


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  (F) protein of RSV 2-20 is a mucus-inducing viral factor.
2 ch bacterial transcription is regulated by a viral factor.
3 ach case initiated predominantly by a single viral factor.
4 ized infection stage across diverse host and viral factors.
5 rge extent with a limited number of host and viral factors.
6 roduction is limited by cellular rather than viral factors.
7 er is RTA responsive in the absence of other viral factors.
8 on the contribution of immunosuppression and viral factors.
9 ough the association with these cellular and viral factors.
10     Host adaptation likely involves multiple viral factors.
11 come is affected by identifiable clinical or viral factors.
12 he ER when expressed in the absence of other viral factors.
13 ility of influenza is determined by host and viral factors.
14 quires lifelong adherence and mostly targets viral factors.
15 hat this class of proteins acted as positive viral factors.
16 n expressed in vitro in the absence of other viral factors.
17 lpha produced by NK cells are important anti-viral factors.
18 ine the risk of progression to LRD more than viral factors.
19 otype, indicating a likely role for multiple viral factors.
20 ase progression is associated with host, not viral, factors.
21               Identification of cellular and viral factors affecting the formation of the membrane-bo
22                                     Although viral factors almost certainly play a role in limiting h
23                                        These viral factors alone, however, could not account for the
24                                   Additional viral factors also contribute to this balance.
25  were consistent with HO-1 acting as an anti-viral factor and these findings suggested that induction
26 is in the absence of other de novo-expressed viral factors and can act in synergy with the Fas recept
27                                              Viral factors and host barriers influence virally induce
28 pe 1 (HIV-1) and other lentiviruses, but the viral factors and mechanism of nuclear entry have not be
29      The relationships among host immune and viral factors and the severity of liver disease due to h
30 sed treatment are dependent on both host and viral factors and vary markedly among patients infected
31 n and assess the impact of cellular factors, viral factors, and antivirals.
32 criptional repression of p21 by cellular and viral factors, and delve in detail into its possible bio
33 ssociation between atherosclerosis, host and viral factors, and liver histological features.
34    However, it is likely that other host and viral factors are also involved in determining the outco
35      It is not entirely clear which host and viral factors are responsible for the viral set point.
36        Studies have identified both host and viral factors associated with disease progression.
37       A better understanding of the host and viral factors associated with human immunodeficiency vir
38 d the demographic, behavioral, metabolic and viral factors associated with transient elastography-mea
39 aks of respiratory tract infections, but the viral factors associated with virulence remain unknown.
40       Pieces of the puzzle as they relate to viral factors-both human herpes virus 8 (HHV-8) and huma
41             Environmental, host genetic, and viral factors can affect the risk of HCC in individuals
42 ls are infected with EBV, latency-associated viral factors confer resistance to various inducers of a
43  latency, how viral genomes persist or which viral factors contribute to genome maintenance and/or re
44 l function in viremic condition, and several viral factors contribute to these defects.
45   These observations suggest that additional viral factors contribute to virulence.
46 tems are enabling identification of host and viral factors contributing to breakdown of the unique BB
47           However, little is known about the viral factors contributing to the high virulence of MERS
48                           To investigate the viral factors contributing to these phenotypes, we gener
49                        Little is known about viral factors contributing to virulence, and there are c
50 al nonstructural protein 1 (NS1) is the main viral factor counteracting the host antiviral response.
51     In this study, we aimed to determine the viral factors critical for aerosol transmission of the 2
52  identified the glycoprotein to be the major viral factor determining JUNV attenuation.
53                                              Viral factors (e.g. transmitted cytotoxic T- lymphocyte
54 an papillomavirus (HPV) DNA genome relies on viral factors E1 and E2 and the cellular replication mac
55  that is activated by early and intermediate viral factors: E1A, E4 Orf3, and IVa2.
56                                          The viral factor E2 restores specificity through a physical
57 es, implicated IFN-gamma as the primary anti viral factor early in infection.
58 ed by this host cell gene in addition to the viral factor, EBNA2, and may help to explain how LMP1 is
59 om its own promoter in the presence of other viral factors, either by coexpression with ICP0 or by in
60 ously unknown function of HCPro in which the viral factor enhances the stability of its cognate capsi
61           However, little is known about the viral factor/event which triggers the apoptotic process.
62 e of the mRNA but most likely on one or more viral factors expressed in the infected cell.
