


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 t of short crescent-shaped precursors of the viral envelope.
2 in the variable 1 and 2 (V1V2) region of the viral envelope.
3 ss in infectivity with a perturbation of the viral envelope.
4 hrough direct interaction with PtdSer on the viral envelope.
5 virion assembly and infection, underlies the viral envelope.
6 ctively: the genetic determinant maps to the viral envelope.
7 mini, and E(rns) loosely associates with the viral envelope.
8 f HA protein were also incorporated into the viral envelope.
9 elope, HIV-1 envelope, GBV-C envelope, or no viral envelope.
10 at may impinge on the apparently unperturbed viral envelope.
11 to the perinuclear space to obtain a primary viral envelope.
12 ormations are selectively recruited into the viral envelope.
13 to incorporation of ReAsH-labeled Mtc in the viral envelope.
14 tors of complement activation into their own viral envelope.
15 of Poxviridae that is expressed on the outer viral envelope.
16 use of destabilization/disintegration of the viral envelope.
17 ctions and coevolutionary adaptations in the viral envelope.
18 d and functionally important residues on the viral envelope.
19 ument that lies between the nucleocapsid and viral envelope.
20 resence of more than a dozen proteins on the viral envelope.
21 equired for the formation of the icosahedral viral envelope.
22 ing a likely natural conformation of VP24 in viral envelope.
23 n occurs postentry and is independent of the viral envelope.
24 omposition and biophysical properties of the viral envelope.
25 membrane glycoproteins that are found in the viral envelope(1).
26  depletion of cholesterol from the influenza viral envelope accelerates fusion kinetics even though i
27 lators of complement activity (RCA) into the viral envelope afforded complement resistance, we grew N
28                                          The viral envelope and 5'-UTR sequences of the lymphotropic
29 abrogated the ability of XCL1 to bind to the viral envelope and block HIV-1 infection; moreover, a lo
30 V-1 infection by binding to the glycosylated viral envelope and blocking cellular entry.
31 mplications of HIV, gp120, forms part of the viral envelope and can be found in the CSF of infected i
32     Viral fusogens mediate the merger of the viral envelope and cellular membrane during viral entry.
33 proteins promote membrane fusion between the viral envelope and host cell membranes, a critical early
34 ation of a fusion (F) protein that fuses the viral envelope and host cell plasma membrane.
35 ate model, viral nucleocapsids devoid of the viral envelope and membrane glycoproteins are transporte
36  were detected in 59%-78% of patients in the viral Envelope and pre-Membrane/Membrane proteins, which
37 ully achieve the fluorescent labeling of the viral envelope and proteins, but not the genome.
38 lso determined that ORF52 resides inside the viral envelope and remains partially associated with cap
39 n beyond merely anchoring the protein in the viral envelope and that it can affect the structures and
40  transition of HA that induces fusion of the viral envelope and the endosomal membrane, and permits t
41 pendent manner facilitates the fusion of the viral envelope and the endosomal membrane.
42 the interaction between glycoproteins on the viral envelope and the major receptor, CD4, and corecept
43 ough endocytosis, or by direct fusion of the viral envelope and the membrane of the host cell.
44  virus (HIV) infection is fusion between the viral envelope and the T-cell membrane, which must invol
45 obe partitions into the lipid bilayer of the viral envelope and upon far UV irradiation reacts select
46 ing of the Pvs25-PvCSP fusion protein on the viral envelope and was highly expressed upon transductio
47 ein layer linked to the inner leaflet of the viral envelope and with local ordering of the glycoprote
48                               Fusion between viral envelopes and host cell membranes, which is mediat
49                 The application of different viral envelopes and promoters provided a useful approach
50 rs of complement activation (RCA) into their viral envelopes and, as a result, escape antibody-depend
51 ar stomatitis, Rabies, Mokola and Ross River viral envelopes) and self-complementary adeno-associated
52 age of viral proteins, a nick or hole on the viral envelope, and disruption of the virus structure.
53 accine incorporated H at higher rates in the viral envelope, and the other secreted a soluble H prote
54 taining DENV-2 exhibited marked reduction of viral envelope antigen in midguts and salivary glands af
55 equently gained through analyses of isolated viral envelope antigens, host CD4 receptors, and cognate
56 hat the CD is important for formation of the viral envelope by helping mediate fundamental M-M intera
57  envelope engrafted onto the unrelated CAP63 viral envelope (called 63-88C3).
