


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 G with respect to conformational changes and virus binding.
2  oligosaccharide ligand required for Norwalk virus binding.
3 e airway mucins, which are unable to inhibit virus binding.
4 , cells was dependent on the medium used for virus binding.
5 ), that is required for both viral entry and virus binding.
6 mes more effective than NeuAcGM3 in blocking virus binding.
7 -deficient cells led to a large reduction in virus binding.
8 on of the viral infection process soon after virus binding.
9 bolish adhesion to collagen had no effect on virus binding.
10 loop from the amino terminus is required for virus binding.
11 oline residue found in murine DAF eliminated virus binding.
12 n and a clinical isolate of CHIKV to mediate virus binding.
13 sequently gene expression, without affecting virus binding.
14 2 (SCR2), which is known to be essential for virus binding.
15 ed in tight junctions and not accessible for virus binding.
16 le network for the initial 8 hours following virus binding.
17 d substitution within these areas eliminates virus binding.
18 ment in MHV entry occurs at a step following virus binding.
19 ating a redistribution of membrane following virus binding.
20 tients' antisera and substantially increased virus binding ability to human cells.
21 ide expressed on the surface of CPMV retains virus-binding activity and is capable of inhibiting vira
22 us receptor binding specificity but enhances virus binding affinity of the H9N2 virus to human cells
23                                              Virus binding also induces several responses by lymphocy
24 or-binding site can reduce the efficiency of virus binding and decrease viral dependence on NA activi
25                                              Virus binding and DNA internalization studies suggest th
26   Anti-CD98 and xCT antibodies did not block virus binding and entry and nuclear delivery of viral DN
27 ; however, the effects of these molecules on virus binding and entry have not been comprehensively ev
28 ycoprotein (EBOV GP/VSVDeltaG), we evaluated virus binding and entry into cells expressing TIM-4 mole
29 rus virions and is responsible for mediating virus binding and entry into target cells.
30 se results suggest that, besides its role in virus binding and entry into the target cells, KSHV gB a
31 mon key capsid surface residues dictate both virus binding and entry processes, as well as antigenic
32 es as human monoclonal antibodies that block virus binding and entry will be useful in providing pote
33                          Activation requires virus binding and entry, as well as de novo infected-cel
34  other data demonstrating minimal effects on virus binding and entry, these data suggest that E2 posi
35 uggesting the involvement of this epitope in virus binding and entry.
36 uence to infection was assessed by measuring virus binding and entry.
37 lls, despite having full capacity to undergo virus binding and fusion.
38 of surface CD4 and were fully susceptible to virus binding and fusion.
39 e apical membrane, and the effects on apical virus binding and gene transfer were minimal.
40 o how virus receptors are organized prior to virus binding and how they assemble into functional plat
41  This mutation removes a domain critical for virus binding and inactivates amino acid transport activ
42 ive cell line with CAR cDNA led to increased virus binding and increased susceptibility to adenovirus
43 his study, we addressed the initial steps in virus binding and infection and found that the first bin
44                                              Virus binding and infection experiments were conducted t
45                                              Virus binding and infection mediated by alphavbeta1 was
46                             They may mediate virus binding and infection of cells, or alternatively c
47                    In addition, we show that virus binding and infection of the beta6-transfected cel
48 8 in infection was confirmed by showing that virus binding and infection of the transfected cells are
49  as another critical residue that influences virus binding and infection, as well as evidence that th
50 K234) in mATRC1 as a residue that influences virus binding and infection.
51 D84K) of ecotropic Moloney MLV Env abolishes virus binding and infection.
52 kemia virus envelope protein is essential to virus binding and infection.
53 -1 and -2, for their abilities to facilitate virus binding and infection.
54 o the viral and cellular factors involved in virus binding and infection.
55 carbohydrate chain terminus is important for virus binding and infection.
56  CLDN1 acts late in the entry process, after virus binding and interaction with the HCV co-receptor C
57                    Finally, this DC-mediated virus binding and internalization are dependent on lipid
58  variable (IgV) domain is essential for both virus binding and internalization by TIM-1.
59 in a consistent and significant reduction of virus binding and membrane fusion.
60 terferon-like response in cells that follows virus binding and penetration.
61 h a species-restricted block occurring after virus binding and penetration.
62 induced B-cell immortalization occurs beyond virus binding and penetration.
63 with that of L-SIGN was sufficient to impair virus binding and prevent transmission.
64 nctionality as CVB receptors, examining both virus binding and replication.
