


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 twork and lymph through a low-pressure, open vascular network.
2 ntly by providing circulating minerals and a vascular network.
3  that these cells followed a pre-established vascular network.
4 S1P receptor-1 (S1P1) stabilizes the primary vascular network.
5 tracellular matrix components and the intact vascular network.
6 ivert blood flow to the developing implanted vascular network.
7 is is critical in the expansion of the tumor vascular network.
8 s required for the formation of a functional vascular network.
9 nd a transparent, macroscopic extracorporeal vascular network.
10  tissue and participate in regeneration of a vascular network.
11 ering requires formation of a de novo stable vascular network.
12 he timely formation of a well differentiated vascular network.
13 d in culture, allantoides assemble a primary vascular network.
14 ensures the formation of a mature and stable vascular network.
15  which shares similarities with formation of vascular network.
16 blood flow for the formation of a functional vascular network.
17 ollicle as well as an ND-GFP interfollicular vascular network.
18 ndirectly prevent further elaboration of the vascular network.
19 d to connect into a characteristic intricate vascular network.
20 ation of angiogenesis and maintenance of the vascular network.
21 orphologically and functionally "normalized" vascular network.
22 ion, and stabilization to establish a mature vascular network.
23  adult mouse intestine contains an intricate vascular network.
24 d results in the rapid formation of a mature vascular network.
25 enes leading to the development of a primary vascular network.
26 angiogenesis and left-right asymmetry of the vascular network.
27 he newly formed vessels into the preexisting vascular network.
28 hormone-producing cell types and an invading vascular network.
29 pectives to engineer the optimal, functional vascular network.
30 ethod for quantifying FAZ at the superficial vascular network.
31 mplexes is transmitted into the intraretinal vascular network.
32 ed MR imaged functional changes in the tumor vascular network.
33 changing the numerical representation of the vascular network.
34 ional responses that form a highly efficient vascular network.
35 4679), suggesting a highly organized hepatic vascular network.
36 eling of primary blood vessels into a mature vascular network.
37 tem enabling brain endothelial cells to form vascular networks.
38 ascular front of developing and pathological vascular networks.
39 migrated through areas devoid of established vascular networks.
40 low-dependent clinical assays and biomimetic vascular networks.
41 underlies the formation of blood vessels and vascular networks.
42 lony-forming cells (ECFCs) to form efficient vascular networks.
43 ux, perfusion, and also development of newer vascular networks.
44 flecting very narrow vessels forming complex vascular networks.
45 and are required for the formation of stable vascular networks.
46 d grafts showed preserved islets and intense vascular networks.
47 genesis is a key process in the formation of vascular networks.
48  well as their subsequent incorporation into vascular networks.
49 ung mesenchyme, and later within ECs forming vascular networks.
50 columnar structures and supplied by matching vascular networks.
51 uent incorporation into functional pulmonary vascular networks.
52 othelial cells required for the expansion of vascular networks.
53 cess by which new vessels form from existing vascular networks.
54 onging cell survival signals and maintaining vascular networks.
55 lar density in both the superficial and deep vascular networks.
56 eep (0.616 mm(2) vs. 0.372 mm(2); P < 0.001) vascular networks.
57 AVM, since it can clearly depict the related vascular networks.
58 eptor 2 (VEGF-R2) expression in peri-infarct vascular networks.
59 nificantly decreased formation of functional vascular networks.
60 ricyte association was improved, with larger vascular networks.
61  restricted vascular leakage, and stabilized vascular networks.
62 scent endothelial cells to form a functional vascular network, a process termed 'angiogenesis'.
63 regulator in the maturation of the lymphatic vascular network affecting valve development and lymphat
64                                    The plant vascular network also transports water, photosynthates,
65                  Here we show that implanted vascular networks anastomose with host vessels through a
66  defects in the development of the placental vascular network and cardiac hypoplasia.
67  including the ability to integrate into the vascular network and express the QH1 antigen.
68    Instead, low-dose TNFalpha stabilizes the vascular network and improves vessel perfusion.
69  would remodel both the VEGFR3(+) pericystic vascular network and larger renal lymphatics that may al
70      MLL1 is overexpressed along the line of vascular network and localized adjacent to endothelial c
71 nsport blood through a high-pressure, closed vascular network and lymph through a low-pressure, open
72 ion to enable user-defined geometries of the vascular network and microfluidic perfusion to control m
73 ial progenitors in stabilizing nascent brain vascular network and provide novel insights into the mol
74 necessary for angioblasts to assemble into a vascular network and to undergo vascular tube formation.
