


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 n to their children in utero or at delivery (vertical transmission).
2 ates (NHPs) may occur through horizontal and vertical transmission.
3 the regulation of viral RNA accumulation and vertical transmission.
4 is location may also contribute to efficient vertical transmission.
5  readily maintained in cattle populations by vertical transmission.
6 hat there is an independent association with vertical transmission.
7 rtant role for the autophagy pathway in ZIKV vertical transmission.
8  DNA of their hosts as a method of promoting vertical transmission.
9 ) had GBS on their body surfaces, indicating vertical transmission.
10 e clinical success of zidovudine in reducing vertical transmission.
11 be contributing equally to the prevention of vertical transmission.
12  virologic and immunologic parameters during vertical transmission.
13 on of gp41 envelope glycoprotein and lack of vertical transmission.
14 V infection is associated with increased HIV vertical transmission.
15 re treatment-naive, and 73% were infected by vertical transmission.
16 d to be important in influencing the rate of vertical transmission.
17  in milk, as a means of naturally preventing vertical transmission.
18 e offspring to support its persistence after vertical transmission.
19 spread, horizontal transmission, and finally vertical transmission.
20 milk of HIV-1-infected mothers help to limit vertical transmission.
21 nfected pregnant women significantly reduces vertical transmission.
22   It has also highlighted the possibility of vertical transmission.
23 nd Fd-NiR in these prasinophytes evolved via vertical transmission.
24 e captured and reported by future studies of vertical transmission.
25  mothers is unlikely to play a major role in vertical transmission.
26 earing age seems to be useful for preventing vertical transmission.
27  of cell reproduction, and therefore plasmid vertical transmission.
28 on of Wolbachia from stem-cell niches toward vertical transmission.
29 uvenile AGMs may explain the near absence of vertical transmission.
30  level of ID does not indicate low levels of vertical transmission.
31 Markov chain model) with both horizontal and vertical transmission.
32 pass mutualist symbionts to their offspring (vertical transmission) [3-8].
33 uman immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type 1 and vertical transmission, a case-control substudy was condu
34                                      Despite vertical transmission, all MRE populations showed extens
35 tionary transitions consistent with costs of vertical transmission among broadcast spawners, whose eg
36 3,080 and 5,167 HCV infections resulted from vertical transmission among children born in 2008.
37 icant correlation was found between T. cruzi vertical transmission and a positive PCR result during p
38 tract is a principal route of HIV-1 entry in vertical transmission and after oral-genital contact.
39   The clinical relevance of our findings for vertical transmission and clinical progression of HIV-1
40 sis during gestation result in a decrease of vertical transmission and clinical sequelae.
41  mutus also indicate an old association with vertical transmission and cospeciation for these ASLVs a
42 t types and utilizes loops that are a mix of vertical transmission and horizontal transmission.
43  of serum HIV is an important determinant of vertical transmission and infant mortality in subtype C
44 lore aspects of human immunodeficiency virus vertical transmission and intervention difficult to addr
45 utophagy gene, Atg16l1, in mice limited ZIKV vertical transmission and placental and fetal damage and
46 ces from 25 grass species is consistent with vertical transmission and rapid diversification of multi
47 ur understanding of the interactions between vertical transmission and selection, and their effect on
48 eals new insights into the mechanism of ZIKV vertical transmission and suggests that an autophagy-bas
49 ctive interests between ants and fungi after vertical transmission and the ancient suppression of fun
50  significant association between the risk of vertical transmission and the avidity index combined wit
51 esult in pregnant women for the diagnosis of vertical transmission and to evaluate the use of PCR as
52                       The absolute number of vertical transmissions and the young age at infection hi
53 this property may relate to virus virulence, vertical transmission, and infection of tissue macrophag
54 Databases for studies of maternal infection, vertical transmission, and neonatal infection published
55 y and bisexual men, antiviral use to prevent vertical transmission, and securing the safety of the bl
56 estrictions in wheat limit embryo associated vertical transmission, and that bacterial load is carrie
57 V infections among young children are due to vertical transmission, and the intrapartum period appear
58  to HCV prevalence among children at risk of vertical transmission are needed.
