


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  survival, represents a novel property for a viral structural protein.
2 block viral DNA replication and synthesis of viral structural proteins.
3 icles (VLVs) that contain VSV G but no other viral structural proteins.
4  patches and extensions contained all of the viral structural proteins.
5 d does not require the coexpression of other viral structural proteins.
6  revealed they lacked gB but contained other viral structural proteins.
7 d macrophages by regulating the stability of viral structural proteins.
8 rus assembly site for interaction with other viral structural proteins.
9 omeric state and spatial relationships among viral structural proteins.
10  substrate, or the molecular interactions of viral structural proteins.
11 d cells, requiring the nuclear import of all viral structural proteins.
12 ng in a brief and limited synthesis of HIV-1 viral structural proteins.
13 ar masses similar to those of phosphorylated viral structural proteins.
14 ber mutants were defective for processing of viral structural proteins.
15  the cellular and humoral immune response to viral structural proteins.
16 ed by dramatic conformational changes within viral structural proteins.
17                            The expression of viral structural proteins along with replicating S and M
18 lation in the 0 and +1 frames to produce the viral structural proteins and a +1 overlapping open read
19 t cells require dynamic interactions between viral structural proteins and a variety of cellular fact
20              Rather, it blocks processing of viral structural proteins and assembly of mature progeny
21                           The persistence of viral structural proteins and glycoproteins in GCs was a
22   In contrast to vRNA hybridization results, viral structural proteins and glycoproteins, evaluated b
23  gE-null mutants produce wild-type levels of viral structural proteins and infectious virions in the
24 tein that is essential for axonal sorting of viral structural proteins and is highly conserved among
25 proteins are essential for the expression of viral structural proteins and productive infection.
26 rus replication cycle is the assembly of the viral structural proteins and the packaging of the eight
27 ons entails concerted interactions among the viral structural proteins and the RNA genome.
28 D4(+) T cells that recognize epitopes in the viral structural proteins and thus can provide direct he
29 ers the cellular immune responses to a human viral structural protein, and that these effects may con
30  promoter, which regulates expression of the viral structural proteins, and a second internal promote
31 l, these genomes produce together all of the viral structural proteins, and cells release a combinati
32  replicates its genome, expresses all of the viral structural proteins, and releases viral particles
33 ble-membrane vesicles for RNA synthesis, and viral structural proteins assemble virions at the ER-Gol
34 hance the immunogenicity of this nonsecreted viral structural protein at the B and T cell level, we c
35 code the viral genome and the genes encoding viral structural proteins, by binding to and oligomerizi
36 merization of the Gag polyprotein, the major viral structural protein capable of forming virus-like p
37    Virus-like particles (VLPs), comprised of viral structural proteins devoid of genetic material, ar
38 IgG), IgG avidity, and IgG response to the 3 viral structural proteins (E1, E2, and C), reflected by
39 antiviral agents could be applied to certain viral structural proteins, enzymes, and other factors or
40 g in truncated ORFs and effectively minimize viral structural protein expression.
41 otein, and contains 60 copies of each of the viral structural proteins F and G, which comprise the sh
42                                              Viral structural proteins form the critical intermediary
43                                Expression of viral structural proteins from the protein expression pl
44                      In contrast to enzymes, viral structural protein function can be much more chall
45 interact with the nucleocapsid domain of the viral structural protein Gag and is incorporated in sign
46 ing into virions, and RNA interacts with the viral structural protein Gag in the cytoplasm.
47  1 (HIV-1) particle assembly mediated by the viral structural protein Gag occurs predominantly on the
48 been observed as its colocalization with the viral structural protein Gag or its accumulation in viru
49 B sequences for the genes encoding the major viral structural protein (Gag) and two regulatory protei
50 ugh a specific interaction between the major viral structural protein, Gag, and an RNA packaging sign
51 tion cycle, leading to the expression of the viral structural proteins, Gag, Pol, and Env.
52 bis virus genomes (replicons) which lack the viral structural protein genes and contain heterologous
53         We show that selective expression of viral structural proteins gives rise to virus-like parti
54 null mutant infections, only a subset of the viral structural proteins had entered axons.
55 ng may effect cellular immune responses to a viral structural protein in the context of genetic immun
56 ruits the ribosome and drives translation of viral structural proteins in a factor-independent manner
57 gE is required for wild-type localization of viral structural proteins in axons of infected neurons.
58                                  The role of viral structural proteins in the initiation of adaptive
59 e interaction of envelope protein with other viral structural proteins in the virus assembly and matu
60 an lymphocytes, while reducing the yields of viral structural proteins, infectivity, and tumor necros
61   However, it is not understood how Gag (the viral structural protein) interacts with these signals t
62                          The assembly of the viral structural proteins into infectious virions is oft
63 (ET) domains of gE/gI promote the sorting of viral structural proteins into proximal axons to begin a
64 ts indicate that reduced axonal targeting of viral structural proteins is a compelling explanation fo
65 uirement for direct ubiquitin conjugation to viral structural proteins is less well understood.
66  and by enzyme immunoassays with recombinant viral structural protein (K8.1) and latent protein (late
67  of plasmids expressing all of the remaining viral structural proteins led to a substantial increase
68 likely that the cellular immune responses to viral structural proteins may be important for eradicati
69 ased cellular immune response to hepatitis B viral structural proteins may be important for recovery
70 lar model is that deposition of ubiquitin on viral structural proteins mediates class E machinery rec
71  infection, and neither the synthesis of the viral structural proteins nor the presence of the other
72                    Amino acids 80-110 of the viral structural protein ODV-EC27 (-EC27) demonstrate 25
73 otein, and in late regions that code for the viral structural proteins, penton base, and fiber.
74  cycle, further highlighting the paradigm of viral structural proteins playing additional functional
75                                         Some viral structural proteins require ubiquitin ligase activ
76 -strand molar ratio of approximately 8:1 and viral structural proteins S, M, and N, and 65% were in a
77 sults provide a rare example of an oncogenic viral structural protein, show that interaction of the v
78  HCV core protein represents the first known viral structural protein substrate of tTG.
79                                              Viral structural protein synthesis was similar in 633- a
80    This appears to be the first example of a viral structural protein that is also involved in the tr
81             The VP40 matrix protein is a key viral structural protein that is critical for virion egr
82  Forest virus RNA replicon encoding a single viral structural protein, the vesicular stomatitis virus
83 y assays that measure only antibodies to the viral structural proteins, the majority of such patients
84 and to differentially regulate expression of viral structural proteins, their replication was made de
85           First, we trained ANNs to classify viral structural proteins using amino acid frequency; th
86 e times, the VHS RNase is neutralized by the viral structural proteins VP16 and VP22.
87 avage of the viral outer capsid, the fate of viral structural proteins was assessed by sodium dodecyl
88                  At that time, expression of viral structural proteins was low and infected cells dis
89           One of the tyrosine-phosphorylated viral structural proteins was the tegument protein VP22.

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