58 how the hemagglutinin lateral density in the viral envelope changes with cholesterol extraction.
59                          Upon restoration of viral envelope cholesterol, this spacing once again expa
60               Furthermore, we also show that viral-envelope cholesterol is required for BDV infectivi
61 ifferent binding mode for glycans on the HIV viral envelope compared with the smaller glycans previou
62 eptor/co-receptor complex CD4/CXCR4 with the viral envelope complex gp120/gp41 (Env).
63 resence of more than a dozen proteins on the viral envelope complicates the dissection of the HSV ent
64 ) and other viruses by binding PtdSer on the viral envelope, concentrating virus on the cell surface,
65 ncluding CD59 on the external surface of the viral envelope confers resistance to complement-mediated
66                             We find that the viral envelope contains the mammalian LPS-binding factor
67 nown how lipid and protein components of the viral envelope contribute to its mechanical properties.
68 fect on RSV by inducing direct damage to the viral envelope, disrupting viral particles and decreasin
69 ed strains, which may poorly reflect primary viral envelope diversity.
70 at bind to quaternary epitopes formed by the viral envelope (E) protein dimers or higher-order assemb
71 in an N-linked glycosylation site within the viral envelope (E) protein, whereas many isolates of the
72 f neutralizing antibodies that recognize the viral envelope (E) protein.
73 th the development of antibodies against the viral envelope (E) protein.
74 elopment of an antibody response against the viral envelope (E) protein.
75                       HMAb 2D22 binds across viral envelope (E) proteins in the dimeric structure, wh
76  contained only the C3 region from the CAP88 viral envelope engrafted onto the unrelated CAP63 viral
77 ve previously shown that interaction between viral envelope (Env) and receptor directs viral assembly
78                         Incorporation of the viral envelope (Env) glycoprotein is a critical requirem
79 lso plays a role in the incorporation of the viral envelope (Env) glycoproteins and can influence par
80  neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) against the viral envelope (Env) glycoproteins gp120 and gp41, but n
81                         The incorporation of viral envelope (Env) glycoproteins into nascent particle
82 with which to probe interactions between the viral envelope (Env) protein and CXCR4 and to identify p
83 ent upon mutations within the V3 loop of the viral envelope (Env) protein and was modulated by additi
84 o cells by binding to the HR-1 region of the viral envelope (Env) protein gp41 subunit.
85 s bearing mutations in the HR1 region of the viral envelope (Env) protein.
86 associated with mutations in the stem of the viral envelope (Env) V3 loop, domains outside V3 can als
87 cent common ancestor (MRCA) sequence for the viral envelope (Env) was determined and aligned with 99
88                                  Independent viral envelope evolution in the brain has been reported,
89                                   To monitor viral envelope evolution in these two cohorts of monkeys
90 ents the first example of signaling across a viral envelope following receptor binding.
91  a membrane fission event that separates the viral envelope from the cell surface.
92 s, and cell culture-derived HCV that express viral envelopes from patients who have undergone liver t
93                               Highly evolved viral envelopes from viruses isolated at late time point
94                 Infection initiates when the viral envelope fuses with the host cell membrane in a pr
95                             The internalized viral envelope fuses with the macropinocytic membrane, a
96  an analogy to the structure and function of viral envelope fusion proteins.
97 r vectors containing various portions of the viral envelope gene and the 3' long terminal repeat were
98 cific early genetic changes occurring in the viral envelope gene following vaccination using a highly
99 hieved in this study by DNA shuffling of the viral envelope genes from multiple strains.
