


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ility that LAT and miRNAs were degraded by a viral gene product.
2 -initiated DNA damage-signaling pathway by a viral gene product.
3 d expression of an essential immediate-early viral gene product.
4 genesis apart from infectious virus or other viral gene products.
5  characterized by differential expression of viral gene products.
6 imary human tumors; and it is inactivated by viral gene products.
7 ism against viruses that can be subverted by viral gene products.
8 tically underestimate the true complexity of viral gene products.
9  in transduced cells in the absence of other viral gene products.
10  mount a detectable antibody response to the viral gene products.
11 appaB is that it blocks apoptosis induced by viral gene products.
12 f the symptoms of MCD may be attributable to viral gene products.
13 ransfection assays in cooperation with other viral gene products.
14 article assembly in the absence of all other viral gene products.
15          Current antiviral strategies target viral gene products.
16 -dependent promoters in the absence of other viral gene products.
17 on of RNAi and identify VA1 RNA as the first viral gene product able to inhibit RNAi in human cells.
18                      An early, IE1-regulated viral gene product acts on a necroptosis step that follo
19                           In infected cells, viral gene products alter the activities of cellular pro
20 nism responsible for the suppression of late viral gene products, an important step in viral carcinog
21 fection elicits T-cell responses to multiple viral gene products and antibodies capable of neutralizi
22 V is capable of expressing eight of the nine viral gene products and infected cells release immature
23 /V gene mutant (rSV5-P/V-CPI-) overexpresses viral gene products and is a potent inducer of IFN, proi
24 7 requires one or more delayed early or late viral gene products and may be associated with the inhib
25 1) indicate the presence of productive cycle viral gene products and persistent immune response, sugg
26 s displayed a decreased antibody response to viral gene products and reduced proviral copies in perip
27 HBV infection, possibly in helping stabilize viral gene products and suppressing antigen presentation
28 d attention to the complex interplay between viral gene products and the host innate immune responses
29 ns, viral gene expression (IE1/IE2 and other viral gene products) and viral replication proceeded eff
30      This interaction does not require other viral gene products, and deletion of the sole candidate
31 that PGE(2) increased production of multiple viral gene products, and NS-398 inhibited production of
32                                   Only a few viral gene products are expressed by the latent virus, a
33                                              Viral gene products are generally required in widely dif
34 es of assembly and release of HRSV and which viral gene products are involved in the directional matu
35 the time of infection suggests that specific viral gene products are responsible for modification of
36  expressed in infected human cells as a late viral gene product, as suggested by RNA analysis of KSHV
37  corresponding to seven ORFs known to encode viral gene products associated with lytic replication.
38 ata argue that one or more newly synthesized viral gene products block the induction of antiviral pat
39 ytic and latent phases that are regulated by viral gene products, but very little is known about the
40 ution of the cell death program triggered by viral gene products, by the effectors of the immune syst
41 replicating state in which the production of viral gene products cannot be detected.
42 gg into their insect host, and expression of viral gene products causes several physiological alterat
43  suggest that expression of immunoregulatory viral gene products could be a potential strategy to pro
44 LTR) circles, integrated provirus, and early viral gene products, demonstrating susceptibility to HIV
45                   During VZV skin infection, viral gene products down-regulated interferon-alpha to p
46 levated expression of DNMT1, Notch1, and the viral gene product E1insertion markE4 in CD66(high) cell
47 sis generally have come from the analysis of viral gene products, either by studying their biochemica
48                                 HIV-1-tat, a viral gene product essential for HIV replication, has be
49 vivo when Nef is the predominant or the only viral gene product expressed.
50                                   Therefore, viral gene products expressed following infection with A
51 f viral proteinases and required substantial viral gene product expression.
52 ymphocytes, during which a limited subset of viral gene products facilitates maintenance of the viral
53 study, we examined the relative roles of two viral gene products for the ability to promote loss of t
54                                         This viral gene product further inhibits the ability of p53 t
55  and the control of 4E-BP phosphorylation by viral gene products, growth-inhibitory cytokines and the
56 l replication and pathogenesis in plants, no viral gene product has as yet been shown to inhibit RNAi
57 nancies are latently infected, and different viral gene products have been identified in association
58 owledge demonstrating the role of a specific viral gene product (HTLV-I Tax) on the expression of gen
59 phosphorylation in a manner dependent on the viral gene products ICP0, unique short 3 (U(S)3), and un
60                                        Three viral gene products-IE1, pp71, and UL26-were shown to in
61       Thus, false-negative PCR results for a viral gene product in patients under prophylaxis/treatme
62                                 Detection of viral gene products in renal tubules and excretion of JC
63 for the genetic analysis of the roles of the viral gene products in the complete viral life cycle.
