependent association of v-Rel with p40 were identified.
283  contributed to the tumorigenic potential of v-Rel with the relative strength decreasing with their p
284 scuss biological and molecular activities of v-Rel, with particular attention to how these activities
285 two amino acid differences between c-Rel and v-Rel (Y286S and L302P) which link the failure of Ikappa

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