100 s a unique approach through DNA shuffling of viral envelope genes to attenuate a positive-strand RNA
101              To further evaluate the role of viral envelope glycans in regulating the IFN-alpha/beta
102                  Despite the presence of the viral envelope glycoprotein (Env) and CD4 and chemokine
103 t cells starts with interactions between the viral envelope glycoprotein (Env) and cellular CD4 recep
104                                          The viral envelope glycoprotein (Env) establishes cell-cell
105   HIV entry involves binding of the trimeric viral envelope glycoprotein (Env) gp120/gp41 to cell sur
106 ecreases the exposure of epitopes within the viral envelope glycoprotein (Env) on the surface of infe
107 ntibodies (MAbs) to distinct epitopes on the viral envelope glycoprotein (Env) provides the potential
108 ction to autologous CD4(+) T cells through a viral envelope glycoprotein (Env) receptor- and actin-de
109       Variations in epitope integrity on the viral envelope glycoprotein (Env) trimer and Env reactiv
110                           Interaction of the viral envelope glycoprotein (Env) with a specific cellul
111 Abs and bNAbs target the same regions of the viral envelope glycoprotein (Env), but for reasons that
112         The target of HIV-specific NAbs, the viral envelope glycoprotein (Env), is highly variable in
113 introduced at different positions within the viral envelope glycoprotein (Env).
114 e processing and virion incorporation of the viral envelope glycoprotein (Env).
115  likely include a recombinant version of the viral envelope glycoprotein (Env).
116 ralizing antibodies (bnAbs) that bind to the viral envelope glycoprotein (Env).
117 y immunization with recombinant forms of the viral envelope glycoprotein (Env; the target of anti-HIV
118 particles into cellular endosomes, where the viral envelope glycoprotein (GP) catalyzes fusion betwee
119 avirus life cycle is the biosynthesis of the viral envelope glycoprotein (GP) responsible for virus a
120 ically initiated by an interaction between a viral envelope glycoprotein and a host cell receptor.
121 nterpart, dependent on the expression of the viral envelope glycoprotein and are characterized by a p
122 esults from complex interactions between the viral envelope glycoprotein and both CD4 and CCR5, which
123 cells expressing native conformations of the viral envelope glycoprotein and reveals incomplete overl
124 tion of human cells is the processing of the viral envelope glycoprotein by the cellular subtilisin k
125 dings that a single missense mutation in the viral envelope glycoprotein complex (GPC) is responsible
126 ition 427 in the fusion subunit (GP2) of the viral envelope glycoprotein complex (GPC), thereby raisi
127 hat regulates the composition of alternative viral envelope glycoprotein complexes raises the intrigu
128  process is energy-dependent and mediated by viral envelope glycoprotein complexes.
129 ion of cell-specific receptors by one of the viral envelope glycoprotein complexes.
130 rapping of an intermediate conformation of a viral envelope glycoprotein during the fusion process th
131     We analyzed the interaction of apoE with viral envelope glycoprotein E2 and HCV virions by immuno
132  cell entry involves interaction between the viral envelope glycoprotein E2 and the cell surface rece
133 s initiated with a binding event between the viral envelope glycoprotein gp120 and the cellular recep
134 -1 activity in vitro, both by displacing the viral envelope glycoprotein gp120 from binding to CCR5 a
135 s, a process initiated by the binding of the viral envelope glycoprotein gp120 to the cellular CD4 re
136 ection involve the sequential binding of the viral envelope glycoprotein gp120 to the cellular CD4 re
137 entry is initiated by the interaction of the viral envelope glycoprotein gp120 with CD4, and chemokin
138 nteractions, which seem to be independent of viral envelope glycoprotein gp120, are poorly understood
139 ical structures of the glycans on the native viral envelope glycoprotein gp120--as opposed to recombi
140 tic cell associated lectin (DC-SIGN) and the viral envelope glycoprotein gp120.
141 targets B lymphocytes through binding of the viral envelope glycoprotein gp350 to the complement rece
142 ymphocytes in an interaction mediated by the viral envelope glycoprotein gp350.
143 cid substitutions in the cytoplasmic tail of viral envelope glycoprotein gp41 of the neurovirulent vi
144 opic follicles produce IgG Abs reactive with viral envelope glycoprotein gp41 trimers, and these Abs
145 s by binding to a hydrophobic segment of the viral envelope glycoprotein gp41.
