


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 egulation, RNA-protein interactions, and RNA virus assembly.
2 ation, post-replicative gene expression, and virus assembly.
3 be involved in the recruitment of the ER for virus assembly.
4 es of this fascinating and essential step in virus assembly.
5 ct on the entry process but greatly affected virus assembly.
6 ction, suggesting that they are required for virus assembly.
7 ich to describe scaffolding protein-mediated virus assembly.
8 al (Gag) and enzymatic (Pol) proteins during virus assembly.
9 e intracellular localization of pp150 during virus assembly.
10 cdE2 and Y162 and K252 of CP as critical for virus assembly.
11 for or regulates capsid shell closure during virus assembly.
12 tivity, of IVa2 was required for its role in virus assembly.
13 d binding to the plasma membrane (PM) during virus assembly.
14 yprotein plays several critical roles during virus assembly.
15  intracellular viral trafficking and progeny virus assembly.
16 ociation rates of the capsid proteins during virus assembly.
17 ovide further insights into the mechanism of virus assembly.
18 rotein may help stabilize M complexes during virus assembly.
19 cation and between NS3 and NS4A that control virus assembly.
20 s (CoV) E protein plays an important role in virus assembly.
21  is required for both genome replication and virus assembly.
22 ion and 25 had moderate-to-severe defects in virus assembly.
23 structural and nonstructural proteins during virus assembly.
24 oes dual processing events during infectious virus assembly.
25 HIV-1) Gag-RNA interactions are required for virus assembly.
26  revealing an as-yet-unknown role for NS3 in virus assembly.
27 s of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) during virus assembly.
28 hat it has been reported to be essential for virus assembly.
29 ar machinery that directs Gag to the site of virus assembly.
30 eraction with the M1 scaffold protein during virus assembly.
31 laxity, protein B is absolutely required for virus assembly.
32 normally in the Golgi apparatus, the site of virus assembly.
33  is replication impaired and is defective in virus assembly.
34 ficked to the Golgi compartment, the site of virus assembly.
35  tail interacts with the nucleocapsid during virus assembly.
36 envelope C terminus, which is removed during virus assembly.
37 nce of observed RNase L activity until after virus assembly.
38 tes with the envelope protein complex during virus assembly.
39 ) tail addition is the rate-limiting step in virus assembly.
40 e key residues that appear to be involved in virus assembly.
41 undergoes a major conformational change upon virus assembly.
42 VSV nucleocapsids to the plasma membrane for virus assembly.
43 lements required for genome packaging during virus assembly.
44 t requirements are placed on the E2 tail for virus assembly.
45  that IHH support HCV genome replication and virus assembly.
46 ns at this compartment is a prerequisite for virus assembly.
47 y or tension within the protein shell during virus assembly.
48 e first direct evidence that VP22 influences virus assembly.
49  accumulates extensively in endosomes during virus assembly.
50 tailed studies into the mechanisms mediating virus assembly.
51 g (PrGag) proteins play an essential role in virus assembly.
52 he efficient recruitment of VP22 to sites of virus assembly.
53 argeting of the Gag precursor to the site of virus assembly.
54 seem to have specialist roles in controlling virus assembly.
55 ur global understanding of the enzymology of virus assembly.
56 n with the viral nuclear export protein, and virus assembly.
57 dergoes transient nuclear trafficking during virus assembly.
58 of the infected cells, including the site of virus assembly.
59 lix six domain is involved in the process of virus assembly.
60 ential for efficient genome packaging during virus assembly.
61  targeting of the Gag protein to the site of virus assembly.
62 he drug-dependence lesion was at the step of virus assembly.
63 enome for initiation of DNA packaging during virus assembly.
64         The Rep52 and Rep40 proteins mediate virus assembly.
65 ein and protein-membrane interactions during virus assembly.
66 e expression of the protein, is required for virus assembly.
67  cytoplasmic domains have been implicated in virus assembly.
68 trast to VP26, the HCMV SCP is essential for virus assembly.
69 tudy the properties and functions of gp12 in virus assembly.
70 hexon nuclear import to a structural role in virus assembly.
71 t the PBS-segment of the HIV-1 5'-UTR during virus assembly.
72 ex is transported to the plasma membrane for virus assembly.
73 r trafficking, transcription activation, and virus assembly.
74 educe synthesis of other proteins needed for virus assembly.
75 nv on the surface of infected cells prior to virus assembly.
76 c evidence implicates the helicase domain in virus assembly.
77 an essential role of ORF45-ORF33 binding for virus assembly.
