


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ed by respiratory distress located in the Po Valley.
2 riginates regionally from the nearby Central Valley.
3 n of domesticated barley in the Upper Jordan Valley.
4 tem carbon cycling in a southern Appalachian valley.
5 articular quantum chiral state in a selected valley.
6 DR and they too are limited around Kathmandu valley.
7 h burden from air pollution in the Kathmandu Valley.
8 a key farming region in California's Central Valley.
9 ents of ice-covered lakes in the McMurdo Dry Valleys.
10 , one of the most extreme regions in the Dry Valleys.
11 regulators, gene bodies, and DNA-methylation valleys.
12 the equilibrium populations of the different valleys.
13 n fluid movement that concentrates heat into valleys.
14 r distribution in different crystal momentum valleys.
15  Omega carries opposite sign in the K and K' valleys.
16 ulations occupy different peaks separated by valleys.
17 s obey opposite selection rules at different valleys.
18 e helicity should no longer be locked to the valleys.
19  Indo-Aryan communities from remote Nepalese valleys.
20 gricultural concessions in Myanmar's Hukaung Valley ( 21,800 km(2)).
21  findings indicate that California's Central Valley alone has close to three times the volume of fres
22         Furthermore, the distribution of the valleys along a small circle tilted with respect to the
23  of 305 m to 3,000 m in California's Central Valley, an important agricultural region with growing gr
24 by cause and subpopulation, in the Kathmandu Valley, an understudied and rapidly urbanizing region in
25 nd inversion symmetry breaking, leading to a valley analog of the Zeeman effect in presence of an out
26 cement over time in California's San Joaquin Valley and central Taiwan, possibly related to changes i
27    Clusters of excessive uplift in the Rhone Valley and in the Eastern Alps delineate regions potenti
28 e, Hunt et al. report the measurement of the valley and orbital order, allowing them to directly reco
29 ensity, from which we directly determine the valley and orbital polarization within the zero energy L
30  illustrate the importance of accounting for valley and reach-scale geomorphic features in watershed
31 etic insulator can induce magnetic order and valley and spin polarization in TMDCs, which may enable
32 n metal dichalcogenides are characterized by valley and spin quantum degrees of freedom, making it po
33  Neolithic to Bronze Age in the Yellow River valley and supports hypotheses that the primary state-le
34 urban counties, with highest AFs in the Ohio Valley and the southern United States.
35      We also show the independent control of valley and topology in a single system that has been lon
36 probe the inter-LL transitions at individual valleys and derived the LL structure in turn.
37 e-resonance Raman process involves different valleys and phonons in the Brillouin zone, and it has no
38 respond to those expected from pairs of hole valleys and provide a direct spatial signature of a nema
39 tric analysis and simulations indicated that valleys and ridges were created by an out-of-plane grain
40  domestication in Mesoamerica, in the Oaxaca Valley, and the Andes, in southern Bolivia-northern Arge
41 the Bloch-Siegert shift to occur only at one valley, and the optical Stark shift at the other valley,
42           In particular, these would support valley- and spin-polarized chiral edge states in the qua
43      Here we report the observation of fully valley- and spin-polarized LLs in high-quality WSe2 mono
44 nnially ice-covered lakes in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, are chemically stratified with dept
45 longside Stocking Glacier in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica.
46 matode Scottnema lindsayae) from McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica.
47  investigated utilizing the unified reaction valley approach that registers all electronic structure
48         The chirality is locked to identical valleys as a consequence of spin-orbit coupling and inve
49                                       Tunnel valleys associated with half of these glaciations indica
50 uggest the existence of a recombination rate valley at regulatory domains and provide a potential mol
51 understanding the unique properties of multi-valley band structures of few-layer TMDCs.
52  presents a challenge for the development of valley-based applications.
