


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 how, in the recent past (2000-2014), weather variations in 103 source countries translated into asylu
2 at polymorphism rs11185644 may contribute to variation in 25(OH)D dose-response in healthy postmenopa
3                                       We use variation in 33 SNPs for the receptor genes for six well
4                                  We observed variation in 40 of 41 genes comprising the NOD signaling
5  of Islands ophiolite, and we document large variations in (41)K/(39)K, covarying with previous deter
6       Here, we investigate skin pigmentation variation in a cohort of 1,167 individuals in the Middle
7 y biomarkers in representing nutrient intake variation in a feeding study, and thus are likely suitab
8 ed and replicated genome-wide protein coding variation in a total of 8,227 individuals with T2D and 1
9                  Here, we test the idea that variations in Alaskan forest growth and mortality rates
10 s disease prevalence to 0.05% and with large variations in all the parameters, the test option would
11 e report our discovery of systematic spatial variation in alliance structure, seasonal movements and
12 life; this it does despite relatively slight variations in antigenicity, apparently by inducing selec
13 re particularly potent to change CBF (1 mmHg variation in arterial CO2 changes CBF by 3%-4%), the cou
14 lution record reveals large orbitally driven variations in atmospheric CO2 concentration between [For
15                              Large amplitude variations in atmospheric CO2 were associated with glaci
16                                              Variations in attrition may be explained by program dire
17  in the CYP2R1 and GC gene may contribute to variation in baseline serum 25(OH)D concentration, and t
18 le work explores the fitness consequences of variation in behavior within individuals, or intraindivi
19                         Yet, how patterns of variation in belowground traits influence resource acqui
20                      We investigated whether variation in binding of a transcription factor, the vita
21        We expressed asynchrony as the annual variation in bird phenology relative to spring phenology
22 -specific variability including the expected variation in blood pressure, heart rate, and cortisol.
23                                              Variation in body fat distribution contributes to the me
24 , we explored the causes and consequences of variation in body mass of wild female Svalbard reindeer
25  a small but significant decrease in genetic variation in both species.
26  Our study limitations are the country-level variations in both surveillance methods and testing poli
27 st comprehensive characterisation of genetic variation in bovine beta-defensin genes and functional a
28 tiple comparative analyses have investigated variation in brain size across primate species, very few
29 nd a GWA mapping portal for studying natural variation in C. elegans Additionally, researchers outsid
30 ults suggest that most common cis-regulatory variation in C. grandiflora is under weak purifying sele
31 a We found that petal number showed seasonal variation in C. hirsuta, such that spring flowering plan
32  tuberculosis isolates displayed significant variations in C(r) and f(alpha) reflecting inherent diff
33                                              Variation in cancer incidence and outcome has well-docum
34                                        Great variations in chemical composition, swelling power, wate
35                                  Considering variations in chlorophyll a:b ratio with leaf age and ph
36 S/MS platform was implemented for monitoring variations in CHO cell culture media upon exposure to hi
37                         Moreover, 70% of the variation in cholesterol regulation was dependent on the
38 ults demonstrate a critical role for genetic variation in ChrY in regulating susceptibility to infect
39 red handling, and it is also unknown whether variation in circulating concentrations of PLP influence
40 s, and especially larger degrees of seasonal variation in climate, call for individuals and groups to
41                  Van Lange et al. argue that variations in climate explain cross-societal variations
42 -off between bacterial genome size and local variation in climatic conditions.
43 nts with PSC worldwide, we found significant variation in clinical course associated with age at diag
44 ghput technique revealed stable between-host variation in colonization when individual germ-free flie
45                    Overall, natural temporal variation in community metrics exceeded the effects of f
46                         Moreover, there were variations in contact patterns by location, with work-pl
47 in spatial precision account for much of the variation in crowding, including the correlation between
48                            We focused on the variations in crown height, dental eruption pattern, and
49 cuticular drusen distribution; age-dependent variations in cuticular drusen phenotypes, including the
50                        ICER was sensitive to variations in DAA costs, in the utility value of patient
51                               Plants utilize variation in day length (photoperiod) to anticipate seas
52 d understanding of the magnitude and spatial variation in deadwood is vital for the development of re
53                                     However, variations in degree of overlap were noted when data wer
54                Our results suggest that that variation in developmental conditions experienced by adu
55 ntrarenal mechanisms mediating adaptation to variations in dietary Na(+) intake are incompletely char
56 irmed and expanded observations in mice that variations in dietary Na(+) intake do not alter the glom
57 ates and spatial, temporal and species-level variation in disease outbreaks associated with extreme w
58 wever, factors responsible for intraspecific variation in disease resistance remain unclear.