78 kely interacts with the cell membrane during virus assembly.
79 ma membrane represents an obligatory step of virus assembly.
80 e for immunosuppression but are required for virus assembly.
81  is packaging of the viral RNA genome during virus assembly.
82 0A and Y730A) were found to be defective for virus assembly.
83  for infectivity but does not affect in vivo virus assembly.
84 tis C virus particles, indicating a block in virus assembly.
85  of antiretroviral drugs that interfere with virus assembly.
86 ition to its previously demonstrated role in virus assembly.
87  is facilitated by YB-1, which promotes MMTV virus assembly.
88 ion of icosahedral viruses and regulation of virus assembly.
89 lso caused defects in RNA replication and/or virus assembly.
90 , HIV-1 must package viral RNA genome during virus assembly.
91 us virus release by 80-90% without affecting virus assembly.
92 to process virion precursor proteins used in virus assembly.
93 bunit side-chain orientations in filamentous virus assemblies.
94  viral particles, likely through its role in virus assembly, a critical process for KSHV replication
95 y package two copies of their genomes during virus assembly, a requirement for strand-transfer-mediat
96 nstraints on the length of the endodomain on virus assembly, amino acid insertions/substitutions at t
97 s-encoded tegument proteins are critical for virus assembly and are also, therefore, potentially attr
98      The nucleocapsid acts as a scaffold for virus assembly and as a template for genome transcriptio
99 nveloped RNA viruses play important roles in virus assembly and budding and are by themselves able to
100                                              Virus assembly and budding are critical but little under
101  that is spatially associated with polarized virus assembly and budding at sites of cell contact.
102 e protein and exploited them to characterize virus assembly and budding in living cells.
103 he plasma membrane, we hypothesized that the virus assembly and budding site determines the ability o
104 e HIV-1 matrix (MA) protein that altered the virus assembly and budding site to CD63(+)/Lamp-1-positi
105  protein VP40 plays a critical role in Ebola virus assembly and budding, a process that utilizes spec
106 he RSV matrix (M) protein plays key roles in virus assembly and budding, but the protein interactions
107  was a strong requirement for the E1 stem in virus assembly and budding, probably reflecting its impo
108 fect of the M2 cytoplasmic tail mutations on virus assembly and budding, we constructed a series of a
109 trix protein (M1) plays an important role in virus assembly and budding.
110 hannel for virus infection and also mediates virus assembly and budding.
111 viral matrix (M) proteins are key drivers of virus assembly and budding.
112 fts have been proposed to form platforms for virus assembly and budding.
113 particles (VLPs) and plays a central role in virus assembly and budding.
114 ix proteins and that VP24 may have a role in virus assembly and budding.
115  and with the nucleocapsid (N) protein drive virus assembly and budding.
116  CA critical for Gag-Gag interactions during virus assembly and CA-CA interactions during core format
117               We propose that HIV-1 promotes virus assembly and cell-cell transfer in T cells by targ
118 to lipid rafts in the plasma membrane during virus assembly and dissociating from the membrane during
119            We observed progressive stages of virus assembly and egress, including flower-like flat Ga
120 d capsid protein; thus, they may be sites of virus assembly and egress.
121 otein stability, proteolytic processing, and virus assembly and entry, these changes had minimal impa
122 on surface, is important in both influenza A virus assembly and entry.
123 ortant for efficient genome packaging during virus assembly and for reverse transcription during infe
124 f the PIV5 M protein is important for proper virus assembly and for the budding of infectious particl
125 report, we examined the role of HIV-1 RNA in virus assembly and found that packageable HIV-1 RNA enha
126            The effects of these mutations on virus assembly and function were determined in both vert
127  to understand the role this domain plays in virus assembly and function.
128 ese results underscore the complex nature of virus assembly and genome encapsidation and provide a ne
129                                     However, virus assembly and GPC incorporation into budded virions
130  by affecting HCV genesis through increasing virus assembly and HCV fitness by enhancing the virus sp
131  findings enhance our understanding of Ebola virus assembly and in so doing move us closer to the ide
132 s M1 and M2 proteins play important roles in virus assembly and in the morphology of virus particles.
133 ntial steps of phage genome movements during virus assembly and infection, are likely to be conserved
134 erential functional mechanisms and roles for virus assembly and infection.
135 ture proteins and plays an important role in virus assembly and infection.
136                                              Virus assembly and maturation proceed through the progra
137                                       During virus assembly and maturation, conformational switching
138 region of Pr55(Gag), which are important for virus assembly and maturation, were involved in the inte
139 ent with inhibited CA-CA interactions during virus assembly and maturation.