75    Acutely after TBI there is a reduction in vascular network and vascular complexity that are exacer
76        Conditioned media promoted equivalent vascular networks and CAC recruitment with superior effe
77 hat is critical for generation of functional vascular networks and local proliferative ductal alveola
78    Myc-deficient mice fail to develop normal vascular networks and Myc-deficient embryonic stem cells
79  and mesenchymal progenitor cells (MPC) form vascular networks and restore blood flow in ischemic ske
80 form blood vessel-like structures, including vascular networks and sprouts.
81 tion of soluble VEGFR-1 results in malformed vascular networks and the absence of large vessels.
82 genic chemokines in the development of tumor vascular networks and the chemokine binding properties o
83 een causatively linked to the elaboration of vascular networks and the regulation of capillary functi
84 representative areole (region bounded by the vascular network), and represent the volume of tissue wi
85 has an uneven growing front, a less-branched vascular network, and abnormal distribution of dll4-posi
86 , cell type, melanin content, mitotic count, vascular networks, and patients' age.
87 uronal and glial populations, interconnected vascular networks, and ramified microglia.
88 s gap junction-mediated signaling across the vascular network are essential for proper capillary diam
89 ndothelial differentiation into a functional vascular network are incompletely understood.
90        Angiogenesis and the development of a vascular network are required for tumour progression, an
91                                        Plant vascular networks are central to botanical form, functio
92                                          The vascular networks are designed following in vivo images
93                  Here we show that embryonic vascular networks are strategically positioned to fulfil
94                            At the same time, vascular networks are susceptible to regression mediated
95                                         Leaf vascular networks are well-fitted to investigate this is
96  were explanted and evaluated with regard to vascular network assembly and cell fate; and heterotypic
97 (NK-B), reversibly inhibits endothelial cell vascular network assembly and opposes angiogenesis in th
98    We hypothesized that establishing a local vascular network at the transplantation site would reduc
99 escribe a new phenotypic trait of reticulate vascular networks based on the topology of the nested lo
100 C-rich ECM surrounds Prx1-positive pulmonary vascular networks both in vivo and in tissue culture.
101 dothelial cells and angioblasts) labeled the vascular network but failed to label the spindle-shaped
102 eristics of polypoidal structures, branching vascular networks (BVNs), and origin of PCV using optica
103 onstrate prompt and consistent assembly of a vascular network by human ASCs and endothelial cells and
104           Formation of functionally adequate vascular networks by angiogenesis presents a problem in
105             Interestingly, the disruption of vascular networks by cancer cells was driven by changes
106 -canonical Wnt signalling stabilizes forming vascular networks by reducing endothelial shear sensitiv
107 regulated system, and generated subcutaneous vascular networks capable of systemic EPO release in imm
108     Inhibition of FZD4 in developing retinal vascular networks caused the upregulation of PLVAP, a pr
109 RAF(V600E), PLX4720 extensively modifies the vascular network causing abrogation of hypoxia.
110 with endothelial tubes, resulting in smaller vascular networks compared to those with healthy pericyt
111 ical serial sections demonstrated that a new vascular network composed of venous-venous loops forms i
112 ical serial sections demonstrated that a new vascular network composed of venous-venous loops of vary
113                                        These vascular networks connect at the lymphovenous (LV) junct
114 essed in 14/21 eyes (67 %) and the branching vascular network decreased in 1 eye and was stable in al
115     Computer-assisted quantification of this vascular network demonstrated considerable sensitivity o
116 ow modelling and polarity analysis in entire vascular networks demonstrates that polarization against
117                                              Vascular network density determines the amount of oxygen
118                                        Blood vascular networks derived from implanted endothelial cel
119                                              Vascular networks develop from a growing vascular front
120            The process whereby the primitive vascular network develops into the mature vasculature, k
121 poietin-1 (Ang-1) stimulates endothelial and vascular network differentiation through the Tie-2 recep
122 phangiogenesis results in the formation of a vascular network distinct from arteries and veins that s
123 During this second stage, we assume that the vascular network does not evolve and is independent of t
124 d dynamic changes occurring to the lymphatic vascular network during TLS development have not been st
125 t roles in the establishment of neuronal and vascular networks during embryonic development.
126 eling are essential for the establishment of vascular networks during organogenesis.
127 nesis, nascent vascular sprouts fuse to form vascular networks, enabling efficient circulation.