146 F also moderately reduced trafficking of the viral envelope glycoprotein GP64 to the plasma membrane
147 ines the role played by integrins and by the viral envelope glycoprotein H in entry and cell-to-cell
148 D81 receptor-binding site (CD81bs) on the E2 viral envelope glycoprotein have been reported previousl
149                              We identify the viral envelope glycoprotein M (gM) as having moderate an
150 the arenavirus life cycle, processing of the viral envelope glycoprotein precursor (GPC) by the cellu
151 re reflected in the binding mechanism of the viral envelope glycoprotein to the cell surface receptor
152 ree components: 1) IgG Abs reacting with the viral envelope glycoprotein trimeric gp41; 2) produced b
153 ralizing antibodies and the evolution of the viral envelope glycoprotein were monitored in rhesus mac
154       Viral escape required mutations in the viral envelope glycoprotein which limited the accessibil
155 hting the dynamic and complex nature of this viral envelope glycoprotein, and can serve as a referenc
156 s direct interaction of CXCL4 with the major viral envelope glycoprotein, gp120.
157 cts via direct interaction with the external viral envelope glycoprotein, gp120.
158  virus into the host cell is mediated by the viral envelope glycoprotein, GPC.
159                     Protein E, the principal viral envelope glycoprotein, mediates fusion of the vira
160 thy and dead or dying, were taken up through viral envelope glycoprotein-receptor-independent interac
161 imarily the CD4-binding site (CD4-BS) of the viral envelope glycoprotein.
162 ional reconstitution of membrane fusion by a viral envelope glycoprotein.
163 n of MAbs to two independent epitopes on the viral envelope glycoprotein.
164 n a dose-dependent manner, regardless of the viral envelope glycoprotein.
165 irus (HSV) entry through interactions with a viral envelope glycoprotein.
166 rable sites (epitopes) on the surface of the viral envelope glycoprotein.
167 zing Abs targeting conserved epitopes of the viral envelope glycoproteins (Env) are likely required,
168  (HIV-1) entry into cells is mediated by the viral envelope glycoproteins (Env), a trimer of three gp
169 f HIV-1 into target cells is mediated by the viral envelope glycoproteins (Env).
170       Vaccine-elicited antibodies target the viral envelope glycoproteins (Envs) and can potentially
171 the genetic and antigenic variability of the viral envelope glycoproteins (Envs).
172                                              Viral envelope glycoproteins are important for viral pat
173 s determined by the co-receptor usage of the viral envelope glycoproteins as well as IFITM subcellula
174 lture-derived HCV containing patient-derived viral envelope glycoproteins from 22 HCV variants isolat
175 rived HCV (HCVcc) containing patient-derived viral envelope glycoproteins from 22 HCV variants isolat
176 which occurs only at later stages, after the viral envelope glycoproteins have been expressed to high
177                Despite the known function of viral envelope glycoproteins in catalyzing fusion with c
178 he virus, where most variation occurs in the viral envelope glycoproteins that are the sole targets f
179 ncy virus (HIV) vaccines is the inability of viral envelope glycoproteins to elicit broad and potent
180                                 Unlike other viral envelope glycoproteins, GPC contains a myristoylat
181                 In contrast to other class I viral envelope glycoproteins, the mature GPC complex con
182      Glucosidase targets for therapy include viral envelope glycoproteins.
183 levels comparable to the natural capacity of viral envelope glycoproteins.
184 ated action of the fusion (F) and attachment viral envelope glycoproteins.
185 rticles and cells transiently expressing the viral envelope glycoproteins.
186 ixing through active participation of Sendai viral envelope glycoproteins.
187  are transported in axons independently from viral envelope glycoproteins.
188 alization by antibodies directed against the viral envelope glycoproteins.
189    Viral entry into host cells relies on two viral envelope glycoproteins: the attachment (G) and fus
190 vast majority of paramyxoviruses utilize two viral envelope glycoproteins: the attachment glycoprotei
191 th HIV infection by binding to the sugars of viral-envelope glycoproteins.
192   These include direct defensin targeting of viral envelopes, glycoproteins, and capsids in addition
193 ciated brain injury induced by a CXCR4-using viral envelope gp120.
194               In view of its position on the viral envelope, gp120 is a part of the retrovirus that i
195 ated functional CHIKV glycoproteins into the viral envelope in place of VSV G.
196 fold more concentrated than elsewhere in the viral envelope, indicating specific recruitment to these
197 d rafts are likely to contribute directly to viral envelope integrity and, in the host membrane, may
198 t the hypothesis that the intracellular ASFV viral envelope is composed of a single lipid bilayer.