140 unctional complex that is important for both virus assembly and modulation of host cell morphology.
141 lution cryo-EM for probing the mechanisms of virus assembly and morphogenesis.
142 ane fusion; during egress, HA contributes to virus assembly and morphology.
143 se in the cytoplasm in the time required for virus assembly and must be transported by cytoskeletal e
144 rocess can be either antiviral, by affecting virus assembly and production, or beneficial for the vir
145                                  Hepatitis C virus assembly and release depend on viral interactions
146  in HPS2 cells did not reverse the inhibited virus assembly and release imposed by the AP-3 deficienc
147 e mutations also adversely affect infectious virus assembly and release, processes in which NS3 also
148 it in HPS2 fibroblasts restored the impaired virus assembly and release.
149 tion to the previously reported functions in virus assembly and spread for pUL51, the pUL7-pUL51 comp
150 protein E and functions at multiple steps in virus assembly and spread in epithelial cells.
151 op of the coat protein that are critical for virus assembly and stability, systemic infection of plan
152  RNA has been postulated as a major force in virus assembly and stabilization.
153 elp define protein interactions critical for virus assembly and suggest a fundamental difference betw
154       The beta-turn is critical for immature virus assembly and the 6-helix bundle regulates proteoly
155  have demonstrated its participation in both virus assembly and the early stages of infection.
156 that first localizes to the cellular site of virus assembly and then inserts into the virion envelope
157  such a complex structure is achieved during virus assembly and what residues are required to form a
158 coat protein subunit, which is essential for virus assembly and which was missing from previously det
159 n in the regulation of RNA amplification and virus assembly and, finally, a viral protease suppressin
160 tion for enhanced gene expression and in the virus assembly and/or budding, which are required for th
161 vesicular structures, indicating a defect in virus assembly and/or budding.
162 ell as between NS2 and NS3 are essential for virus assembly and/or release and that each of these vir
163  indicate that hnRNP K is likely involved in virus assembly and/or release from infected cells.
164 types at sites of interactions essential for virus assembly and/or release.
165                                     For many viruses, assembly and budding occur simultaneously durin
166 dosomes are sites for human immunodeficiency virus assembly, and increasing ART concentrations in suc
167 Gag polyprotein is a critical determinant of virus assembly, and is therefore a potential target for
168 S5A protein has roles in genome replication, virus assembly, and modulation of host pathways.
169 , substitutions affecting host cell tropism, virus assembly, and the ability to inhibit cellular anti
170 at E3 has an enzymatic or functional role in virus assembly, and these possibilities are further disc
171 e possible roles played by aggresomes during virus assembly are emerging from an understanding of how
172 of the viral capsid and its implications for virus assembly are presented in the accompanying paper.
173 els have been developed that treat spherical virus assembly as an equilibrium process.
174 cles from cells in a plasmid-based influenza virus assembly assay, and hemagglutinating material from
175  that the cytoplasmic domain is important in virus assembly at least in part because it directs the p
176 s package two copies of their genomes during virus assembly, both of which are required for strand tr
177  different rearrangement, is not involved in virus assembly but instead uniquely binds RNA to regulat
178 n of the VSV M protein plays a minor role in virus assembly but is involved in virus-host interaction
179 ition of SFK activity did not interfere with virus assembly but prevented transit of virions through
180                                Abrogation of virus assembly by a single-amino-acid change bodes well
181  functions as a scaffold that helps initiate virus assembly by exposing a cluster of conserved UCUG e
182  negatively charged residues are involved in virus assembly by mediating interaction between the memb
183  results suggest that NS2 acts to coordinate virus assembly by mediating interactions between envelop
184 among Gag multimerization, membrane binding, virus assembly, CA dimerization, particle maturation, an
185 calization of the viral protein pp150 to the virus assembly compartment (AC) is dependent on its dire
186 irus failed to efficiently accumulate in the virus assembly compartment (AC).
187      Clathrin accumulated in the cytoplasmic virus assembly compartment (vAC) of infected cells co-lo
188 lar localization of the gM/gN protein to the virus assembly compartment compared to the wild-type pro
189 s HCV production by enhancing NS2-associated virus assembly complex formation near LD.
190                             Furthermore, the virus assembly defect of NS4A K41A was suppressed by NS3
191 on previously implicated in overcoming other virus assembly defects.
192 quirements of the dimeric capsid protein for virus assembly/disassembly have not been characterized.
