


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 enerate free fluorescent proteins within the viral particle.
2 me release associated with destabilizing the viral particle.
3 nternal DNA pressure on the stability of the viral particle.
4 tides derived from proteins contained in the viral particle.
5  present only on the intact, fully assembled viral particle.
6 rovirus VP1 assembles to form an icosahedral viral particle.
7 he integrity of viral capsid protein and the viral particle.
8 rus generates a membrane transport-competent viral particle.
9 rotein (MP)-RNA interfaces are used in every viral particle.
10 depletion by immunoblot analyses of purified viral particles.
11 ssociated herpesvirus with limited egress of viral particles.
12  immunogenic DB and inactivate contaminating viral particles.
13 selection resulting in a mixed population of viral particles.
14 o facilitate efficient production of progeny viral particles.
15 ontaining vesicles that were associated with viral particles.
16 ly a function of the cell line producing the viral particles.
17 reater infection efficiency than free single viral particles.
18 mune attack, and maintain the infectivity of viral particles.
19  or 3 doses of 10 mug chemically inactivated viral particles.
20 o an increase in the generation of defective viral particles.
21 SCRT) machinery to facilitate the release of viral particles.
22 and for detecting the presence of infectious viral particles.
23  genome pressure on the thermal stability of viral particles.
24  equate to differences in overall release of viral particles.
25 ive cells and identified endocytic uptake of viral particles.
26 erted effort of infectious and noninfectious viral particles.
27 efense strategy that could otherwise degrade viral particles.
28 te mechanisms of nucleocytoplasmic egress of viral particles.
29 tiated from an exceptionally small number of viral particles.
30 omic and subgenomic RNAs into three separate viral particles.
31 2-1 is located between RNP and M in isolated viral particles.
32  resulting in an eightfold increase in empty viral particles.
33 ression, reducing their capability to retain viral particles.
34 ripts extruded from transcriptionally active viral particles.
35 e incorporation of other viral proteins into viral particles.
36 CV, CD40L prevented production of infectious viral particles.
37 rticles, adenoviruses and influenza A (H1N1) viral particles.
38 contacts that facilitate the transmission of viral particles.
39  in the range of 250-350, achieved for three viral particles.
40 on from individual capsid proteins to intact viral particles.
41 ant differences between soluble proteins and viral particles.
42 the interface of the E dimers coating mature viral particles.
43 t the colocalization of tetherin and budding viral particles.
44 d standards used for detection of infectious viral particles.
45 otein recruitment at the level of individual viral particles.
46 the spatial constellation that is present in viral particles.
47 fficient production and spread of infectious viral particles.
48 rologous, non-viral RNAs to be packaged into viral particles.
49 i increased levels of viral proteins and new viral particles.
50 ly reduces the number of excreted infectious viral particles.
51 fficiently expressed and incorporated in the viral particles.
52 l membrane dictate active incorporation into viral particles.
53 ly, and their depletion increases infectious viral particles.
54  administered in three dose levels--1x10(10) viral particles, 2.5x10(10) viral particles, and 5x10(10
55 s antiviral action by tethering newly budded viral particles, a mechanism similar to the one that ope
56 late-organotypic rafts contained fewer HPV16 viral particles, a similar HPV16 DNA viral load, and a m
57 We propose a model in which M45 delivered by viral particles activates NF-kappaB, presumably involvin
58 Taken together, our data suggested that some viral particles after secondary envelopment accumulated
59 or low molecular-weight ligands, both in the viral particle and between the virus and its host.
60 relation between RNP localization within the viral particle and the formation of conical cores, sugge
61  ME-TRAP immunization at doses of 5 x 10(10) viral particles and above.
62 ree antibodies reacted with mutant gp41 from viral particles and also with peptides corresponding to
63 on is linked to a direct association between viral particles and bacterial compounds as observed by m
64 ect damage to the viral envelope, disrupting viral particles and decreasing virus binding to, and inf
65 >3-fold more genome-containing noninfectious viral particles and delivered increased amounts of pp65
66 ically influence both Env incorporation into viral particles and fusion to primary CD4 T cells and mo
67  a markedly reduced ability to assemble into viral particles and had reduced antiviral activity.