59 erlying molecular and cellular mechanisms of vertical transmission are poorly understood.
60 nt in its host population when the forces of vertical transmission (beta) and symbiont-induced select
61 as novel insights into mechanisms that limit vertical transmission but may paradoxically lead to viru
62 acific Islanders, chiefly due to hepatitis B vertical transmission, but other racial groups show incr
63 c gene sequences in offspring indicated that vertical transmission can be effected by T cell-associat
64 as a stabilising effect on the system whilst vertical transmission can destabilise it to the point of
65 sibling pairs, and 20 pedigrees demonstrated vertical transmission, consistent with autosomal dominan
66                                              Vertical transmission efficiencies were assessed from F1
67 er 17 generations in the novel host, whereas vertical transmission efficiency was poorly responsive o
68 ction more widely, and additionally modulate vertical transmission efficiency.
69 esent a risk factor that adds to the risk of vertical transmission, especially in infants who are fed
70                  Strict fungal clonality and vertical transmission evidently have not played a critic
71   We developed a conceptual framework of HCV vertical transmission, expressed in terms of a mathemati
72 o estimates of HCV infections resulting from vertical transmission for any country, including Egypt.
73 h prokaryotic endosymbionts acquired through vertical transmission from an ancestral infection.
74 se colony where the virus was maintained via vertical transmission from infected mothers to offspring
75                       The source and mode of vertical transmission from mother to fetus is presumptiv
76  a negative nontreponemal test), the risk of vertical transmission from mother to infant is low.
77               Major obstacles to eliminating vertical transmissions globally include low rates of adh
78 eptococcus (GBS), but the risk of EOGBS from vertical transmission has not been systematically review
79 ever, severe temperature treatment does make vertical transmission imperfect.
80    Prevention of HIV disease progression and vertical transmission, improved nutritional status, and
81 y, viral control, and clinical outcome after vertical transmission in 13 mother-child pairs.
82 n was predominantly autosomal dominant, with vertical transmission in 8 and de novo occurrence in 3.
83  number of new HCV infections resulting from vertical transmission in Egypt.
84 s of women may be involved in horizontal and vertical transmission in endemic regions.
85 LEs-Hd had 100% infection rate and a perfect vertical transmission in H. doenitzi, and that it is dis
86  human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) vertical transmission in settings where it is routinely
87 mulans) and subsequently undergo diminishing vertical transmission in this novel host species.
88                                Prevention of vertical transmission is not possible because of lack of
89                                              Vertical transmission is one of the primary HCV infectio
90 rk has demonstrated that, although uncommon, vertical transmission is the most frequent mode of hepat
91 e diallelic locus in its diploid host, where vertical transmission is the sole force.
92  superparasitism Wolbachia spreads mainly by vertical transmission, leading to population replacement
93 fected women are infected, highlighting that vertical transmission likely constitutes the primary tra
94                           Owing to imperfect vertical transmission, many heritable microbes have evol
95                                          HCV vertical transmission may account for half of incident c
96  million years ago, is not consistent with a vertical transmission model for their distributions.
97                                          HIV vertical transmission occurred from 42 HCV-infected moth
98                                              Vertical transmission occurred in 14 women (43.8%) with
99 ve mosquito microbiota is a major barrier to vertical transmission of a horizontally acquired Wolbach
100                                          The vertical transmission of a prion disease from infected m
101 of host genetic heterogeneity in the rate of vertical transmission of a symbiont.
102                                Most cases of vertical transmission of CHD were not explained by the t
103                          We report a case of vertical transmission of dengue infection.
104                                              Vertical transmission of drug-resistant viruses has been
105 isms have been identified that could mediate vertical transmission of epigenetic inheritance.
106                                              Vertical transmission of feline immunodeficiency virus (
107      The sequence data provided evidence for vertical transmission of FIV-Pco from mothers to their k
108 es of evidence suggest that there is minimal vertical transmission of fungi from seeds to the adult p
109  rectovaginal GBS carriage, (ii) the rate of vertical transmission of GBS, as determined by culturing
110 ial evolution have focused on the origin and vertical transmission of genetic variation within popula
111 ad no significant effect on pup mortality or vertical transmission of GPCMV.