193  MA domains, via Gag-Gag interactions during virus assembly, drives membrane association in vivo.
194                                       During virus assembly, genome packaging involves the delivery o
195                                              Virus assembly has not been routinely targeted in the de
196 sm by which Env proteins are acquired during virus assembly has yet to be fully defined.
197 is required for the successful completion of virus assembly, (iii) several of the protein components
198 lementary roles of the M1 and M2 proteins in virus assembly.IMPORTANCE Influenza virus particle assem
199 1 achieves efficient genome packaging during virus assembly.IMPORTANCE Retrovirus assembly is a well-
200 ing the protein as important for influenza A virus assembly in addition to its well-documented role d
201  reporters during plasmid-directed influenza virus assembly in cells, we have now mapped cis-acting s
202                        Here, we investigated virus assembly in HIV-1-infected primary human monocyte-
203     It has previously been demonstrated that virus assembly in macrophages occurs in cytoplasmic vesi
204 est a fundamental difference between Sindbis virus assembly in mammalian and insect cells.
205 (E2 DeltaK391) resulted in the disruption of virus assembly in mammalian cells but not insect cells (
206 scence assay to monitor RNA conformation and virus assembly in real time, with two viruses from diffe
207 mportant roles in cell-to-cell spread and in virus assembly in the cytoplasm, both of which likely de
208   Analysis of the reaction suggests that (i) virus assembly in vitro is optimal under conditions that
209 A are necessary and sufficient for efficient virus assembly in vitro.
210         These results suggest a new model of virus assembly in which an interaction of VSV nucleocaps
211         Overall, our data support a model of virus assembly in which the first cleavages occur in Gag
212               These data support a model for virus assembly in which the G protein has the inherent p
213 can block NS3 functions in RNA synthesis and virus assembly, in addition to inhibiting polyprotein pr
214 re and biochemical properties of this unique virus assembly intermediate will provide new insights in
215                                  Influenza A virus assembly is a complex process that requires the in
216  a packageable viral RNA is not required for virus assembly is currently unknown.
217  Gag protein on the plasma membrane (PM) for virus assembly is mediated by specific interactions betw
218  interact, although the relevance of this to virus assembly is not clear.
219                            We establish that virus assembly is sensitive to mutations in the linker r
220   Paramyxovirus matrix (M) proteins organize virus assembly, linking viral glycoproteins and viral ri
221 RNA synthesis and also block a late stage in virus assembly/maturation at clinically relevant concent
222 esults show that activating and deregulating virus assembly may be a powerful general approach for an
223 NA switch mechanism and further suggest that virus assembly may be initiated by a complex comprising
224  RSV proteins into lipid microdomains during virus assembly may lead to critical interactions of F wi
225                     Proteins packaged during virus assembly may subsequently form the first line of a
226  To gain insights into the RNA packaging and virus assembly mechanisms, we labeled and monitored the
227 s) have been shown to play a pivotal role in virus assembly, morphogenesis, and infection of host cel
228 dividual HRSV transmembrane glycoproteins in virus assembly, morphogenesis, and pathogenesis.
229 y of the role of individual AHSV proteins in virus assembly, morphogenesis, and pathogenesis.
230 vity late during the course of infection, as virus assembly nears completion.
231 between the phase of the cell cycle at which virus assembly occurred and histone modifications in the
232 ure retroviruses, in order to understand how virus assembly occurs, and how maturation takes place.
233  localized in the cytoplasm, where influenza virus assembly occurs.
234 late RAB27A, which is required for enveloped virus assembly of human cytomegalovirus.
235                        Virus replication and virus assembly often occur in virus inclusions or virus
236 ons on a coarse-grained model that describes virus assembly on a fluctuating lipid membrane.
237  T lymphocytes, while intracellular sites of virus assembly or accumulation are apparent in macrophag
238 nt intermediates predicted by simulations of virus assembly or disassembly.
239 ocalization signal (NLS) in Gag would affect virus assembly or infectivity.
240 nd of itself has no effect on the process of virus assembly or on the ability of virus to infect cell
241 he HIV-1 protease in vitro or interfere with virus assembly or release.
242 ubparticles formed during normal or aberrant virus assembly (or as a result of damage to the intact a
243  following virus entry, during encapsidation/virus assembly, or within the nucleus may reflect virus
244 important role of the glycoprotein gM during virus assembly, particularly in the dynamics of gM traff
245 diverse functions at different stages in the virus assembly pathway will require more detailed inform
246  virus (RSV) Gag protein is intrinsic to the virus assembly pathway.
247 lear trafficking as an intrinsic part of the virus assembly pathway.
