


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ion of Na/Pi uptake by the Na/Pi transporter/viral receptor.
2 nto virus particles normally and bind to the viral receptor.
3 ight be controlled by factors other than the viral receptor.
4 ecificity and convert LDL-A4 to an efficient viral receptor.
5 noglobulin, indicating that it is a specific viral receptor.
6 cell attachment by increasing binding to the viral receptor.
7 ay have been influenced by its function as a viral receptor.
8 irulence thresholds may be competition for a viral receptor.
9 ry events rather than by availability of the viral receptor.
10  incubation time, as would be expected for a viral receptor.
11 velope glycoprotein E2 to CD81, the putative viral receptor.
12 entry into cells is a function solely of the viral receptor.
13 s to the expression of beta(3) integrin, the viral receptor.
14 th a tetraspanin molecule CD81, the putative viral receptor.
15 into mammalian cells that lacked the cognate viral receptor.
16 castaneus and from hamsters were inactive as viral receptors.
17 hat the family of LDL receptors may serve as viral receptors.
18 bial proteins and peptides and bacterial and viral receptors.
19  developing treatment strategies targeted to viral receptors.
20 id transporters (CATs) act pathologically as viral receptors.
21 RNA caused enhanced amino acid transport and viral receptor activities, the AUG codon nearest to its
22 d substitutions S78N-S79Y-K80E restored full viral receptor activity to the CDR2 of human CD134 in th
23  membrane protein containing this domain has viral receptor activity.
24 ) and the CD46 (Ad35) and desmoglein-2 (Ad7) viral receptors all induce the cGAS/STING/TBK1/IRF3 casc
25 red interactions between the viruses and the viral receptor and co-receptor.
26 t CD4(+) T-cells induces polarization of the viral receptor and coreceptor, CD4/CXCR4, and cellular s
27 In addition to the lack of expression of the viral receptor and coreceptors and the rate-limiting vir
28                 Recent identification of the viral receptor and coreceptors for AAV type 2 (AAV-2) ha
29 irus and adenovirus receptor (CAR) is both a viral receptor and homophilic adhesion protein.
30                              SU binds to the viral receptor and is thought to trigger conformational
31  coxsackievirus-adenovirus receptor (CAR), a viral receptor and putative cell-cell adhesion molecule,
32  infection results in down-regulation of its viral receptor and thus superinfection exclusion, whethe
33                           The restriction of viral receptors and coreceptors to the basolateral surfa
34 al HN expression results in depletion of the viral receptors and thus prevents entry and cell fusion,
35 glycoprotein, gp120, mediates binding to the viral receptors and, along with the transmembrane glycop
36 n was found to be responsible for binding to viral receptors, and the recombinant P protein forms P d
37   Many host cell surface proteins, including viral receptors, are incorporated into enveloped viruses
38                                          The viral receptor behaves as a classic transition state the
39 s in the VP2 protein, a major determinant of viral receptor binding and host specificity.
40 hat computationally account for variation in viral receptor binding avidities.
41 ill be important to account for variation in viral receptor binding avidity when performing antigenic
42 strated that the N145K HA mutation increases viral receptor binding avidity.
43 S 220-loop and can be buffered by avidity in viral receptor binding.
44 tes with HCV by competitively inhibiting HCV viral receptor binding.
45 nto their spike protein, and evolved it into viral receptor-binding domains with altered sugar specif
46            Thus, unlike previously described viral receptor-binding domains, the PRV gC receptor-bind
47 ory epithelial cells via interaction between viral receptor-binding molecules and sialic acid-contain
48 by local contacts between F- and neighboring viral receptor-binding proteins (HN) only when HN binds
49                              We propose that viral receptor-binding site accessibility explains the s
50 , does not involve downregulation of surface viral receptors but instead occurs inside the cell at th
51                    Blocking of the ecotropic viral receptor by secreted gp70 SU may contribute to res
52 onent of the T cell antigen receptor and the viral receptor, by accelerating its endocytosis.
