


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ine 100 years ago, opened the field of tumor virology.
2 areas of biochemistry, cellular biology, and virology.
3 ants of viruses is of critical importance in virology.
4 hape paradigms in both molecular biology and virology.
5  are an important step forward in diagnostic virology.
6  remains a technical challenge in structural virology.
7  fungi will contribute to progress in fungal virology.
8  not in biochemistry but in cell biology and virology.
9  and 9000 full-text articles from Journal of Virology.
10 ften unexpected, developments in biology and virology.
11 d, particularly in the areas of oncology and virology.
12 ad readership from the fields of oncology to virology.
13 ses is an intriguing mystery in evolutionary virology.
14 viruses, have been a research focus in plant virology.
15 midst diverse host RNAs is a key question in virology.
16  a major goal and challenge for the field of virology.
17 ese enzymes to the spotlight in the field of virology.
18 f the most intriguing topics in the field of virology.
19 rus maturation is a cornerstone principle in virology.
20 iral therapy development in the field of HCV virology.
21 heir study represents an important branch of virology.
22  populations is of fundamental importance to virology.
23 e of the most poorly understood phenomena in virology.
24 needs and unsolved problems of computational virology.
25 arious titers is beneficial for the field of virology.
26 core component of fundamental discoveries in virology.
27 sequencing to validate standards in clinical virology.
28 re conceptual approach of stoichiometries in virology a much higher number of antibodies is required
29 sen to accommodate this rapid advancement in virology and associated requirements for efficiency, spe
30 erve as a single template for both molecular virology and bacteriology, with a RISA PCR rapidly detec
31       The work could be of broad interest in virology and beyond.
32 The data reported here are important to both virology and cancer biology.
33 th viruses infect hepatocytes, the molecular virology and cellular biology of their respective replic
34 unique resource for studies of HCV molecular virology and for studies of pathogenesis, protective imm
35 vided new insights into central questions of virology and host cell biology.
36  technology and basic knowledge of molecular virology and immunology have engendered novel approaches
37 erable human and financial resources on both virology and immunology, resulting in the generation of
38 onsequent recognition of their importance in virology and immunology.
39 ed new frontiers in the study of fundamental virology and infectious disease.
40 re enabling systems epidemiology and systems virology and making it possible to respond rapidly to em
41 reisman in medicine and Charles Weissmann in virology and microbiology, I found that understanding wh
42 iological processes in immunology, oncology, virology and neuroscience.
43 hould increase our efforts to understand the virology and pathogenesis of HCV genotype 3, aiming at b
44 research that emphasizes mucosal immunology, virology and pathogenesis studies at each anatomic site
45 A/Indonesia/05/2005) and were examined using virology and pathology.
46 he method is appropriate for use in clinical virology and reference laboratories for the typing of en
47 cation of novel bioactive compounds to basic virology and the development of new antiviral agents.
48 ntinues to be involved in various aspects of virology and to assist and annoy journal editors and oth
49                           We obtained weekly virology and underlying cause-of-death mortality time se
50 d (Smadel being one of the deans of American virology) and to meet several times with Carleton Gajdus
51 ive PCR is a diagnostic mainstay of clinical virology, and accurate quantitation of viral load among
52 one institution and describe the hematology, virology, and cytokine findings.
53 e to several fields, including cell biology, virology, and gene delivery for therapeutic purposes.
54 CFs prospectively to study the epidemiology, virology, and genetic host factors of naturally occurrin
55 new opportunities in transcriptome analysis, virology, and other fields.
56 rology conferences, the American Society for Virology Annual Meeting (ASV), the International Herpesv
57 ture microdissection-driven unbiased systems virology approach, we isolated and transcriptionally pro
58                    Readers of the Journal of Virology are doubtless aware of the fundamental advances
59                                              Virology as a discipline has depended on monitoring cyto
60  virology research, vaccine development, and virology as a whole.
61 g to have significant impact in the field of virology, as they are helping us understand how viruses
62  who is Director of Medical Microbiology and Virology at Texas Children's Hospital, has extensive exp
63  1918 epidemic is beyond the reach of modern virology but, based on seroarcheology, appears to have b
64 as revolutionized the field of environmental virology by allowing the exploration of viral communitie
65 provides a new system for exploring archaeal virology by examining host-virus interactions and the un
66  sparked the first intense interest in tumor virology by suggesting the possibility of a similar caus
67 uted major concepts to immunology, genetics, virology, cancer, and cell biology.