65 usceptible to RV-C infection to support both virus binding and replication.
66                                              Virus binding and RNA replication as well as cellular pr
67 nt protein and the F fusion protein, mediate virus binding and subsequent membrane fusion, respective
68 uctural determinants of DC-SIGN required for virus binding and transmission to permissive cells.
69 ion but is not required for DC-SIGN-mediated virus binding and transmission.
70 ngliosides as functional receptors mediating virus binding and transport from the plasma membrane to
71      Most substitutions had little effect on virus binding and uptake.
72                                              Virus binding and vesicle lysis assays revealed that 4-1
73     W142M virus showed a marked reduction in virus binding and was almost noninfectious, suggesting t
74 ons began to appear inside cells 5 min after virus binding and was colocalized with MCAT-1-GFP.
75 n by UV-inactivated HHV-8 suggest a role for virus binding and/or entry but not viral gene expression
76  region(s) within PiT2 that is important for virus binding and/or entry relied on infection results o
77 nous lectin recognition, tumor antigenicity, virus binding, and complement activation.
78 or for T-tropic HIV strains, and thus act as virus binding, and not as fusion, inhibitors.
79 ecreases in CD20+ B cells, failure to elicit virus-binding antibodies in plasma, and high levels of a
80 ctions are regulated by polyclonal influenza virus-binding antibody mixtures in vivo has never been d
81 proteomic analysis indicated that these four virus-binding aphid proteins were specifically inherited
82 ue of 3.519 nM and demonstrated the greatest virus binding as shown by fluorescence imaging.
83                               We have used a virus-binding assay to examine conformational changes th
84                                   By using a virus-binding assay, we demonstrate that L-SIGN and DC-S
85 virions were determined by a newly developed virus-binding assay.
86                                           In virus binding assays, five of the seven (71%) anti-V3(no
87                               The results of virus-binding assays suggested that the observed differe
88                   Using RNA transfection and virus-binding assays, we have shown that this requiremen
89  a step of viral infection that occurs after virus binding but before reverse transcription.
90 s, and inhibited viral entry at a step after virus binding but before virus-cell fusion.
91 f GD1a has no effect on the overall level of virus binding but mediates the internalization and trans
92  beta-cyclodextrin or filipin did not affect virus binding but reduced virus entry.
93 r, the data may also suggest that D2 affects virus binding by influencing the conformation of D1.
94                          Characterization of virus binding by neutralizing antibodies is important bo
95                                              Virus binding by viral envelope phosphatidylserine is no
96 virus infection by interfering with receptor-virus binding, by virus opsonization, by complement acti
97            A lysine 234 change alone reduced virus binding, contrary to previous observations that at
98 cytic cells, which lack fiber receptors, and virus binding could be blocked by a soluble penton base
99                     In addition to promoting virus binding, DCPD expression was associated with inter
100 omly bred chickens suggests that the altered virus binding domain is not the basis for genetic resist
101 ptor glycoproteins containing the N-terminal virus-binding domain were released into the supernatant
102 ructed chimeric DPP4 receptors that have the virus-binding domains of indigenous Middle Eastern anima
103 otein from 2-20 had greater contributions to virus binding, entry, infectivity, and in vitro growth k
104 in microfilaments did not have any effect on virus binding, entry, nuclear delivery, or infection.
105  of 10 different cell-derived molecules by a virus binding enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.
106                           Glycans within the virus binding face of the apical domain also controlled
107  other N-linked glycosylation sites into the virus binding face of the feline apical domain reduced o
108 ations deleterious for infection and loss of virus binding has not been established.
109 e 2 (hACE2), and proposed the existence of a virus-binding hot spot on hACE2.
110  or reduce unfavorable interactions with two virus-binding hot spots on ACE2, and by doing so, they e
111 e common ACE2 regions, largely because of a "virus-binding hotspot" on ACE2.
112 m of the MHVR, sMHVR-Ig, which comprised the virus-binding immunoglobulin-like domain of MHVR fused t
113 hrough increases in virus receptor levels or virus binding, indicating that virus fusion is enhanced.
114 e attributed to a role of the H3L protein in virus binding, internalization, or any event prior to la
115                                              Virus binding involves the mucin-type domain of alpha-DG
116 ARGE-dependent glycosylation of alpha-DG for virus binding is found for several isolates of LCMV, LFV
117 especially novel aspect of human influenza A virus binding is its ability to equivalently recognize g
118 soelectric points and variations in receptor-virus binding kinetics for different conditions.
