


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ual observation is interpreted in terms of a vibrationally activated quantum mechanical tunneling pro
2 r loop regions of the protein systems become vibrationally activated.
3                              The presence of vibrationally active species, such as nitrate and phosph
4 5 cm(-1) These results are rationalized in a vibrationally adiabatic (VA) model in which the motion o
5 lained by hydride transfer occurring through vibrationally assisted tunneling.
6 y by the Boltzmann average of the zero-point vibrationally averaged JHD of two isomers.
7 8 isotopic forms have been analyzed, and the vibrationally averaged structure of the system has been
8                                   Effective (vibrationally averaged) H-D distances have also been det
9                                   We observe vibrationally coherent formation of the P1 intermediate
10 state to produce rotationally excited CO and vibrationally cold H2.
11 sis imply that intercalated Ca-bound CO2 are vibrationally constrained and contribute to the higher f
12             Furthermore, when the FTMS has a vibrationally cooled MALDI ion source, fragile glycolipi
13 rces where the layers are electronically and vibrationally coupled.
14 gments due to through-bond and through-space vibrationally coupling between adjacent peptide groups.
15 bsent and bulk behaves as electronically and vibrationally decoupled monolayers stacked together.
16 ed and current-driven phase transitions, the vibrationally driven bandgap collapse observed here is n
17                            The dependence of vibrationally elastic and inelastic scattering on oxygen
18 ply resonant sum frequency (TRSF) and doubly vibrationally enhanced (DOVE) spectroscopies are example
19 ional spectroscopy is performed using doubly vibrationally enhanced four-wave mixing in dilute soluti
20                                              Vibrationally enhanced ground state tunnelling has been
21 antum tunneling, driven by protein dynamics [vibrationally enhanced ground-state quantum tunneling (V
22 significant energy of activation all suggest vibrationally enhanced hydride tunneling in the TS-catal
23 f tunneling and to theoretical constructs of vibrationally enhanced tunneling in enzymatic reactions.
24 ast conversion of the S2(pipi*) state to the vibrationally excited (1)npi* state.
25 ) or ca. 5 ps (Zn) and decay giving way to a vibrationally excited (i.e., hot) ground state via back
26 attributed either to efficient relaxation of vibrationally excited 1BpCMe by 1,2 migration of hydroge
27 +) attack saturated, acyclic ketones to make vibrationally excited adduct ions.
28       Here, we highlight a dramatic role for vibrationally excited bimolecular reactants in the oxida
29 ion, were performed for the de-excitation of vibrationally excited CO.
30 ationally cold CO in conjunction with highly vibrationally excited H2.
31 he LTP is from dielectronic recombination of vibrationally excited He(2)(+) ions.
32 ViBr and AllBr gave evidence of a long-lived vibrationally excited intermediate for both Direct and D
33 ose studies for the prototypical reaction of vibrationally excited methane and its isotopologues in g
34 n of also rotational mode specificity in the vibrationally excited methane reactions.
35                The rotational spectra of the vibrationally excited molecular eigenstates display coal
36              The chemical dynamics of highly vibrationally excited molecules have been studied by mea
37 studies of the chemical reaction dynamics of vibrationally excited molecules reveal the ability of di
38 ly studied experimentally: the scattering of vibrationally excited nitric oxide molecules from a Au(1
39 cule decreases during collisions with highly vibrationally excited NO(X(2)pi((1/2)), V = 18; V is the
40                       Different rotationally-vibrationally excited OH products have markedly differen
41 stepwise route involving the intermediacy of vibrationally excited or relaxed carbene.
42 asure the conformation isomerization rate of vibrationally excited pent-1-en-4-yne (pentenyne).
43 on barrier), we remove an electron to form a vibrationally excited singlet vinylidene-d(2) and follow
44 g surfaces, for some of the complexes higher vibrationally excited states can also contribute to the
45 ble tunneling-facilitated mixing with highly vibrationally excited states of acetylene, leading to br
46 ized, suggesting average lifetimes >1 ps for vibrationally excited vinylidene-d(2).
47 et state (tau(1) </= 300 fs); (3) ESA of the vibrationally excited, ligand-centered T(1) state (tau(3
48                                        After vibrationally exciting a single molecular conformation o
49                              This is done by vibrationally exciting a specific species that exists in
50               Following internal conversion, vibrationally highly excited ground state molecules were
51 f 'hot' electrons leaving a metal surface as vibrationally highly excited NO molecules collide with i
52                                 It is formed vibrationally hot and cools over several picoseconds, co
53  + c-C(6)H(11) in CH(2)Cl(2), which produces vibrationally hot HCN.
54 d the molecule results in the formation of a vibrationally hot ion.
55 electronically excited species rather than a vibrationally hot K intermediate.
56 orize that internal conversion of S(1A) to a vibrationally hot S(0) of 1 forms 2, whereas intersystem
57 ons, both donor and acceptor are found to be vibrationally hot, pointing to an even redistribution of
58                     The use of the probes to vibrationally image proteins and other biomolecules with
59 orward-scattering is universally observed in vibrationally inelastic H + D(2) collisions over a broad
60                                              Vibrationally inelastic scattering is a fundamental coll
61 the o-D(2)(v' = 3, j') products suggest that vibrationally inelastic scattering is the result of a fr
62 d differential cross sections (DCSs) for the vibrationally inelastic scattering process H + o-D(2)(v
63 nctions in bonding, vibrational spectra, and vibrationally mediated negative differential resistance
64 ocesses at a gas-metal interface, can hamper vibrationally mediated selectivity in chemical reactions
65 d native conformations are still found to be vibrationally more flexible than random coil structures,
66 es, both alpha-helices and beta-hairpins are vibrationally more flexible.
67  the wild-type ecDHFR (l-DHFR) to generate a vibrationally perturbed "heavy ecDHFR" (h-DHFR).
68 e sequence, we show that the pathway that is vibrationally perturbed during UV-induced electron trans
69                          Conformer-specific, vibrationally resolved electronic spectroscopy of benzyl
70                                    We report vibrationally resolved photoelectron spectra of internal
71                                              Vibrationally resolved photoelectron spectra were obtain
72 -of-the-art quantum chemical calculations of vibrationally resolved spectra allow, for the first time
73                                          The vibrationally resolved spectra are dominated by a long p
74                                Additionally, vibrationally resolved spectra were determined allowing
75                                              Vibrationally resolved spectra were obtained at differen
76                                              Vibrationally resolved transient spectra of (3)9 were re
77                       The spectra are nearly vibrationally resolved, with little absorption below 1 T
78                                           In vibrationally resonant sum-frequency generation (VR-SFG)
79 tion followed in time by a surface-specific, vibrationally resonant, infrared-visible sum-frequency p
80 RS) are attractive because they have narrow, vibrationally specific spectral peaks that can be excite
81 predictions when the formed radicals are not vibrationally stable.
82 gands for the QDs, coupled electronically or vibrationally to localized surface states or to the delo

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