63 ur research is in identifying pUL25 as a key viral factor for genome uncoating.
64 biological properties and is implicated as a viral factor for HCV mediated pathogenesis.
65 d with HIV-1 integrase and nucleocapsid, key viral factors for reverse transcription and integration.
66  the potential utility of detecting host and viral factors for the diagnosis and prognosis of NPC is
67                                  The role of viral factors has been studied extensively and has been
68    With the advance of HBV virology, several viral factors have been found to be associated with the
69 tion is performed by the extensively studied viral factor HCPro, which seems to use an unknown mechan
70 erived factors (IFN-gamma and endotoxin) and viral factors (HCV core protein) act in tandem to induce
71 sis stage, interleukin 28B polymorphism) and viral factors (hepatitis C virus [HCV] genotype, viral l
72 ar targeting of VP22 is independent of other viral factors, (ii) the carboxyl terminus of VP22 is req
73  E1 deleted and for the study of cellular or viral factors important for viral replication.
74 xamine the relative significance of host and viral factors in activating early gene expression of the
75  modification occurs in the absence of other viral factors in cell lines which stably express its gen
76 cular, supports the idea of the relevance of viral factors in contributing to this rare HIV-1 phenoty
77 vestigated the role of cis- and trans-acting viral factors in EV IRES translation in living cells.
78  conditional approach to dissect the role of viral factors in HCMV biology.
79 for assessing the interplay of host cell and viral factors in pathogenesis and for screening for inhi
80 ng, demonstrating the need for both host and viral factors in the curtailment of viral replication wi
81                                  The role of viral factors in the pathogenesis of chronic hepatitis C
82 nterstitial pneumonia, the roles of host and viral factors in the pathogenesis of pneumonia are not w
83 e same cell line points to the importance of viral factors in the switch from latency to lytic cycle.
84                                      Two key viral factors in this process are the latent membrane pr
85 irulence of SIVsmPBj, implicating additional viral factors in this unique virus pathogenesis.
86 titis C correlates with several clinical and viral factors, including age, viral genotype and initial
87                                              Viral factors, including rotavirus gene 4, are important
88  how HIV-1 Tat protein, an immunosuppressive viral factor, induces the PD-1/PD-L1 coinhibitory pathwa
89         Evidence suggests that both host and viral factors influence disease severity after infection
90                                     Host and viral factors influence the HIV-1 infection course.
91 1-kDa protein encoded by UL138 (pUL138) as a viral factor inherent to low-passage strains of human cy
92 clin A leads to apoptosis, suggesting that a viral factor inhibits the deleterious effects of cyclin
93 st models in which to study the cellular and viral factors involved in acute corneal infection.
94                                 The specific viral factors involved in such HCMV-mediated modulation,
95                                 The study of viral factors involved in the production of severe dengu
96 nflammatory lipoxin A4 in host cells and the viral factors involved in this process using in vitro KS
97                                         This viral factor is directly involved in diverse steps of vi
98                  Extracellular HCV core is a viral factor known to cause HCV-induced T cell impairmen
99               The opposing goals of host and viral factors lead to evolutionary arms races that can b
100 e autocrine/paracrine production of cellular/viral factors leading to a metabolic encephalopathy.
101 is common and RRP is rare, other host and/or viral factors may contribute to pathogenesis.
102                         Integration of these viral factors may help to determine the disease state of
103                                  Host and/or viral factors not accounted for by viral load or mutatio
104 ohort analysis of the effects of hepatitis B viral factors on risk for HCC, based on metabolic factor
105 nguishing between the influences of host and viral factors on viremia.
106 loss of Ser-2 RNAP II does not require other viral factors or the context of the infected cell.
107 ogenous and may involve host immune factors, viral factors, or both.
