


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 to delay induction of apoptosis by the other viral component.
2 esting that dsRNA is not the only activating viral component.
3 in induces apoptosis in the absence of other viral components.
4 s-like particles in the absence of all other viral components.
5 erse transcription but not the expression of viral components.
6 i membrane targeting in the absence of other viral components.
7 e to suboptimal interactions among divergent viral components.
8 olved in specific interactions with internal viral components.
9 th E2 by L2 occurred in the absence of other viral components.
10 ected gene expression independently of other viral components.
11 erent IgG, other cytokines, and bacterial or viral components.
12 teractions of these domains with cytoplasmic viral components.
13 icity for ch-19 in vivo requiring additional viral components.
14 oans, including the selective elimination of viral components.
15 vated effector CD8(+) T cells that recognize viral components.
16 xA interacted with NP independently of other viral components.
17  bodies (126-bodies) in the absence of other viral components.
18  capsids, or encapsidation, requires several viral components.
19  important for the intracellular movement of viral components.
20 so induces apoptosis in the absence of other viral components.
21 ressed the G protein in the absence of other viral components.
22 tosis when expressed in the absence of other viral components.
23  Virus 40, the mechanism used to translocate viral components across membranes is poorly understood.
24 ch, upon recognition of bacterial, fungal or viral components, activate intracellular signals that le
25 nd mutant M proteins in the absence of other viral components and determining their ability to inhibi
26 imulated genes (ISGs), which target distinct viral components and distinct stages of the viral life c
27 us (HIV) vaccine candidates contain multiple viral components and elicit antibodies that react positi
28 t requires the orchestrated participation of viral components and host-cell factors.
29  for their ability to recognize microbial or viral components and initiate innate immune responses.
30 mbrane (PM), but the traffic and assembly of viral components and the exit of virions from host cells
31 erefore closely connected to the assembly of viral components and the formation of new virions.
32 ultiple functions in coordination with other viral components and the machinery of the cell.
33  the structure-function relationships of the viral components and their contributions to the pathogen
34 o provide a physical scaffold to concentrate viral components and thereby increase the efficiency of
35 ells requires coordination between cytosolic viral components and viral integral membrane glycoprotei
36 s are nearest to a direct interaction with a viral component, and which unassayed host genes are like
37  the viral M protein in the absence of other viral components, and an M protein mutant that does not
38 oplasmic tails of HA and NA with an internal viral component are so important for spherical virion sh
39 ment-capsid assembly and axonal targeting of viral components are linked.
40 ar how env mediates disease, whether non-Env viral components are required, and what central nervous
41 In this report, we set out to determine what viral components are responsible for activating the two
42 will become increasingly complicated as more viral components are used in vaccines.
43 sed from infected cells after coalescence of viral components at cellular membranes and budding of me
44 ruses from cells involves the coalescence of viral components at sites of budding on the plasma membr
45 re, APC promotes the directional assembly of viral components at virological synapses, thereby facili
46 ion requires specific interaction with other viral components but not enzyme (integration) activity.
47 virus-restriction factors recognize specific viral components, but unlike other pattern-recognition r
48                           The recognition of viral components by host pattern-recognition receptors t
49                                  Viruses and viral components can be potent inducers of alpha/beta in
50 nes, which, based on resemblance to virus or viral components, can induce protective immunity.
51 irus (VSV) expressed in the absence of other viral components causes many of the cytopathic effects o
52                            Understanding how viral components collaborate to convert the human immuno
53 ion through specific interactions with other viral components comprising the initiation complex.
54 ht into the interactions between the various viral components during pgRNA encapsidation.
55                                          The viral components essential for this phenotype have not b
56 ta suggest that the interaction of TIAR with viral components facilitates flavivirus genome RNA synth
57        Thus, (i) the interaction of PML with viral components facilitates the initiation of replicati
58 ntrinsic steady-state levels of an important viral component for efficient replication in host cells.
59 t of Ad-based vaccines comprising additional viral components for immune therapy and AIDS vaccine dev
60                                 The critical viral components for packaging DNA, recognizing and bind
61 iated virus (AAV) replication depends on two viral components for replication: the AAV nonstructural
62 sion proteins to virions, where they destroy viral components from within.
63           Available microbicides that target viral components have proven largely ineffective in prev
64 etrical capsid protein with less symmetrical viral components illustrate the elements of plasticity a
65 ood for which increasing evidence supports a viral component in pathogenesis.
66 sition and retention of the gut microbiota's viral component in populations at risk for malnutrition.
