コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 are anesthetized, we expect consciousness to vanish.
2 significant by the time electrostatic forces vanish.
3 a vacuum, electromagnetic fields cannot all vanish.
4 the matrix elements of the Green's function vanish.
5 e effects of resource quality on egg numbers vanished.
6 ces in extinction probability among lineages vanished.
7 the corresponding temperature signal almost vanished.
8 ance was weak and the effect on richness had vanished.
9 prolonged IL-6 exposure the Jo-2 resistance vanished.
10 ilvered slide with a quartz plate the effect vanished.
11 ior, years after the original experience has vanished.
12 , the general expectation is that the bubble vanishes.
13 e packing is expected when the shear modulus vanishes.
14 able) values for the stall force, at which V vanishes.
15 f the present variant as the space curvature vanishes.
16 eyond H10 alpha the amplification apparently vanishes.
17 signature of ZrTe3 CDW order in resistivity vanishes.
18 trum where the real part of its permittivity vanishes.
19 Yamaji angles where the interlayer coupling vanishes.
20 two competing order parameter configurations vanishes.
21 aight line when the density of dangling ends vanishes.
22 which the Lyapunov exponent is negligible or vanishes.
23 small bubbles when they rupture, rather than vanishing.
24 specific, the impact of HLA matching may be vanishing.
25 aused 4-8 glutamic acid residues/molecule to vanish; 3) using [3H]NaBH4, label was introduced into pr
29 ective effect of social influence appears to vanish almost entirely, in a manner that has not been ob
30 s), a strongly anisotropic energy gap, which vanishes along high-symmetry directions, is a clear mani
34 integer-spin EPR signal from the active site vanishes, an IR band from NO appears at 1920 cm(-1), and
35 adhesions to the cytoplasm as stress fibers vanish and F-actin accumulates in membrane ruffles and c
36 ding the cylinder axis where the asphericity vanishes and in which the polymeric molecules are shaped
38 In the longest octamer, charge resonance vanishes and the cation is localized at the bridge cente
40 e negligible, where background interferences vanish, and where sensors can be spatially located using
41 older than 4 months, the motor disabilities vanished, and the ultrastructure of the sciatic nerve ex
43 e contribution to the small angle scattering vanishes, and the molecular weight and the radius of gyr
44 the unjamming transition where the pressure vanishes, and where elastic properties display scaling a
45 are substantially suppressed and eventually vanish around 4 GPa, leading to concurrent changes in th
48 portantly, however, this chloride dependence vanishes as frequency decreases, with Qmax asymptoting a
50 he minimum anisotropy of shear-jammed states vanishes as the density approaches the critical value fr
51 enerically leads to a bipolar pattern, which vanishes as the geometry becomes spherically symmetrical
53 e intrinsic reaction, dynamical correlations vanish at distances beyond 4-6 A from the transferring h
56 g from the magnetostriction, ordered moments vanish at the quantum phase transition as pressure incre
60 wave undergoes fragmentation and eventually vanishes at a finite distance from the region of initiat
61 pling between NGBs and Landau quasiparticles vanishes at low energies, leaving the gapless modes unaf
62 motion, and from the fact that the coupling vanishes at or near the transition state (demonstrated b
72 ependence that result in the electric charge vanishing at high energies, a result known as asymptotic
74 n between the encounter and active complexes vanishes, at least in the case of electron-transfer comp
75 how biological systems measure their lengths vanishes away if one premises that they have discovered
76 uted to the enhanced forward scattering with vanishing backward scattering preserved over a wide spec
77 the bees, with a mean anticlockwise shift in vanishing bearing of 87 degrees in the Southern Hemisphe
78 spectively; P = .034), but this subsequently vanished because of late-occurring treatment-related dea
79 s a ligand-centered radical, though the spin vanishes because of covalency and strong antiferromagnet
80 As an alternative to assuming that the force vanishes between steps, the measured COS7 viscoelasticit
86 developed acute, severe, rapidly progressive vanishing bile duct syndrome shortly after Stevens-Johns
90 romic features, gene identification in each 'vanishing bone' disorder should provide unique insights
93 tructure of these lattices, characterized by vanishing bulk moduli and thus negative Poisson ratios (
94 topologies and energies, with hole mobility vanishing but electron mobility decreasing only by appro
96 h thermal contributions to DeltaH and DeltaS vanish, by analyzing experimental data over a broad rang
97 uctivity gradient where their polarizability vanishes; by measuring this position--the isodielectric
98 which exhibits electron-hole degeneracy and vanishing carrier mass near the point of charge neutrali
101 tive to the characteristics of the probe and vanish completely when the timescale of the coherent sys
104 shown to decrease progressively, ultimately vanishing completely for a sufficiently high external os
105 of the active stress tensor, and the 21 non-vanishing components of the active stiffness tensor; the
107 scenarios in which the carrier concentration vanishes continuously at the metal-insulator transition.