53 onductor transition metal dichalcogenides in valley-based electronic and optoelectronic applications
54 ey, and the optical Stark shift at the other valley, because the two effects obey opposite selection
55         Above this field, Bempty, one or two valleys become totally empty.
56 sive signatures of neutral and charged inter-valley biexcitons appear in cross-polarized two-dimensio
57                                        Inter-valley biexcitons identified here, comprising of neutral
58 g season and annual net carbon uptake in the valley by >10% and >15%, respectively, via effects on mi
59  in the agriculturally dominated San Joaquin Valley, California, we statistically investigate if resi
60 ate engineering for modulating the intrinsic valley carriers in ultrathin 2D materials and potentiall
61  direct electrical generation and control of valley carriers opens up new dimensions in utilizing bot
62 opological charge distributions and opposite valley Chern numbers.
63 tably, we identify three classes of Mountain-Valley choices that have widely varying 'typical' foldin
64 otion and associated valley polarization and valley coherence as key elements of opto-valleytronic fu
65 ystals, and identify valley polarization and valley coherence as sensitive probes of crystalline diso
66 ld (n = 29,499) in a highly exposed Mid-Ohio Valley cohort.
67 A) exposure and liver function in a Mid-Ohio Valley community.
68 d their emergence at the film surface create valleys composed of dissociated edge dislocations and ri
69 trated long spin-valley lifetime, the unique valley-contrasted physics, and the spin-valley locking m
70 been demonstrated recently, which may enable valley control by a magnetic field.
71 lleys, which offers unique opportunities for valley control through the helicity of light.
72  asymmetry dictates the Q valleys to be spin-valley coupled.
73 t additions include semiconductors with spin-valley coupling, Ising superconductors that can be tuned
74 as floatovoltaics), within the Great Central Valley (CV, CA), a globally significant agricultural reg
75 ions form mid-gap bound states with spin and valley degeneracies in the vicinity of a Coulomb impurit
76                                  Lifting the valley degeneracy by Zeeman splitting has been demonstra
77 sts in bilayers of MoTe2 without lifting the valley degeneracy, due to spin-valley-layer coupling.
78 erties stemming from the direct band-gap and valley degeneracy.
79 splitting in bilayers occurs without lifting valley degeneracy.
80                                          The valley degree of freedom of electrons in solids has been
81 ally equivalent electron pockets, offering a valley degree of freedom to charge carriers.
82                               Exploiting the valley degree of freedom to store and manipulate informa
83 xcitons, strong spin-orbit coupling and spin-valley degrees of freedom.
84 dichalcogenides possess coupling of spin and valley degrees of freedom.
85 merical simulations, simultaneous multi-band valley dependent edge states and the associated valley-p
86 ntly separated and can be as a basis for the valley dependent spin polarization.
87 larized photocurrent is achieved through the valley-dependent optical selection rules and the spin-va
88          A theoretical model considering the valley-dependent optical selection rules reveals the qua
89 photonic valley Hall effect originating from valley-dependent spin-split bulk bands, even in topologi
90  by acoustic phonons, which is essential for valley depolarization in MoS2.
91                                      Minimum valley dimensions were 30 mum wide x 130 mum wide.
92 ort a new form of the ME effect based on the valley DOF in two-dimensional Dirac materials.
93  it is necessary to electrically control the valley DOF, which has so far remained a significant chal
94 ew dimensions in utilizing both the spin and valley DOFs for next-generation electronics and computin
95 ronic devices that combine both the spin and valley DOFs.
96                                 Here, Cherry-Valley ducks were selected and treated with/without 5% o
97 ted advance of alpine glacier ice in the Dry Valleys during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 11.
98 Se2, a layered semiconductor of interest for valley electronics.
99 the onset of quantum Hall plateaus for the Q-valley electrons in few-layer TMDCs.
100 s and valves have been proposed, and optical valley excitation has been observed.
101 creasing exciton density, a manifestation of valley exciton exchange interactions.
102  as a promising platform from which to study valley exciton physics.
103 xcitons that are spectrally matched to the A-valley exciton resonance of a MoSe2 monolayer.
104 figuration of the electron-hole pairs, intra-valley excitons of TMD monolayers can be either opticall
105 netic field induces a large splitting of the valley excitons, corresponding to a g-factor of about 20
106                             Such a large and valley-exclusive Bloch-Siegert shift allows for enhanced
107 pread, while parviglumis in the Balsas River Valley experienced population growth.
