


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  are used for many crops that are propagated vegetatively.
2 opmental genes when the bacteria are growing vegetatively.
3    Many species have the ability to resprout vegetatively after a substantial loss of biomass induced
4             Haploid tissue can be propagated vegetatively, allowing the maintenance of mutants blocke
5 erature, ensures that many plants overwinter vegetatively and flower in spring.
6                           Annual plants grow vegetatively at early developmental stages and then tran
7 a/hta1-htb1 delta, HTA2-HTB2/HTA2-HTB2) grow vegetatively, but will not sporulate.
8 ed the rate of de novo centriole assembly in vegetatively dividing cells that normally always contain
9 rmophila telomeric DNA tracts that occurs in vegetatively dividing cells, the overall ratio of type I
10                This phenotype is not seen in vegetatively dividing haploid or diploid cells.
11 was precisely replaced by intron L2 from the vegetatively expressed actin gene ACT2.
12                                    ARK1 is a vegetatively expressed receptor protein kinase gene isol
13 prior conjugation of haploid cells, the four vegetatively expressed septins (Spn1, Spn2, Spn3, and Sp
14 duction onto medium without gibberellin grew vegetatively for many days but a several-day exposure to
15 s an herbaceous perennial weed that produces vegetatively from an abundance of underground adventitio
16 omosomes reveals that homologs are paired in vegetatively growing budding yeast diploid cells, via mu
17 is known that, in the absence of starvation, vegetatively growing cell suspensions can form 'glycerol
18 n to be required for normal morphogenesis in vegetatively growing cells and in haploid cells respondi
19              The Vik1 protein is detected in vegetatively growing cells but not in mating pheromone-t
20 adenylated mRNAs and are highly expressed in vegetatively growing cells but only weakly expressed in
21 number of myxospores, it was determined that vegetatively growing cells contain one to two copies of
22 ential expression of genes in meiotic versus vegetatively growing cells in the yeast Saccharomyces ce
23                                              Vegetatively growing cells maintain pre-existing telomer
24 d for faithful transmission of rho+ mtDNA in vegetatively growing cells, colocalizes with mtDNA in si
25 number of core genes are highly expressed in vegetatively growing cells, many pombe-specific genes ar
26 p with those which are normally repressed in vegetatively growing cells, such as targets of the Clr6
27 the DNA environment within dormant cells and vegetatively growing cells.
28  but not the 280-kDa telomerase complex from vegetatively growing cells.
29 from both mating pheromone-treated cells and vegetatively growing cells.
30            This reaction was not observed in vegetatively growing cells.
31 it that is not observed with telomerase from vegetatively growing cells.
32 The current study addresses this subject for vegetatively growing diploid cells of fission yeast Schi
33 osomal loci will collide with one another in vegetatively growing diploid yeast cells have been asses
34              Heterokaryon incompatability in vegetatively growing fungi is controlled by multiple loc
35  technique to visualize apical tip growth in vegetatively growing hyphae.
36 -negative soil bacterium Myxococcus xanthus, vegetatively growing rod cells differentiate to ultimate
37 d resistant to many treatments which disrupt vegetatively growing rods but are not as resistant as fr
38 s unequal sister-chromatid exchange (SCE) in vegetatively growing yeast cells.
39 sequences enhanced translation efficiency in vegetatively growing yeast cells.
40 roperties of this second microsomal P-450 of vegetatively growing yeast.
41 ), has been purified more than 300-fold from vegetatively grown cells and copurifies with a 42-kDa po
42 lication only in germinating zygotes, not in vegetatively grown cells, indicating that cpDNA replicat
43 vulgaris) is a biennial root crop that grows vegetatively in the first year and starts shoot elongati
44                             Crops reproduced vegetatively, including tubers and many fruit trees, are
45 portion of the smaller size classes, whereas vegetatively produced trees dominated the smaller size c
46 n important parthenocarpic crops such as the vegetatively propagated and widely consumed Cavendish ba
47  cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), a vegetatively propagated autotetraploid and their impact
48 ization (FISH)-based CNV survey in potato, a vegetatively propagated autotetraploid species (2n = 4x
49  that can be selected for the improvement of vegetatively propagated plant species.
50                           Although potato is vegetatively propagated, we observed that female gametes
51 netic behaviors associated specifically with vegetatively swarming cells.
52 nd bays where they can reproduce sexually or vegetatively through clonal propagation.
53 titive DNA families because it is propagated vegetatively, thus minimizing the meiotic mechanisms tha
54 n-mediated cell fission and continue to grow vegetatively with a number of nuclei (1-2) per cell, sim
55                                   Fungi grow vegetatively without TMG caps, thereby raising the quest

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