


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ect a limited area surrounding the explosive vent.
2  droplets observed at the lubrication system vent.
3 ere they recrystallize by heating within the vent.
4 ing that DOC may come from these hydrocarbon vents.
5 er well represented in deep-sea hydrothermal vents.
6 nts of ion-fluxes near deep-ocean geothermal vents.
7 mically different diffuse fluid hydrothermal vents.
8 odynamically directed events at hydrothermal vents.
9 of interconnected micropores within deep-sea vents.
10 ubes, brinicles, or chimneys at hydrothermal vents.
11  in the Earth's subsurface and at deep ocean vents.
12 he warm subseafloor of deep-sea hydrothermal vents.
13 nt CO(2) sink even at sites far removed from vents.
14 acidification regimes caused by volcanic CO2 vents.
15 cturing faunal assemblages at Southern Ocean vents.
16 vinocaridid shrimps, are absent from the ESR vents.
17 xhibit similarities to those of Mid-Atlantic vents.
18 onments may have been submarine-hydrothermal vents.
19 household air pollution when smoke is poorly vented.
20 %) of flowback gases were flared rather than vented.
21 ed at similar facilities without substantial venting.
22 rs of magnitude lower than observed prior to venting.
23 aerobic conditions were promoted through air venting.
24 3(-)), thereby changing the gradient for CO2 venting.
25 ck smokers up to 382.8 degrees C and diffuse venting.
26 contained within the damaged reactors during venting.
27 otal of 160 L in four equal amounts) and air venting (68.4 m(3)per day for 121 days in two phases).
28 simulate conditions in alkaline hydrothermal vents, allowing investigation of the possibility that ab
29                                 Hydrothermal venting along mid-ocean ridges exerts an important contr
30 the first discovery of deep-sea hydrothermal vents along the Galapagos Rift in 1977, numerous vent si
31 ification were detected between urchins from vent and control populations.
32 r appears to be a sister clade among current vent and seep deep-sea Ampharetinae.
33 ne approximately 3 km north-northeast of the vent and the other 31 km to the southwest, with sampling
34 reater than directly reported emissions from venting and flaring and four times greater than our regi
35  fossil fuel source--most probably decreased venting and flaring of natural gas in oil fields--rather
36 ral component in roofing, fence post covers, venting and flashing, as well as in industrial and urban
37 ta) and quantitative estimates of unreported venting and fugitive sources.
38 ilitate tumor metabolism by facilitating CO2 venting and intracellular pH regulation.
39 etween inlet and outlet pressure, as well as venting and leaking equipment.
40                            The effect of air venting and moisture variation on H2S production and the
41 elative contribution from dust, hydrothermal venting and reductive and non-reductive sedimentary rele
42  negative coping strategies, such as denial, venting and self-blame, were associated with higher post
43 ch as space stations, locations near volcano vents and closed culture vessels, atmospheric CO(2) conc
44 rmal hydrocarbon synthesis near hydrothermal vents and deeper in the magma-hydrothermal system is pos
45 f almost 500 detected sources were from tank vents and hatches.
46 hold for hyperthermophilic methanogenesis at vents and highlight the need for coupled laboratory and
47 the chemosynthetic symbioses at hydrothermal vents and illustrate the coupling between subsurface geo
48 stimates from atmospheric dust, hydrothermal vents and oceanic sediments vary by orders of magnitude.
49 d environments as rich in H2 as hydrothermal vents and seafloor-spreading centres and have suggested
50 m Brazelton introduces deep sea hydrothermal vents and the unusual life forms they host.
51 ard DNA polymerases, including Hemo KlenTaq, Vent, and Deep Vent, but also bypassed for full length p
52 by-well analysis of production phase flared, vented, and fuel usage natural gas volumes reported at 3
53 rta in 2011 has been used to derive flaring, venting, and diesel combustion greenhouse gas and criter
54  than output from arc volcanoes plus diffuse venting, and substantial quantities of carbon are stored
55 ankcases, compressor packing vents, wet seal vents, and slop tanks.