53 he data indicate that while up-regulation of viral receptors can greatly enhance retrovirally mediate
54 ia and revealed that beta-arrestin 2 and the viral receptor CAR are candidate cargoes of the BBSome.
55 gests that, in addition to its function as a viral receptor, CAR may have a pathophysiological role i
56  with distinct modes of interaction with the viral receptors CD134 and CXCR4, and sensitivities to ne
57 pus laevis oocytes that also coexpressed the viral receptor CD4 and a G protein-coupled inward-rectif
58     The fusion proteins (SIV gp140-ATC) bind viral receptor CD4 and a number of monoclonal antibodies
59 ism is the expression pattern of the primary viral receptor CD4 and co-receptor(s), such as CXCR4 and
60 IV-1) Vpu protein are the degradation of the viral receptor CD4 and the enhancement of virion release
61 HIV-1) infection is the rapid removal of the viral receptor CD4 from the cell surface.
62 ed particles, Env already interacts with the viral receptor CD4 on target cells, thus enabling the fo
63 ior envelope glycoprotein interacts with the viral receptor (CD4) and with the gp41 transmembrane env
64                    The binding sites for the viral receptor, CD4, and neutralizing MAbs appear to clu
65 ability to trigger fusion through the native viral receptors CD46 and SLAM.
66                          B cells express the viral receptors CD81, SR-BI, and the C-type lectins DC-S
67 iew of influenza virus infection is that the viral receptor consists of cell surface carbohydrate sia
68 ed binding to both the ephrinB2 and ephrinB3 viral receptors: D257A, D260A, G439A, K443A, G449A, K465
69 significantly increased by inhibition of the viral receptor-destroying enzyme neuraminidase (NA).
70 s, which may be required for both immune and viral receptor downregulation as well as viral replicati
71  target cells expressing high amounts of the viral receptor, DPP4, and did not modulate MERS-CoV infe
72   To understand the relative contribution of viral receptor expression and cell proliferation in retr
73                  In a previous study we used viral receptor expression in D2 receptor knockout mice t
74                                              Viral receptor expression levels increased upon polariza
75 ological restoration of Ldlr deficiency, and viral receptor expression.
76 lications of our findings for the process of viral receptor-finding in higher systems.
77 d heparan sulfate proteoglycan serves as the viral receptor for AAV type 2, and provide an explanatio
78                                          The viral receptor for ecotropic MLV (eMLV), a classical mod
79 se the ability of CCR5 to serve as a primary viral receptor for the SIV isolates examined.
80 v, and Vpu participate in the removal of the viral receptor from the cell surface.
81                                          The viral receptor function of Tva is determined by a 40-res
82                                          The viral receptor function of Tva is determined by a 40-res
83 A module decreased both envelope binding and viral receptor function, confirming the importance of th
84 vides mechanistic insights into how a simple viral receptor functions in retrovirus entry.
85 used to planar lipid bilayers containing the viral receptor GD1a at pH 5.0.
86 tant murine cells expressing the E36-derived viral receptor, HaPit2.
87 o cells, and the cloning of several of these viral receptors has allowed refinement of models to expl
88 dentification of host proteins that serve as viral receptors has enabled insights into virus particle
89                      Selective expression of viral receptors has the potential to attenuate infection
90                                              Viral receptors, however, are present in rat lens epithe
91 determined by analyzing their affinity for a viral receptor, human angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (h
92  replicate in mouse L cells that express the viral receptor, human intercellular adhesion molecule 1
93 nd replicate in cells expressing the natural viral receptors HveA or nectin-1.
94 fficient growth in mouse cells producing the viral receptor ICAM-1 (ICAM-L cells).
95  Near this locus is CXADR, a gene encoding a viral receptor implicated in myocarditis and dilated car
96 l vectors replicate only in avian cells, the viral receptor in infected transgenic mouse cells remain
97 gy, cell tropism, and ability to compete for viral receptors in vitro.
