


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  of the loop E motif of Potato spindle tuber viroid.
2 nd replication cycle resemble those of plant viroids.
3 dulate the hammerhead cleavage properties in viroids.
4 utations in loop E motifs of PSTVd and other viroids.
5 cally favored for the vast majority of these viroids.
6 me is structurally related to those of plant viroids.
7 ion of AGO1, AGO2, AGO4, and AGO5 attenuated viroid accumulation, supporting their role in antiviroid
8 usly were found in satellite RNAs from plant viroids and in repetitive DNA from certain species of ne
9 ion regarding the pathogenesis mechanisms of viroids and perhaps other infectious RNAs.IMPORTANCE Num
10 ne extended hammerheads derived from natural viroids and satellite RNAs were constructed with the goa
11 d, information for all sequences of viruses, viroids and satellites of plants, fungi and protozoa tha
12 central source of information about viruses, viroids and satellites of plants, fungi and protozoa.
13 This CCC RNA is the smallest among all known viroids and virusoids and the only one that codes protei
14                                              Viroids are a unique class of noncoding RNAs: composed o
15                                              Viroids are non-translatable, autonomously replicating c
16                                              Viroids are noncoding RNAs that can cause disease in pla
17                                              Viroids are single-stranded, circular, and noncoding RNA
18                                              Viroids are small noncoding and infectious RNAs that rep
19                                              Viroids are the simplest noncoding eukaryotic RNA pathog
20 e tuber viroid (PSTVd) and avocado sunblotch viroid (ASBVd) were only 0.5% cleaved.
21 ch is a new concept that helps to understand viroid-based pathogenesis.
22 s) supports the notion that DCLs also target viroids but does not clarify whether vd-sRNAs activate o
23  small RNAs in infected plants suggests that viroids can trigger RNA silencing in a host, raising the
24 case, pathogenic noncoding RNAs alone (i.e., viroids) can cause disease in plants.
25 treme case, pathogenic ncRNAs alone (such as viroids) can infect eukaryotic organisms, leading to dis
26 based on complementary Coconut Cadang-Cadang Viroid (CCCVd) RNA sequence, was covalently bonded onto
27 model system to investigate the mechanism of viroid cell-to-cell transport.
28                        The identification of viroid-derived small RNAs (vd-sRNAs) of 21 to 24 nucleot
29 accumulation in these plants of 21- to 24-nt viroid-derived small RNAs (vd-sRNAs) supports the notion
30                                              Viroids, despite their minimal genomes (non-protein-codi
31 ng specific hot spot distributions along the viroid genome.
32                                     However, viroid genomes contain no open reading frames, whereas H
33                            It is likely that viroids hijack critical host RNA pathways for processing
34 eover, a specific role of DNA methylation in viroid-host interactions is not yet confirmed.
35 ystem, resemble the plant pathogens known as viroids in their structure, mode of generation and funct
36  processes, and developmental patterns makes viroid infection a valuable system in which to investiga
37                   Using Potato spindle tuber viroid infection of Nicotiana benthamiana as the experim
38                An important component of the viroid infection process is cell-to-cell movement; howev
39 ar activities underlying nuclear-replicating viroid infection processes in plants, including effects
40 ed RNA replication is essential for viral or viroid infection, as well as for regulation of cellular
41 to 24 nucleotides (nt) in plants infected by viroids (infectious non-protein-coding RNAs of just 250
42  comprehensive genome-wide analyses of plant-viroid interactions and discover several novel molecular
43 n to a possible evolutionary relationship to viroids is discussed.
44 f rolling circle replication for HDV RNA and viroids is not clear.
45                             However, whether viroids, like RNA viruses, are also targeted by the RNA-
46       Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) contains a viroid-like circular RNA that is presumed to replicate v
47       Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) contains a viroid-like circular RNA that replicates via a double ro
48 l principles and offer perspectives on using viroid models to continue advancing some frontiers of li
49                                            A viroid most likely has evolved structural motifs that mi
50        A vast number of plant pathogens from viroids of a few hundred nucleotides to higher plants ca
51                                              Viroids of the Pospiviroidae family, as represented by t
52  mechanistic link with the antagonism of the viroid on the virus in co-infected tomato plants.
