


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 inflammation and outcome in a mouse model of viral myocarditis.
2     To review how autoimmunity is induced in viral myocarditis.
3 M were observed in the subgroup (n=130) with viral myocarditis.
4  is a characteristic of both human and mouse viral myocarditis.
5 t, and is a potential therapeutic target for viral myocarditis.
6 specific T cell responses during subclinical viral myocarditis.
7                   CVB3 is a primary cause of viral myocarditis.
8 ces in IFN antagonism to the pathogenesis of viral myocarditis.
9                   Four patients had probable viral myocarditis.
10 +) T regulatory cells, which protect against viral myocarditis.
11 he myocardial inflammatory response in acute viral myocarditis.
12  response during the initial phases of acute viral myocarditis.
13 nvestigate non-immune-mediated mechanisms of viral myocarditis.
14 re inflammation and injury, also occurred in viral myocarditis.
15 lymphoid cell compartment, are protective in viral myocarditis.
16                                              Viral myocarditis affects an estimated 5 to 20% of the h
17  222 consecutive patients with biopsy-proven viral myocarditis and CMR were enrolled.
18 8-52] years) with a history of biopsy-proven viral myocarditis and drug-refractory VT; 5 patients pre
19 n mediating cardiac injury in the setting of viral myocarditis and is the first demonstration that ca
20 idence that IFN-beta can be a determinant of viral myocarditis and reovirus disease.
21 ew insights into the innate host response to viral myocarditis and the various therapeutic strategies
22 thogenic processes of coxsackievirus-induced viral myocarditis and to screen antiviral therapeutics f
23 subanalysis in 130 adult patients with acute viral myocarditis and viral prodrome within 2 weeks from
24 usion injury, sepsis, chronic heart failure, viral myocarditis, and cardiac allograft rejection.
25 f sepsis, seven patients with a diagnosis of viral myocarditis, and five control patients without cli
26 myocardial ischemia and reperfusion, sepsis, viral myocarditis, and immune rejection.
27 ate the long-term mortality in patients with viral myocarditis, and to establish the prognostic value
28                       Long-term mortality of viral myocarditis, as well as potential risk factors for
29 n only rarely develop life-threatening acute viral myocarditis (AVM), given that the causal viral inf
30 therapeutic agent for the treatment of acute viral myocarditis during the viremic phase.
31                                              Viral myocarditis follows a fatal course in approximatel
32                                              Viral myocarditis has been proposed to be divided into 3
33 ong been considered the most common cause of viral myocarditis; however, we previously demonstrated b
34 IFN-beta) is critical for protection against viral myocarditis in mice.
35 he treatment of viral disease in general and viral myocarditis in particular.
36  been speculated that ARVD/C is a sequela of viral myocarditis in some patients, and the role of the
37 e an attractive therapeutic approach against viral myocarditis in the future.
38 endocardial fibroelastosis is a sequela of a viral myocarditis, in particular of that due to mumps vi
39 V-1 model will enable fundamental studies of viral myocarditis, including IFN-gamma modulation as a t
40                   Using this novel model for viral myocarditis induced with Theiler's murine encephal
41                                              Viral myocarditis is a disease with a high morbidity and
42                                              Viral myocarditis is a life-threatening illness that may
43                                              Viral myocarditis is among the most common causes of hea
44                                              Viral myocarditis is an important cause of human morbidi
45                                              Viral myocarditis is an important human disease, and reo
46                                              Viral myocarditis is an important human disease, with a
47 de range of clinical symptoms, biopsy-proven viral myocarditis is associated with a long-term mortali
48 esis of chronic dilated cardiomyopathy after viral myocarditis is complex and determined by host and
49                                              Viral myocarditis is remarkably common, being detected i
50                  A major causative agent for viral myocarditis is the B3 strain of coxsackievirus, a
51 e disorders and may be beneficial in chronic viral myocarditis once virus is cleared.
52 hs in the understanding of the etiologies of viral myocarditis or dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM).
53 ackievirus B3 (CVB3) is a causative agent of viral myocarditis, pancreatitis, and meningitis in human
54 ), an important human causative pathogen for viral myocarditis, pancreatitis, and meningitis, has evo
55                                        Acute viral myocarditis progresses through several stages, inc
56                                              Viral myocarditis remains a prominent infectious-inflamm
57 sclerosis, acute coronary syndromes, stroke, viral myocarditis, sepsis, ischemia/reperfusion injury,
58 immunity signal transducer IRAK4 exacerbates viral myocarditis through inhibition of interferon produ
59             Using a reovirus murine model of viral myocarditis, we characterized and targeted apoptos
60  The benefits of TIMP-1 blockade in treating viral myocarditis were confirmed by administering, to wi
61 unction, we treated a patient with fulminant viral myocarditis with the interleukin-1 receptor blocki
62 s modulate heart failure pathogenesis during viral myocarditis, yet their identities and functions re

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