119 f CD4-IgG were completely inactivated, while viruses binding less remained infectious.
120 the survival curve followed a model in which viruses binding more than a threshold level of CD4-IgG w
121 ermit the use of CD46 on host cells by Ad16, virus binding occurs with lower efficiency than with B2
122 LARGE modification required for laminin- and virus-binding occurs on specific Thr residues located at
123  with the host cell range properties of both viruses, binding of 34TF10 gp95-Fc was observed for all
124  During the process of assembly of enveloped viruses, binding of the nucleoprotein core of the virus
125 virus receptors or factors on host cells for virus binding or entry.
126 2-3) linkage of sialic acid had no effect on virus binding or infection.
127 induced gene expression but had no effect on virus binding or uptake.
128 se may be blocked by D4E1 treatment, whereas virus binding, penetration, RNA synthesis, and protein s
129     Expression of either of these artificial virus-binding receptors in fiber receptor-negative cells
130 eover, addition of DGD antibodies soon after virus binding reduced endogenous DGD protein levels and
131  is homologous to the human immunodeficiency virus binding region of CD4 and to the poliovirus bindin
132              In some well-studied cases, the virus-binding region on the receptor has been found to b
133 niquely folded CC' loop that encompasses key virus-binding residues.
134 lly, we generated a new receptor by fusing a virus-binding, single-chain antibody (scAb) to intracell
135 esignated region A, has been proposed as the virus binding site, because mutations in this region abo
136 us, indicating that Pit1 region A is not the virus binding site.
137 cosylation occludes a potentially functional virus-binding site in the CAT-1 protein of hamsters, thu
138          These attempts to localize the PiT2 virus-binding site were hampered because they were based
139 onkey cells, suggesting that the IgA and the virus binding sites are in different epitopes on HAVCR1/
140   Similar motifs have been identified in the virus binding sites of other retrovirus receptors, sugge
141 stribution of LSTc, serotonin receptors, and virus binding sites overlapped in kidney and in the chor
142 mouse small intestine was not due to lack of virus binding sites, because poliovirus could attach to
143 viruses, ecotropic MuLV infection eliminates virus-binding sites from cell surfaces and results in co
144  loop I of hCEA as the region conferring the virus-binding specificity.
145 d the virus-alpha3 and -beta1 complexes, and virus binding studies suggest a role for alpha3beta1 in
146 3beta1 integrin via its glycoprotein gB, and virus binding studies suggest that alpha3beta1 is one of
147 upport for this hypothesis was obtained from virus binding studies using mutant or neuraminidase-trea
148 ed the virus alpha3 and beta1 complexes, and virus-binding studies suggest a role for alpha3beta1 in
149 eraction with the cellular receptor CD46 and virus binding, suggesting interference with a yet-uniden
150  all of these residues correspond to the two virus binding surfaces of TfR1.
151 human chromosome 21 exhibited high levels of virus binding that was specific for the viral fiber prot
152 mature DC with trypsin significantly reduced virus binding, thus demonstrating the role of HIV envelo
153                                      Rather, virus binding to a receptor on the cell surface induces
154                                        Thus, virus binding to a sialic acid receptor and to immunoglo
155 inct steps of a common pathway that requires virus binding to a single receptor, assembly of multival
156 /T215I) and NA (E119A) proteins that reduced virus binding to alpha2,3-sialyl receptor and NA activit
157                                 In contrast, virus binding to alphavbeta6 including the beta8 cytodom
158 ex carbohydrate content greatly increased SB virus binding to and infection of THP-1 cells expressing
159                      This technique measures virus binding to and release from a surface coated with
160 eceptor-binding domain (RBD), which mediates virus binding to angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, the fu
161  thymus RNA, called MTVR, was able to confer virus binding to both monkey and human cells; this bindi
162 n E2 that mediate neutralization by blocking virus binding to CD81.
163             Several MAbs efficiently blocked virus binding to cell lines expressing human or rhesus D
164 nic retrovirus infection may be initiated by virus binding to cell receptors or to the virus envelope
165 d hemagglutinin substitutions that increased virus binding to cell surface glycan receptors.
166 in or neuraminidase mutations that increased virus binding to cell surfaces.
167 not alter species tropism but abolished both virus binding to cells and infectivity.