199  produced uncertainty over whether the inner viral envelope is composed of a single or double lipid b
200            The mechanism(s) of fusion by the viral envelope is largely categorized as either pH-depen
201            We have shown previously that the viral envelope is the genetic determinant of the differe
202  (E) makes up only a small percentage of the viral envelope, it plays an important, as-yet-undefined
203 g-interacting Env tail but not on changes in viral envelope lipid order.
204         In addition, glycans associated with viral envelopes mask important functional domains from t
205 cal sterol-hemagglutinin interactions in the viral envelope may control the rate-limiting step of fus
206 spatial distribution of hemagglutinin on the viral envelope may influence fusion mechanism.
207  by enveloped viruses requires merger of the viral envelope membrane with target cell membranes, resu
208 al segment transmembrane domain (TMD) on the viral envelope membrane.
209 dy, we identify a genetic determinant in the viral envelope (N173) that increases replication and spr
210 reparations indicated that the intracellular viral envelope of ASFV was not significantly different f
211                         The recognition by a viral envelope of its cognate host-cell receptor is the
212 ding receptors or attachment factors for the viral envelope of many viruses, including strains of HIV
213 which resulted in changes to the overlapping viral envelope of the hepatitis B surface antigen (sE164
214 ittle is known concerning the effects of the viral envelope on these cells.
215 ovide insight into understanding the role of viral envelope phosphatidylserine in viral infection.
216                             Virus binding by viral envelope phosphatidylserine is now a viral entry m
217 Gas6, can facilitate viral entry by bridging viral envelope phosphatidylserine to Axl, a receptor tyr
218                  Mutated MFG-E8, which binds viral envelope phosphatidylserine without bridging virus
219 broad antibodies by exposure to the evolving viral envelope population and tested this concept using
220 dy, we observed that during this period, the viral envelope precursor polyprotein accumulated to high
221 al cells, results in the accumulation of the viral envelope precursor polyprotein, leading to the ind
222  Neutralizing antibodies are directed to the viral envelope protein (E) and an accepted correlate of
223  stem drives the transmembrane anchor of the viral envelope protein (E) toward the fusion loop, burie
224                                          The viral envelope protein (ENV) facilitates the earliest ev
225         Hypervariable region 1 (HVR1) within viral envelope protein 2 (E2) is involved in the usage o
226  to perinuclear, neuronal regions expressing viral envelope protein and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER
227 red membrane fusion reaction mediated by the viral envelope protein E.
228       Recently, the crystal structure of the viral envelope protein E2 region was resolved as well as
229 -azaindole core heterocycles that target the viral envelope protein gp120 has been prepared.
230             It has been shown that the large viral envelope protein limits the intracellular amplific
231    Influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) is the viral envelope protein that mediates viral attachment to
232  cells requires the sequential engagement of viral envelope protein with CD4 and coreceptor, we propo
233 nown to be determined by the sequence of the viral envelope protein, although the nature of the neuro
234 ated to account for antigenic changes in the viral envelope protein, hemagglutinin (HA).
235                                          The viral envelope protein, SFFV gp55, forms a complex with
236  of folding instability (BiP binding) of the viral envelope protein.
237 hitosan (chi) to replace the function of the viral envelope protein.
238 ells and point out that interactions between viral envelope proteins and host cell receptors can have
239 lights the fact that interactions of M1 with viral envelope proteins are essential to direct M1 to th
240  this approach, the transmembrane domains of viral envelope proteins are selectively targeted by the
241                                              Viral envelope proteins catalyze this critical membrane
242 119E, and R169P mutations in the S domain of viral envelope proteins impair virion secretion and that
243 d mixing, but pH-dependent redistribution of viral envelope proteins into the target cell membrane wa
244                       For this to occur, the viral envelope proteins must be efficiently targeted to
245 tion activity results for two panels bearing viral envelope proteins representing either an intergeno
246 oteins required specific interactions of the viral envelope proteins with the internal capsid protein
247 rs, blood-clotting components, and even many viral envelope proteins) occurring in almost all eukaryo
248 ve two alternative fates: (i) envelopment by viral envelope proteins, leading to secretion extracellu
249 sed in these analyses differ solely in their viral envelope proteins, suggesting that the block to XM
250 proposals for a general fusion mechanism for viral envelope proteins.