108                                The Salt Lake Valley experiences severe fine particulate matter pollut
109                                         Rift Valley fever (RVF) is a mosquito-borne viral disease end
110                                         Rift Valley fever (RVF) is a vector-borne viral disease wides
111                                         Rift Valley fever (RVF) is endemic to Africa, and the mosquit
112                                         Rift Valley fever (RVF), an emerging mosquito-borne zoonotic
113                                         Rift Valley fever phlebovirus (RVFV) is a clinically and econ
114                                         Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) causes major outbreaks among l
115                                         Rift Valley Fever virus (RVFV) causes recurrent outbreaks of
116                                         Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) is a mosquito-borne zoonotic p
117                                         Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) is an arbovirus within the Bun
118 he epidemics: They only modulated local Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) transmission in ruminants.
119 ses, including Zaire ebolavirus (EBOV), Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV), Venezuelan equine encephaliti
120 elopment to combat infections caused by Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV), which causes devastating dise
121                                         Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV, family Bunyaviridae, genus Phl
122                                         Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV; family Bunyaviridae, genus Phl
123                                         Rift Valley fever virus is a pathogen of humans and animals t
124 l factors that are critically needed by Rift Valley fever virus to uphold its replication against the
125 portion of the nucleocapsid (N) mRNA of Rift Valley fever virus, a phlebovirus of the Bunyaviridae fa
126  the prefusion structure of the related Rift Valley fever virus, we show that these changes involve r
127 burg, Nipah virus, o'nyong-nyong virus, Rift Valley fever virus, West Nile virus, and yellow fever vi
128 is, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, and Rift Valley fever viruses; and urbanization, in which humans
129 occidioidomycosis, also known as San Joaquin Valley fever, is a systemic infection endemic to parts o
130 ge elevation by 3 m as a result of expansive valley filling.
131 erial is subsequently deposited in headwater valley fills (VF).
132                        Mined watersheds with valley fills appear to store precipitation for considera
133  that the volume of overburden in individual valley fills correlates with stream pH and selenium conc
134 nitoring datatsets available for 91 of these valley fills to explore whether fill characteristics cou
135 oken apart and deposited into 1544 headwater valley fills.
136    A variety of valleytronic devices such as valley filters and valves have been proposed, and optica
137 parison between two tolerant elm varieties, 'Valley Forge' and 'Princeton,' also indicated that toler
138 is one of several alpine glaciers in the Dry Valleys fringed by multiple cold-based drop moraines.
139  of two-dimensional semiconductors as a spin-valley generator in two-dimensional spin/valleytronic de
140  for photon trapping in between the hill and valley geometries compared to their flat counterparts.
141                         Dozens of cirque and valley glaciers, along with the southern margin of the C
142                 The high-altitude transverse valleys [>3,000 m above sea level (masl)] of the Himalay
143 s stacking solitons structurally and quantum valley Hall boundary states electronically.
144  with symmetry-dependent Berry curvature and valley Hall conductivity in bilayer MoS2.
145                                 However, the valley Hall conductivity in monolayer MoS2, a non-centro
146                       Here, we show that the valley Hall effect in bilayer MoS2 transistors can be co
147 tation of the valley polarization and of the valley Hall effect in monolayer MoS2.
148                          We observe photonic valley Hall effect originating from valley-dependent spi
149 cal pumping can facilitate charge, spin, and valley Hall effects tunable by external strain and light
150 h opens a novel research area referred to as valley Hall topological insulators.
151 nd that the cutting of ridges and filling of valleys has lowered the median slope of mined landscapes
152           Recently, a new degree of freedom, valley, has been demonstrated in two-dimensional materia
153 he Veterans Affairs Medical Center Tennessee Valley Healthcare System, Nashville and Murfreesboro Cam
154         This interaction enables an enhanced valley helicity at room temperature (0.33 +/- 0.05) obse
155                           The Ethiopian Rift Valley hosts the longest record of human co-existence wi
156 xhibited hypermethylation at DNA methylation valleys; however, IMs generally lack intragenic hypometh
157 dimensional aquifer texture from the Central Valley Hydrologic Model was an important predictor, indi
158 ,310-year-old corn cob found in the Tehuacan Valley in Mexico was sequenced and compared to modern ma
159 iulia Formation) near the mouth of the Tiber Valley in Rome that was deposited in response to sea-lev
160 and the Early Bronze Age from the Lech River valley in southern Bavaria, Germany.