128 ich has a large, transparent, extracorporeal vascular network encompassing an area >100 cm(2) We foun
129 choroidal telangiectases, abnormal choroidal vascular networks, exudative and hemorrhagic presentatio
130 zed to result from selection to maximize how vascular networks fill space yet minimize internal trans
131                       The abnormal choroidal vascular network filled in the arterial or early venous
132 icrovascular endothelial cells (HMEC) showed vascular network formation after 48-72 h.
133  signaling, greater senescence, and impaired vascular network formation and proliferation.
134 e spinal cord, providing novel insights into vascular network formation around developing organs.
135 human microvascular endothelial cell (HMVEC) vascular network formation in a 3-dimensional collagen g
136 lated human umbilical vein endothelial cells vascular network formation in a matrigel assay.
137 esults provide a framework for understanding vascular network formation in normal or pathological con
138 affold, preconditioned MPCs greatly enhanced vascular network formation in the infarct bed by mechani
139 ntly compromised in their ability to support vascular network formation in vitro and in vivo.
140 with Robo4, and accelerates endothelial-cell vascular network formation in vitro with a specific acti
141 -delta inhibited cell motility and lymphatic vascular network formation in vitro.
142                                          New vascular network formation is a critical step in the wou
143 wed that TN-C is required for Prx1-dependent vascular network formation on Matrigel.
144 on of the fibroblasts was required to induce vascular network formation via a transforming growth fac
145 n regulating endothelial cell morphology and vascular network formation.
146 el roles for pericytes during the process of vascular network formation.
147 helial cell viability, and proliferation and vascular network formation.
148 n-B2, and stimulated VEGF responsiveness and vascular network formation.
149                The density and complexity of vascular networks formed by the synergistic dual-cell sy
150                             These ECFC-lined vascular networks formed functional anastomoses with the
151  applied tensile forces on the morphology of vascular networks formed within fibroblast and endotheli
152                                              Vascular networks formed within HA hydrogels containing
153 ertebrates, including birds and mammals, the vascular network forms throughout the embryonic disk wit
154 logenesis, the de novo growth of the primary vascular network from initially dispersed endothelial ce
155 used trypsin digestion to isolate the intact vascular network from retinas obtained postmortem from n
156 ere were defects in formation of a primitive vascular network from SIRT1(-/-)-derived embryoid bodies
157  source of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs).New vascular networks from undifferentiated cells are essent
158  extension and anastomosis are the basis for vascular network generation, a process governed by the V
159 entered on the idea that the geometry of the vascular network governs how a suite of organismal trait
160 cal columns that are tightly linked with the vascular network, graph-theoretical analyses revealed th
161 atiotemporal in silico replication of stable vascular network growth.
162     Endothelial cells of the periventricular vascular network have molecular identities distinct from
163 est acceptable grader agreement for the deep vascular network (ICC <0.85).
164 a in 33 eyes (69%) and an abnormal choroidal vascular network in 24 eyes (50%).
165 device platform with a microfluidics-modeled vascular network in a femoral arteriovenous shunt in rat
166 lant of the development and maintenance of a vascular network in embryogenesis and the vascularizatio
167  human endothelial cells formed a functional vascular network in immunocompromised mice with signific
168  wide range of tissue systems including fine vascular network in murine brain without craniotomy as w
169    To test this hypothesis, we evaluated the vascular network in spontaneously developing melanomas o
170 drives the formation of a robust and complex vascular network in the absence of exogenous growth fact
171 videnced a stage-dependent alteration of the vascular network in the cortices of fetuses with pFAS/FA
172   ALCAM(-/-) mice displayed an altered blood vascular network in the lung and the diaphragm, indicati
173 ascular precursor cells and that the primary vascular network in the retina develops by angiogenesis
174 51) mice, which lack ENS in the hindgut, the vascular network in this region appeared to be normal su
175 ve been investigated to include an organized vascular network in tissue constructs.
176 y detailed three-dimensional analysis of the vascular network in tumors.
177 es endogenous tissue dynamics to assembly of vascular networks in a mammalian system.
178 d quantitative analyses of three-dimensional vascular networks in all three models.
179 re, with reconstitution of rich intrainsular vascular networks in both species.
180 os showed a complete loss of high-complexity vascular networks in cotyledons and a drastic increase i
181 s can be a single source of odontoblasts and vascular networks in dental tissue engineering.
182 rongly support the use of human EPCs to form vascular networks in engineered organs and tissues.
183 ave focused on how stroke affects neural and vascular networks in experimental models of type 1 diabe
184 way required for separation of the two major vascular networks in mammals.
