


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                           This study opens a venue for a new spectrum of applications of nanomaterial
2 ie-dense, highly palatable foods and limited venues for activity, normal, reflexive responsiveness to
3 journals will remain the preferred scholarly venue for authors's best works for some time to come.
4 ng novel therapeutic strategy to provide new venues for blood flow in patients with severe ischemic h
5                                 To provide a venue for both signaling and developmental research on T
6 ege of Graduate Medical Education provides a venue for completion of the guidelines for advanced echo
7 even at high temperatures opening simplified venues for controlling magnetic states of nanodevices in
8 ction, our new neutrality tests may open new venues for dealing with the population genetics of recur
9 d in the present study provide an attractive venue for developing allosteric inhibitors of HIV-1 IN.
10 erial growth or pathogenesis and opens a new venue for developing antibacterial agents.
11 ially control GPCR signaling would provide a venue for developing therapies that require targeted GPC
12 n CXCR4 makes the feline model an attractive venue for development of broad-based entry antagonists.
13  Liver clinics are often thought to be ideal venues for diagnosis of hemochromatosis, but diagnosis r
14 ddens are thought to have provided important venues for early crop domestication via generation of hy
15 the nanometer-ultrafast time scale opens new venues for engineering various reactions in a wide varie
16 y 20th century, the Summit provided a unique venue for establishment of new interactive networks for
17                      Our work opens up a new venue for exploring the process for quantum information
18              Taken together, these data open venues for exploring the possibility that sporadic breas
19 interest as a more experimentally accessible venue for FQH phenomena which calls for more theoretical
20                      These findings open new venues for further studies in insect immune responses as
21    This approach represents also a potential venue for future investigations of flash sintering of co
22                                  Prospective venues for future fundamental research are discussed in
23          Emergency departments (EDs) are key venues for HCV testing because of the population served
24  the ED, highlighting the ED as an important venue for high-impact HCV screening and linkage to care.
25                         Our study provides a venue for improved virotherapy of cancer as well as new
26 iseases sponsored a workshop that provided a venue for in-depth discussion of whether HSCT could be e
27     The emergency department is an important venue for initial sepsis recognition and care.
28 iety of relevant applications, including new venues for integrated circuitry, optical computing, sola
29  integrating genomic fragment can serve as a venue for introducing targeted modifications to the enti
30             This pathway represents an ideal venue for investigating the integrated functions of a se
31                These findings offer a unique venue for investigating the molecular mechanisms underly
32                         The results open new venues for LTRS research and strongly suggest that LTRS
33 Journal of Biological Chemistry has been the venue for many landmark publications on the topic of G p
34 etals, the nonlinear conductivity provides a venue for nonlinear electronics, optical applications, a
35                     Managed care will be the venue for numerous proposals designed to address specifi
36 ditional drug discovery offering a promising venue for orphan drug research.
37 this gap.This CELLS workshop also provided a venue for panel discussions of innovative solutions as w
38  from pre- to post-fertilization, creating a venue for parent-offspring conflicts during pregnancy.
39 ed DA neurons, offer a potential therapeutic venue for Parkinson's disease.
40 gic neurons, offer potential novel treatment venues for PD, but such strategies require a detailed un
41 nt of the air-water interface as a favorable venue for peptide bond synthesis, and demonstrate the oc
42  coherent heat conduction regime opens a new venue for phonon engineering for an array of application
43 s an endogenous antidepressant and provide a venue for potential treatment and insights into the onse
44 ing responses in various organs offers a new venue for reducing risks and side effects and increasing
45 erring phylogenetic networks and open up new venues for research in this area, including new problem
46 clear why the cilium provides an appropriate venue for signal transduction.
47 ng cumulus cells within a follicle, a unique venue for somatic and germ cell communication.
48 y convened in Rhodes, Greece, and provided a venue for stimulating scientific discussions on the huma
49 ein coupled receptors opens an unprecedented venue for structure-based GPCR drug discovery.
50 atform that provides an alternate, versatile venue for synthetic biologists to operate and a much-nee
51         This alliance will provide an annual venue for systematic review and strategic planning that
52          The rHIgM22 antibody provides a new venue for the analysis of mechanisms governing remyelina
53       This report is envisaged to open a new venue for the aptamer-based typing of a variety of micro
54       This report is envisaged to open a new venue for the aptamer-based viability sensing of a varie
55                    This strategy opens a new venue for the combination of immuno- and chemotherapies.
56 nce explosive preconcentrator may open a new venue for the detection of subppb or lower level of expl
57                          It also opens a new venue for the development of a variety of viability sens
58 -oriented synthesis provides an exciting new venue for the development of new and useful strategies i
59 maternal perinatal environment is a critical venue for the exercise of adaptive phenotypic plasticity
60                             Our work opens a venue for the expansion of the classification of topolog
61         The online summaries also serve as a venue for the maintainers of each database to introduce
62 gh-risk populations may provide an efficient venue for the screening of obesity and related risk fact
63                              This provides a venue for the selective precipitation of metallic SWNTs
64 ased mitochondrial biogenesis is a promising venue for the treatment of mitochondrial diseases.
65 adequate selection of treatment and open new venues for the development of effective therapy for chem
66 g in the immune system, providing unexpected venues for the potential development of therapeutic agen
67 etal bonded compound, work that opens up new venues for the study of intracellular distribution of di
68                    These results suggest new venues for the therapeutic delivery of siRNAs and for th
69 nits for in-situ training offer a variety of venues for training.
70 the importance of miR-211 dynamics opens new venues for translational diagnosis of and interference w
71 cs of human glioma development and imply new venues for treating tumors via selective targeting of mi
72 ing these signaling pathways might offer new venues for treatment of CLL.
73 ent stem cells (PSCs) represent an important venue for understanding basic principles regulating tiss
74                          These data open new venues for understanding the organization and evolution
75 ar Pharmacology today remains an outstanding venue for work that provides a mechanistic understanding

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