68 s for the sparse Env copy number observed on viral particles and includes a 22-amino-acid, lentivirus
69 pectedly, IgG Abs had the opposite effect on viral particles and inhibited FDC deposition.
70 on the antigen being presented from incoming viral particles and is correlated with rapid CD8(+) T ce
71 onal evidence that M2-1 is incorporated into viral particles and is positioned between M and RNP.
72       However, the identity of cells sensing viral particles and mediating NK cell activation has not
73 d due to protein-protein interaction between viral particles and MTs.
74 us families and includes populations of both viral particles and naked viral genomes.
75  leads to clustering of HCV proteins because viral particles and replication complex vesicles cannot
76 re required for efficient incorporation into viral particles and that the particles contain a variabl
77 ctive electrostatic interactions between the viral particles and the anodic MWNTs.
78 ng a direct interaction between the incoming viral particles and the dynein complex regulators.
79 nv mutants for the ability to be enriched in viral particles and to perform other glycoprotein functi
80               However, direct examination of viral particles and virus-cell interactions is now possi
81 ady associated with intracellular infectious viral particles and, furthermore, that the protein compl
82 levels--1x10(10) viral particles, 2.5x10(10) viral particles, and 5x10(10) viral particles--with 20 p
83 ecules, along with an abundance of bacteria, viral particles, and eukaryotic cells.
84 which were shown to colocalize with incoming viral particles, and rearrangement of the actin cytoskel
85 tics, glycoprotein proportions on individual viral particles, and receptor-induced conformational cha
86 ocytosed material, replication and egress of viral particles, and regulation of inflammatory and immu
87 ture of VP2 and its location interior to the viral particle are consistent with its potential role in
88  elasticity and conformational dynamics in a viral particle are intrinsically correlated; (ii) propos
89                                              Viral particles are biological machines that have evolve
90                                              Viral particles are cotransported with KIF1A in axons of
91                                              Viral particles are endowed with physicochemical propert
92                   Following internalisation, viral particles are found in CD63-positive endosomes rec
93 usly showed that a significant proportion of viral particles are transported to the Golgi apparatus a
94 protein and reveal that nsp2 exists in or on viral particles as multiple isoforms.
95 ein immunization using inactivated SIVmac239 viral particles as protein source.
96 nv mutants for the ability to be enriched in viral particles as well as perform other glycoprotein fu
97 ound resulted in lysis and the production of viral particles, as indicated by plaque formation in a b
98                                              Viral particle assembly and budding processes represent
99  interfere not with DNA integration but with viral particle assembly late during HIV replication.
100 likely via transfer of the HCV RNA genome to viral particle assembly sites.
101 likely via transfer of the HCV RNA genome to viral particle assembly sites.
102 ith henipavirus M proteins and contribute to viral particle assembly.
103 ocalization of viral RNAs, and inhibition of viral particle assembly.
104  the viral structural proteins, and releases viral particles at levels similar to those found in wild
105 that when HIV-1 and HIV-2 RNA are present in viral particles at similar ratios, approximately 10% of
106 elease from the plasma membrane by retaining viral particles at the cell surface, but the role of tet
107                          To be packaged into viral particles at the plasma membrane, encapsidated vir
108 und that preexposure of healthy PBMCs to HCV viral particles attenuated IFN-alpha induction by HCV-in
109 ral life cycle and for the production of new viral particle-based vaccines.
110 roach to produce fully authentic recombinant viral particles bearing lethal mutations in the G gene.
111 ient KIF1A-mediated anterograde transport of viral particles because they indirectly facilitate or st
112 e transmitted via vesicles as populations of viral particles but also that this type of transmission
113 chemokines (likely reflecting the sensing of viral particles by antigen-presenting cells), whereas th
114         TNF reduced production of infectious viral particles by Huh-7 and HFLC, and thereby reduced t
115  is the lowest LOD for analysis of influenza viral particles by the glycan-based device achieved so f
116 that Vpu-mediated lowering of CD81 levels in viral particles can be critical to maintaining their inf
117 ed viral factories (VFs) in which assembling viral particles can be identified.