112 often leads to self-limited acute infection, vertical transmission of HBV from mother to child often
113 rophylaxis is highly effective in preventing vertical transmission of HBV.
114                                              Vertical transmission of hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the
115 leagues discuss progress towards eliminating vertical transmission of HIV and syphilis.
116                                     ABSTRACT Vertical transmission of HIV from mother to infant can o
117 in concert with cytokines, are necessary for vertical transmission of HIV from mother to infant.
118 nhance neutrophilia and zidovudine to reduce vertical transmission of HIV infection.
119              Zidovudine therapy to interrupt vertical transmission of HIV was not widely used by thes
120  protective role of cellular immunity in the vertical transmission of HIV, we analyzed HIV-specific I
121 ted women and were associated with increased vertical transmission of HIV-1 (P<.0001).
122 s may be important determinants of sexual or vertical transmission of HIV-1 and are of public health
123 dy, and the role of zidovudine resistance in vertical transmission of HIV-1 despite zidovudine therap
124 ast milk HIV-1 load may increase the risk of vertical transmission of HIV-1 through breast-feeding.
125 sulted in a reduction of the overall risk of vertical transmission of HIV-1 to approximately 8%.
126 may play an important role in the sexual and vertical transmission of HIV-1, yet most in vitro tests
127 designed to assess the effect that PM has on vertical transmission of HIV-1.
128 centa may play a critical role in inhibiting vertical transmission of HIV-1.
129 d mastitis were examined as risk factors for vertical transmission of HIV-1.
130 -free HIV-1 in breast milk may contribute to vertical transmission of HIV-1.
131  viral load is insufficient to fully explain vertical transmission of HIV-1.
132  viral load is insufficient to fully explain vertical transmission of HIV-1.
133  considered a strategy to assess the risk of vertical transmission of HIV-1.
134 may be particularly important for preventing vertical transmission of HIV-1.
135 iate nonlytic inhibition of infection during vertical transmission of HIV.
136 dulatory and vaccine strategies to interrupt vertical transmission of HIV.
137 IV), and maternal tuberculosis increases the vertical transmission of HIV.
138                                              Vertical transmission of HSV can lead to fetal morbidity
139 if hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection affects vertical transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (H
140 s superior to SD NVP alone for prevention of vertical transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (H
141 enital tract characteristics associated with vertical transmission of human immunodeficiency virus ty
142 al HLA homozygosity may increase the risk of vertical transmission of human immunodeficiency virus ty
143 anipulating host reproduction to enhance the vertical transmission of infections.
144 d blood for bone marrow transplantation, the vertical transmission of infectious agents, and the phys
145 jects and also segregated in one family with vertical transmission of KID.
146                     Further understanding of vertical transmission of L. monocytogenes will help in d
147 study was to evaluate possible mechanisms of vertical transmission of L. monocytogenes.
148 sex-matched female recipients, excluding the vertical transmission of male cells.
149 g in an HDM-specific manner, suggesting that vertical transmission of maternal immune responses may b
150 her, these data validate this mouse model of vertical transmission of MCMV from mothers with acute or
151                                        Thus, vertical transmission of MDR HIV-1 was demonstrated in t
152                               To confirm the vertical transmission of multidrug-resistant (MDR) human
153             It is clear from researching the vertical transmission of Neospora caninum in cattle that
154 duced fetal wasting, establishing a role for vertical transmission of non-genetic information in repr
155 cates that DC-SIGNR could play a role in the vertical transmission of primate lentiviruses, in the en
156   Use of this replication strategy maximizes vertical transmission of prophage DNA while still enabli
157 or of genes critical for both horizontal and vertical transmission of pSK41 and that it can recognize
158 myscus maniculatus) were used to investigate vertical transmission of Sin Nombre virus (SNV) and SNV-
159 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) RNA load, vertical transmission of subtype C HIV, and infant morta
160 ria adds to previous support for exclusively vertical transmission of the endosymbionts within aphid
161  of a single infection followed by maternal, vertical transmission of the endosymbionts.
