


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tion in isolated arteries and oppose certain vasorelaxants.
2  interplay of endothelin-1 with the putative vasorelaxant 2-arachidonoyl glycerol, an endogenous cann
3 (ChAT), which catalyzes the synthesis of the vasorelaxant acetylcholine, relay neural signals.
4 53 does not possess the direct, IM-sensitive vasorelaxant action of troglitazone.
5 ivity relationships for the antiischemic and vasorelaxant activities of KATP openers are distinct.
6 o Allium extracts, including hypotensive and vasorelaxant activities.
7 are favored in the oxygenated structure, and vasorelaxant activity is "linked" to deoxygenation, as i
8 culation, and NPR-C activation underlies the vasorelaxant activity of this peptide.
9 d cardiac tissues, devoid of chronotropy and vasorelaxant activity.
10                                          The vasorelaxant and anti-mitogenic activities of the atrial
11 support that there is no correlation between vasorelaxant and cardioprotective potencies of KATP open
12 t in the kidney, where it exerts significant vasorelaxant and neuromodulatory effects.
13                        Hydrogen sulfide is a vasorelaxant and proangiogenic gas with therapeutic pote
14                                          The vasorelaxant and protective activity of CNP and cANF(4-2
15 the normal response to endothelium-dependent vasorelaxants and myocardial perfusion in response to FG
16 asma levels of adrenomedullin (AM), a potent vasorelaxant, are increased in septic shock and possibly
17 anandamide has recently been identified as a vasorelaxant but the underlying mechanisms are controver
18 mparable (ED(50) 1.7 microM) to 14,15-EET as vasorelaxants but were approximately 10-35 times less po
19  and direct intracavernosal injection of the vasorelaxant drug papaverine cause rapid increases in ph
20     The alpha-tocopherol moiety alone had no vasorelaxant effect at concentrations up to 300 micromol
21                           NPR-A mediates the vasorelaxant effect of ANP in pulmonary vasculature.
22                                          The vasorelaxant effect of LPS was blocked by L-NIL.
23 domethacin (IM; 10 micromol/l; n = 12), this vasorelaxant effect of troglitazone was abolished (P < 0
24 on-dependent (1-30 microM) inhibition of the vasorelaxant effects of abn-cbd and anandamide.
25 r-853 were not observed, indicating that the vasorelaxant effects of cGKI are not through dephosphory
26                                          The vasorelaxant effects of the endothelium-derived relaxing
27 lates flow by releasing endothelium-mediated vasorelaxant factors such as NO.
28 l dysfunction or drugs that are large-artery vasorelaxants may be effective in reducing large-artery
29 , indicating increased release of the potent vasorelaxant nitric oxide.
30 more potent, respectively, than 14,15-EET as vasorelaxants; on the other hand, their ability to block
31  of 27 results from a combination of reduced vasorelaxant potency and enhanced cardioprotective poten
32 andidate to investigate the role of residual vasorelaxant potency of 2 toward its cardioprotective ac
33 hemic myocardium is achieved by reduction of vasorelaxant potency rather than enhancement in antiisch
34 r designing drugs to counter the noxious and vasorelaxant properties of general anesthetics and may p
35 the hypothesis that the cardioprotective and vasorelaxant properties of K(ATP) openers follow distinc
36  In conclusion, in cirrhotic rat livers, the vasorelaxant response to NTG is impaired owing to both a
37  normal livers, NTG and SNAP induced similar vasorelaxant responses (P =.44).
38 epressed L-arginine (10(-4) mol/L)-dependent vasorelaxant responses in O rings to those of Y.
39 l dysfunction as evidenced by blunted aortic vasorelaxant responses to acetylcholine (ACh) and calciu
40 splay pronounced hypertension with deficient vasorelaxant responses to acetylcholine.
41                                          The vasorelaxant responses to anandamide have now been exami
42             Cirrhotic livers exhibited lower vasorelaxant responses, compared with normal livers, to

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