108                                              Viral factors play a minor role.
109 ar factors, previous evidence indicates that viral factors play a role in the initiation of viral DNA
110 the viral genome are needed to identify such viral factors, polymorphisms at the UL4 gene locus were
111  viral RdRP (NS5) from that of other host or viral factors present in the cytoplasmic extracts, the N
112                                    Different viral factors probe different aspects of CHB.
113                                 Cellular and viral factors regulating LTR activity contribute to HIV-
114  nucleocapsid protein (NC), the trans-acting viral factor required for genome packaging, disrupts the
115 polymerase (L protein), the two trans-acting viral factors required for both virus RNA replication an
116 esvirus infection and pathogenesis; however, viral factors required for transport have yet to be iden
117 B19V nonstructural protein 1 (NS1) was a key viral factor responsible for altering E2F1-E2F5 expressi
118 regulator of the viral life cycle and a main viral factor responsible for cytopathic effects and subv
119                    Influenza NS1 is the main viral factor responsible for the control of host innate
120 ovirus evolution and will help elucidate the viral factors responsible for the broad host range of pa
121  at the entry level and further explored the viral factors responsible for the lack of genomic RNA re
122                                          The viral factors responsible for the reduction in Ser-2 CTD
123 tral importance to identify the cellular and viral factors responsible for this trafficking event.
124                              To identify the viral factor(s) involved, we infected cells with several
125         This second step depends on an early viral factor(s) that has eluded identification for over
126      In this study, we aimed to identify the viral factor(s) that mediate monocyte-to-MPhi differenti
127 susceptibility such as mitochondrial DNA and viral factors such as Chlamydia pneumoniae are reviewed.
128 teraction in the presence of other important viral factors, such as the HPV16 E1 protein and the vira
129 enylation is triggered by multiple divergent viral factors, suggesting that altering the subcellular
130                         Various cellular and viral factors target p300/CBP to modulate transcription
131                                    While the viral factor Tat is known for its transcriptional transa
132 cription factors, such as NF-kappaB, and the viral factor Tat, which through the recruitment of P-TEF
133 ECs from the same donor and identified a key viral factor that affected host susceptibility, the domi
134 ore, we conclude that soluble Vpr is a major viral factor that causes a disturbance in neuronal commu
135  that capsid, not integrase, is the dominant viral factor that dictates transportin 3 dependency duri
136 ls infected with wild-type virus, Nef is the viral factor that interferes with the immune mechanisms
137 infection in mice was used to define host or viral factors that affect rotavirus viremia.
138 will introduce the conventional and emerging viral factors that are associated with clinical outcomes
139                                  A number of viral factors that are present in HIV-1 preintegration c
140 otropic virus infection to identify host and viral factors that contribute to invasion of the brain,
141                   Understanding the host and viral factors that contribute to the controller phenotyp
142 his review explores the human, mosquito, and viral factors that contribute to the global spread and p
143  cell culture, and little is known about the viral factors that determine HCMV epithelial cell tropis
144 eful background in which to identify certain viral factors that enhance transmissibility.
145 iral infections are associated with host and viral factors that impair effective antiviral immunity.
146 ppears to be closely correlated with unknown viral factors that increase intracellular lipid levels.
147                          We studied host and viral factors that may contribute to the control of vira
148 s, innate and adaptive immune responses, and viral factors that may contribute to this phenotype.
149 isms involving the interplay of cellular and viral factors that may depend on the cell type.
150 pproaches might be used to identify host and viral factors that mediate roseolovirus pathogenesis.
151    Here we discuss a variety of cellular and viral factors that modulate the outcome of virus infecti
152 e systems can be used to define cellular and viral factors that play a role in HHV-6A/B integration.
153                                Understanding viral factors that promote cross-species transmission is
154 animal model with which to identify host and viral factors that regulate gammaherpesvirus latency.
155 h cellular membranes in the absence of other viral factors, the pol domain of gene 1 was cloned and e
156 e for other viruses, HCV depends on host and viral factors to complete its life cycle.
157 tudy addresses the potential contribution of viral factors to HIV disease progression in eight infant
158  RB and p53 families and an ability of these viral factors to induce S-phase in quiescent cells.
159 ransiently expressed in the absence of other viral factors, U(L)31 protein localized diffusely in the
160 tiply infected cells, the saturation of anti-viral factors upon infection of cells, and rate limiting
161 ral responses are governed to some extent by viral factors, whereas sustained responses may be more i
162                 We conclude that LC may be a viral factor which promotes the replication of NV in cel
163  We propose that PE38 is one of at least two viral factors which collectively evoke a cellular apopto
164 pathogenicity depends on the interference of viral factors with components of the host defense system
165 We generated chimeric viruses and found that viral factors within the structural and nonstructural re

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