


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 myristoylated and plays an important role in virus budding.
2 ay appear to play an important role in arena-virus budding.
3  indicating that it can function directly in virus budding.
4 s function of ubiquitin are also involved in virus budding.
5  inhibitors of HIV-1 replication by blocking virus budding.
6 s assembly and also plays a critical role in virus budding.
7  body biogenesis, cytokinesis, and enveloped virus budding.
8  shown previously to be important for normal virus budding.
9  or processing, in virion RT activity, or in virus budding.
10 at free ubiquitin is important for efficient virus budding.
11 a membrane which are competent for efficient virus budding.
12 duce virus yield by blocking a late stage in virus budding.
13 he plasma membrane and direct the process of virus budding.
14 heterodimer trimerization can occur to drive virus budding.
15 ture virion assembly prior to ESCRT-mediated virus budding.
16 lowed by its attachment to glycoproteins and virus budding.
17 ugh its interaction with the M1 layer during virus budding.
18 ne curvature by M2 is essential to influenza virus budding.
19 scission stage of cytokinesis, and enveloped virus budding.
20 tially trafficked to the plasma membrane for virus budding.
21 n of cores with cdE2, a process required for virus budding.
22 enerate the membrane curvature necessary for virus budding.
23 venting it from accumulating at the sites of virus budding.
24  residues 45-62) for curvature induction and virus budding.
25 scission stage of cytokinesis, and enveloped virus budding.
26 the plasma membrane, a major site of EMV and virus budding.
27 ased ALIX membrane association, and enhanced virus budding.
28 d filament formation with minimal effects on virus budding.
29 ane compromises Gag membrane association and virus budding.
30 apsomers as might occur during initiation of virus budding.
31 ellular ESCRT pathway proteins to facilitate virus budding.
32 n-selective ion channel protein in mediating virus budding.
33 -3-3 protein, and is held away from sites of virus budding.
34 uses, suggesting that 14-3-3 binding impairs virus budding.
35 cient for creating membrane curvature during virus budding.
36 te-domain sequences to bind ALIX and promote virus budding.
37 t the basic residues in NC are important for virus budding.
38  483 to 484 and 494 to 496 are important for virus budding.
39 tein sorting, cytokinesis, and enveloped RNA virus budding.
40 way proteins, TSG101 and ALIX, to facilitate virus budding.
41  mechanisms to remove tetherin from sites of virus budding.
42 uitylate and activate ESCRT-I to function in virus budding.
43 l interaction with eVP40 facilitates VLP and virus budding.
44 olyproteins are necessary and sufficient for virus budding.
45 main, and both interactions are required for virus budding.
46 yclodextrin (MbetaCD) treatment on influenza virus budding.
47 ease with PTAP playing a more subtle role in virus budding.
48  a key structural protein critical for Ebola virus budding.
49  containing the YRKL sequence is involved in virus budding.
50  suggesting involvement of these pathways in virus budding.
51 n, antigen presentation, immune evasion, and virus budding.
52 ral role in ESCRT recruitment to the site of virus budding.
53 ost proteins during the late stages of Ebola virus budding.
54 tor Tsg101 to facilitate the final stages of virus budding.
55 inger Z protein as the main driving force of virus budding.
56 erivatives and full-length TSG101 (TSG-F) on virus budding.
57 e "late" or "L" domain), is critical for the virus-budding activity of p6.
58 t (i) the PPPY motif plays a crucial role in virus budding and (ii) the PTAP motif plays a more subtl
59 f in MLV CA and demonstration of its role in virus budding and assembly.
60            These PY motifs are important for virus budding and for mediating interactions with specif
61            The data suggest that influenza A virus budding and genome incorporation can occur indepen
62            Therefore, the functions of NC in virus budding and infectivity are completely distinct fr
63 takes place soon after or concomitantly with virus budding and is initiated as Gag is cleaved by the
64 ds to the colocalization of M2 with sites of virus budding and lipid raft domains.
65 n in a cholesterol-dependent manner to cause virus budding and release.
66 pid domains of a composition compatible with virus budding and release.
67  TSG101 and the endosomal sorting pathway in virus budding and suggest that inhibitors can be develop
68 erine may be an important component of Ebola virus budding and that VP40 may be able to mediate PM sc
69  on the distinct functions of its domains in virus budding and viral RNA regulation, the knowledge of
70 oles in membrane anchoring, membrane fusion, virus budding, and infectivity.
71 ltivesicular body (MVB) formation, enveloped virus budding, and membrane abscission during cytokinesi
72 on of extracellular microvesicles, enveloped virus budding, and the abscission stage of cytokinesis.