108 ion models which we call epidemic threshold, vanishing critical mass, and critical mass classes, wher
109 tion of an AG that has a band structure with vanishing density of states consistent with the presence
111 heterostructures that contain a 2DES exhibit vanishing diagonal resistance without Hall resistance qu
112 The global response, reflected in the P300, vanished during sleep, in line with the hypothesis that
114 groups of Hyposmocoma provide insights into vanished ecosystems on islands that have long since erod
117 , the variance of this distribution does not vanish even for large cohorts, implying the existence of
123 excimer states in all five dinucleosides to vanish for a methanol concentration of 80% by volume.
126 the Aharonov-Bohm (AB) effect, are known to vanish for Schrodinger particles in the presence of rand
127 rder parameters upon rhodopsin incorporation vanished for bilayers with a hydrophobic thickness of 27
130 For example, the second order susceptibility vanishes for centrosymmetric materials under the dipole
132 usually observed for hot compressed glasses, vanishes for samples previously subjected to high-pressu
135 e hole density, the delocalized Cooper pairs vanish from k-space, to be replaced by locally translati
137 Notably, CD133(+)/EpCAM(+) cancer stem cells vanished from the catumaxomab samples but not from the c
138 ng life, which hypothetically has long since vanished from the earth's surface, a potential source of
139 ain drastically alters the band gap, and the vanishing gap opens up [100] conduction channels for Fer
142 can be settled by looking at the effect of a vanishing HB interaction on the microscopic properties o
143 effects of icv leptin administration rapidly vanished (i.e., within 48 h) after leptin treatment was
147 loshinskii-Moriya interaction, is thought to vanish in Bloch-type walls, homochiral Bloch walls have
148 ectation that electrostatic repulsion should vanish in high salinity, swelling of lipid multilayers i
149 iction that quasiparticle dissipation should vanish in transport through a junction when the phase di
151 years of intensified control efforts totally vanished in only 2 to 3 years after the end of the progr
152 s of adiponectin on mitochondrial biogenesis vanished in skeletal muscle of PGC-1alpha knockout mice.
157 connecting two magnetic monopoles in a pair vanishes in rectangular lattices with a critical ratio g
159 r a single molecule, and that the difference vanishes in the appropriate thermodynamic limit; that is
160 mperature gradients and magnetic fields that vanishes in the ultra-quantum limit, when only a single
161 meters) ice-rich patches appearing and then vanishing in about 10 days, indicating small-scale heter
163 ved exclusively in the purple membrane (PM), vanishing in the 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)-dimethylammonio]
167 s associated with butadiyne units completely vanished, indicating the creation of covalently linked n
170 with high-energy facets growing faster then vanishing, leading to nanocrystals enclosed by low-energ
171 The analysis shows that, in the case of non-vanishing leak expression rate, the negative feedback re
173 rature (T = 0) limit, multiple diverging and vanishing length scales characterize the approach to a s
174 or is independent of the number of units: at vanishing load, one unit turns the motor as rapidly as m
175 he quantization of the Hall resistance and a vanishing longitudinal conductivity or in thermodynamic
178 tivity and spin excitation anisotropies both vanish near optimal superconductivity, we conclude that
179 ational entropy, emergent elasticity, or the vanishing of accessible free volume available for molecu
184 n of all of the population (respectively the vanishing of the invested capital or the concentration o
189 as off-diagonal long-range order due to non-vanishing off-diagonal components of the single-particle
191 s of dislocations (topological dipoles) that vanish on the surface and play the same role as fabric p
193 symmetry and with linear density of states, vanishing only at four nodal points, even when supercond
197 es fluctuations leading to a reduced or even vanishing order parameter as characterized by an electro
199 e lens of post-perovskite minerals thins and vanishes over 1000 kilometers laterally toward the margi
201 tone, however, those phasic taste responses vanished, phasic responses to the tone appearing instead
202 ing particles directly impacts cycle life: a vanishing population concentrates the current in a small
205 tical source is a single-photon pulse with a vanishing probability for detecting two or more photons.