251 lowed M1 particle budding without additional viral envelope proteins.
252 d from recombinant gp120 (present on the HIV viral envelope), providing the first structural data for
253 glutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA)] in the viral envelope, resolve the matrix protein layer lining
254                    Most seek to suppress the viral envelope's natural tropism while modifying the rec
255 transmitting partner drives this bottleneck, viral envelope sequences from the blood and genital flui
256                                              Viral envelope sequences from week 16 and week 42 plasma
257 ng trimeric recombinant proteins to identify viral envelope specific clones.
258        However, the number of targets on the viral envelope spike for such antibodies has been limite
259 nfluence the quaternary configuration of the viral envelope spike.
260  by the native configuration of the trimeric viral envelope spike.
261 V3 variable loop on the gp120 subunit of the viral envelope spike.
262 V-1 that targets the CD4 binding site on the viral envelope spike.
263                  The observed binding to the viral envelope spikes is the result of specific CD4-gp12
264 ro-oligomers of SSP, GP1, and GP2, forms the viral envelope spikes that mediate receptor recognition
265             We hypothesize that this unusual viral envelope structure results from the extreme curvat
266 ntified novel conformational epitopes on the viral envelope targeted by broadly cross-neutralizing an
267 rophobic portions of the gp41 protein of the viral envelope that contributes to membrane fusion may m
268 e paramyxovirus fusion (F) protein fuses the viral envelope to a cellular membrane.
269 endothelial cells by bridging glycans on the viral envelope to host cell glycoproteins.
270                         Unlike several other viral envelopes to which MBL can bind, both recombinant
271 l for protein engineering to construct novel viral envelope variants that can greatly improve the saf
272                         Reconstituted Sendai viral envelopes (virosomes) are well recognized for thei
273                   The mapping of epitopes on viral envelopes vulnerable to immune evasion will aid in
274          The appearance of the intracellular viral envelope was determined and compared to that of mi
275 ecause the tegument layer between capsid and viral envelope was reduced.
276                                Fusion of the viral envelope with a cellular membrane is required for
277 ramyxoviruses enter host cells by fusing the viral envelope with a host cell membrane.
278 cells by the receptor-mediated fusion of the viral envelope with a host cell membrane.
279 se a specialized fusion protein to merge the viral envelope with cell membranes and initiate infectio
280 ll-to-cell spread by mediating fusion of the viral envelope with cellular membranes and fusion of adj
281 complex and regulates membrane fusion of the viral envelope with cellular membranes during virus entr
282 roteinaceous fusion machineries to merge the viral envelope with cellular membranes for infection.
283 acidification, suggesting that fusion of the viral envelope with cellular membranes is a pH-triggered
284 on to the cellular surface and fusion of the viral envelope with cellular membranes.
285 des (FP) play an essential role in fusion of viral envelope with cellular membranes.
286 molecule and prevents membrane fusion of the viral envelope with cellular membranes.
287 FP is the critical mediator of fusion of the viral envelope with host cell membranes leading to virus
288 on (F) protein, which leads to merger of the viral envelope with target cell membranes.
289           Fusion of the cholesterol-enriched viral envelope with the cell membrane marks the beginnin
290  receptor binding, followed by fusion of the viral envelope with the cell membrane.
291 roteins is required to mediate fusion of the viral envelope with the cell membrane.
292 on proteins, thereby promoting fusion of the viral envelope with the endosomal membrane.
293  fusion protein (F) to mediate merger of the viral envelope with the host cell membrane.
294 matitis virus (VSV G) mediates fusion of the viral envelope with the host cell, with the conformation
295 ught to be central in the membrane fusion of viral envelope with the host membrane.
296  trimeric fusion protein (F) that merges the viral envelope with the plasma membrane at neutral pH.
297 s, whereas the domain required for fusion of viral envelope with the plasma membrane is at the C term
298 virus 5 (PIV5) enters cells by fusion of the viral envelope with the plasma membrane through the conc
299 endosomes, possibly inhibiting the fusion of viral envelopes with endosomal membranes during primary
300 n incomplete shell of density underlying the viral envelope, with a hexagonal honeycomb structure sim

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