185 at neural activity promotes the formation of vascular networks in the early postnatal mouse barrel co
186                                        Blood vascular networks in vertebrates are essential to tissue
187 iate angiogenesis, and (iii) and intravasate vascular networks in vivo via a matrix metalloproteinase
188 ally resulted in the rapid regression of the vascular networks in vivo.
189 ferative and vasculogenic activity to create vascular networks in vivo.
190 red as a distinct area of hyperfluorescence (vascular network) in early to intermediate frames and as
191  of the major vessels of the trunk lymphatic vascular network, including the later-developing collate
192 s with the host circulation is essential for vascular networks incorporated within cell-seeded bioeng
193 rmine the distribution of oxygen in a native vascular network, incorporating into our model features
194                We found that the enteric and vascular networks initially had very distinct patterns o
195         Yet the mechanism by which implanted vascular networks inosculate, or anastomose, with the ho
196 by pericytes and a role for gap junctions in vascular network interactions.
197                            Assembly of these vascular networks involves sprouting, migration and prol
198                      The microfluidics-based vascular network is a promising platform for generating
199  As it is altered by ionizing radiation, the vascular network is considered as a prime target in limi
200 well as appropriate localization of the deep vascular network is mediated by R-cadherin, an adhesion
201  enhances ischemia-induced remodeling of the vascular network is not known.
202                Establishment of a functional vascular network is rate-limiting in embryonic developme
203 onstrate that the expansion of the lymphatic vascular network is tightly regulated.
204 on and maintenance of blood flow through new vascular networks is essential for successfully treating
205 h to adulthood, but the normal patterning of vascular networks is maintained.
206 Angiogenesis, the growth and remodeling of a vascular network, is an essential process during develop
207 cyte coverage and formation of dense retinal vascular networks lacking the normal hierarchical arrang
208 nsity evident by CD31 staining as well as in vascular networks layered with smooth muscle cells when
209 signaling in the maturation of the lymphatic vascular network likely via regulating the perivascular
210 e morphology and location of BMCs within the vascular network may be observed along with differentiat
211        Assessing FAZ alterations in the deep vascular network may be subject to greater interobserver
212                 Our results demonstrate that vascular network models cannot ignore certain complexiti
213                              At the level of vascular network morphology, 7 months' diabetes induced
214                             In addition, the vascular network must be organized so that all the paren
215 ng the primary tumor from developing its own vascular network needed for further growth.
216 monstrated that for insufficiently developed vascular networks, NPs are transported preferentially th
217 ent, the formation and remodeling of primary vascular networks occurs by vasculogenesis and angiogene
218                                 By using the vascular network of EMBs, EMBs can be perfused ex vivo a
219 methods that allow examination of the intact vascular network of large organs, such as the human plac
220 apted to exert their immune functions in the vascular network of the liver.
221  During mouse development, the sophisticated vascular network of the lung is established from embryon
222  the stepwise assembly and patterning of the vascular network of the zebrafish hindbrain.
223 A-4-phosphate (CA-4-P), rapidly disrupts the vascular network of tumors leading to secondary tumor ce
224 ansformed cells acquired the ability to form vascular networks on Matrigel.
225 t explanations focus on predicting the whole vascular network or sprout from the underlying cell beha
226  Our aim was to elucidate alterations of the vascular network organization, taking advantage of Flk1(
227 omography angiography provided more distinct vascular network patterns that were less obscured by sub
228 eed (74 mm/s) navigation of a multi-branched vascular network phantom.
229   Square-spiral towers, isolated within this vascular network, promote fluid mixing through chaotic a
230         Understanding the forces controlling vascular network properties and morphology can enhance i
231                                              Vascular network quantification by using high-spatial-re
232                  The OCTA clearly identified vascular network rarefaction with decreased choriocapill
233 ndothelial cells to organize themselves into vascular networks, rather than from defects in tissue-sp
234 lishing the anatomical form of the lymphatic vascular network remain largely unknown.
235                  Importantly, the engineered vascular networks remained patent at 4 weeks in vivo.
236    These results indicated that the yolk sac vascular network remains a site of progenitor production
237                               This induces a vascular network remodeling response in the healing ovar
238  for macrophages in supporting the extensive vascular network required for corpus luteum integrity an
239  of new capillary sprouts from a preexisting vascular network requires a highly coordinated cellular
240              Morphogenesis of the developing vascular network requires coordinated regulation of an e
241                           Morphogenesis of a vascular network requires dynamic vessel growth and regr
242 ary and sufficient to trigger alterations of vascular networks reveals an important feature of neurov
243 are central determinants in the formation of vascular networks seen in vertebrate organisms.