161 er who were treated in Malaysia in the Klang Valley in two settings: CDDCs and VTCs.
162 g of the valence band edges (at the K and K' valleys) in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides h
163  high southern Sierra or low-elevation Owens Valley, in favor of a simple isolation model with no mig
164 late growth of Tharsis, contemporaneous with valley incision, has several implications for the early
165 lled 382801 patients in California's Central Valley, including 108480 newly enrolled patients who obt
166 ng 1D conducting modes encoded with opposite-valley indices.
167 in on the energy separation of the different valleys involved in hot-electron transfer.
168                      This recombination rate valley is most pronounced for gene regulatory domains of
169 ough the agricultural research agenda in the Valley is primarily controlled from within the agricultu
170 of bilayer graphene is enhanced by the spin, valley isospin, and an accidental orbital degeneracy, le
171 t lifting the valley degeneracy, due to spin-valley-layer coupling.
172 eedom, namely the layer pseudospin, and spin-valley-layer locking.
173 y polarized optical pumping and determined a valley lifetime of 40 nanoseconds.
174                   The demonstrated long spin-valley lifetime, the unique valley-contrasted physics, a
175 excitons exhibit much-increased emission and valley lifetimes.
176 , at the site of Huaca Prieta in the Chicama Valley, located 75 km north of the Viru state heartland
177 p analysis, we propose that the unusual spin-valley locking in hole-doped TMDs together with repulsiv
178 pendent optical selection rules and the spin-valley locking in monolayer WS2, and electrically detect
179 y of the electroluminescence due to the spin-valley locking in TMDC monolayers.
180 ique valley-contrasted physics, and the spin-valley locking make monolayer WS2 an unprecedented candi
181 monstrated the pure electrical generation of valley magnetization in this material, and its direct im
182 fully consistent with a theoretical model of valley magnetoelectricity driven by Berry curvature effe
183  osteological evidence suggesting that these valleys may have been originally populated from areas ot
184 olution of the knowledge system of the Yaqui Valley, Mexico, a region often described as the home of
185 lustered in three major regions: Mississippi Valley, Middle Georgia, and Central Appalachia.
186 ted against backscattering in the absence of valley-mixing scattering, and thus can carry current bal
187 bsequently, the vortex chirality of the bulk valley modes is unveiled.
188                        The volume of Martian valley network (VN) cavity and the amount of water neede
189 pheric CO2 in inferred warmer conditions and valley network formation of the late Noachian.
190  Hesperian (more than 3.5 billion years ago) valley networks and therefore that most of the topograph
191      We show that the observed directions of valley networks are also consistent with topographic gra
192 5 and 2016 from patients in the Lower Hudson Valley, New York using a previously validated EV-D68-spe
193 6 and caused an outbreak in the Lower Hudson Valley, New York with 160 laboratory-confirmed cases.
194 or domestic and public supply in the Central Valley of California are predicted using weak-learner en
195 n (n=283) living in the agricultural Salinas Valley of California enrolled in the Center for the Heal
196 anaged agricultural landscape of the Central Valley of California, we show that on-farm habitat resto
197 uperfund Study Area TCE plume in the Silicon Valley of California.
198 archaeological cob excavated in the Tehuacan Valley of Mexico.
199 tions at the site of El Palenque in Mexico's Valley of Oaxaca have recovered the well-preserved remai
200 ifunctional palace excavated thus far in the Valley of Oaxaca.
201 Richard MacNeish in the 1960s identified the valley of Tehuacan as an important center of early Mesoa
202 Permafrost in the high elevation McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica ranks among the driest and coldest
203  lake basins located in the Taylor and Miers Valleys of Antarctica.