56 coolant had likely evaporated by the time of venting; and (3) physical migration through the fuel mat
57  Ocean, from 2013 to 2015 at three different vents: Anemone, Marker 33, and Marker 113.
58         Our study provides insights into how vent animals can disperse between widely separated vent
59 an anion-selective CLR from the hydrothermal vent annelid worm Alvinella pompejana that opens at low
60           During coculture of a hydrothermal vent archaeon with a bacterial competitor, muramidase tr
61                        Deep-sea hydrothermal vents are a significant source of oceanic iron.
62                                 Hydrothermal vents are a well-known source of energy that powers chem
63 O2 releases from shallow marine hydrothermal vents are assumed to mix into the water column, and not
64                                 Hydrothermal vents are highly dynamic ecosystems and are unusually en
65                        Deep-sea hydrothermal vents are highly dynamic habitats characterized by steep
66 raints on microbial growth and metabolism at vents are lacking.
67                        Deep-sea hydrothermal vents are patchily distributed ecosystems inhabited by s
68 er, connectivity patterns among hydrothermal vents are still poorly understood because the deep sea i
69        Samples were retrieved from different venting areas within the Menez Gwen hydrothermal field,
70 the individual in the hottest section of the vent, as expected from being closest to the sulphide nee
71 e deposits, mining regions, and hydrothermal vents, as exemplified by the formation of nanoparticles
72                                         Many vent-associated species have free-swimming, dispersive l
73 rican margin (1-4 per cent) and hydrothermal venting at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (2-6 per cent).
74 o further polychaete species are shared with vents beyond the Indian Ocean.
75 he Antarctic vent ecosystems represent a new vent biogeographic province.
76 e Southern Ocean represent a new province of vent biogeography, but the spatial dynamics of their dis
77 places Longqi in an Indian Ocean province of vent biogeography.
78 eral in nature and therefore may not support vent biota.
79 -containing pyrite, and iron in hydrothermal vent black smoker emissions.
80  geochemistry and physical structure of each vent both played important roles in shaping the dominant
81 ases, including Hemo KlenTaq, Vent, and Deep Vent, but also bypassed for full length primer extension
82 uclides within the spent fuel at the time of venting, but not as yet observed and reported within env
83 eduction in gonad weight was detected at the vents, but no differences in mortality, respiration, or
84      Warm fluids emanating from hydrothermal vents can be used as windows into the rocky subseafloor
85  with sufficient magnitude that hydrothermal vents can have far-field effects on global dFe distribut
86 nvestigation of the possibility that abiotic vent chemistry could prefigure the origins of biochemist
87 lfate-methane transition zones, hydrothermal vents, coastal sediments, and deep-sea surface and subsu
88          Until recently studies of microbial vent communities have focused primarily on chemolithoaut
89 control site and assumed larger sizes at the vent compared to the control site and two other sites at
90  urchins grew more than twice as fast at the vent compared with those at an adjacent control site and
91 ore conclude that CH4 from the Norwegian Sea vent complexes was likely the main source of carbon duri
92 hermogenic methane and CO2 from hydrothermal vent complexes.
93 s been produced under simulated hydrothermal vent conditions from alkyl thiols and carbon monoxide in
94 ders of magnitude under continuous open-flow vent conditions.
95 icroorganism that is found near hydrothermal vents deep under the sea, where the pressure is up to 10
96  Many invertebrates at deep-sea hydrothermal vents depend upon bacterial symbionts for nutrition, and
97 lobally distributed at deep-sea hydrothermal vents, depend upon chemoautotrophic symbionts for their
98 hetic mussels found at deep-sea hydrothermal vents descend from much smaller species associated with
99 low front advance continued ~3.6 km from the vent, despite detectable lava supply ceasing 6-8 months
100  154Eu, 155Eu, and 151Sm through atmospheric venting during the first month following the accident we
101 ccounting for both incomplete combustion and venting during unintentional flame termination.
102                             Taxa abundant in vent ecosystems in other oceans, including polychaete wo
103 ivariate analyses suggest that the Antarctic vent ecosystems represent a new vent biogeographic provi
104 formations near subsea alkaline hydrothermal vents embed microenvironments that make them potential h
105             Reciprocating compressor packing vent emissions were 39 times higher than values reported
106 s Alberta, our results suggest that reported venting emissions in Alberta should be 2.5 +/- 0.5 times
107 considering a scenario with a higher rate of venting emissions.