118   Stereotactic injection of adeno-associated viral particles carrying TFEB driven by a glial fibrilla
119 ibited a mean increase of 10(4.5) infectious viral particles compared to the titers in wild-type and
120                                        Their viral particles contain several hundred copies of a heli
121                     In the absence of gE/gI, viral particles containing green fluorescent protein (GF
122                     The population of budded viral particles contains immature, maturation-intermedia
123 graphy (ECT) to image infected cells and the viral particles cryopreserved next to them.
124                              The strength of viral particles depends profoundly on their structural c
125 ticles trigger IFN-alpha signaling just like viral particles during viral infection.
126 y in the replication cycle and by disrupting viral particle egress in the late stage of infection.
127 rane localization, VP40 oligomerization, and viral particle egress.
128  at similar ratios, approximately 10% of the viral particles encapsidate both HIV-1 and HIV-2 RNAs.
129 nt adeno-associated virus (rAAV) (5 x 10(12) viral particles encoding vascular endothelial growth fac
130 with GhV-G protein, and mediates pseudotyped viral particle entry.
131 apping by Gag secures Env incorporation into viral particles, Env clustering and its sequestration at
132 ranscription of miR-122, whereas hepatitis C viral particles exhibited no significant effect; these f
133 envelopment and a reduction in the amount of viral particles exiting the cell.
134                  The release of RNA from the viral particle following incubation with DN59 was confir
135 ntiviral strategies and for utilizing benign viral particles for gene therapy.
136  LIM kinase, is important for the release of viral particles for HIV as well as for particle release
137  but how LysRS is redirected from the MSC to viral particles for packaging is unknown.
138 d for HCV RNA replication and is involved in viral particle formation and regulation of host pathways
139 iption step of the viral genome prior to HK2 viral particle formation and/or in the infected cells.
140 owed that F-driven, M-driven, and M/F-driven viral particle formation enhanced the recruitment of G i
141 in Gag processing defects and a reduction of viral particle formation, presumably caused by the RPL4-
142 domains and its amino-terminal subdomains in viral particle formation.
143      Instead, ZCL278 appears to redistribute viral particles from endosomal to lysosomal compartments
144 d for MVB formation to mediate the egress of viral particles from host cells.
145 s type 1 (HIV-1) Vpu enhances the release of viral particles from infected cells by interfering with
146 s type 1 (HIV-1) Vpu enhances the release of viral particles from infected cells by targeting BST-2/t
147 into the cells and release of newly produced viral particles from infected cells.
148 hibitor that prevents the release of nascent viral particles from infected cells.
149 T2/CD317) restricts the release of enveloped viral particles from infected cells.
150 For this purpose, we used partially purified viral particles from isolate MUT4330 of Penicillium aura
151 , by impeding the release of newly generated viral particles from the cell surface.
152 s attachment to cells and reduced release of viral particles from the surface of infected cells).
153                    Moreover, the recombinant viral particles generated here will likely be useful in
154 f viruses with the topology of an individual viral particle H3N2 analyzed.
155 nv) glycoprotein, incorporation into foreign viral particles has been shown to be an active process,
156      Historically, averaged bulk analysis of viral particles has been the primary method to quantitat
157 agenomics, or shotgun sequencing of purified viral particles, has revolutionized the field of environ
158 , but have been shown to transfer infectious viral particles highly efficiently to neighboring permis
159 er, the extent to which the decomposition of viral particles (i.e., organic material of viral origin)
160 s on the composition and organization of the viral particle.IMPORTANCE Tailless viruses of the family
161 en genes are used to assemble and form a new viral particle in the host cell it infects.
162 sis of influenza viruses H3N2 with LOD of 13 viral particles in 1 mul, what is the lowest LOD for ana
163 increasing the intracellular accumulation of viral particles in a mutually exclusive fashion.