204 dom that corresponds with the two direct-gap valleys of the band structure, which can be optically ma
205   Each link type shows a "recombination rate valley" of significantly reduced recombination rate comp
206 itness allele combinations are separated by "valleys" of low-fitness genotypes.
207  neutral and charged excitons from different valleys, offer new opportunities for developing ultrathi
208 d cryptoendolithic communities in University Valley, one of the most extreme regions in the Dry Valle
209 ntially open new paths for valleytronics and valley-optoelectronic device applications.
210 terials where layer polarization maps to the valley or spin quantum numbers.The phase diagram of bila
211  these two quantities were based on selected valleys or at local sites using crude estimates of VN le
212 of other possible Viru outposts in the Moche Valley, Pampa La Cruz, and Huaca Las Estrellas, and as p
213                                              Valley photonic crystals not only offer a route towards
214                Here, we propose a concept of valley photonic crystals with electromagnetic duality sy
215 sults in selective net spin flow inside bulk valley photonic crystals.
216  counterparts due to the unique coupled spin-valley physics of its constituent monolayers.
217 application possibility as well as the novel valley physics.
218 on a global scale based on the depth of each valley pixel.
219 ansfer between two monolayers conserves spin-valley polarization and is only weakly dependent on the
220 nstrations of the optical orientation of the valley polarization and of the valley Hall effect in mon
221 ith quantized circular motion and associated valley polarization and valley coherence as key elements
222 tric maps of extended crystals, and identify valley polarization and valley coherence as sensitive pr
223 s down to a radius of 15 nm exhibit the same valley polarization as in a continuous monolayer sheet.
224           We created interlayer exciton spin-valley polarization by means of circularly polarized opt
225 observation that an optically generated spin-valley polarization in one monolayer can be transferred
226                                         This valley polarization of carriers enables a new DOF for in
227 ate the electrical generation and control of valley polarization.
228 bles the visualization of the expansion of a valley-polarized exciton cloud over several micrometers.
229 dependent thermal and non-thermal regimes of valley-polarized excitons in perpendicular magnetic fiel
230 d Landau level (LL) degeneracy to form three valley-polarized quantum Hall states.
231       Additional modalities such as spin and valley properties in monolayer transition metal dichalco
232                  The inherited bulk spin and valley properties, the size dependence of excitonic ener
233 The multi-band edge states are topologically valley-protected and are obtained by simultaneously gapp
234 ley dependent edge states and the associated valley-protected backscattering suppression around the c
235 olarimetry as means of direct imaging of the valley pseudospin degree of freedom in monolayer transit
236           The introduction of the concept of valley pseudospin to phononic crystals has made a remark
237 quasiparticles whose spin is locked to their valley pseudospin.
238                Our work points to a new spin-valley pumping scheme in nanoscale devices, provides a f
239            Surface roughness Ra, and peak-to-valley (PV) values of 0.45, and 4.74 nm are achieved, re
240 m and 4.7 nm are achieved for Ra and peak-to-valley (PV) values respectively in a measurement area of
241  makes bilayer a promising platform for spin-valley quantum gates based on magnetoelectric effects.Mo
242                                 We carry out valley qubit operations at multiple charge configuration
243 g as well as the phase coherence time of the valley qubit.
244 ents thus developed along an abandoned river valley rather than an active Himalayan river.
245 ass spectral chemical images showed that the valley regions of the thin film surface were comprised p
246 ce of interlayer interactions, forming six Q valleys related by threefold rotational symmetry and tim
247                                 These single valley relativistic states, massless Kane fermions, cann
248   This places TS8 well below TS6, making the valley-ridge inflection point (VRI or bifurcation) and d
249 involving reaction path bifurcations through valley-ridge inflections.