64 lls and reduced the accumulation of specific viral gene products, including the U(S)3 protein kinase,
65 In addition, the expression of the JCV early viral gene products increased NFAT activity to further a
66                          RTA is an essential viral gene product involved in the initiation of gammahe
67  of sensory ganglia, where the only abundant viral gene product is a non-coding RNA, the latency asso
68 derstanding how expression of this essential viral gene product is regulated may identify new strateg
69 at presentation of RSPWFTTL from its natural viral gene product is TAP dependent.
70 primary CD4(+) T cells expressing autologous viral gene products, it was found that 1 to 13% of CD8(+
71             In this way, we identified a new viral gene product, M84, that conferred protection again
72 however, an immune response directed against viral gene products made by the vector results in toxici
73 ts of the complex are the functions of other viral gene products made later in infection.
74 at accumulation of immediate-early and early viral gene products might be the major stimulus for its
75                              Immediate-early viral gene products of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) are
76                        We further found that viral gene products of IE1, pp71, and UL26 play roles in
77 ies of TGB1 function to compartmentalize the viral gene products of PVX infection.
78 novel means not only to study the effects of viral gene products on overall KSHV gene expression and
79 hat independently block apoptosis induced by viral gene products or exogenous agents.
80  a key role in blocking apoptosis induced by viral gene products or exogenous agents.
81 scription in the presence and absence of any viral gene products or viral DNA replication and determi
82 scription in the presence and absence of any viral gene products or viral DNA replication, (ii) the r
83 ous designation of het DNA as the source for viral gene products potentially encoded by both.
84 T cell responses to epitopes in m139 and M38 viral gene products predominate.
85                             Consequently, E4 viral gene products present in DeltaE1 or DeltaE1 DeltaE
86                In this work, we identify two viral gene products required for postentry tropism in en
87 transcriptionally active and to identify the viral gene product responsible for stabilization and ina
88 pe I latency, raising the possibility that a viral gene product(s) expressed in type III latency migh
89 he host immune response by encoding specific viral gene product(s).
90           These data describe a latent phase viral gene product targeted by CTL that may be relevant
91 ced MHC class II expression primarily by the viral gene products targeting CIITA and additionally by
92 however, several studies have implicated the viral gene product, Tax.
93 ucleocapsid (N) protein is a multifunctional viral gene product that encapsidates the RNA genome and
94  coreceptor, the viral envelope, and another viral gene product that govern postentry steps of virus
95 y in individual baboons, the identity of the viral gene product that is the major target of cellular
96 It also carries a version of gamma(1)34.5 (a viral gene product that promotes the dephosphorylation o
97                             KK3 is the first viral gene product that subverts the trafficking of a ho
98 es simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) are the only viral gene products that accumulate to abundant levels i
99 he ability to enhance viral transmission) of viral gene products that interfere with antigen presenta
100 ominent feature of HCMV is the wide range of viral gene products that it encodes which function to mo
101 e generally believed to depend upon a single viral gene product, the nuclear protein EBNA-1.
102                        Among the seven known viral gene products, the envelope glycoprotein (GP) alon
103 ture-function studies of genetically diverse viral gene products, the generation of subtype-specific
104                          Among the influenza viral gene products, the hemagglutinin (HA) glycoprotein
105                          Although Nef is the viral gene product used by most simian immunodeficiency
106 -1, viral infection or expression of certain viral gene products, UV irradiation, B or T cell activat
107 uces apoptosis, we examined whether specific viral gene products were able to induce cell death.
108                         Vpr is a 15-kDa late viral gene product, which is assembled in the virion and
109 viruses results in extensive interactions of viral gene products with macromolecular pathways of the
110                           The interaction of viral gene products with the MHC class II pathway, howev

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