


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 patients underwent bilateral upper-extremity venography.
2 ts and HC subjects were detected by using MR venography.
3  veins occurred in one (3%) patient at 3D MR venography.
4 entified as tip embedded by using rotational venography.
5 detected in 148 (9%) patients at indirect CT venography.
6 om 4 days to 15 years underwent 2D and 3D MR venography.
7 VT was present in 33 patients at indirect CT venography.
8 ents, 3D MR venography was superior to 2D MR venography.
9 chniques of needle placement, and utility of venography.
10 eater reduction in thrombus size assessed by venography.
11 udies with ultrasonography (US) or ascending venography.
12 onal cases, DVT was seen at only indirect CT venography.
13  in all 15, DVT also was seen at indirect CT venography.
14 e third patient was diagnosed with pulmonary venography.
15 ilable, and more acceptable to patients than venography.
16 16 patients who underwent US and indirect CT venography, 15 had DVT at US, and in all 15, DVT also wa
17                       As compared with 3D MR venography, 2D MR venography failed to reveal sigmoid si
18 tigraphy (84.7% and 75.8%, respectively) and venography (71.7% and 80.7%, respectively) are comparabl
19                            Fast-spin-echo MR venography allowed evaluation of slow-flow systems such
20                                           CT venography also defines pelvic or abdominal thrombus, wh
21                                           MR venography also was predictive of unsuccessful hemodialy
22  and that shunt status should be assessed by venography and direct portal pressure measurements until
23 Shunts were occluded or severely stenotic at venography and necropsy in the remaining six animals.
24 after the procedure, after follow-up splenic venography and necropsy were performed.
25                                  Combined CT venography and pulmonary angiography can accurately depi
26                                     The TIPS venography and serial ultrasound/MRI were used subsequen
27 ally diagnosed by Doppler ultrasonography or venography and treated with anticoagulation therapy for
28 ersies surround the technique of indirect CT venography, and difficult topics such as this are ideall
29 t CT, lower extremity Doppler ultrasound and venography, and repeat lung scans.
30 flushing, catheter insertion, pulmonary vein venography, and sheath exchange) and 333 radiofrequency
31              MR pulmonary angiography and MR venography are second-line diagnostic tools because of t
32 ivity and specificity results obtained using venography as a gold standard are compared to those obta
33 ained from the estimates based on the use of venography as a gold standard for both high and low dise
34 at it may not be appropriate to use contrast venography as a gold standard in the assessment of new d
35  requests indirect computed tomographic (CT) venography as part of a work-up of a patient with a high
36 auma and were examined with multidetector CT venography because they were considered to be at high ri
37 rwent gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance venography before and during hypoxic challenge (fraction
38 underwent brain MRI and contrast-enhanced MR venography before measurement of LOP between 2010-2014 w
39             Patients underwent bilateral leg venography between 7 and 11 days postsurgery.
40 ent combined CT pulmonary angiography and CT venography between May 2005 and March 2006 were reviewed
41          Venous anomalies suggested at 2D MR venography but not present at 3D MR venography included
42                   Performance of indirect CT venography by using contiguous section intervals, with a
43 ombined pulmonary CT angiography-indirect CT venography can depict these cases with accuracy comparab
44 pulmonary angiography and magnetic resonance venography combined have a higher sensitivity than magne
45                           Follow-up included venography, cross-sectional imaging, and laboratory test
46                               One-month TIPS venography demonstrated complete resolution of MPV throm
47 uplex ultrasonography and magnetic resonance venography demonstrated thrombus formation in the left i
48                             Multidetector CT venography depicted thrombosis of 98 dural sinuses or ju
49 n in areas not optimally visualized by DS or venography, distinguishes STP from DVT, and leads to sig
50 n thrombosis detected by mandatory bilateral venography, documented symptomatic deep-vein thrombosis,
51                  Three patients underwent CT venography during CT angiography.
52 ad undergone CT pulmonary angiography and CT venography during the two preceding years, current and p
53 assess recanalisation, patients underwent MR venography every 3 months until partial or complete reca
54  gadolinium (Gd)-enhanced magnetic resonance venography exam, and the vein segments were harvested.
55     As compared with 3D MR venography, 2D MR venography failed to reveal sigmoid sinus stenosis in on
56 pulmonary angiography and magnetic resonance venography for diagnosing pulmonary embolism has not bee
57  adequate magnetic resonance angiography and venography had a sensitivity of 92% and a specificity of
58 om sonographic correlation was available, CT venography had a sensitivity of 97% and a specificity of
59 cluding Doppler ultrasonography, followed by venography if indicated.