59 change in seed size are both associated with variation in diversification rates.
60                                              Variation in DNA methylation, an epigenetic mechanism, i
61 s in the resistant parasites, in addition to variations in DNA copy-number.
62 VE AND To determine the relationship between variations in DNA methylation at birth and the developme
63 fects of ethnicity on D2R were not driven by variation in dopaminergic candidate genes.
64 sess the effect on the storage properties of variations in doping, electric field magnitude and direc
65               Identifying individual genetic variation in drug metabolism pathways is of importance n
66  role in accounting for such interindividual variations in drug response.
67 rtional increase in breakdown rates, despite variation in Ea values for these regions (0.75 +/- 0.13
68 , we reported a genome-wide view of sequence variation in EBV isolated from primary NPC biopsy specim
69         Previously, we observed that genetic variations in ECM genes are associated with an increased
70                                Intraspecific variation in ecologically important traits is a cornerst
71                                    Given the variation in EM host responses to warming, both within a
72 ate effects of temperature for interspecific variation in embryonic development time remains unclear.
73 ulatory assessments that account for spatial variation in emissions impacts.
74                            We also find that variation in endogenous traits, such as resistance, amon
75               We also evaluate the impact of variation in equipment setup on the accuracy of acquired
76 amples is revealing substantial cell-to-cell variation in expression levels and propagation of this v
77 ed within LRCs are highly insulated from the variation in expression of upstream genes, and thus LRCs
78 ith Polycomb marks have greater cell-to-cell variation in expression.
79 e widely expressed in the mouse retina, with variations in expression detected at different times of
80 n their cognitive abilities that may reflect variation in external inputs and experience during the d
81 alidation of leading theories concerning the variation in extreme pressure-temperature states during
82 onal incidence of 3.13% (2.85-3.42), despite variation in feeding practices.
83      This variant alone explained 14% of the variation in fetuin-A levels.
84                                   Therefore, variation in FF volume seems to be better explained by a
85                          We demonstrate that variation in Fgf8 expression has a nonlinear relationshi
86 ic disease in general and diseases caused by variation in FGFR1 specifically.
87 mple, FRED facilitates the quantification of variation in fine-root traits across root orders, specie
88                             Ppd-H1-dependent variation in flowering time under different ambient temp
89                    Our results indicate that variation in folate level is governed by a more complex
90                      Despite the significant variation in folate levels among tomato accessions, litt
91 nal air and on skin accounted for 54% of the variation in fold changes of urinary PAH metabolites (p
92 chemical nature of the addends, and (iv) the variations in fullerene cage stability with the progress
93 gs suggest a role for long LRCs in dampening variation in gene expression, thereby protecting cell id
94 rain size plays a smaller role in explaining variations in general intelligence (g), and the cause-an
95 sleep abnormalities are common; for example, variation in genes involved in synaptic homoeostasis are
96                          We find appreciable variation in genetic effects on flowering time across bo
97 processes shaping spatiotemporal patterns of variation in genetic, morphological, and cultural traits
98 he LC is anchored in the tissue with minimal variation in glaucomatous eyes.
99 utans and 2 gibbons and observed undescribed variation in great apes.
100 es have investigated temporal and/or spatial variation in growth of branching corals, which are impor
101               Metabonomic studies implicated variations in gut microbial activities that mapped onto
102 ppear to largely explain previously observed variations in hairpin ribozyme stability.
103                                 Beat-to-beat variation in heart rate (f H ) has been used as a tool f
104 technique which extracts dominant sources of variation in high dimensional datasets and produces thei
105                                    To assess variation in hind limb morphology, we analysed how the d
106 ity, were critical for generating fine-scale variation in homozygosity.
107 ignificantly predicted 72.3 and 61.6% of the variation in HRQoL-T2.
108 nmental and genetic influences on phenotypic variation in humans.
109 antification of error estimations and output variations in image segmentation pipelines.
110   Limitations: The model did not control for variation in implementation of the laws.
111 ulatory proteins, and show that the greatest variation in inactive structures comes from kinase group
112 ulation, we uncovered significant regulatory variation in individual yeast cells, both before and aft
113                                 Accordingly, variation in initial conditions may explain divergent po
114 ally modifiable risk factors contributing to variation in intake.
115 ide domains integrate into the membrane, the variation in integration efficiency upon single amino-ac
116 netic polymorphisms that are associated with variation in inter-individual gene expression and respon
117 insic and extrinsic to the RBC contribute to variation in its accessibility.