168 he enzymes tested were capable of inhibiting virus binding to cells, but only neuraminidase was capab
169                                              Virus binding to cells, entry, and nucleocapsid uncoatin
170 erexpression of the human FUT2 gene enhances virus binding to cells, it is not sufficient to allow a
171 n inhibited HVEM-dependent infection but not virus binding to cells.
172  are located on the sites that may influence virus binding to cellular receptors.
173 esidues 289, 291, 324, and 328 may influence virus binding to cellular receptors; and residue 295 may
174 subdomain 2 (P2) of VP1, which may influence virus binding to cellular receptors; and residue 295 was
175 arized Caco-2 cells and is not influenced by virus binding to DAF.
176 s to the Ad fiber coat protein that redirect virus binding to either alpha(v) integrin [AdZ.F(RGD)] o
177  Western blots using antibodies that inhibit virus binding to either the human or mouse CVB receptors
178                            Here we show that virus binding to filopodia induces a rapid and highly or
179 t apolipoprotein E is likely responsible for virus binding to heparan sulfate and that N- and 6-O-sul
180 on of either E2 glycosylation site increased virus binding to heparin and increased replication in BH
181 se of soluble rhinovirus receptor to inhibit virus binding to host cells should be feasible in humans
182 AcGM3 displayed dose-dependent inhibition of virus binding to host cells.
183 nfluenza virus-infected cells in addition to virus binding to host cells.
184  known host-range determinant as it mediates virus binding to host-specific cellular receptors.
185 sus repeat 2 (SCR2) with murine SCR2 ablated virus binding to human DAF, as did deletion of human SCR
186               These data demonstrate that JC virus binding to human glial cells induces an intracellu
187 identified that increases 2009 pandemic H1N1 virus binding to human-like alpha2,6-linked sialic acids
188               SLPI binding neither prevented virus binding to monocytes nor attenuated the infectivit
189 raction between JCV and glial cells involves virus binding to N-linked glycoproteins containing termi
190 ifferent species and quantified by measuring virus binding to receptor analogs using surface biolayer
191 amount of reference sera required to prevent virus binding to red blood cells.
192 binds to sialic acid, which enhances overall virus binding to sialic acid receptor analogues.
193              Infection by PV is initiated by virus binding to specific cell receptors, which results
194 arly important since the disruption of plant virus binding to such a receptor may enable the developm
195 HIV-1), gp120(SU) plays an essential role in virus binding to target CD4+ T-cells and is a major vacc
196 s of virus-producing cells, and second after virus binding to target-cell receptors.
197 gation of virion particles preventing normal virus binding to the cell surface and uptake into cells.
198  viruses (HIV and SIV, respectively) mediate virus binding to the cell surface receptor CD4 on target
199 ce receptor is not necessary for the initial virus binding to the cells but is required for subsequen
200 eriments showed that MAb vpg15 did not block virus binding to the cells.
201                                   Therefore, virus binding to the cellular receptor CD46 and subseque
202  on the surface of mammalian cells, inhibits virus binding to the host cell and infection with the pe
203  restricted to mice and rats at the level of virus binding to the host cell receptor.
204 on virus internalization, fiber shedding and virus binding to the nuclear envelope.
205                           This suggests that virus binding to the surface of CD4(-) cells is an impor
206 uced the virus infectivity without affecting virus binding to the target cells.
207 tep for efficient gene transfer is effective virus binding to the target cells.
208 , indicating the involvement of P antigen in virus binding to these cells.
209  development of novel therapeutics targeting virus binding to this cell surface receptor.
210 a a poorly defined mechanism, which involves virus binding to vitamin K-dependent blood coagulation f
211 e, disrupting viral particles and decreasing virus binding to, and infection of, human epithelial cel
212                           For many enveloped viruses, binding to a receptor(s) on a host cell acts as
213  surface receptors TIM-1 and -4 also enhance virus binding/transduction.
214  heparin inhibited radiolabeled A2 and cp-52 virus binding up to 90%.
215  DC draining from the skin occurs soon after virus binding via the caspase 8 pathway and is not assoc
216  In contrast, there was little difference in virus binding, virus infection rate, or cell cycle distr
217                                              Virus binding was not affected by CA-074 Me, whereas syn
218  reverse transcription-PCR assay to quantify virus binding, we found that HLA-DR+/DC-SIGN+ cells can
219 ecific antibodies were effective at blocking virus binding, we propose that spinoculation works by de
220 , anti-DC-SIGN antibodies blocked 90% of the virus binding when more-physiologic amounts of virus ino
221 n pH-dependent conformational changes and in virus binding, which could partially explain the defects

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