68          In addition to its significance for virology, capsid-related research has implications for b
69 of biomedical research areas such as cancer, virology, circadian rhythms, and behavioural neuroscienc
70                                          The Virology Committee of the AIDS Clinical Trials Group in
71 ensive resource specific to the needs of the virology community, with an emphasis on the description
72 urce specific to the needs of the structural virology community, with an emphasis on the description
73 now provide records profiling four prominent virology conferences over the years 1982 to 2017 with th
74 st 35 years for four prominent international virology conferences, the American Society for Virology
75  here how several other lines of research in virology converged during the last 2 decades with the di
76                        Advances in molecular virology coupled with improvements in diagnostic methods
77                        Advances in molecular virology--creating deleterious gene mutations, altering
78 ted to 14 seasons of weekly consultation and virology data in England and Wales.
79 , mechanistic model that integrates in vitro virology data, pharmacokinetics, and viral response to a
80 nalyses reported in this issue of Journal of Virology demonstrate that the apparent presence of HPV18
81                                  Data on the virology, detection, epidemiology, clinical features, an
82 nces in our understanding of West Nile virus virology, ecology, clinical disease, diagnosis, and deve
83                                              Virology encompasses a broad spectrum of topics touching
84                 Pharmacokinetic, safety, and virology endpoints were also assessed.
85 ked by comparing the results with Journal of Virology entries in two existing manually curated databa
86 logy, chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, virology, environmental and chemical carcinogenesis, imm
87 great important and interest to the field of virology, especially to those who use TMEV as a murine m
88  and numerous applications of this theory in virology, experimental results have provided evidence fo
89 CMV) antigens is widely employed in clinical virology for rapid diagnosis of HCMV-related infections.
90 tracts in eight U.S. cities, and we analyzed virology for the groups randomized to treatment with gui
91 tems have long been the mainstay in clinical virology for the growth and identification of viruses fr
92 This report is of importance to the field of virology for three reasons.
93 me Trust in 2012 and the other by the Global Virology Foundation in 2013, assembled academic, public
94 ironmental samples suggest that the field of virology has explored less than 1% of the extant viral d
95 tury since its inception, the field of tumor virology has provided groundbreaking insights into the c
96    During the last century, basic studies in virology have focused on developing a molecular mechanis
97 and compared parameters of clinical disease, virology, host responses, and pathology/histopathology w
98 ty remains regarding critical aspects of its virology, immunology and epidemiology.
99  different HIV clades, combining advances in virology, immunology, human host genetics and bioinforma
100            Their use to study HIV-1 biology, virology, immunology, pathogenesis and therapeutic devel
101 ward the understanding of various aspects of virology in general.
102 dan ebolavirus by the National Institute for Virology in Johannesburg, South Africa, a temporary diag
103 future applications of tissue engineering to virology, including current challenges and potential sol
104              One of the important puzzles in virology is how viruses assemble the protein containers
105 re ecologically important, yet environmental virology is limited by dominance of unannotated genomic
106                    A central paradigm within virology is that each viral particle largely behaves as
107                     An important question in virology is the mechanism(s) by which persistent viruses
108 cell culture.IMPORTANCE A major challenge in virology is the study of viruses that cannot be grown in
109  however, is difficult even in well-equipped virology laboratories or is unobtainable in the field un
110 gnostics into their clinical microbiology or virology laboratories, the CMV PC-PCR offers a relativel
111 creasing importance of subtyping by clinical virology laboratories.
112 N Veris System) was evaluated at 10 European virology laboratories.
113 gnostics system was evaluated at 10 European virology laboratories.
114 iagnostic samples referred to the Specialist Virology Laboratory (SVL) at the Royal Infirmary of Edin
115 rived from samples submitted to a diagnostic virology laboratory and one derived from samples collect
116 patients that were submitted to the clinical virology laboratory at the Emory University Hospital.
117 lar methods, and Laurent Kaiser, head of the Virology Laboratory at the University of Geneva Hospital
118 le-blood specimens submitted to the Clinical Virology Laboratory at Vanderbilt University Medical Cen
119 samples that were received at our diagnostic virology laboratory between May, 1994, and May, 1996, by
120          The experience of a public hospital virology laboratory during a springtime 2009 outbreak of
121 DFA; SimulFluor respiratory screen) when the virology laboratory opened.
122 luid (CSF) samples submitted to a diagnostic virology laboratory.
123 al host populations is a fundamental goal of virology, molecular biology, and disease ecology.