164  families can be incorporated into nonnative viral particles in a process termed pseudotyping; howeve
165 uired for efficient anterograde transport of viral particles in axons by mediating the interaction be
166 A mediates anterograde-directed transport of viral particles in axons of cultured peripheral nervous
167 e fluorescent signals correlated with single viral particles in enclosed vesicular compartments or su
168 mation from uncultivated microbial cells and viral particles in environmental samples.
169 associated with viral production, storage of viral particles in immune complexes, and viral persisten
170     Assembly of the Gag polyprotein into new viral particles in infected cells is a crucial step in t
171 ene expression and the release of infectious viral particles in latently infected epithelial cell lin
172      The biopsy revealed microthrombosis and viral particles in swollen endothelial cell nuclei.
173  revealed fewer C-capsids in nuclei, unusual viral particles in the cytoplasmic assembly compartment,
174  removal and significant inactivation of MS2 viral particles in the presence of 5 mg L(-1) of SRNOM o
175          By using electron cryotomography of viral particles in the presence or absence of liposomes,
176 e origin of the infected leukocytes and free viral particles in this body fluid remain elusive.
177          A metagenomics analysis of purified viral particles in untreated sewage from the United Stat
178 nv], both administered at a dose of 5 x 1010 viral particles) in homologous and heterologous combinat
179      We show that cGAMP is incorporated into viral particles, including lentivirus and herpesvirus vi
180  limitation of this approach is that not all viral particles incorporate both markers.
181  among animals immunized with nonreplicating viral particles, indicating that replication, even if co
182 r simian/human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) viral particles inoculated as diluted culture supernatan
183  size, whereas decreasing with the number of viral particles inside the endosome.
184 lic components are co-opted to transport the viral particle into the cytosol.
185 involved in the transport of newly assembled viral particles into cytoplasmic vesicles, a process imp
186  a variety of direct approaches to introduce viral particles into the inner ear have been described,
187 nv) glycoprotein, incorporation into foreign viral particles is an active process, but it does not ap
188 A segments of influenza A viruses (IAV) into viral particles is coordinated by segment-specific packa
189                      The maturation of HIV-1 viral particles is essential for viral infectivity.
190 r, we determined that assembly of infectious viral particles is normal in PSIP1-/- cells.
191 ilize CP and enhance the yield of infectious viral particles is not linked to any of its previously k
192 ism underlying packaging of genomic RNA into viral particles is not well understood for human parecho
193    The study of this issue in the context of viral particles is particularly problematic as conventio
194 of individual cells, the antigenic makeup of viral particles is still characterized predominantly in
195 rting increased SR-BI-receptor dependency of viral particles isolated from humanized mice compared to
196 entral paradigm within virology is that each viral particle largely behaves as an independent infecti
197 s important for the production of infectious viral particles, likely through its role in virus assemb
198 scular dose of high-dose vaccine (5 x 10(10) viral particles), low-dose vaccine (2.5 x 10(10) viral p
199    HIV-1 protease is an essential enzyme for viral particle maturation and is a target in the fight a
200 d conformational switching is reminiscent of viral particle maturation and may represent a commonly u
201 required for the final cytoplasmic stages of viral particle maturation.
202 s) have suggested that IN can also influence viral particle maturation.
203 come of infection by low and high numbers of viral particles may have important implications for our
204 ne of human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) viral particles, mediates interactions between HIV-1 and
205 unt the spread of viral infection by coating viral particles, mediating uptake by immune cells, or bl
206 DS events are restricted to small numbers of viral particles, most often a single virion, resulting i
207  uncultured bacteria, archaea, protists, and viral particles, obtained directly from marine and soil
208 ted the presence of nsp2 associated with the viral particle of diverse strains of PRRSV.
209 rthern blotting, and crystalline lattices of viral particles of approximately 26-nm diameter were obs
210                                 The adsorbed viral particles on the MWNT surface are then inactivated
211 lusively infects epithelium and produces new viral particles only in fully mature epithelial cells.