73 y roles in the tegument signaling mechanism, virus budding, and the gE-mediated mechanism of cell-to-
74 luding proteasomal degradation, endocytosis, virus budding, and vacuolar protein sorting (Vps).
75  with the capsid protein, a critical step in virus budding, and was associated with the immobilizatio
76                The effect of PY mutations on virus budding appears to be due to a block at a stage ju
77  100 nm) were smaller than those at sites of virus budding (approximately 560 nm).
78                         Studies of enveloped virus budding are therefore providing insights into the
79 ed within the Alix-binding motif involved in virus budding, as major contributors to subtype-specific
80  the infected cells revealed evidence of BCC virus budding at the plasma membrane.
81 h striking T cell polarization and localized virus budding at the site of contact that facilitates ce
82 se proline residues act to partially restore virus budding by generation of new motifs that act as su
83 h a model in which the glycoproteins control virus budding by sorting to lipid raft microdomains and
84 ediates membrane remodeling during enveloped virus budding, cytokinesis, and intralumenal endosomal v
85             ALIX/AIP1 functions in enveloped virus budding, endosomal protein sorting, and many other
86 ocalized crystalline domains associated with virus budding from mammalian cells.
87 ation of the PM and cytoskeleton, leading to virus budding from specialized sites.
88 ane phosphatidylserine is critical for Ebola virus budding from the host cell plasma membrane.
89                                              Virus budding from the infected HEp-2 cells was affected
90                 Electron microscopy revealed virus budding from the plasma membrane of these cells, b
91  HIV, providing an important function during virus budding from the plasma membrane.
92                                    Enveloped virus budding has been linked to both the ubiquitin-prot
93 ons on the mutant M1 protein and can restore virus budding in a position-independent manner.
94  that EIAV p9 is not absolutely required for virus budding in the context of proviral gene expression
95 ated by ESCRT-I, however, if murine leukemia virus budding is engineered to be ESCRT-I-dependent, the
96                                        Ebola virus budding is mediated by the VP40 matrix protein.
97 CRT proteins for budding; however, influenza virus budding is thought to be ESCRT-independent.
98 gh this protein is thought to play a role in virus budding, its specific function is unknown.
99                        Therefore, RSV uses a virus budding mechanism that is controlled by FIP2.
100 tes membrane fission events during enveloped virus budding, multivesicular body formation, and cytoki
101 lls revealed neither a defect in the site of virus budding nor tethering of virus particles at the pl
102                                     However, virus budding occurred from membrane microdomains that c
103 y inducing membrane curvature at sites where virus budding occurs or by recruiting condensed nucleoca
104 of AP-2 with the EIAV p9 protein at sites of virus budding on the plasma membrane.
105 s at virus budding sites and drive efficient virus budding, or can determine virion morphology.
106 hat inhibitory signals can block protein and virus budding, raise the possibility that the ESCRT mach
107 the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane for virus budding, recent studies have revealed that MA also
108         Disruption of VP40 function and thus virus budding remains an attractive target for the devel
109 iruses, but the precise role of ubiquitin in virus budding remains unclear.
110 ' by electron microscopy reveals a defect in virus budding reminiscent of that observed with p6 L dom
111 e greatest effect on virus-like particle and virus budding, showing a defect in M1 incorporation.
112  virion components were required to create a virus budding site, cells infected with recombinant VSVs
113 -protein-containing microdomains outside the virus budding sites (50 to 100 nm) were smaller than tho
114 nteractions can concentrate glycoproteins at virus budding sites and drive efficient virus budding, o
115 ted-cell plasma membrane that are outside of virus budding sites as well as in the envelopes of buddi
116     In regions of plasma membrane outside of virus budding sites, CD4 and G protein were present in s
117 localized in the plasma membrane outside the virus budding sites, nor was M protein colocalized with
118 al or host proteins cluster or merge to form virus budding sites.
119  this change is followed by the detection of virus budding structure at the plasma membrane.
120  the patches and extensions colocalized with virus budding structures, while light microscopy showed
121 cluded other PM proteins and correlated with virus budding structures.
122 PY motif plays a key role in a late stage of virus budding that is independent of and occurs prior to
123 a drug-sensitive proton channel and mediates virus budding through membrane scission.
124 ment for IQGAP1 in EBOV VP40 VLP egress link virus budding to the cytoskeletal remodeling machinery.
125                               Stimulation of virus budding was dependent upon the ubiquitin ligase ac
126 , with an efficiency comparable to authentic virus budding, when M protein was coexpressed with one o
127  from cells does not inhibit murine leukemia virus budding, which is not mediated by ESCRT-I, however
128                             As disruption of virus budding would prevent virus dissemination, identif

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