


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  induce apoptosis was attributable to Tat, a viral regulatory protein.
2  functional analysis of this immediate-early viral regulatory protein.
3  recently been ascribed to some of the known viral regulatory proteins.
4  wide variety of proteins, including several viral regulatory proteins.
5 nfection prior to the participation of other viral regulatory proteins.
6 we review the current understanding of three viral regulatory proteins.
7                       The functions of these viral regulatory proteins are in part interchangeable; t
8                          Many eukaryotic and viral regulatory proteins are known to undergo posttrans
9 hout clinical symptoms of VZV infection that viral regulatory proteins are present in latently infect
10 encoded by bovine herpesvirus 1 is the major viral regulatory protein because it stimulates all viral
11 by infected cell protein 4 (ICP4), the major viral regulatory protein, binding to its cognate site at
12 ency of viral infection and the functions of viral regulatory proteins, but the underlying molecular
13        In summary, our study suggests that a viral regulatory protein can modulate the DNA binding ac
14 ific for IEP and EICP22P revealed that these viral regulatory proteins colocalize in the nucleus at e
15 ntron-containing RNA is mediated by specific viral regulatory proteins (e.g., human immunodeficiency
16  simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) infection, the viral regulatory protein ICP0 localizes to ND10 and indu
17 pe 1 (HSV-1) infection in the absence of the viral regulatory protein ICP0.
18 es simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) infection by viral regulatory protein ICP0.
19 nse bodies which did not colocalize with the viral regulatory protein ICP0.
20 re to produce normal levels of this critical viral regulatory protein in the presence of COX-2 inhibi
21 implex virus (HSV) genomes in the absence of viral regulatory proteins in sensory neurons is poorly u
22 y inhibiting specific steps or activities of viral regulatory proteins, indicating the broad and plei
23 exhibit defined structures which contain two viral regulatory proteins (infected cell proteins 4 and
24 nd functional interplay between YB-1 and the viral regulatory protein large T antigen (T-antigen), us
25                                     Nef is a viral regulatory protein of the human immunodeficiency v
26 fection and that the level of ICP27, a third viral regulatory protein, plays an important role in det
27 binding motif (Rep binding site [RBS]) for a viral regulatory protein (Rep) separated by a short DNA
28 nd p19 promoters direct the synthesis of the viral regulatory proteins, Rep78 and -68 and Rep52 and -
29                                            A viral regulatory protein, Rev, specifically induces the
30 NA is regulated by a complex interplay among viral regulatory proteins, such as Tat, and host cellula
31 strate that the cellular factor YB-1 and the viral regulatory protein T-antigen interact both physica
32 g evidence of the oncogenic potential of the viral regulatory protein, T-antigen, and JCV's oncogenec
33 ich is responsible for the production of the viral regulatory protein, T-antigen.
34 tivation response element (TAR) RNA with the viral regulatory protein tat are of special interest due
35 rus (HIV) promoter depends on binding of the viral regulatory protein Tat to a cis-acting RNA regulat
36 pression depends upon the interaction of the viral regulatory protein Tat with the transactivation re
37 nal levels of protection by sequestering the viral regulatory proteins Tat and Rev, competing for enc
38 ikely that HTLV-1, through expression of the viral regulatory protein Tax(1), provides some initial a
39 of equine herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) is an early, viral regulatory protein that independently trans-activa
40 ce of repression by the binding of the major viral regulatory protein to its high-affinity binding si
41  simplex virus infects permissive cells, the viral regulatory protein VP16 forms a specific complex w
42 us immediate-early gene transcription by the viral regulatory protein VP16.
43 nd functional interaction with Tat, a potent viral regulatory protein, Vpr synergistically enhances t
44 osphorylation affects the activities of many viral regulatory proteins, we sought to determine whethe
45  The papillomavirus E2 protein is a critical viral regulatory protein with transcription, DNA replica

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