212                   TG2 inhibition by either a viral particle or pharmacological approach attenuated be
213 m of complement activation in the context of viral particles or on the surface of virus-infected cell
214 es) derived solely from incoming, exogenous, viral particles or proteins.
215 ines were primed with Ad26.ZEBOV (5 x 10(10) viral particles) or MVA-BN-Filo (1 x 10(8) median tissue
216 l particles), low-dose vaccine (2.5 x 10(10) viral particles), or placebo.
217 g light on molecular aspects of tick-derived viral particles, our data illustrate the importance of c
218 nctionally characterize the in vivo produced viral particles, particularly regarding how lipoprotein
219  a gene therapy solution containing 1 x 1011 viral particles performed unilaterally.
220  cytomegalovirus protein M45, a component of viral particles, plays a dual role in NF-kappaB signalin
221 tein complex was conserved in the infectious viral particles present in the supernatant of infected H
222 ng studies revealed that GPx8 is involved in viral particle production but not in HCV entry or RNA re
223 V lytic transcripts and proteins, as well as viral particle production by activating NF-kappaB signal
224 AT1-mediated translocation of NS5A to LDs in viral particle production.
225          Therefore, the proposed direct EV71 viral particle quantification method can be rapidly perf
226 PV18 "marker" genomes could be packaged into viral particles (quasivirions) and used to infect primar
227 ellular humoral response relies on opsonized viral particles reaching the cytosol intact but the anti
228       Importantly, dCA abrogates spontaneous viral particle release from CD4(+)T cells from virally s
229  host factors such as Nedd4 that can mediate viral particle release from infected cells.
230 ired for efficient HIV-1 Gag trafficking and viral particle release.
231 y of polymerase functions or the assembly of viral particles required for optimal infectivity.
232 lly decreased the amount of viral RNA in the viral particles, resulting in an eightfold increase in e
233                                  Analysis of viral particles revealed that the mutations rendered Gag
234  of EBV lytic proteins and the production of viral particles, revealing that autophagy is critical to
235                                 The secreted viral particles showed no apparent change in protein con
236 therin can reduce the yield of extracellular viral particles, some studies suggest that tetherin actu
237                       An important aspect of viral particle stability for double-stranded DNA viruses
238 K cell activation in response to lymph-borne viral particles suggesting that they act as early sensor
239 crucial for the efficient production of KSHV viral particles, suggesting that the targeted interferen
240 h VZV produced fewer defective or incomplete viral particles than MRC-5 cells.
241 nsmission electron microscopy revealed fewer viral particles than typically observed in cells product
242 nary structure located at the surface of the viral particle that spans adjacent envelope (E) proteins
243 tion of some viral ORFan proteins within the viral particle that will be helpful for understanding th
244 al virus particles relative to the number of viral particles that can form plaques in culture has bee
245 otal virus genomes relative to the number of viral particles that can form plaques in culture is much
246 e inner nuclear membrane forming perinuclear viral particles that subsequently fuse with the outer nu
247 y require a critical concentration of A3G in viral particles that will promote oligomerization on ssD
248 s the only protein exposed on the surface of viral particles, the spike glycoprotein GP is the unique
249 a virus (ECTV), form two types of infectious viral particles: the mature virus (MV), which is cytosol
250 utralized all known ebolaviruses by coopting viral particles themselves for endosomal delivery and co
251 f the transfected cells, which contained HK2 viral particles, then were added to target cells, and th
252 d HBV (sHBV), which required purification of viral particles through ultracentrifugation or PEG preci
253 ntribute to preserving the infectiousness of viral particles, thus revealing a novel Vpu function tha
254 ression of TIM-1 causes HIV-1 Gag and mature viral particles to accumulate on the plasma membrane.
255 he stalk, which must be tightly regulated in viral particles to ensure efficient virus entry.
256 biocompatible synthetic agents with inactive viral particles to form a highly efficient hybrid vector
257                  We exploit the biotinylated viral particles to generate two distinct AAV interactome
258  in the conversion of immature noninfectious viral particles to mature infectious virions.
259 -1 complex controls delivery of internalised viral particles to multivesicular endosomes.