118 ike protein YKL-40 are influenced by genetic variation in its encoding gene (chitinase 3-like 1 [CHI3
119 action of methyl farnesoate through temporal variation in its expression and availability for recepto
120 ted with, and well explained in terms of the variation in junction conductance with V b .
121                                              Variation in lags is explained by variation among specie
122 tat and energy sources in response to annual variations in lake temperatures during the open-water se
123 n to date has examined the degree of natural variation in large samples of unrelated great apes.
124         Collectively, our results reveal how variation in LL emerges from carbon optimisation constra
125 ble approach, we developed an instrument for variations in local pollution concentrations that is unl
126  genetic strategy revealed the broad natural variation in low-water-potential-induced ABA accumulatio
127 diseases, focusing on methods to account for variations in lung components and the interpretation of
128          For confirmed-TB patients, half the variation in major clinical variables was captured on tw
129 is may provide further evidence in assessing variation in malaria exposure and evaluating malaria con
130 t gastrulation robust, with respect to large variations in maternal supplies, and is essential for no
131 thus inference may be biased by age-specific variation in measles reporting.
132 ted this computational platform by detecting variations in mechanical output induced by drugs and in
133 e, but it is not known whether physiological variations in metabolite levels in normal tissues regula
134                                    Technical variation in metagenomic analysis must be minimized to c
135 s provide no support for the hypothesis that variation in microbial community affects performance in
136 dentify consistent host factors that explain variation in microbiomes across hosts, despite large-sca
137                          For the first time, variations in miscanthus cell wall glycan components wer
138 pecting the genomic partitioning of sequence variation in modern elite germplasm, highlighting region
139 e areas, explaining an additional 10% of the variations in mortality for those regions.
140 to IAV segregates independent of copy number variation in multicopy ChrY gene families that influence
141  that sex-biases in infection are related to variation in multilayer contact networks structured by s
142           Furthermore, there is considerable variation in multiple aspects of screening and managemen
143 ontrolling for population density can reduce variation in mutation-rate estimates by 93%.
144 ng the photosynthetic capacity of TMFs, with variations in N allocation and Rubisco activation state
145          Given the lessons learned regarding variations in nanomedicine delivery to different tumor t
146 tion exists for long-term changes in genetic variation in natural populations.
147 nsistent variation in tooth shape resembling variation in nature.
148 e-history traits showed no relationship with variation in NDisD mortality.
149 n this self-contained description of genomic variation in Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) results.
150                          I found significant variation in niche position, niche breadth and interspec
151 eria genotypic interactions can lead to wide variation in nitrogen fixation efficiency, and it is not
152 aping food preferences; but the aetiology of variation in non-alcoholic beverage preferences is unkno
153 quired to understand the mechanisms by which variation in non-coding genetic sequences contributes to
154 sis, allowing the identification of past TOC variations in northern lakes of Europe and North America
155  Our work provides a general explanation for variation in observed diversity-ecosystem variability re
156                           Comparatively high variation in OC storage between riverine and nonriverine
157 t the vessel density to compensate for local variations in OCT signal strength.
158 , which parallels previous evidence of mtDNA variation in other neurological diseases.
159 still complicated by a large and unexplained variation in ozone sensitivity among tree species.
160                                  Genome-wide variation in P. leucopus indicates two post-glacial line
161 rm which we use to refer to detailed spatial variation in patterns of synchrony, can be leveraged to
162 the influence of the beam configurations and variations in peak dose and irradiated area in the respo
163 e ranking system based on interinstitutional variation in performance and patient volume can be used
164                    Here, we analysed natural variations in PfHRP2 and PfHRP3 sequences from Indian is
165 eriments to characterize provenance-specific variation in photosynthesis and photoprotective mechanis
166 based Vcmax and Jmax but did not account for variations in photosynthetic N-use efficiency.
167 tories, and habitats explained little of the variation in phylogeographic structure across the latitu
168 pplying pace-of-life framework to studies of variation in physiological traits along the urbanization
169 y of the cortical regions most responsive to variations in pitch or timbre at the univariate level of
170 ng the forces that shape the great amount of variation in plant longevity, reproductive output and gr
171 ycorrhizal association explained much of the variation in plant-soil feedbacks.
172  among eukaryotes, and highlights unexpected variation in plastid genome architecture.
173 We identified key covariates of geographical variation in polio transmission patterns by relating cou
174 small total population size, but not spatial variation in population density, were critical for gener
175 eted of CD8(+) lymphocytes exhibited greater variation in population dynamics among tissues and cell
176               We have analyzed Y-chromosomal variation in populations from Transoxiana, a historical
177                                              Variation in post-operative mortality rates has been ass
178 al interclonic interval explained 41% of the variation in postictal generalized EEG suppression durat
179 a-band coherence between ACC and FEF but not variations in power predict correct task performance.