206 n bond, extrapolated to the viscous limit of vanishing pulling velocity V --> 0, exhibits an increase
209 ippocampal place fields, including doubling, vanishing, reshaping in distorted environments, acquirin
210 ndergoes a rigidity transition signaled by a vanishing shear modulus and transverse sound speed.
212 ies in which all of its radiation amplitudes vanish simultaneously as a result of destructive interfe
214 of its prominent results is a prediction of vanishing strength at large scales that can be quantifie
215 imity-induced hard superconducting gap (with vanishing sub-gap conductance) is demonstrated in these
216 t the benefit at the saccade target location vanished, suggesting that this shift is not obligatory b
221 a discrete set of magic angles the velocity vanishes, the lowest moire band flattens, and the Dirac-
222 relation between FoldX and experimental data vanishes, the profile-based calculation retains a strong
223 rial carryover during nuclear transfer often vanish, they can sometimes instead result in mtDNA genot
224 nent, extracted by extrapolation to films of vanishing thickness and supported by analysis of the ela
226 We derive a model for the distribution of vanishing times and also show the distribution of fractu
228 ns N --> infinity, in which the fluctuations vanish) to the fluctuation-dominated limit (such as in s
231 fluctuating light regime, but this advantage vanished under long-term exposure, and turned into PSI p
237 h- and temperature-dependent; the slow phase vanishes upon increasing [Na(+)] in the cacodylate buffe
240 y 1 microm s(-1), whereas at high pCO fibers vanish very rapidly, in much less than one second, by si
242 ion speed to make the net hydrodynamic force vanish, we measure the force-free swimming speed as a fu
243 cylindrical radial magnetic field component vanishes were used to map the magnetic equator and revea
245 formation in the data by summary methods and vanish when the data are analyzed using full-likelihood
247 transition to the active spinner liquid and vanish when the system eventually undergoes kinetic arre
248 r linearly polarized terahertz radiation and vanish when the terahertz radiation is circularly polari
249 were compared between the two modalities and vanished when data from different stories were compared;
252 middle level of education, this association vanished when socioeconomic circumstances were controlle
254 ike firing patterns in the entorhinal cortex vanished when theta oscillations were reduced after intr
255 and room temperature ionic liquids, totally vanishes when analyzing the data with a model accounting
257 words must be buffered, and intelligibility vanishes when buffer storage and retrieval operations ar
258 tting characteristic of the substrate almost vanishes when covered by any coating as thick as graphen
261 lectricity is generally deteriorated or even vanishes when the ferroelectric films are downsized to u
262 ) by extracellular protons, since it largely vanishes when the histidine residue is replaced with ala
263 minance matches the background so that they "vanish" when the recognition acuity threshold is reached
265 g of site I, resonances from much of helix 4 vanish while the chemical shifts of a possibly nascent h
266 ib pairs, the linkage signal on chromosome 9 vanished, while the chromosome 10 signal decreased to a
267 the Lorentz force-driven convection rapidly vanishes, while the electrolyte convection induced by th
269 e EIF2B genes cause leukoencephalopathy with vanishing white matter (VWM), an often serious neurologi
272 th disease, Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease and Vanishing White Matter Disease, as well as in the most c
273 We also studied the functional effects of vanishing white matter mutations in the NT and I-patch d
274 ause an often severe neurological disorder, "vanishing white matter." eIF2Bgamma and eIF2Bepsilon con
275 nitiation factor 2B (eIF2B) are the cause of vanishing white-matter disease/childhood ataxia with cen
276 ompared populations (within a given species) vanish with age, and mortality convergence is observed d
277 d it is revealing that these isotope effects vanished with use of the slow donor substrate UMP-NeuAc.
278 ped samples with coexisting charge order and vanishes with application of a small magnetic field.
279 se findings suggest that local RF topography vanishes with hierarchical distance from visual cortical
280 t at which the temporal dependence structure vanishes with increasing orders of the time-correlated s
281 as reductions in plasma glucose of up to 35% vanished within 1 h with most doses of GLP-1, the same d
282 ant potential, whereas the signal completely vanished within the first few minutes of working with no
283 he planet, yet coarse gravel in these rivers vanishes within approximately 10-40 kilometres on enteri
285 ral phase transition decreases gradually and vanishes within the superconductivity dome near x=0.10,
286 an crystalline surfaces should almost always vanish, yet macroscopic objects always exhibit static fr
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