124 V, demonstrating the powerful combination of virology, molecular biology, enzymology, and protein str
125 , biochemistry, molecular biology, molecular virology, molecular genetics, epigenetics, genomics, pro
126 , biochemistry, molecular biology, molecular virology, molecular genetics, epigenetics, genomics, pro
127            The study of the epidemiology and virology of animal influenza viruses is key to understan
128                          Here, we review the virology of EBV, mechanisms underlying disease pathogene
129           Further understanding of the basic virology of HCV and the exact mechanisms of viral persis
130             Recent progress in the molecular virology of HCV has come about due to the definition of
131     Increased understanding of the molecular virology of HDV will identify novel therapeutic targets
132 n this review, we will discuss the molecular virology of HEV, mode of transmission in industrialized
133             The conclusion drawn is that the virology of HIV has been pursed at the cost of understan
134 biology, immunology, structural biology, and virology of influenza virus is invaluable for developmen
135 cs system can be used to study the molecular virology of RVFV, assess current vaccine candidates, pro
136  there is limited knowledge on the molecular virology of SFTS virus.
137 se studies increase our understanding of the virology of the earliest stages of HIV-1 infection and p
138 efforts in the field that focus on the basic virology of vector development will undoubtedly reap gre
139 numerous biological processes in immunology, virology, oncology, and neuroscience.
140  CMV enteritis, diagnosed by histopathology, virology, or both.
141                                      For the virology outcome estimates were calculated using a gener
142 s also seen an upsurge in research on dengue virology, pathogenesis, and immunology and in developmen
143 ge gained over the past three decades on the virology, pathogenesis, and immunology of HIV-1 infectio
144      Imaging data were supported by standard virology, pathology, and immunology findings.
145                                          The virology, pathophysiology, and treatment of the varicell
146                         Bristol-Myers Squibb Virology, Patterson Trust, and National Institute on Dru
147 ed to gain-of-function research (immunology, virology) predicts public support better than specializi
148 validation testing and submitted data to the Virology Quality Assurance program (VQA) for analysis.
149 y, and the Pan American Society for Clinical Virology recognize that the FDA is committed to protecti
150           NPHV natural history and molecular virology remain largely unexplored, however.
151 ere enrolled at the University of Washington Virology Research Clinic (WA, USA).
152 al history studies (University of Washington Virology Research Clinic) and HIV prevention trials (HIV
153 HSV shedding at the University of Washington Virology Research Clinic, Seattle, and Westover Heights
154 available without charge as a service to the virology research community to help facilitate the devel
155 ulation, or spinoculation, is widely used in virology research to enhance viral infection.
156   These results have implications for future virology research, vaccine development, and virology as
157 ation complex is a major frontier in current virology research.
158 have specialized training and participate in virology research.
159  of bovine diarrhea samples submitted to the Virology Section of the Diagnostic Center for Population
160                      With the advance of HBV virology, several viral factors have been found to be as
161 iverse fields of biomedical research such as virology, stem cells, and developmental biology, and pro
162 rs after the discovery of HIV, its molecular virology still fails to explain the clinical immunology
163 E With the increasing number of evolutionary virology studies examining both intrahost and interhost
164 ental results from developmental biology and virology studies.
165 ucing (SI) phenotype, were determined in 391 virology substudy participants in AIDS Clinical Trials G
166 eek in Virology (TWiV) podcast seek to bring virology to new audiences through two different approach
167 ionally, we utilized techniques in molecular virology to temporally link events in virus replication
168                        We combined molecular virology tools with oxLDL serum measurements in differen
169 ucation (PHIRE) program and the This Week in Virology (TWiV) podcast seek to bring virology to new au
170 e discussions among experts of all topics in virology (TWiV).
171 s with regard to its epidemiology, molecular virology, virus-host interactions, immunological respons
172 overview of recent developments in "chemical virology." Viruses, as materials, provide unique nanosca
173                                              Virology was the highest funded category ( pound1 billio
174 hniques in electron tomography and molecular virology, we defined an early period in virus-infected m
175 ve been a scientist during the golden age of virology, when new techniques were being introduced into
176 emains a daunting challenge, particularly in virology where rapid sequence evolution and database exp
177         These findings reveal a new theme in virology wherein many different virus families encode pr
178 ave enabled an improved understanding of HCV virology, which has led to development of many new direc
179        This rich history promises that tumor virology will continue to contribute to our understandin
180 nt years, there has been a paradigm shift in virology with the realization that extremely large virus

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