180  among adult kidneys, suggesting significant variation in practices.
181 effects is characterizing the spatiotemporal variation in predation risk.
182                                   Geographic variation in prescription fills also was studied.
183                                         Such variation in properties are particularly influenced by t
184 hysical and evolutionary rationale for broad variation in protein family sizes, prevalence of compact
185 lcium dynamics of VSMC and to understand how variation in protein levels that arise due to diabetes c
186  growing body of literature seeks to explain variation in range shifts using species' ecological and
187                     (2) Why is there so much variation in reactive aggression/violence between people
188  anaerobic environment, with tissue-specific variations in redox stress and oxygen concentration.
189 esis and discusses how inherent and acquired variations in regulation of these processes impact the r
190 rent types of stress indicating that natural variation in repeat numbers may optimize the chance for
191                                  Age-related variation in reproductive performance is ubiquitous in w
192 ibute to interindividual and interpopulation variation in reproductive traits, the dominant source of
193 s explained approximately 9% to 10% of total variation in resting QTc in EA individuals and approxima
194  The 5q14.3 locus is known to associate with variation in retinal vascular diameter, and the 2q34 and
195 -effort/low-reward trials are manipulated by variations in reward magnitude and probability to win.
196             Our study reveals widespread cis variation in RNA editing among genetically distinct indi
197 global weather data, which creates exogenous variation in running among friends, with data on the net
198             We show that there is a regional variation in scientists' approach to the problem of HIV/
199 t little is known about the genetic basis of variation in sensory perception.
200 nical syndrome is associated with pathogenic variation in SEPSECS.
201  were estimated to explain about 0.8% of the variation in serum calcium levels.
202 ellar organization that accompany interwoven variations in sex, sex chromosome complement, and brain
203                                              Variation in sexual selection across a species range, es
204                  It is insensitive to random variation in shape or propulsion (biological noise).
205 ective chemotaxis is limited by cell-to-cell variation in signaling.
206            The computational approach models variations in single myosin molecular structure, system
207 ars most tightly related to the adolescents' variations in sleep habits, as its volume correlates inv
208 imaging (fMRI) to explore whether trait-like variations in sleep patterns, measured in advance in bot
209                               Within-species variation in social structure has attracted interest rec
210               Additional research related to variations in somatic tumor genomics between the African
211 chical regression analyses further show that variations in spatial precision account for much of the
212 ation rate explains relatively little of the variation in speciation rate among lineages, the positiv
213     Our findings help explain the tremendous variation in species responses to Bd across climates and
214 es the most comprehensive analysis so far of variation in specific EBV genes relevant to these diseas
215    Consistency between regional and temporal variation in spring polar bear fasting and food web prod
216 ticular, we found that partially independent variation in stomatal and mesophyll conductance may allo
217 he findings are generally inconsistent, with variations in study designs and methods across populatio
218 c cancer (GC) has a poor prognosis with wide variation in survival rates across the world.
219 itional 1.4% and 2.0% of the interindividual variation in systolic and diastolic BP, respectively.
220 iated loci explained 2.9%, 2.5%, and 3.1% of variation in systolic, diastolic, and pulse pressure, re
221                                Moreover, the variation in tagged-ZnT8 expression and surface labeling
222 A Center for Tsunami Research and we observe variations in TEC that correlate in time and space with
223 art, chest, and inferior vena cava, and many variations in technique, protocols, and interpretation e
224    The model calculations remained robust to variation in test cost, prevalence of HSV infection, and
225 ng alongside correlative assessment revealed variation in the ability of each signature to cluster sa
226                 The results reveal extensive variation in the amount of DNA gained via lineage-specif
227 was elaborated in order to obtain a seasonal variation in the chemical composition of leaf employing
228 ted by characterizing CRISPR-induced allelic variation in the conserved kinase domain of MPK6.
229 ere dynamics may help us quantify individual variation in the costs experienced from social and ecolo
230 esource footprints accounted for >90% of the variation in the damage footprints.
231             In part, this is attributable to variation in the definitions of airflow limitation and t
232 n valvular disease provides a model to study variation in the delivery of healthcare services.
233 his model shows that the trend is due to the variation in the effective cross-sectional diameter of D
234 vely correlated to the extent of fill volume variation in the effective load of your reactions.
235 in morphology, we found an unexpectedly high variation in the expression patterns of neuropeptides ac
236                Here, we analyzed the genetic variation in the FOXP2 coding sequence in 63 chimpanzees
237        Our study suggests that nonsynonymous variation in the gene NKPD1 affects depressive symptoms
238 s study, we describe sequence and structural variation in the genomes of six accessions of cultivated
239            We conclude that although genetic variation in the HLA region is important to the aetiolog
240 tural predation gradient we demonstrate that variation in the identity of top predator species is ass
241 rovide new insight into the role of germline variation in the IGH locus in disease susceptibility.