53 /paperclip ribozyme model proposed for plant viroid or virusoid RNAs, have been proposed.
54 oorganisms such as fungi, bacteria, viruses, viroids, phytoplasma and nematodes.
55  report that the CCR of Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) also plays a role in pathogenicity.
56 larly, rod-like RNAs of potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) and avocado sunblotch viroid (ASBVd) were
57  presumably cleavage of Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) and closely related members of the family
58 folding pathways of the potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) and the host killing mechanism of Escheri
59                 We used Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) as a model to investigate the direct role
60 omain (T(L)) of the potato spindle tuber RNA viroid (PSTVd) constitutes one of its five structural el
61          In this study, potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) has been used as a model system to invest
62         Here, we employ potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) infecting tomato as a system to dissect h
63                         Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) is a circular, single-stranded, noncoding
64                         Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) is a pathogenic RNA that does not encode
65 tion of an RNA motif in Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) required for trafficking from palisade me
66 benthamiana infected by potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) were agroinfiltrated with plasmids expres
67 nstrated that like with Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd), a satRNA associated with Cucumber Mosaic
68 inia virus (TYLCSV) and potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd), co-infect their common host tomato, we o
69 , as represented by the Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd), replicate in the nucleus by utilizing DN
70 ed from the replicating Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd).
71                                              Viroids replicate through an RNA-to-RNA rolling-circle m
72 ional mechanisms of RNA motifs that regulate viroid replication and trafficking.
73 ulatory elements necessary for initiation of viroid replication.
74  a remarkable example of parasitic strategy, viroids reprogram for their replication the template and
75  examples of groundbreaking contributions of viroid research to the development of new biological pri
76 le-stranded (ss) DNA geminiviruses and ssRNA viroids, respectively, but both pathogens can counteract
77 RNAs, the predicted secondary structure of a viroid RNA contains many loops and bulges flanked by dou
78 otif that the noncoding Potato spindle tuber viroid RNA evolved to potentiate its efficient trafficki
79                                          The viroid RNA genome must interact directly with cellular f
80   All functions are mediated directly by the viroid RNA genome or genome-derived RNAs.
81 sm consisting of transcription of oligomeric viroid RNA intermediates, cleavage to unit-length strand
82                  The structures of viral and viroid RNA motifs are studied commonly by in vitro, comp
83          Our results led to a genomic map of viroid RNA motifs that mediate single-cell replication a
84               The feasibility of correlating viroid RNA sequence/structure with the altered expressio
85 genetic evidence for the essential role of a viroid RNA three-dimensional motif in rolling-circle rep
86 assays with an analogous tomato planta macho viroid (-)RNA resulted in a much larger fraction of infe
87      During replication, (+)- and (-)-strand viroid RNAs are produced.
88 f a complex mixture of coconut cadang-cadang viroid RNAs revealed the presence of relatively large am
89 cally the infectivity of monomeric (-)strand viroid RNAs, we have developed a ribozyme-based expressi
90 rived mostly from the secondary structure of viroid RNAs.
91  rod-shaped structures, similar to the plant viroid RNAs.
92                            The occurrence of viroid-specific small RNAs in infected plants suggests t
93 uction of small RNAs of Potato spindle tuber viroid (srPSTVds) and investigating how PSTVd responds t
94 rize recent advances in the understanding of viroid structures and cellular factors enabling these fu
95  RNA transcripts of the potato spindle tuber viroid, suggesting that RIPs may target invading nucleic
96                            The properties of viroids that make them candidates for being survivors of
97 ests a possible evolutionary relationship to viroids that replicate in the nucleus.
98 benthamiana infected by potato spindle tuber viroid, the endogenous AGO1 and distinct AGOs from Arabi
99 For potato spindle tuber (PSTVd) and related viroids, the possible role of a circular (-)strand RNA a
100 ve evolved to vary widely, from 250 bases in viroids to 670 billion bases in some amoebas.
101    Selected endogenous RNAs, viral RNAs, and viroids traffic between specific cells or organs via thi
102 ated upon infection of a nuclear-replicating viroid, which is a new concept that helps to understand

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