108 sed structures on the seafloor; recognisable vent endemic fauna were not observed.
109 owing in part to a low and patchy density of vent-endemic fauna.
110 buting to the overall global distribution of vent-endemic species.
111 ts a network of low-temperature hydrothermal vents enriched in ferrous iron that supports extensive m
112 obtain a high-resolution representation of a vent environment over a greater extent than previous stu
113 s key to their success in the Southern Ocean vent environment.
114  the chemically harsh, thermally fluctuating vent environment.
115 le spatial and temporal heterogeneity of the vent environment.
116 ges in the tremor source related to volcanic vent erosion.
117  evaporation modes (passive evaporation, air-vented evaporation, low pressure evaporation, distillati
118                                         Deep Vent (exo(-)) DNA polymerase accepted the nucleotide tri
119 orporation of 6 in extended products by Deep Vent (exo(-)) during PCR or by Sequenase during copying
120 ble template for primer extension using deep vent (exo-) DNA polymerase, thereby enabling the regener
121                     Multivariate analysis of vent fauna across three oceans places Longqi in an India
122 biogeography and ecology of its hydrothermal vent fauna are previously unknown.
123 uggests a possible successional sequence for vent fauna in this new biogeographic province.
124 ossible zonation of nutritional modes of the vent fauna.
125    Specimens of R. hybisae from the Von Damm Vent Field (2294 m) were significantly larger than speci
126 ollected from several locations at the Beebe Vent Field (4944-4972 m) revealed spatial variability in
127                                 The Von Damm Vent Field (VDVF) is located on the flanks of the Mid-Ca
128                    Samples from the Von Damm Vent Field and sample J2-613-24 from Beebe Woods exhibit
129 ly, brooding females in the periphery of the vent field are in turn restricted by low-temperature phy
130 emotely Operated Vehicle dives to the Longqi vent field at 37 degrees 47'S 49 degrees 39'E, depth 280
131 from two gravity cores near the hydrothermal vent field Loki's Castle at the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge,
132                      Unlike any other active vent field, hydrothermal precipitates at the VDVF compri
133 icantly larger than specimens from the Beebe Vent Field.
134  Rimicaris hybisae at the Beebe and Von Damm Vent Fields (Mid-Cayman Spreading Centre, Caribbean) usi
135 nomes (MAGs) from two geochemically distinct vent fields in the Mid-Cayman Rise to investigate patter
136 etting suggests that the global incidence of vent fields may be underestimated.
137                          Recently discovered vent fields on the East Scotia Ridge (ESR) in the Southe
138 ran crab, Kiwa tyleri, occur at hydrothermal vent fields on the East Scotia Ridge.
139  we report the discovery of two hydrothermal vent fields on the Mid-Cayman spreading centre.
140 e cases contrasting with abundances at other vent fields, and delta(13)C and delta(15)N isotope value
141 ry histories between geochemically different vent fields, with implications for understanding evoluti
142 en the mafic Piccard and ultramafic Von Damm vent fields.
143 nd body size that was consistent across both vent fields.
144 gic settings and distinctively hydrogen-rich vent fluid compositions.
145                   Here we show that the VDVF vent fluid is generated by interaction of seawater with
146     The continuous supply of H2 and CO2 from vent fluids and early oceans, respectively, offers furth
147 es observed in close proximity to sources of vent fluids are constrained by the thermal limit of elev
148 ulfide minerals under simulated hydrothermal vent fluids at more moderate temperatures (25-110 degree
149 ther, our results indicate that CH4 found in vent fluids is formed in H2-rich fluid inclusions, and h
150               The predicted (87)Sr/(86)Sr of vent fluids varies cyclically in concert with ocean chem
151                                              Vent fluids were examined via metagenomic, metatranscrip
152 urces (e.g., decaying wood) rather than from vent fluids.