67 A amplification and suggest that it is a key viral component in promoting the initiation of HCMV oriL
68                                     The only viral component in the BMV RNA replication complex that
69 nvestigated the tumor, microenvironment, and viral components in 41 AIDS-related diffuse large B-cell
70 umor microenvironment as well as the role of viral components in AIDS-related diffuse large B-cell ly
71                      These results implicate viral components in both the structural and nonstructura
72 scernible phenotypes for axonal targeting of viral components in cultured peripheral nervous system n
73 his defect, we tracked the fates of multiple viral components in infected cells.
74 gion II may need to be compatible with other viral components in order to function in pgRNA encapsida
75 oassociation or a requirement for additional viral components in the assembly process.
76 n together, these data suggest that multiple viral components, including assembled nucleocapsids, hav
77 infections as delivery vehicles for host and viral components, including proteins, mRNA, and microRNA
78 ing infected cell membranes and induce other viral components, including viral glycoproteins and vira
79  independent of both the cell type and other viral components, indicating that Pol contains an intrin
80  of M1 protein is needed for the assembly of viral components into an infectious particle and that bu
81                                 Cellular and viral components involved in disruption of SGs during la
82                               They recognize viral components, leading to type I interferon (IFN) pro
83               CoV genomes encode an integral viral component, main protease (M(pro)), which is essent
84 ckaging, it is necessary to characterize the viral components necessary for the event.
85         In analyses to determine the minimum viral components needed for transcript accumulation at N
86 e connection between immune strength and the viral component of the microbiome is poorly understood.
87 irm, this is a naive vision of the lung, the viral component of which parallels recent revelations fr
88 ormation changes in response to cellular and viral components of the replication and assembly complex
89 urs through specific interactions with other viral components of the reverse transcription initiation
90 erstanding of the critical immunological and viral components of this pathway may significantly impro
91  host proteins that interact with individual viral components of VRCs or VRCs in toto, we isolated vi
92 ng that the effect is specific to particular viral components or cofactors.
93                             Early sensing of viral components or infection-induced tissue damage is a
94 mplification, suggesting that UV damage to a viral component other than DNA contributed to the loss o
95                        This indicates that a viral component other than M protein contributes to indu
96 inetics and different steady-state levels of viral components, particularly for low multiplicities of
97 cates that intracellular factors rather than viral components play a critical role in establishing vi
98 ns may reflect specific interactions between viral components (protein-protein, protein-RNA, or RNA-R
99 ues that incorporate fluorescent probes into viral components provide opportunities for understanding
100 iral budding is a shared function of various viral components rather than a role of the major viral e
101 quid provides a unique system to dissect the viral components required for transport and to identify
102 gest that sigma NS and mu NS are the minimal viral components required to form inclusions, which then
103 ent evidence that glycoprotein H (gH) is the viral component responsible for binding to CD46.
104  cells may provide valuable insight into the viral component responsible for cytopathicity.
105 ignificant decrease in membrane targeting of viral components, resulting in the severe loss of produc
106                                Thus, another viral component(s) different from the NS1 protein is res
107 RF19 protein's intrinsic activity by another viral component(s).
108                                The fact that viral components specifically linked to repression of re
109 modulate cell-to-cell signaling by secreting viral components such as an oncoprotein, LMP1, into host
110 gent requirement for coexpression with other viral components, such as Rev and RRE.
111                                              Viral components target subcellular organelles to access
112                               It is also the viral component targeted by neutralizing antibodies.
113 he membrane perforation event and identify a viral component that mediates this process.
114 ective for interactions with cellular and/or viral components that affected reverse transcription and
115 entify functional interactions among various viral components that contribute to pgRNA encapsidation.
116 structural characterization of the virus and viral components that lead to the proposal of common cap
117                        However, the specific viral components that these antibodies recognize and how
118 h mild erythoblastosis contained an array of viral components that were capable of activating EpoR.
119 ity in vitro had been shown to require three viral components: the L3 23-kDa protein, an 11-amino aci
120 al peptides target a host cell rather than a viral component, they may also be useful for suppression
121 on of type I interferons can be triggered by viral components through Toll-like receptors or intracel
122 east three functions: the rapid transport of viral components to and between cytoplasmic processing s
123 hese responses have a role in trafficking of viral components to endosomal compartments that contain
124 al infection through delivery of cytoplasmic viral components to intracellular TLRs.
125 e, thus designating the pre-S1 domain as the viral component triggering such metabolic alterations.
126      Furthermore, we identified the specific viral component triggering this response as the envelope
127 ermore, a bimodal population distribution of viral components was observed for low MOI stochastic sim
128 wing that it did not require the same set of viral components, which is indicative of differences in
129 elium and also suggested that the particular viral component with which a given IgA antibody reacts i
130 enesis ultimately requires colocalization of viral components, yet our dual-label immunogold staining

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