260 a, Gag helps to secure efficient transfer of viral particles to target cells.
261 iral spike glycoprotein (GP), which attaches viral particles to the cell surface, delivers them to en
262 These macrophages are critical in amplifying viral particles to trigger type I interferon production
263 ntibodies: the potential ability to opsonize viral particles, to direct antibody-dependent cellular c
264 virus removal is attributed to the increased viral particle transport due to the applied external ele
265  lytic phase of the life cycle, the maturing viral particles undergo orchestrated translocation to sp
266 to specific cell receptors, which results in viral particles undergoing sequential conformational cha
267 manner and impairs the release of infectious viral particles, underscoring the importance of DGAT1-me
268 ith ChAd3-EBO-Z: Malians received 1 x 10(10) viral particle units (pu), 2.5 x 10(10) pu, 5 x 10(10) p
269 ith a single dose of Ad5.RSV-F at 1 x 10(11) viral particles (v.p.) elicited antibody titers 64- to 2
270 cles showed target-specific aggregation with viral particles via hemagglutinin-sialic acid binding.
271 oups of 12 subjects received 10(9) to 10(11) viral particles (vp) of the Ad5HVR48.EnvA.01 vaccine (n
272 le IDI of 1 x 10(10) to 33 x 10(10) Ad-ISF35 viral particles (vp), with a defined maximum tolerated d
273 ha/Syn3 (randomly assigned 1:1 to 1 x 10(11) viral particles (vp)/mL or 3 x 10(11) vp/mL).
274 ceive one of five doses of Ad4-H5-Vtn (10(7) viral particles [VP], 10(8) VP, 10(9) VP, 10(10) VP, 10(
275 disassembly and post-uncoating processing of viral particles was markedly suppressed in CD63 or synte
276  viruses, suggesting that the same amount of viral particles was produced.
277  resolving carbon and nitrogen enrichment in viral particles, we demonstrate the power of nanoSIMS tr
278 ysis of the virion composition of ORF52-null viral particles, we observed a decrease in the incorpora
279              To study the assembly of single viral particles, we tagged M and P with fluorescent prot
280  cortical thinning, high ZIKV RNA loads, and viral particles were detected, and ZIKV was subsequently
281                                  Intact CVA6 viral particles were identified in the blister fluids an
282                                 Furthermore, viral particles were more aberrant, in that most capsids
283                    We found that IgG1-coated viral particles were neutralized via TRIM21, even when a
284 ns were housed in single-membraned vesicles; viral particles were not observed in autophagosomes.
285 , DNA templates, RNA molecules, proteins and viral particles were produced in an automated fashion fr
286 med between mast cells and T cells, to which viral particles were recruited, and these were required
287                                  Ultimately, viral particles were released from the compartment and t
288 n a 50% increase in infectivity of cell-free viral particles when produced in 293T cells.
289 ti-VP2 (aa141-155) sera bound authentic CA16 viral particles, whereas anti-VP1 (aa208-222) sera could
290                    We show that stability of viral particles (which directly relates to infectivity)
291 rporation of envelope glycoprotein into JSRV viral particles, which in turn reduces virion infectivit
292 ads to a reduction in Env incorporation into viral particles, which ultimately results in the release
293 1) in a species-specific manner by uncoating viral particles while activating early innate responses.
294 uitment of the viral RNA genome into nascent viral particles while cellular transcripts are excluded.
295 recovery from individual microbial cells and viral particles while maintaining ease of use and scalab
296 type 9 (AAV9) capsid, to permit labelling of viral particles with either a fluorescent dye or biotin.
297 minant and heparin binding upon treatment of viral particles with membrane-impermeable reducing agent
298 oned by enhancing the adhesion and fusion of viral particles with target cells but not their aggregat
299 fixed pattern of gRNA organization among all viral particles, with the major and minor grooves of RNA
300 es, 2.5x10(10) viral particles, and 5x10(10) viral particles--with 20 participants in each group.
301   We demonstrate that clustered packaging of viral particles within vesicles enables multiple viral R

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