コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 oleus), 0.031 +/- 0.001 and 0.060 +/- 0.001 (vastus), and 0.027 +/- 0.001 and 0.055 +/- 0.001 (tricep
2 me of a hexactinellid sponge, Aphrocallistes vastus, and compared it to published poriferan mtDNAs to
4 nounced at proximal (1.05) and middle (1.64) vastus intermedius compared to the other sites (0.72-0.7
8 predominately Type I fiber), and superficial vastus lateralis (SVL, predominately Type II fiber), of
9 tromyographic signals were recorded from the vastus lateralis (VL) during voluntary contractions held
14 ialis anterior (TA), medial hamstrings (MH), vastus lateralis (VL), rectus femoris (RF) and iliopsoas
20 me, calpain, and caspase 3 activities in the vastus lateralis and diaphragm muscles did not differ be
23 ean fiber diameter decreased with age in the vastus lateralis and rectus femoris but not the soleus o
26 OPD and the numbers of autophagosomes in the vastus lateralis and tibialis anterior muscles, the leve
27 dependence of the neural drive to the human vastus lateralis and vastus medialis muscles during the
31 Muscle biopsy samples were obtained from the vastus lateralis at pre-determined time points and oxyge
37 ctromyography, nerve conduction studies, and vastus lateralis biopsies for histologic, cellular, and
39 ived multipotent cells (MDMCs) isolated from vastus lateralis biopsies obtained from controls and sub
40 ATP production in mitochondria isolated from vastus lateralis biopsies of 42 healthy sedentary and en
41 standard bout of resistance leg exercise and vastus lateralis biopsies were obtained pre-, and at 24,
46 control protein synthesis and breakdown, in vastus lateralis biopsy samples obtained from 10 patient
47 freshly isolated mitochondria obtained from vastus lateralis biopsy samples using the luciferase rea
51 catheterization and muscle biopsies from the vastus lateralis during the infusion of stable isotope t
52 area (CSA) (by magnetic resonance imaging), vastus lateralis fascicle length (L(f)) and pennation an
54 growth factor-beta1 signaling activation in vastus lateralis from ICU-acquired weakness patients.
55 ctivity of GSK-3 were studied in biopsies of vastus lateralis from type 2 and nondiabetic subjects be
56 Comparisons were made between sequential Vastus Lateralis histological specimens and ultrasound a
57 training, cross-sectional muscle area of the vastus lateralis increased in both groups (4.2 +/- 3.0%
58 o determine mRNA levels in biopsies from the vastus lateralis muscle at baseline, after 5 and 12 week
59 ne in oxidative capacity per volume of human vastus lateralis muscle between nine adult (mean age 38.
60 mp with [3-(3)H]glucose/indirect calorimetry/vastus lateralis muscle biopsies before and after 16 wee
61 emoral arterial and venous blood samples and vastus lateralis muscle biopsies during a stable isotope
62 lycemic clamps with indirect calorimetry and vastus lateralis muscle biopsies in eight type 2 diabeti
63 e subjects completed 7 days of bed rest with vastus lateralis muscle biopsies obtained before and aft
65 ts with cirrhosis and eight controls, serial vastus lateralis muscle biopsies were obtained before an
78 We studied IkappaB/NFkappaB signaling in vastus lateralis muscle from six subjects with type 2 di
80 oute for vaccine administration and that the vastus lateralis muscle is preferred over the deltoid mu
83 e-specific phosphorylation of IRS-1 in human vastus lateralis muscle obtained by needle biopsy basall
84 method of single-fiber analysis was used on vastus lateralis muscle obtained by percutaneous biopsy
85 microdialysis probes were inserted into the vastus lateralis muscle of 6 healthy male subjects and p
86 compared with controls, rectus abdominis and vastus lateralis muscle of critically ill patients showe
88 he activities of PKClambda/zeta and PDK-1 in vastus lateralis muscle of lean, obese, and obese/type 2
90 our weeks later, motoneurons innervating the vastus lateralis muscle of the quadriceps were labeled w
91 Needle biopsies samples were taken from the vastus lateralis muscle Pre-ULLS, Post-ULLS and after 3
