


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 s dependent on the scaffolding activity of a viral nonstructural protein.
2 ared to be inhibited through interference of viral nonstructural proteins.
3 rmediates in conjunction with many copies of viral nonstructural proteins.
4 esis and strongly depends on the sequence of viral nonstructural proteins.
5                                          The viral nonstructural protein 1 (NS1) is essential in this
6        In the case of influenza A virus, the viral nonstructural protein 1 (NS1) prevents the inducti
7 resent during different stages of infection (viral nonstructural protein 1 and immunoglobulin M) has
8    Herein, we evaluated the effects of three viral nonstructural proteins (2B, 2BC, and 3A) on intrac
9 d by using a monoclonal antibody against the viral nonstructural protein 2C.
10                                          The viral nonstructural protein 3 (NS3) plays a key role in
11 ections also were stained with antibodies to viral nonstructural protein 3 (NS3), separated by LCM, a
12 irus infection, the C-terminal domain of the viral nonstructural protein 3 (nsP3) forms a complex wit
13 d genetic adaptation by mutations within the viral nonstructural proteins 3A and 3C.
14  replication via direct interaction with the viral nonstructural protein 4B (NS4B).
15  not understood, but evidence for a role for viral nonstructural protein 5A (NS5A) in IFN resistance
16  viral nonstructural proteins and/or between viral nonstructural proteins and cell proteins are invol
17 ng the possibility that interactions between viral nonstructural proteins and/or between viral nonstr
18                                              Viral nonstructural proteins are often important for vir
19 wn that in both human and animal viruses the viral nonstructural proteins are produced from a polypro
20           Moreover, we demonstrated that the viral nonstructural proteins are responsible for this ef
21 udy provides a unique example of how a small viral nonstructural protein facilitates the multifaceted
22 agosome formation is linked to expression of viral nonstructural proteins, FMDV induced autophagosome
23 e nucleus and is essential for expression of viral nonstructural proteins independent of RNA-activate
24 thermore, simple transient expression of the viral nonstructural proteins is insufficient to induce t
25                                          The viral nonstructural protein mu NS forms factory-like glo
26                                          The viral nonstructural protein muNS has been implicated in
27                                              Viral nonstructural proteins muNS and sigmaNS and core p
28                                            A viral nonstructural protein, muNS, forms large inclusion
29                                    The large viral nonstructural protein NS1 is sufficient to induce
30  gene promoter, is strictly dependent on the viral nonstructural protein NS1.
31                                NP1 and other viral nonstructural proteins (NS1 to NS4) colocalized wi
32 patocytes induces apoptosis and that the B19 viral nonstructural protein, NS1, may play a critical ro
33 the fluorescent mCherry protein fused to the viral nonstructural protein NS3 (BTV-1/NS3mCherry) was g
34 differ from ncp viruses by the production of viral nonstructural protein NS3.
35  and reproducibly detected low levels of the viral nonstructural protein, NS3.
36                                          The viral nonstructural protein NS5 of some flaviviruses fun
37 we identified a novel cellular target of the viral nonstructural protein NS5A and demonstrated its ro
38     We show here that phosphorylation of the viral nonstructural protein NS5A at serine residues is i
39 ng the host response to HCV infection is the viral nonstructural protein NS5A, which, in addition to
40        In this report, we demonstrate that a viral nonstructural protein, nsP2, is a significant regu
41                                   One of the viral nonstructural proteins, nsP2, not only exhibits pr
42 nvaginations (spherules) and accumulation of viral nonstructural proteins (nsPs) at the cytoplasmic n
43 ed between nt 3 and 54; the ORF encoding the viral nonstructural proteins (NSPs) initiates at nt 41 i
44                                        Three viral nonstructural proteins (nsps), nsp3, nsp4, and nsp
45 xed assay for the detection of antibodies to viral nonstructural proteins (NSPs), raised in cattle in
46 r filaments through interactions between the viral nonstructural protein NSs and the host general tra
47                                              Viral nonstructural protein NSs was inhibitory to the in
48 t SFTSV (rHB29NSsKO) that cannot express the viral nonstructural protein (NSs) upon infection of cell
49                                          Two viral nonstructural proteins, sigma NS and micro NS, and
50 remia and did not develop antibodies against viral nonstructural proteins, suggesting that complete p
51  HCV subgenomic RNA replication and suppress viral nonstructural protein synthesis.
52 rus (BSMV) beta(b) gene product is the major viral nonstructural protein synthesized during early sta
53                          In addition to many viral nonstructural proteins, the presence of cell nucle
54 e GPV upstream P9 promoter, which encode the viral nonstructural proteins, were polyadenylated at a h

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