


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 munoprecipitate was observed as well as vice verse.
2 se of PDA vesicles at various concentrations verses a fixed sanitizer/surfactant concentration was de
3                                        Crude verses adjusted hospital rankings were compared using Co
4 e Ahmed Baerveldt Comparison study and Ahmed Verses Baerveldt study.
5 ormones in ameliorating the effects of acute verses chronic hormone deprivation on these afferents.
6  bacteria in terms of differentiating growth verses death in animal hosts for most Gram-negative bact
7                 Relative growth of transport verses endocrine zones of the placenta was influenced by
8 s were differentially attenuated by estrogen verses estrogen plus progesterone hormone replacement.
9 e modestly increased inbreeding (F(IS)=0.163 verses F(IS)=0.093), but retain comparable diversity to
10           Depositional environment (overbank verses forest floor) and biological activity (input of O
11  for those who see these patients to be well versed in the neurosensory manifestations so that approp
12                                         High verses low cyclin E expression was associated with a sho
13 ts vary between samples containing a typical verses low proportion of stutter product.
14 : biological time, direction, macroevolution verses microevolution, ageing and the extent of internal
15 n [PCI] Plus Optimal Medical Treatment [OMT] Verses OMT; NCT01132495).
16 t the mode of translocation (cotranslational verse posttranslational) can affect the folding process
17 r, much skepticism remains about whether the verses refer to this, or any, eclipse.
18 ts [PSI(+)] toxicity caused by excess Sup35p verses Sup35NMp is, respectively, through sequestration/
19 through sequestration/inactivation of Sup45p verses Sup35p.
20 les are presented to cells (e.g., as soluble verses tethered signals) can influence their bioactivity
21 ged from the activity of this compound class verses the 5-HT(3) receptor, a structural homologue of t
22 E1 are preferentially phosphorylated on T668 verses those produced by alpha-secretase.
23 once delivered, distinguishing between bound verses unbound molecular probes.

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