98 Under local anesthesia, approximately 1 g of vastus lateralis muscle was obtained from six healthy su
100 18, and 24 months postburn, a biopsy of the vastus lateralis muscle was taken and snap frozen at -80
102 ter, motoneurons innervating the ipsilateral vastus lateralis muscle were labeled with cholera toxin-
116 evels significantly decrease from midlife in vastus lateralis muscles and highly correlate with muscl
121 f the medialis, the lateral retinaculum, the vastus lateralis obliquus, the iliotibial band, and the
122 1); P < 0.001) greater, respectively, in the vastus lateralis of cancer patients than in that of cont
123 04) and cathepsin B and L expressions in the vastus lateralis of cancer patients than in that of cont
124 rotein expressions were also measured in the vastus lateralis of control (n = 7) and cancer (n = 8) p
125 (rest)) in flexor digitorum brevis (FDB) and vastus lateralis prepared from heterozygous (Het) and ho
126 men, muscle biopsies were obtained from the vastus lateralis prior to (Pre), after 1 week and after
130 taken before and after training from the m. vastus lateralis to measure muscle microvascular endothe
132 Skeletal muscle biopsy specimens from the vastus lateralis were analyzed at 3 and 12 months after
134 min, soleus, gastrocnemius, and superficial vastus lateralis were excised for tracer determination.
137 after prolonged culture, needle biopsies of vastus lateralis were obtained from 8 healthy nondiabeti
141 d mean power frequency (MPF) response of the vastus lateralis with the VO2 response during repeated b
142 To test this hypothesis, we measured muscle (vastus lateralis) LCACoA content and insulin action in m
143 rdiorespiratory fitness and skeletal muscle (vastus lateralis) mitochondrial content (citrate synthas
144 hondrial respiration of fibres biopsied from vastus lateralis) was compared with in vivo skeletal mus
145 c clamps were performed and skeletal muscle (vastus lateralis) was obtained in the basal and insulin-
149 d contralateral responses in semitendinosus, vastus lateralis, and lateral gastrocnemius muscles at f
150 GNE-related myopathy, and the gastrocnemius, vastus lateralis, and rectus femoris muscles were evalua
151 Chronic EMG electrodes were implanted into vastus lateralis, biceps femoris posterior, lateral gast
153 mma messenger RNA expression was elevated in vastus lateralis, independent of the myosin/actin ratio.
155 ant statistically (triceps versus soleus and vastus lateralis, P < 0.05), were within approximately 1
157 responses bilaterally in the biceps femoris, vastus lateralis, rectus femoris, medial gastrocnemius,
159 f markedly different fibre-type composition (vastus lateralis, triceps, soleus) after an overnight fa
167 ased carcass (p = 0.002) and muscle weights (Vastus Lateralis: p < 0.001; Semitendinosus: p = 0.075).
168 men underwent a resting muscle biopsy of the vastus lateralis; they then performed a knee extensor re
169 work production: prolonged excitation in the vastus medialis and phase-advanced excitation (both earl
171 positively with higher co-contraction of the vastus medialis medial hamstrings prior to plate movemen
172 instability had higher co-contraction of the vastus medialis medial hamstrings than did those who rep
174 ural drive to the human vastus lateralis and vastus medialis muscles during the production of isometr
175 t the medial patellofemoral ligament and the vastus medialis obliquus are the primary restraints to l
177 tial doses of insulin were injected into the vastus medialis of one hind limb (INJ); the contralatera
178 tion, external power-producing muscles (e.g. vastus medialis) showing prolonged excitation and muscle
179 r muscles (medial and lateral gastrocnemius, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis and rectus femoris).
180 adduction moment resulted in lower levels of vastus medialis-medial gastrocnemius muscle co-contracti
184 sment of glycogen and IMCL concentrations in vastus muscles, subjects rested for 24 h and ingested mi
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