153 tion, diversity, and function of microbes in venting fluids from both sites: Piccard, the world's dee
154 dation of reduced compounds dissolved in the venting fluids fuels primary production providing the ba
155                     We propose that 'dynamic vents' form transient openings and closings at these lea
156                          Hydrothermal fluids vent from a 3-m high, 1-m diameter chimney and other ori
157 , we described a system in which CH3Br fumes vented from fumigation chambers could be captured by gra
158 e short treatment period required, but it is vented from fumigation chambers to the atmosphere after
159                                  Substantial venting from liquids storage tanks was observed at 20% o
160  boil-off pressure rise and pressure control venting from LNG storage tanks were characterized using
161 er the belching pattern by reducing GBs (air venting from stomach) and increasing SGBs (no air ventin
162 ng from stomach) and increasing SGBs (no air venting from stomach).
163 after 360 degrees LPF, resulting in more air venting from the stomach and less gas bloating and flatu
164 f proposed gas channels, do not restrict CO2 venting from tissue growths.
165                             The hydrothermal vent gammaproteobacterium Thiomicrospira crunogena inhab
166 predicted as unplugged gas wells and plugged/vented gas wells in coal areas and appear to be unrelate
167 stribution corresponds to differences in the vent geochemistry that result from deep subsurface geolo
168 nimals can disperse between widely separated vent habitats and shows that recolonization of perturbed
169                                              Venting had the immediate consequence of suppressing bio
170                                  Hydrocarbon vents have recently been reported to contribute consider
171 er through hundreds of millions of nanoscale vent holes on each chip by gas-phase Xenon difluoride et
172 ach segment we located deep-sea hydrothermal vents hosting high-temperature black smokers up to 382.8
173 nt abyssal dFe enrichments near hydrothermal vents, however, the leaky vent hypothesis argues that so
174  near hydrothermal vents, however, the leaky vent hypothesis argues that some hydrothermal Fe persist
175 wly discovered carbonate-hosted hydrothermal vent in the Gulf of California.
176 ic meters (BCM) of natural gas is flared and vented in the world annually, emitting greenhouse gases
177        Given the known sites of hydrothermal venting in these regions, this dFe must have been transp
178                             High-temperature venting in this off-axis setting suggests that the globa
179 roposed as a gateway connecting hydrothermal vents in different oceans but is little explored because
180  Echinometra species on natural volcanic CO2 vents in Papua New Guinea, where they are CO2 -acclimati
181 g., 100 m below water surface or in volcanic vents in the absence of solar radiation.
182 re gradients are present around hydrothermal vents in the deep ocean seafloor, this process might be
183     Our data also indicate that hydrothermal vents in the North Atlantic are a source of isotopically
184 the species recently found near hydrothermal vents in the Pacific Ocean.
185 case, to highlight the usefulness of corneal venting incision with air tamponade in late-onset DMD ca
186                                      Corneal venting incision with air tamponade is an option in case
187                             Finally, corneal venting incision with air tamponade was done resulting i
188 fects of air-fill pressure, duration, use of venting incisions and stromal roughening on fluid disper
189                                              Venting incisions eliminated interface fluid in all samp
190  interface fluid before and after opening of venting incisions was measured (n = 6).
191 om) phases with increasing distance from the vents indicate that dFe transformations continue to occu
192 reatly reduces the ability of the stomach to vent ingested air by gastric belching.
193 ammed temperature vaporizer (PTV) in solvent-vent injection mode before the sample is introduced into
194  Pacific Rise only leaks 0.02-1% of total Fe vented into the abyssal Pacific, this dFe persists thous
195 omplete combustion and that the unidentified venting is a greater contributor to CH4 emissions.
196 can be just 0.056-0.062 tCO2e/bbl if flaring/venting is reduced by regulation.
197              Thus an efficient means for its venting is required to support metabolism.
198       Microbial productivity at hydrothermal vents is among the highest found anywhere in the deep oc
199 aunal zonation with increasing distance from vents is dominated by the gastropods Chrysomallon squami
200 he dissolved iron discharged by hydrothermal vents is lost from solution close to ridge-axis sources
201                  Southern Ocean hydrothermal vents juxtapose two extremes - intense food-poor cold an
202 m is injected directly into plant processes, vented, leaked, or removed via blowdown, roughly 354 MGD
203                                   Compressor vents, leaky isolation valves, reciprocating engine exha
204  American toads and was dependent upon snout-vent length in western toads, American toads, and Pacifi
205 te and the strength of selection on snout to vent length.