98  (HSV-1) glycoprotein gC-1, participating in viral receptor interactions and immunity interference, h
99                               The absence of viral receptors is a major barrier to efficient gene tra
100                 In addition to activity as a viral receptor, it may play a role in cellular adhesion.
101   Human NPC1 fulfills a cardinal property of viral receptors: it confers susceptibility to filovirus
102 y hamster kidney cell line lacking the known viral receptors (J1-1) and Vero cells with a plasmid enc
103                          Binding of gp120 to viral receptors leads to large structural rearrangements
104                           The differences in viral receptor levels in these cells correlated with the
105  have documented a significant difference in viral receptor levels that may be due to transcriptional
106 dentical to human KS, with expression of the viral receptor limited to a few cells, suggestive of a p
107 e a mutation of the IFIH1 gene, encoding the viral receptor MDA5 that causes constitutive IFN product
108 arker, CD9, implying that CD9 may serve as a viral receptor or coreceptor in this system.
109 ed viruses may be useful for identifying new viral receptors or for defining functional requirements
110 any CD34(+) cells express high levels of the viral receptor protein CD4 and the coreceptor CXCR4 on t
111 to cover the whole surface of EV and another viral receptor protein remains active.
112                            Precedents set by viral receptor proteins would suggest that this is likel
113  that Pit-2 is the form of Na/Pi transporter/viral receptor regulated by PKC.
114  at or near the gene encoding the polytropic viral receptor, Rmc1.
115                               In addition to viral receptors, several intracellular factors can be in
116 ication of heparan sulfate proteoglycan as a viral receptor should facilitate development of new reag
117 utations acquired during adaptation affected viral receptor specificity by enhancing binding to alpha
118                  To evaluate the role of the viral receptor specificity in promoting innate immune re
119 s suggested a trend from a more "avian-like" viral receptor specificity with G222 in prepandemic case
120 chemokine receptor can function as a primary viral receptor strongly suggests that the HIV envelope g
121 as the T-cell receptor, B-cell receptor, and viral receptors such as CD4.
122 through Toll-like receptors or intracellular viral receptors such as retinoic acid-inducible gene I.
123 re produced in cells with high levels of the viral receptor, suggesting a functional link between CD4
124                      NPC1 is the first known viral receptor that recognizes its ligand within an intr
125 s murine transporter mASCT2 is inactive as a viral receptor, that a related (ca. 55% identity) murine
126                  In the presence of purified viral receptor, the trimeric ectodomain of EnvA was conv
127                                  Among these viral receptors, the M33 GPCR carried by MCMV is an acti
128 hout the need for physical attachment of the viral receptor to a cellular membrane.
129 rs to the liver cells of mice expressing the viral receptor TVA under the control of the albumin gene
130 igand, neuregulin (NRG1), fused to the avian viral receptor TVB (TVB-NRG1), along with EnvB pseudotyp
131  that a bridge protein composed of the avian viral receptor TVB fused to NRG, along with EnvB-pseudot
132 V, our transgenic mice expressing hCD26/DPP4 viral receptor uniformly succumbed to death within 6 day
133                            To define whether viral receptor up-regulation by itself increased gene tr
134 ured cells expressing either CX(3)CR1 or the viral receptor US28.
135  an evolutionary first step toward expanding viral receptor usage in response to inefficient viral en
136 ble role of Vpr in the downregulation of the viral receptor Vpr alleles from HIV-1 and simian immunod
137                             Accessibility to viral receptors was critically linked to depolarization
138 tter define endogenous glycans that serve as viral receptors, we have explored glycan recognition in
139 a(V) integrins from a susceptible species as viral receptors, we molecularly cloned the bovine beta(1
140        The HA binds to sialyloligosaccharide viral receptors, while the NA removes sialic acids from
141  influenza viruses since glycans are natural viral receptors with a possibility to selectively distin
142 ity of PiT1 and PiT2 to function as discrete viral receptors with unique properties presumably is ref

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