


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 s was limited by lack of a gold standard for viral pneumonia.
2 structive pulmonary disease exacerbations or viral pneumonia.
3         Death occurred in one patient due to viral pneumonia.
4 ptomatic, symptomatic without pneumonia, and viral pneumonia.
5 in of influenza A virus caused fatal primary viral pneumonia.
6 ignificant impact on the course of influenza viral pneumonia.
7 reduce maternal morbidity and mortality from viral pneumonia.
8 ral immunity and were unable to control this viral pneumonia.
9 anism used by CD8+ T cells to terminate this viral pneumonia.
10 reovirus type 1 Lang (T1L) in a rat model of viral pneumonia.
11  stent manipulation (2), meningitis (1), and viral pneumonia (3/5).
12 erial pneumonia (aHR, 2.8; 95% CI, 2.0-3.9), viral pneumonia (aHR, 1.5; 95% CI, 1.1-2.1), fungal pneu
13               This risk, however, was due to viral pneumonia alone (HR, 3.94; P < 0.01), without sign
14         The most common causes of death were viral pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome.
15                                              Viral pneumonia and immunolocalization of viral antigen
16 equences of viruses known to cause childhood viral pneumonia and myocarditis.
17 yptococcus or Nocardia, bacterial pneumonia, viral pneumonia, and Kaposi's sarcoma.
18 including ischemiasolidusreperfusion injury, viral pneumonia, and renal failure.
19 danger of secondary bacterial involvement in viral pneumonia, and suggests mechanisms that may contri
20 nspecific pneumonia, interstitial pneumonia, viral pneumonia, consolidation, or nonspecific interstit
21                                              Viral pneumonia did, however, significantly increase the
22 member of the Hantavirus genus, causes acute viral pneumonia in humans and is thought to persistently
23 incipal etiologic agent of bronchiolitis and viral pneumonia in infants and young children.
24 V) is the leading cause of bronchiolitis and viral pneumonia in infants and young children.
25 can serve as a model for the pathogenesis of viral pneumonia in which pulmonary inflammation results
26  (RSV) is a major cause of bronchiolitis and viral pneumonia in young children and a serious health r
27                   With respect to CARV, only viral pneumonia increased the risk of both CLAD and graf
28 nic bronchopneumonia in swine, potentiates a viral pneumonia induced by the porcine reproductive and
29 for acute respiratory failure resulting from viral pneumonia is associated with improved mortality co
30 these patients, there were 51 (27%) cases of viral pneumonia, of which nine cases were due to acute v
31 ibitors effectively lessened the severity of viral pneumonia, septic shock, colitis, and cytokine-dri
32 HPs inoculated by the i.b. route developed a viral pneumonia that likely exacerbated disease progress
33  a mycoplasma species acting to potentiate a viral pneumonia was developed.
34                                              Viral pneumonia was diagnosed in 10 (5 influenza and 5 p
35  using viral load of URT specimens to define viral pneumonia was equivocal.
36 ibuted to the death of Tg+ mice, even though viral pneumonia was present.
37        Mice lacking Ifitm3 display fulminant viral pneumonia when challenged with a normally low-path
38 an manifest itself as airflow obstruction or viral pneumonia, which can be fatal.
39                                              Viral pneumonia, which is typically associated with dise
40 enza virus infection (IVI) can cause primary viral pneumonia, which may progress to acute lung injury
41 lar rejection), and <25 days (euthanized for viral pneumonia with a functioning graft that showed his
42 e pulmonary disease during infancy following viral pneumonia with evidence of combined T and B cell i
43 id and sensitive diagnostic tool in cases of viral pneumonia with or without myocarditis, and trachea
44 -CoV) is a zoonotic infection causing severe viral pneumonia, with index cases having resided in or r

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