250 Using MoS2 as a representative material with valley-selective optical transitions, we establish quant
251 ndonment of many major Native American river valley settlements and large urban centers between 1350-
252                           Recombination rate valleys show increased DNA methylation, reduced doublest
253 f the wintertime aerosols in the San Joaquin Valley (SJV) were characterized through measurements mad
254                                  We realized valley-specific interlayer excitons in monolayer WSe2-Mo
255 hase transitions between states of different valley, spin, and orbital order, including previously un
256                                              Valley-spin locking behaviour results in selective net s
257                Here we show greatly enhanced valley spitting in monolayer WSe2, utilizing the interfa
258 , such as realization of a 12-time increased valley spitting in single-layer WSe2 through the interfa
259 ayer transition metal dichalcogenides host a valley splitting in magnetic field analogous to the Zeem
260                        However, the realized valley splitting is modest ( approximately 0.2 meV T(-1)
261                                            A valley splitting of 2.5 meV is demonstrated at 1 T by ma
262 s, yielding an accurate determination of the valley splitting.
263 pulation also provides a method of measuring valley splittings that are too small to probe with conve
264               Characterizing and controlling valley states is critical for the encoding and read-out
265 lation of a qubit, which is based on the two valley states of an electron confined in a silicon quant
266                                  In silicon, valley states represent a degree of freedom in addition
267 ors demonstrate coherent control of electron valley states, yielding an accurate determination of the
268 tinct acoustic phonons, connecting different valley states.
269 e excavated in 2014 was deposited in a small valley stream around 700 thousand years ago, as indicate
270      We show that cold air drainage into the valley suppresses local temperature by several degrees a
271 ments (Rehovot, Israel; Bologna, Italy; Issa Valley, Tanzania; and Ngogo, Uganda).
272 hese landforms by a prominent bedrock-eroded valley that is characterized by features associated with
273 engduan Mountains and the southeastern Tibet Valley, the northern side of the middle Kunlun Mountains
274                          In the Thames river valley there was widespread flooding, with clean-up cost
275 eastern Oklahoma along the Mississippi River Valley to eastern Kentucky.
276 intrinsic inversion asymmetry dictates the Q valleys to be spin-valley coupled.
277 provides a fundamental understanding of spin-valley transfer across the two-dimensional interface, an
278            The high field phenomena of inter-valley transfer and avalanching breakdown have long been
279 gate hotspots of stream N inputs at mountain/valley transitions, which have been largely overlooked i
280 n to exercise were recruited from the Thames valley, UK, and randomised (1:1) to intervention (exerci
281 est enhancements to net carbon uptake in the valley under clear, cloud-free (i.e., drought-like) cond
282  lived near a chemical plant in the Mid-Ohio Valley (USA) with local contamination from PFOA.
283                                       Seneca Valley virus (SVV) is an oncolytic picornavirus with sel
284       The IIId2 sub-domain present in Seneca valley virus (SVV), a picornavirus, is dispensable for I
285         Sequences aligning to multiple Cache Valley virus genes were identified via metagenomic next
286                                        Cache Valley virus has also never previously been detected on
287 subsequently confirmed the presence of Cache Valley virus in the brain biopsy tissue.
288                        INTERPRETATION: Cache Valley virus, a mosquito-borne orthobunyavirus, has only
289  that 5,310 years ago, maize in the Tehuacan Valley was on the whole genetically closer to modern mai
290  of low-cost instruments in the Lower Fraser Valley, we demonstrate that proxies can be established u
291 uits of tomato landraces collected in Andean valleys were characterised.
292 lity and perhaps moving to the warmer Jordan Valley where wild cereals were more productive and stabl
293 either observed nor predicted outside of the valley, where nocturnal temperature and respiration incr
294 rctic temperate steppe zones or dry mountain valleys, where there are grasses from the genus Stipa.
295 ry possesses two degenerate yet inequivalent valleys, which offers unique opportunities for valley co
296 ong the grain boundaries-a network of energy valleys, while holes are confined in the grain interiors
297              The modern populations of these valleys, who share cultural and linguistic affinities wi
298 cross Bempty to transfer of carriers between valleys with highly anisotropic mobilities.
299 rsally in the SdH oscillations, we observe a valley Zeeman effect in all odd-layer TMDC devices and a
300 r approximately -4), thereby quantifying the valley Zeeman effect in monolayer transition-metal disul

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