206 l mass of 1,500 Pg of C, consistent with the vent literature, match the shape of the CIE and pattern
207 d localization of magma constrains potential vent locations for future eruptions.
208                                     At these vents, Marsh et al. (2015) found a community of Kiwa (Ye
209                                     The only venting mechanism described to do this at an adequate ra
210 d growth, raising the possibility that other venting mechanisms become important in under-perfused tu
211 and withdrawing) and constructive behaviors (venting, mentoring networks, and building team cohesion)
212 es understanding of the role of hydrothermal vent microbial communities in deep ocean biogeochemical
213                     At deep-sea hydrothermal vents, microbial communities thrive across geochemical g
214  injection volume up to 25 muL using solvent vent mode in order to improve the sensitivity of the gas
215 orary connectivity of ecologically important vent mussels (Bathymodiolus spp.) from the Mid-Atlantic
216 ture revealed that reported total flared and vented natural gas volumes attributable to tight gas wel
217 Natural geological emissions (fossil methane vented naturally from marine and terrestrial seeps and m
218 ates and insertion depths of a 30-gauge side-venting needle.
219 is period are potentially explained by rapid venting of coal-derived methane, which has primarily bee
220 ion to offshore emissions is from flaring or venting of reproduced CH4 and CO2.
221 bution of faunal assemblages at hydrothermal vents often reflect the fine-scale spatial and temporal
222 , eliminating exclusions such as rod-packing vents on pressurized reciprocating compressors in standb
223                             Close to diffuse venting orifices dominated by chemolithoautotrophic Epsi
224  activity around mitochondria to support CO2 venting, particularly during elevated and fluctuating re
225           Over 85,000 m3 of waste in various vented payload containers have been emplaced in the repo
226  ranging from 800 to 4,950 m in hydrothermal vent plumes and pelagic background seawater across three
227                          A recent paper used Vent pol to catalyze incorporations in the presence of i
228  This intensity was estimated considering no venting practice in Nigerian fields.
229 ified peaks of CH4, most likely from unknown venting practices, appeared much larger in magnitude tha
230 tous microorganisms from modern hydrothermal vent precipitates and analogous microfossils in younger
231 mperature and reduction potential within the vented reactors' primary containment vessels dictated th
232  rocks, interpreted as seafloor-hydrothermal vent-related precipitates, from the Nuvvuagittuq belt in
233                                 Hydrothermal vents represent a deep, hot, aphotic biosphere where che
234 der increased pCO2 provided more food at the vent, resulting in higher growth rates.
235 rm experiments and of studies at natural CO2 vents reveals little evidence of acclimation to acidific
236 y molecular apparatus for assembling an acid-venting route that can improve the flow of metabolic aci
237 chemical analysis of samples from the spring vent rules out anthropogenic contamination and upwelling
238  a unique distribution with an occurrence in vent samples similar to that in photic-zone samples and
239 leaks, and well pads, as well as a coal mine venting shaft.
240 h decreasing pH except for A. viridis at the vent site (pH = 6.05).
241                   In addition to low pH, the vent site contains trace metals and sulfide that may hav
242 anged (type A19) suggesting proximity to the vent site relieved CO2 limitation of the anemones' symbi
243 ported thousands of kilometers away from its vent site to reach our sampling stations.
244 rom both sites: Piccard, the world's deepest vent site, hosted in mafic rocks; and Von Damm, an adjac
245                                     Near the vent site, the urchins experienced large daily variation
246 ieved to precipitate quantitatively near the vent site.
247 e abundance of this calcifier was greater at vent sites (with near-future CO2 levels).
248  supplementing the metazoan food web both at vent sites and elsewhere in the Bransfield Strait.