60 cranial contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance venography in 18 consecutive volunteers (10 men, eight w
61                 DVT was found at indirect CT venography in 45 (8%), and pulmonary embolism was found
62  dural thrombosis was overestimated at 2D MR venography in one patient.
63 ased on cranial MRI and contrast-enhanced MR venography in patients with idiopathic intracranial hype
64 nal MR venography is often superior to 2D MR venography in the delineation of major cerebral venous s
65         Scintigraphy is compared to contrast venography in two populations of patients with different
66 fast-spin-echo sequence was optimized for MR venography in volunteer and phantom studies.
67 at 2D MR venography but not present at 3D MR venography included flow gaps in the nondominant transve
68                         Three-dimensional MR venography is often superior to 2D MR venography in the
69                                           CT venography may be limited to the lower extremities, thus
70 e initial results, 3D gadolinium-enhanced MR venography may facilitate comprehensive evaluation of ab
71 th findings (in 12 patients) at conventional venography (n = 3), attempted central venous catheter pl
72 symptomatic detected by mandatory, bilateral venography), non-fatal pulmonary embolism, and all-cause
73 f vascular signal seen with the use of 2D MR venography occurred in nondominant transverse sinuses.
74    Separate effective radiation doses for CT venography of pelvis and lower extremities were calculat
75 le; age range, 16-67 years) who underwent MR venography of the central veins.
76                              In addition, CT venography of the pelvis and lower extremities is often
77                                           CT venography of the pelvis during CT pulmonary angiography
78 o evidence of narrowing was seen with repeat venography or follow-up computed tomography scan.
79 mboembolism (assessed by mandatory bilateral venography or report of symptomatic events).
80 tifacts at MR arteriography (P < .001) or MR venography (P = .002).
81                                     Contrast venography remains the gold standard for the diagnosis o
82                           Two-dimensional MR venography results failed to reveal a persistent falcine
83 nus thrombosis in two patients in whom 3D MR venography results were normal.
84                                          The venography revealed occlusion of the right brachiocephal
85                                           MR venography should be performed in patients with suspecte
86 nd points were asymptomatic DVT on mandatory venography; symptomatic DVT confirmed by ultrasonography
87 ptomatic DVT confirmed by ultrasonography or venography; symptomatic, objectively proven pulmonary em
88                               Addition of CT venography to CT pulmonary angiography increased the det
89                  The addition of indirect CT venography to CT pulmonary angiography incrementally inc
90            Thus, the addition of indirect CT venography to CT pulmonary angiography resulted in a 20%
91                                Compared with venography, ultrasonography had a sensitivity of 35% and
92 y with the cardiac venous anatomy, occlusive venography, venoplasty, guide wire tools, guiding cathet
93 cluding computed tomographic angiography and venography, ventilation-perfusion lung scan, venous ultr
94              Effective radiation dose for CT venography was 5.2 mSv +/- 0.5 (standard deviation) for
95 ency of isolated pelvic DVT detected with MR venography was higher than that reported in prior studie
96                                           CT venography was performed after 3.5 minutes.
97                                        Shunt venography was performed at 1-month intervals and necrop
98                                        Shunt venography was performed at 2 weeks, followed by necrops
99                                        Shunt venography was performed at 5-8 weeks, and necropsy was
100 en June 1990 and July 1995, follow-up portal venography was performed at 6-month intervals and for sy
101                                           MR venography was performed by using a two-dimensional grad
102 monary angiography, a contiguous indirect CT venography was performed from the iliac crest to the pop
103                Follow-up transhepatic portal venography was performed weekly for 6 weeks or until the
104                                     Baseline venography was performed.
105              Catheter tips were cultured and venography was repeated at catheter removal.
106        In 19 (51%) of the 37 patients, 3D MR venography was superior to 2D MR venography.
107  patients; in a fourth patient, conventional venography was unsuccessful due to inadequate access.
108                                        Graft venography was used to confirm occlusion in 62 patients
109 s detection rates with and without pelvic CT venography were compared by using the chi(2) test.
110                                Results of CT venography were compared with those of bilateral lower-e
111 al vein STP in five patients, whereas DS and venography were negative in five and two of these patien
112 s undergoing CT pulmonary angiography and CT venography were recruited.
113                  Contrast-enhanced CT and MR venography were the most sensitive imaging modalities.
114 luoroscopy with use of contrast material and venography were used to place catheters and document the
115 ascular imaging, including arteriography and venography, will almost certainly assist with the descri
116 erwent 3D gadolinium-enhanced subtraction MR venography with a spoiled gradient-echo sequence before
117 r ultrasonography at 1, 6, and 12 months and venography with manometry at 6-month intervals after the
118 V) is difficult, and success is assumed from venography without the support of steroid assays.
119                                           CT venography yields detailed images of the intracranial ve

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