242 f cis-regulatory variation than genome-scale variation in the intensity of selection.
243 ological variation was related to population variation in the key female antagonistic trait (spine le
244                                      Genetic variation in the leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) ge
245                              Subtle sequence variation in the modular synthetic ligand dictates assem
246                             There was a wide variation in the number of opioid pills prescribed to pa
247 proach for testing a priori hypotheses about variation in the odds of transmission given contact for
248 noes in subduction zones indicates along-arc variation in the physical condition of the underlying ma
249 restingly, recent studies reveal significant variation in the position of putatively bound Mg(2+).
250 ta provide the first evidence of latitudinal variation in the range size distributions of freshwater
251              Here we show that a significant variation in the rate of microearthquakes in the intrapl
252                                 We find wide variation in the strength of NDisD, which was correlated
253                                   To measure variation in the use of observation at the urologist lev
254                                              Variations in the ABCB4 gene are responsible for several
255 butions to noise by determining cell-to-cell variations in the abundance of mRNA and reporter protein
256 ntle convection, are likely to cause lateral variations in the back-arc mantle temperature.
257 tended to overestimate EPS production, while variations in the chemical nature of the nitrogen source
258                                    Long-term variations in the earthquake recurrence intervals of int
259                                              Variations in the enhanced Raman spectra of three peptid
260                                   BACKGROUD: Variations in the expression of the Netrin-1 guidance cu
261 vation of either of the protein complexes or variations in the external conditions are monitored.
262                                  To identify variations in the levels of antioxidant capacity and SOD
263 -2 is critical for this interaction, whereas variations in the lock were tolerated.
264                           Here, we show that variations in the mathematical functions currently used
265 attribute the shifts in activity to temporal variations in the mechanical work of faulting.
266 s, intra-individual, and intra-gametogenesis variations in the meiotic program, A. rhodensis is an id
267 nophilic airway inflammation correlates with variations in the microbiome across asthmatic patients,
268               We found that small structural variations in the monomers dramatically affected the cry
269                Are the mechanisms underlying variations in the performance of animals on cognitive te
270                                     As such, variations in the sulfur isotopic composition (delta(34)
271 at the nervous system uses millisecond-scale variations in the timing of spikes within multispike pat
272                               In conclusion, variations in the topographic organization and magnitude
273  animals sometimes show marked intraspecific variation in their cognitive abilities that may reflect
274                         It is unknown if the variation in these factors influenced diagnostic accurac
275  is the dominant process structuring genetic variation in these salamander species.
276 species, along with possible intrapopulation variation in these shifts, is essential for understandin
277 ext-generation sequencing to compare genomic variations in these lines.
278                         Five disease-causing variations in these motifs have been identified in ABCB4
279 dentified Tnni3k as one gene that influences variation in this composition and demonstrated that Tnni
280 t-point viral load, which is the fraction of variation in this phenotype attributable to viral geneti
281 masked by background signals or distorted by variations in tissue optical properties.
282                             We conclude that variations in TL across adults and differences in TL bet
283  been extensively, recorded their impacts on variation in tolerance are virtually unexplored.
284 udy indicates that a substantial part of the variation in tooth loss is explained by genetic as well
285 port of a gene causing subtle but consistent variation in tooth shape resembling variation in nature.
286                      We observed significant variation in trauma center mortality across Canadian pro
287 rophysiological recordings show that natural variations in TRP-4 reduce the mechanosensitivity of dop
288 ections, weak competition between types, and variation in type fitness between host subpopulations.
289 ion of these microRNAs causes no significant variations in uc.339 levels, suggesting a type of intera
290 y relevant biological insight into heritable variation in vagal heart rhythm regulation, with a key r
291 variations in climate explain cross-societal variations in violence.
292                                In explaining variation in violent aggression across populations, the
293  viral genetic diversity explains 29% of the variation in viral load while host factors explain 8.4%.
294                                      Spatial variation in warming was caused primarily by a decrease
295 nnual cycle and understanding the effects of variation in weather and climate on productivity, recrui
296                      We also examined annual variation in weather conditions, which are well recogniz
297 l conditions influence selection and genetic variation in wild populations?
298 gns to match the electrical performance with variations in wind speed.
299                                   Individual variation in WM has been associated with multiple behavi
300                                              Variations in zircon Hf and U/Yb reaffirm that tin belt

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