


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 m, causing its flexible tympanic membrane to vibrate.
2 d skin patterns that are proud and sometimes vibrate.
3 s are elastic thin rods; hence, they tend to vibrate.
4  local harmonic potential in which the atoms vibrate.
5  elastic basilar membrane inside the cochlea vibrates.
6                               Courting males vibrate a wing to sing bouts of pulses and hums, called
7 stood in normal and Romberg stances with six vibrating actuators positioned on the torso in contact w
8                            The effect of the vibrating amplitude and frequency on the electroanalytic
9                 The antennae of flying moths vibrate and experience Coriolis forces during aerial man
10 excitability of corticospinal outputs to the vibrated and other hand muscles was evaluated with trans
11 ackets to dictate the way a neutral molecule vibrates, and steer and manipulate the ionization and di
12 6 days of exposure to sediment under static, vibrating, and fully mixed modes.
13     By slowly scanning an AFM probe across a vibrating area of the sample, the frequency and amplitud
14 duals, this stimulus produces flexion of the vibrated arm around the elbow joint.
15 ere the water drops move at a high speed, or vibrate at a high frequency.
16 arrangement of the elastic leg permits it to vibrate at a higher frequency of 30-40 Hz that could cau
17 scosity data at higher flexural modes, which vibrate at elevated frequencies.
18 lytic site, the O-5', O-4', and O(P) oxygens vibrate at frequencies of ca. 125 and 465 cm(-1), as opp
19                                 The probe is vibrated at about 300 Hz by a piezoelectric bender.
20             The results showed that whiskers vibrated at frequencies of 100-300 Hz, with a dynamic re
21  field, a magnetoelastic sensor mechanically vibrates at a characteristic resonance frequency, the va
22            Reminiscent of a tuning fork that vibrates at a fixed frequency, the device was classified
23 V)-oxo (perchromyl) stretch of (tpfpc)Cr(V)O vibrates at a frequency of 986 cm(-1) in carbon disulfid
24        Hydrogen within the beta-HQ clathrate vibrates at considerably lower frequency than hydrogen i
25 nsors based on nanoelectromechanical systems vibrating at high and ultrahigh frequencies are capable
26 s extended to consider higher flexural modes vibrating at high Reynolds numbers.
27                                 Mechanically vibrating AT-cut quartz plates may be used to determine
28 beads, suggesting a 99% chance of trapping a vibrating bead.
29 slices of defined size and thickness using a vibrating blade microtome.
30 um after 56 days of deployment in the system vibrated briefly every 2 min, while none of the congener
31 ross surfaces generally involves motion on a vibrating but otherwise stationary substrate.
32                         The tip is driven to vibrate by the motion of a tip holder assembly which con
33                Placement of an extracellular vibrating Ca(2+)-selective microelectrode to within 1 mi
34 equencies above 3 kHz, the tympanic membrane vibrates chaotically.
35 Cs and closer approach to equilibrium in the vibrated deployment resulted in estimation of corrected
36        'Heterotopic' effects on a muscle not vibrated during the intervention were unaffected.
37 rd-traveling waves and found that the stapes vibrates earlier than the basilar membrane.
38 ple is experimentally studied using scanning vibrating electrode technique (SVET), profilometry, and
39  intracellular gradient and an ion selective vibrating electrode to detect the extracellular influx.
40 rotein folds mechanically and its structures vibrate electromagnetically.
41 none, unilateral, and bilateral) applied via vibrating elements placed on the mastoid processes were
42 suring the amplitude of motion of a flexible vibrating fiber as it was loaded by the isolated cell.
43 o-transduction of the IHC was tuned near the vibrating frequency, the active motility of the IHC ster
44 and elderly participants to stand quietly on vibrating gel-based insoles, and calculated sway paramet
45 cted exponential growth in experiments using vibrated grains under microgravity, and we describe nove
46 sent measurements of vortices generated by a vibrating grid resonator at very low temperatures.
47  S.E.M.), but suppressed MEPs in the two non-vibrated hand muscles (72 +/- 9 %).
48  92 +/- 28 % of control) and more in the non-vibrated hand muscles (test response reduced to 27 +/- 5
49 duced to 17 +/- 3 % control) than in the non-vibrated hand muscles (test response reduced to 80 +/- 1
50 whilst having the opposite effect on the non-vibrated hand muscles.
51 b-laminates above and below the delamination vibrate in exactly the same mode in spite of their diffe
52 l elongated in the flow direction, which can vibrate in fast flows.
53 f the basilar membrane; this travelling wave vibrates in phase with the reticular lamina at the best
54 quid-phase operation of resonant cantilevers vibrating in an out-of-plane flexural mode has to date b
55                      Because microstructures vibrating in fluid are subject to high-viscous friction,
56 il in a flow and a hinged-free elastic plate vibrating in its lowest mode.
57 e a more symmetric character, with the walls vibrating in phase, and the size of the pocket remaining
58 pplications, resonant cantilever transducers vibrating in their in-plane rather than their out-of-pla
59 ly high quality factors, such as cantilevers vibrating in vacuum, can show characteristic Fano asymme
60 s observed in the energy dissipated by a tip vibrating in water perpendicularly to a surface.
61 l noise applied to the soles of the feet via vibrating insoles can be used to improve quiet-standing
62 hy elderly subjects from a previous study on vibrating insoles were added for comparison.
63        Noise-based devices, such as randomly vibrating insoles, could ameliorate age-related impairme
64 d analytical and imaging techniques, such as vibrating ion-selective electrodes, carbon fiber amperom
65 re epidermis, determined using extracellular vibrating ion-selective microelectrodes.