248 n whether it may occur transiently along the virus assembly pathway.
249 l rearrangement during the membrane-mediated virus assembly process.
250 zation often occurs at an early stage of the virus assembly process.
251 s encode matrix proteins that coordinate the virus assembly process.
252 here for the first time that RSV M's role in virus assembly/release is strongly dependent on threonin
253 is, but it inhibited syncytium formation and virus assembly/release.
254                                  Icosahedral virus assembly requires a series of concerted and highly
255 ins, which occur at early and late stages of virus assembly, respectively.
256  accumulation of SARS CoV S protein near the virus assembly site for interaction with other viral str
257 to be important for concentrating S near the virus assembly site rather than for direct interaction w
258 proteins and the viral ribonucleoproteins at virus assembly sites and often recruit host machinery th
259 nd RNAs, helps transport Pr55Gag proteins to virus assembly sites at the plasma membranes of infected
260 hibits both NS2 localization to the putative virus assembly sites near lipid droplets (LD) and NS2 in
261 es p7-dependent NS2 localization to putative virus assembly sites near lipid droplets (LD).
262 ins and viral ribonucleoproteins together at virus assembly sites on cellular membranes.
263 he recruitment of Tsg101 and other ESCRTs to virus assembly sites where they mediate budding.
264 omote the association of these proteins with virus assembly sites within the plasma membrane.
265 istent with its role in recruiting E2 to the virus assembly sites.
266      To determine whether L9 plays a role in virus assembly, small interfering RNA (siRNA)-mediated k
267 I and active-site PI were both able to block virus assembly soon (<12 h) after drug treatment, sugges
268 TCV) is a multifunctional protein needed for virus assembly, suppression of RNA silencing-based antiv
269         However, a unique in vitro cell-free virus assembly system was subsequently developed, showin
270                   In one-scaffolding-protein virus assembly systems, coat proteins promiscuously inte
271 its trafficking to the plasma membrane where virus assembly takes place.
272 ue a defect in an early-intermediate step in virus assembly that follows the recruitment of NS5A to l
273  step after genome replication but preceding virus assembly that is dependent on 3CD and/or 3AB prote
274 nd can identify small-molecule inhibitors of virus assembly that prevent, inappropriately accelerate
275                                       During virus assembly, the gp120/gp41 complex is incorporated a
276 y minor effects of the M protein mutation on virus assembly, the mutant virus exhibited growth restri
277 n of EV71, including a putative precursor in virus assembly, the procapsid, and the mature virus caps
278               Our model suggests that during virus assembly, the trimer of E1/E2 may be further assem
279 irus membrane (M) proteins play key roles in virus assembly, through M-M, M-spike (S), and M-nucleoca
280 e deaminases that can be encapsidated during virus assembly to catalyze C-->U deamination of the vira
281 of the virus replication cycle, ranging from virus assembly to cell-cell spread of the virus, and hen
282 omains, thereby coupling Gag recruitment and virus assembly to Env accumulation at the cell-cell inte
283 nd vRNA to the plasma membrane for efficient virus assembly to occur.
284 suggest that Vif function is required during virus assembly to remove APOBEC3G from packaging into re
285  results show that for respiratory syncytial virus assembly, viral filaments are produced and loaded
286 y, a stochastic model of single-stranded RNA virus assembly was created to model the cooperative effe
287 ein, indicating that this function of NS3 in virus assembly was independent of its known enzymatic fu
288                              However, mutant virus assembly was reduced in parallel with reduced viru
289                 The role of the M protein in virus assembly was then examined by infecting HEp-2 and
290    By examining physical models of spherical virus assembly we have arrived at a general synthetic st
291  the trafficking of the gM/gN complex during virus assembly, we made a series of gM (UL100 open readi
292 al evidence that morphogenesis of the AC and virus assembly were dynein dependent.
293 sly identified to play a role in influenza A virus assembly were found to complement the lethal M2Y76
294 nometer (<10-A) resolution of an icosahedral virus assembly were obtained by cryogenic electron micro
295 mportantly, several mutations that inhibited virus assembly were shown to inhibit NS2 protein complex
296 itates IBDV replication complex function and virus assembly, which is critical to completion of the v
297  the M1 proteins in their ability to support virus assembly with nonpalmitoylated H3 HA.
298 ut also specifically inhibited intracellular virus assembly without affecting HCV RNA replication.
299  exclude tetherin from the specific sites of virus assembly without overtly removing it from the cell
300  and Chk2, are mislocalized to a cytoplasmic virus assembly zone, where they are colocalized with vir

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