244                      The differences between vascular networks, sexes, and fellow eyes and correlatio
245                  A comparison with the plant vascular networks shows that the same optimization crite
246        Simulations differing only in initial vascular network structures but with identical dynamics
247 cientists have long sought to understand how vascular networks supply blood and oxygen to cells throu
248                                              Vascular networks surrounding individual organs are impo
249                       These engineered human vascular networks survive implantation, integrate with t
250 arts that exhibited an elaborate ventricular vascular network, Tbx5(epi-/-) hearts displayed a marked
251    These tumors also showed a more developed vascular network than control tumors and secreted elevat
252                    As a result, an organized vascular network that is optimal for tissue perfusion is
253  characterized by an aggressive and aberrant vascular network that promotes tumor progression and hin
254 arises from a preexisting red cell-deficient vascular network that remodels to patency to accommodate
255 n and fabricate a liver-assist device with a vascular network that supports a hepatic parenchymal com
256 t uterus and the development of an elaborate vascular network that supports embryonic growth.
257 largely responsible for maintaining the fine vascular network that surrounds highly remodeling bone.
258 of the peri-neural vascular plexus (PNVP), a vascular network that surrounds the CNS and is critical
259  generate an extensive primitive plexus-like vascular network that would perfuse the entire scaffold
260 owth requires the development of independent vascular networks that are often primitive in morphology
261 ricyte-induced stabilization of newly formed vascular networks that are predisposed to undergo regres
262  is comprised of two parallel, yet distinct, vascular networks that carry blood to and from the heart
263              Angiogenesis produces primitive vascular networks that need pruning to yield hierarchica
264 d alone in vivo, they formed transient blood vascular networks that regressed by day 30.
265 uced the formation of dilated and normalized vascular networks that were hypersensitive to anti-VEGF
266                 In the absence of perfusable vascular networks, three-dimensional (3D) engineered tis
267 ions with the LVV to safeguard the lymphatic vascular network throughout life.
268 hat considers the average conductance of the vascular network to a representative areole (region boun
269  or cartilage, and the re-establishment of a vascular network to maintain cell viability.
270 y achieved because of the confinement of the vascular network to one plane close to the surface of th
271                    Engineered tissues need a vascular network to supply cells with nutrients and oxyg
272 P1 expression from the mature regions of the vascular network to the growing vascular front was obser
273 of water under tension, but also exposed the vascular network to the risk of gas emboli and the sprea
274 in perfusion and function: the patterning of vascular networks to efficiently deliver blood and nutri
275 equire high rates of perfusion by functional vascular networks to ensure proper sensory transmission.
276 cells and promotes the formation of abnormal vascular networks typical of KS vasculature; upregulates
277 nsport was simulated for a three-dimensional vascular network using parameters for rat extensor digit
278 gineering will rely on our ability to create vascular networks using human cells that can be obtained
279                           The decellularized vascular network was able to withstand fluid flow that e
280 "margin," and "location," either because the vascular network was not clearly shown (3 cases) or beca
281                     In addition, a branching vascular network was noted above the Bruch membrane in 1
282                                          The vascular network was used to reseed the scaffolds with h
283 map of all endothelial cells in a remodeling vascular network, we propose that balanced movement of c
284 nt of the right-hand side and left-hand side vascular networks well before the network asymmetry beco
285  face angiograms of the superficial and deep vascular networks were acquired.
286                                              Vascular networks were derived from the reconstruction.
287 stricted, fewer small vessels were seen, and vascular networks were disorganized.
288       cxcr4a mutant zebrafish fail to form a vascular network, whereas ectopic expression of Cxcl12b
289 rs undergo vigorous growth and remodeling of vascular networks, which results in disappearance of the
290 y of aggressive cancer cells forming de novo vascular networks, which thereby contribute to perfusion
291 of-function causes formation of a hyperdense vascular network with disturbed blood flow.
292   Fli1 CKO mice showed a disorganized dermal vascular network with greatly compromised vessel integri
293 hat needs to be reorganized into a secondary vascular network with higher hierarchical structure.
294 somotor activity along a genetically defined vascular network with pharmacological and immunohistoche
295 is was confirmed by the presence of tortuous vascular networks with high levels of expression of CD31
296  bioengineering is the need for a functional vascular network within the engineered tissue.
297 muscle cells that surround and constrain the vascular network within the glomerulus of the kidney.
298 ased approach to generate endothelialized 3D vascular networks within cell-laden hydrogel biomaterial
299 ion of cancer is dependent on acquisition of vascular networks within the tumor.
300 ows for the evaluation of functional retinal vascular networks without a need for contrast dyes.

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