162 d rhizosphere communities were influenced by vertical transmission of the microbiome through seeds.
163 spring adaptive immunity permitted efficient vertical transmission of the retrovirus.
164 train within members of families, confirming vertical transmission of the viral genome.
165 ent major advances have included a report of vertical transmission of the virus in its natural host,
166  may be important determinants of sexual and vertical transmission of the virus.
167                                              Vertical transmission of viruses in breast milk can expo
168 n HCV class I epitopes, thereby facilitating vertical transmission of viruses with optimized replicat
169 ls to study the role of type III IFNs in the vertical transmission of ZIKV and other viruses associat
170 ntraperitoneal administration of Z2 inhibits vertical transmission of ZIKV in pregnant C57BL/6 mice a
171 along with serologic confirmation proves the vertical transmission of ZIKV.
172  important covariates, and mother-to-infant (vertical) transmission of HIV-1, third trimester reposit
173  zidovudine (ZDV) as prophylaxis against HIV vertical transmission; only one of the seven women who d
174 isms that distort the sex ratio, inefficient vertical transmission or incomplete sex ratio distorting
175                            Broadcasters with vertical transmission produce eggs with traits that favo
176                                 The rates of vertical transmission range between 3 and 6% with odds 9
177 V-infected mothers were used to estimate the vertical transmission rate and risk factors for transmis
178 eceive ZDV was a transmitter, for an overall vertical transmission rate of 3.8%.
179                                          The vertical transmission rate was 6.7% (4.1-10.2) overall,
180  factors, including mode of delivery, on the vertical transmission rate.
181                   Compared to the case where vertical transmission rates are uniform across host geno
182 4) antibodies were inversely associated with vertical transmission rates, independent of maternal per
183 proven remarkably successful at reducing HIV vertical transmission rates.
184  mid-late gestation significantly attenuated vertical transmission, reducing the ZIKV load in the foe
185 between peripheral blood HIV-1 RNA level and vertical transmission remained after controlling for CD4
186 ection was the most important determinant of vertical transmission risk (adjusted odds ratio, 2.56 [9
187  not strongly associated with an increase in vertical transmission risk (odds ratio, 4.8; 95% confide
188                                 Applying two vertical transmission risk estimates to the 2008 Egyptia
189 view of estimates of hepatitis C virus (HCV) vertical transmission risk to update current estimates p
190                                          The Vertical Transmission Study (VTS) supported EBF in HIV-p
191  syphilis was a more consistent parameter of vertical transmission than was an analysis of T. pallidu
192 asing evidence of human papillomavirus (HPV) vertical transmission, this route is regarded as less cl
193 ith hemophilia) and one acquired HIV through vertical transmission; this patient also had received a
194        Although Wolbachia normally undergoes vertical transmission through the maternal line of its h
195 ization of mothers by invasive serotypes and vertical transmission to babies.
196  the reproductive tract, which may result in vertical transmission to eggs or chicks.
197 to investigate aspects of its horizontal and vertical transmission under different levels of superpar
198  ancestor at least 68 million years ago, and vertical transmission via the brood cell and the cocoon
199 evaluated vector competence and capacity for vertical transmission (VT) in Cx. pipiens; in vitro grow
200 e studied both sexual transmission (STx) and vertical transmission (VTx) of ZIKV using anti-IFNAR1-tr
201                                              Vertical transmission was >99% in the laboratory and app
202  infants, 39 (18%) were infected at 6 weeks; vertical transmission was not associated with albendazol
203 und the gut, and in the ovaries, although no vertical transmission was observed.
204                                       Whilst vertical transmission was perfect over three generations
205              However, the mechanisms linking vertical transmission with chronic infection are not kno
206      Four mutations were familial and showed vertical transmission with neonatal and adult-onset diab
207 tion in plastids is best explained by strict vertical transmission, with no intron losses in land pla
208 according to O:K:H serotype, consistent with vertical transmission within clones, but with exceptions
209 ficial symbionts via the evolution of strict vertical transmission within host lineages, and the evol
210 t from ancient infections followed by strict vertical transmission within host lineages.
211 ibutes an estimated one third to one half of vertical transmission worldwide.

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