


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 Cas9 system compatible with adeno-associated viral packaging.
2 iomolecules without chemical modification or viral packaging.
3 ication, translation from the viral IRES and viral packaging.
4 -1 and serves as a principle determinant for viral packaging.
5 recise stoichiometry, that are requisite for viral packaging and genome fabrication.
6  presence of wild-type Vif not only affected viral packaging but also reduced its intracellular expre
7  gene therapy has been hindered by the small viral packaging capacity of the vector, trans-splicing A
8 55K protein in vitro and associates with the viral packaging domain in vivo.
9 dimerization, with concomitant reductions in viral packaging efficiency and infectivity.
10                       Here, we investigate a viral packaging machine as it fills the capsid with DNA
11  specific structures to be recognized by the viral packaging machinery.
12 licate cellular factors as components of the viral packaging machinery.
13                                          How viral packaging motors generate enormous forces to trans
14 igh force generation is a common property of viral packaging motors.
15 us virus through its interactions with other viral packaging or tegument proteins.
16  not interfere with the binding of the known viral packaging proteins IVa2, L4-22K, L1-52/55K, and II
17      This specificity has been attributed to viral packaging proteins, the IVa2 protein and the L1-52
18 h the viral IVa2 protein, which binds to the viral packaging sequence.
19 e also show that the L4-22K protein binds to viral packaging sequences in vivo and is essential to re
20  that L4-33K does not preferentially bind to viral packaging sequences in vivo, and mutation of L4-33
21 navirus RNA transcripts containing the short viral packaging signal in the absence of coronavirus N p
22  MLV Gag recognizes multiple elements in the viral packaging signal, including the hairpin structure
23                                              Viral packaging was shown to be sensitive to spatial cha
24 xhibit differences in the ability to support viral packaging, with elements I, II, V, and VI as the m

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