249 s along the Galapagos Rift in 1977, numerous vent sites and endemic faunal assemblages have been foun
250 ntification of symbionts at two hydrothermal vent sites and symbiont evolution using functional gene
251 may facilitate the larvae in the location of vent sites by extending the larval development period th
252               Results showed that individual vent sites maintained microbial communities and specific
253          To investigate if these hydrocarbon vent sites release DOC, we used a real-time video multip
254 s and shows that recolonization of perturbed vent sites will be subject to chance events, unless conn
255 , which travels thousands of kilometres from vent sites, potentially influencing surface productivity
256 ge above the melt lens to feed ridge-centred vent sites.
257 ect bottom seawater and surface sediments at vent sites.
258 tiple-corer can precisely collect samples at vent sites.
259  estimated benthic DOC flux from the methane venting sites (8.6 x 10(6 )mol y(-1)), is 24% of the DOC
260 rsists thousands of kilometers away from the vent source with sufficient magnitude that hydrothermal
261 ansformations continue to occur far from the vent source.
262 aunal zonation with increasing distance from vent sources and peak temperatures.
263                       Assemblages closest to vent sources are visibly dominated by a new species of a
264 lues of primary consumers with distance from vent sources, and variation in their delta(13)C values a
265          Direct measurements of fugitive and vented sources were combined with AP-42-based exhaust em
266           H2S concentrations increased after venting stopped up to values approximately two orders of
267                            Lower PM2.5 among vented stoves compared with unvented stoves and firepits
268                              PM2.5 levels of vented stoves were 34-80% lower than unvented stoves and
269                              These simulated vent structures appear to generate low yields of simple
270 While on-site measurements near hydrothermal vents support this possibility, laboratory studies have
271 y to date the active phase of a hydrothermal vent system and find it to postdate massive carbon relea
272 osystem from the most southerly hydrothermal vent system known.
273 pecies living in a naturally acidic seawater vent system to their life history strategies.
274  gradient associated with a natural volcanic vent system within Levante Bay, Vulcano Island, Italy, w
275 s of the global mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal vent system.
276 ina spp. and sea urchin abundance at several vent systems increases confidence in predictions of the
277                                      Two new vent systems on the Mid-Cayman Rise each exhibits novel
278 e show that 4-12 pulses of carbon input from vent systems over 60 kyr with a total mass of 1,500 Pg o
279 igher rates of pH change observed at natural vent systems, in areas of upwelling and during CCS relea
280 development in R. hybisae, as found in other vent taxa.
281 hern Ocean may act as a dispersal filter for vent taxa.
282  a pH gradient caused by a Mediterranean CO2 vent that serves as a natural long-term experimental set
283                                           By venting the systems at different rates during the solven
284  a result of local thermal conditions at the vents, these crabs are not restricted by the physiologic
285 art to develop, females embark away from the vent to the food-poor yet stable cold of the Southern Oc
286 rbon dioxide (20-40 wt%), which is generally vented to the atmosphere.
287 l samples ranging from deep-sea hydrothermal vents to insect guts, providing a powerful complement to
288                    For deep-sea hydrothermal vent tubeworms (Vestimentifera, Siboglinidae), it has be
289 e episodes of conduit pressurization in open vent volcanoes like Stromboli (Italy), because it can de
290 ilized current industry-reported flaring and venting volumes (reported data) and quantitative estimat
291 s protocell membranes in Hadean hydrothermal vents, we consider both theoretically and experimentally
292                           Using volcanic CO2 vents, we tested the indirect effects of ocean acidifica
293                 Until recently, hydrothermal vents were not considered to be an important source to t
294 trols, engine crankcases, compressor packing vents, wet seal vents, and slop tanks.
295 o field deployments at deep-sea hydrothermal vents, wherein we examined changes in microbial diversit
296 mes rising several kilometers above eruptive vents, which can pose serious risk on human health and a
297     Six species are not yet known from other vents, while six other species are known from the Centra
298                        Many such hydrocarbon vents widely exist in the northern South China Sea (NSCS
299 rect identification of recycling at basaltic vents will improve (lower) estimates of mass eruption ra
300 mall spatial transects from points of active venting, yet we found comparatively few differences betw

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