


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 hed sympathetically induced and drug-induced venoconstriction.
2  forces (venocompression) rather than active venoconstriction.
3  significant peripheral vasoconstriction and venoconstriction (20% capacitance change).
4              Infusion of L-NMMA alone caused venoconstriction (9.1+/-6.4% increase in venous tone, P=
5 to L-NMMA primarily reflects a difference in venoconstriction between agents, such that phenylephrine
6 [Pro(11)(D)-Ala(12)] Ang I is able to induce venoconstriction in humans in vivo.
7                 SFLLRN caused dose-dependent venoconstriction (P<0.001) that was unaffected by norepi
8                                              Venoconstriction progressed to 47% with increasing conce
9 ge, impaired adrenergic vasoconstriction and venoconstriction result in hypotension.
10                        Norepinephrine exerts venoconstriction that could increase both the mean syste
11 up of low-flow POTS patients had exaggerated venoconstriction to phenylephrine (50% capacitance chang

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