66 erated by the collective displacement of the vibrating ions, and we have applied an effective medium
67  brain tumors and curling iron, heating pad, vibrating massager, electric blanket, heated water bed,
68 l structure similar to the normal modes of a vibrating membrane (drum).
69  simulations and experiments, we show that a vibrating membrane can produce acoustic streaming.
70                                   A modified vibrating microelectrode system was used to measure H+ f
71  net Ca2+ influx (measured by Ca2+-selective vibrating microelectrode) and NSCC activity were increas
72  of the spontaneous separation of vertically vibrated mixtures of fine bronze and glass spheres of si
73     In high and very high frequency (HF/VHF) vibrating MoS2 devices based on diaphragms of ~2-5 mum i
74 racortical inhibition (SICI and LICI) in the vibrated muscle ('homotopic' effects) and having opposit
75 ncreased the amplitude of MEPs evoked in the vibrated muscle (162 +/- 6 % of MEP with no vibration; m
76 +/- 6 % control), there was more LICI in the vibrated muscle (test response reduced to 17 +/- 3 % con
77  5 % of control), there was less SICI in the vibrated muscle (test response reduced to 92 +/- 28 % of
78 tency intracortical inhibition (SICI) in the vibrated muscle, whilst having the opposite effect on th
79         Clocks tick, bridges and skyscrapers vibrate, neuronal networks oscillate.
80 e and low-methoxyl pectin by Ca(2+)-mediated vibrating-nozzle extrusion technology.
81             The aerosol is generated using a vibrating orifice aerosol generator providing monodisper
82 uorescein-tagged NaCl aerosol generated by a vibrating orifice aerosol generator, the capture efficie
83 more antisymmetric character, with the walls vibrating out of phase, and the pocket able to expand an
84 ts suggest that the skin bounces against the vibrating plate but that the bounces are cushioned by a
85                       This dimer placed on a vibrating plate exhibits 3 types of motion - by tuning t
86 rty of existing active particles driven by a vibrating plate.
87                        Herein, we used a new vibrating platform, developed based on our earlier platf
88                                         This vibrating probe is an insulated, sharpened metal wire wi
89 cture and use of a simplified ultrasensitive vibrating probe system for measuring extracellular elect
90 urrent density (I(sc)) was recorded with the vibrating probe technique and was found to be similar in
91                                        Using vibrating probe techniques, we provide detailed temporal
92                               Here we used a vibrating probe to demonstrate that diabetic corneas pro
93 this question, we have used an ion-selective vibrating probe to measure changes in extracellular Ca2+
94                                   By using a vibrating probe, we have found an electric current gener
95 etected using a noninvasive proton-selective vibrating probe.
96                  When an object approaches a vibrating quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) the resonant
97  allowed by the packing, but the side-chains vibrate relative to the backbone.
98 ometer-thick space between two flat surfaces vibrating relative to each other.
99   First, magnetic properties were studied by vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) and it was found tha
100 er transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM), energy-dispersive X
101 n-transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM), vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM), X-ray diffraction (
102 n (XRD), dynamic laser scattering (DLS), and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM).
103 ion scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM).
104 ra, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, vibrating sample magnetometer analysis and transmission
105 d their magnetic properties were tested by a vibrating sample magnetometer.
106 ncies were experimentally characterized by a vibrating sample magnetometry and a frequency-swept ferr
107 ning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, vibrating sample magnetometry, and cyclic voltammetry.
108         In response, a portion of the object vibrates sinusoidally in a pattern determined by its vis
109                                     A simple vibrating string model is used to predict fundamental fr
110 ensional finite element model of a cell on a vibrating substrate is developed to extract the mechanic
111    Using quantum tunneling of electrons into vibrating surface atoms, phonon oscillations can be obse
112 tationary waves occurs in a large variety of vibrating systems, whether mechanical, acoustical, optic
113                                Sound stimuli vibrate the hair bundles on auditory hair cells, but the
114 ves the electrode up and down to bend and/or vibrate the nanowires.
115 as commonly expected; instead, they actively vibrate the reticular lamina over a broad frequency rang
116 s, however: stimulation of the cochlear bone vibrates the basilar membrane as well.
117                         Acoustic stimulation vibrates the cochlear basilar membrane, initiating a wav
118           In the normal mammalian ear, sound vibrates the eardrum, causing the tiny bones of the midd
119 ition time, -1.2 V deposition potential, and vibrating the electrode at frequency of 250 Hz and ampli
120 needle by withdrawing back 100-300 microm or vibrating the microneedle array dramatically increased i
121      Further improvement was accomplished by vibrating the microwire working electrode, which increas
122                       Poised on the verge of vibrating, the hair bundle acts as an active amplifier.
123 on has limitations because the motion of the vibrating tip is not completely transferred into the liq
124  atomic force microscopy (AFM), in which the vibrating tip periodically approaches, interacts and ret
125 ranes attached to modified mineralized rings vibrate to produce sound.
126                Chronic exposure to hand-held vibrating tools may cause endothelial injury.
127 nse to cold in those who work with hand-held vibrating tools.
128  causing the tiny bones of the middle ear to vibrate, transferring the vibration to the inner ear flu
129  CN-met hemoglobin (Hb) were measured with a vibrating tube densitometer.
130 fundamental frequency and the harmonics of a vibrating violin string.
131              Clinical symptoms of photopsias/vibrating vision and signs of macular edema, vitreous ha
132 ons), the subjective complaint of photopsias/vibrating vision was associated with the objective findi
133 ulatory actions of a sound source, e.g., the vibrating vocal folds, and an acoustic filter, formed by
134 eev reflection is measured using an array of vibrating wire sensors.
135        The entire tip assembly is induced to vibrate with the flux of an external ac electromagnetic
136 patterns strikingly similar to a liquid when vibrated, yet respond to stirring by "unmixing" of large

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