


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 mbly sites, where the protein surrounded the virus factories.
2                                              Virus factories actively producing virus capsids on thei
3 beginning to reveal the relationship between virus factories and viroplasm and the cellular structure
4 the transpoviron replicates within the giant virus factory and accumulates in high copy numbers insid
5 ane proteins that are synthesized within the virus factory and lack COPII or other binding sites that
6 th A30 and G7 presumably occurred within the virus factory areas of the cytoplasm, where each was con
7                               In reassortant viruses, factory costaining for cUb mapped primarily to
8 al replication and, thus, the possibility of virus factories in this region.
9               Intriguingly, the CaMV-induced virus factory inclusions seem to protect against autopha
10 n vivo and ubiquitin colocalizes with p28 to virus factories independently of an intact RING domain.
11 fer of nucleic acid from the interior of the virus factory into the nearly completed capsids.
12 acity of the TC-muNS fusion proteins to form virus factory-like (VFL) structures and colocalize with
13 enerate subcellular microenvironments called virus factories or 'viroplasm'.
14 h specific intracellular compartments called virus factories or virioplasm.
15                           The development of virus factories proceeded over 3 to 4 h postinfection an
16             The first feature to appear on a virus factory surface when a new capsid is born is the c
17 e X-body, which comprises a highly organized virus "factory." TGB1 is both necessary and sufficient t
18  assembly often occur in virus inclusions or virus factories that form at pericentriolar sites close
19 ay from the endoplasmic reticulum within the virus factory to nascent viral membranes and demonstrate
20 operative pathway from ER domains within the virus factory to the viral membrane.
21 virus-encoded cytoplasmic structures, termed virus factories (VFs), where viral transcription, transl
22        A35R localized intracellularly to the virus factories, where the first stages of morphogenesis
23 ls infected in the absence of inducer showed virus factories with abnormal electron-dense viroplasms

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