


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ding the distance between these sites in the virus genome.
2 varying residue positions in the hepatitis C virus genome.
3 ithin the E7 open reading frame (ORF) of the virus genome.
4 at nearly normal rates while replicating the virus genome.
5 st in the translation and replication of the virus genome.
6 mutations were introduced into the influenza virus genome.
7 ncephalomyelitis due to rapid replication of virus genome.
8 6 (Delta36) were recombined into the K37eGFP virus genome.
9 hat cannot form conjugates, from the Sindbis virus genome.
10 AAVS1 and may also require an RBS within the virus genome.
11 ify previously unidentified functions in the virus genome.
12 ithin the untranslated regions of the dengue virus genome.
13 hanism inhibits translation of the infecting virus genome.
14 ify regions of conservation in the influenza virus genome.
15 f approximately 30,000 bases of the smallpox virus genome.
16 -1 and specifically decreases H3K4me3 on the virus genome.
17 stribution of the siRNA population along the virus genome.
18 he introduction of targeted mutations in the virus genome.
19 riggers the expression of the herpes simplex virus genome.
20 the efficient replication of the hepatitis C virus genome.
21 that stem-loop IV functions similarly in the virus genome.
22 ructure, based on a modified hepatitis delta virus genome.
23 these two elements function similarly in the virus genome.
24 n from nucleotide (nt) 74850 to 76695 of the virus genome.
25 gned against conserved regions of the dengue virus genome.
26 epeat sequences present in the Ad/AAV hybrid virus genome.
27 ide the structural gene region of the PDK-53 virus genome.
28 l, MPsi, from the 5' end of the Rous sarcoma virus genome.
29 ertion within the unique short region of the virus genome.
30 f the genome than the signal for the Sindbis virus genome.
31 tides to a linearized version of the m13mp18 virus genome.
32 nitiate transcription and replication of the virus genome.
33  virus proteins onto specific regions of the virus genome.
34 r trafficking and packaging of the influenza virus genome.
35 talyzes transcription and replication of the virus genome.
36 ng viral host range, and organization of the virus genome.
37 not be the only source of mutations in a RNA virus genome.
38 iniscent of its cognate binding sites in the virus genome.
39 argeted processing of persistently infecting virus genomes.
40 aea and encompasses more than 1,000 distinct virus genomes.
41 us replication and correspond to full-length virus genomes.
42 recombination within Tomato yellow leaf curl virus genomes.
43 ion of foreign genes delivered by engineered virus genomes.
44 ase) motifs have been identified in many RNA virus genomes.
45  encoded as an auxiliary gene in a number of virus genomes.
46 ords of the human genome were found in Ebola virus genomes.
47 solates and all publicly available influenza virus genomes.
48 ngly, RNA virus genes recombining with ssDNA virus genomes.
49  a group that includes the largest known RNA virus genomes.
50 s that diminish sequence similarity with the virus genome 5' end caused a dramatic switch to the upst
51 s hypothesis, we inserted into the wild-type virus genome a wild-type REST [recombinant (R) 111], a d
52                                              Virus genome accumulation was inhibited 6- to 10-fold in
53 by the lack of methods for the enrichment of virus genomes across the phylogenetic breadth of HIV-1 a
54        The segmented nature of the influenza virus genome allows reassortment between coinfecting vir
55 s, genetic modifications introduced into the virus genomes along passages, and the extent of attenuat
56 g genes from the PHO4 superfamily in several virus genomes, along with other transporter-encoding gen
57 me and across anatomic compartments by using virus genomes amplified directly from oropharyngeal wash
58 ing the 3'-terminal nucleotides of the DEN-2 virus genome and a random-sequence P4-PMO showed relativ
59 d evidence for the first time that the foamy virus genome and Gag translocation into the nucleus are
60                                          The virus genome and infectious virus were observed soon aft
61 escribed in detail for only a portion of the virus genome and never for a virus from a detailed urban
62               Moreover, the structure of the virus genome and phylogenetic analysis of multiple genes
63  throughout the non-structural region of the virus genome and provide a defined biochemical assay to
64 a blasticidin (Bsd) resistance gene into the virus genome and selected variants that grew at high con
65 ned to enhance encapsidation of the chimeric virus genome and to express an attenuated simian immunod
66  platform to concentrate replicase proteins, virus genomes and host proteins required for replication
67 AN) likely participates in the maturation of virus genomes and in DNA recombination.
68                      They associate with DNA virus genomes and repress the very early stages of the D
69  these proteins are dispersed throughout the virus genome, and most are transcribed late or early-lat
70    Our results suggest that integrated tumor virus genomes are subject to MAR-mediated transcriptiona
71                          Positive-strand RNA virus genomes are substrates for translation, RNA replic
72             Persisting latent herpes simplex virus genomes are to some degree found in a heterochroma
73                          Positive-strand RNA virus genomes are translated into polyproteins that are
74 as method of choice to detect herpes simplex virus genomes as early as possible rather than relying o
75 scription and integration of the recombinant virus genome, as shown by the effects of the reverse tra
76  the other seven segments during influenza A virus genome assembly, we continued to use this HEF viru
77          Ramos and KE37 cells maintained the virus genome at over 100 copies per cell over a comparab
78 tifies cis-acting sequences in the influenza virus genome at the nucleotide level.
79 on of virus-derived siRNAs on the respective virus genome at three temperatures (25 degrees C, 25 deg
80                            The deposition of virus genomes at these nuclear sites occurs due to the b
81 on, we constructed an ORF45-null recombinant virus genome (BAC-stop45) by using a bacterial artificia
82                                     Some RNA virus genomes bear 5'-triphosphates, which can be recogn
83 tricted latency (where an EBNA2 gene-deleted virus genome broadens antigen expression to include the
84 o restrict the expression of murine leukemia virus genomes but not retroviral genomes of the lentivir
85 ssion of the M double-stranded RNA satellite virus genome, but fails to alter the expression of M cDN
86 the entire 3'-end of the mouse mammary tumor virus genome, but further deletions at the 5'- or 3'-end
87 he four deoxyribonucleotides in the vaccinia virus genome, but only when the four substrates and the
88 tions were identified throughout the vaccine virus genome, but their contributions to attenuation wer
89 t cells and to facilitate the release of the virus genome by catalyzing the transition from the matur
90 e the selective packaging of the influenza A virus genome by forming a sequence-dependent supramolecu
91 se genetics was used to modify the influenza virus genome by inserting the p46-63 sequence of hen egg
92 in on virus production in the context of the virus genome by using a MHV A59 infectious clone.
93                           The herpes simplex virus genome can enter a repressed transcriptional state
94 enetic information of the non-retroviral RNA virus genome can flow into the DNA of mammalian cells ex
95             Using two synthetic maize streak virus genome chimeras containing alternating genome segm
96 stantial majority of the currently available virus genomes come from metagenomics, and some of these
97 rom the role of E4 ORF3 in the regulation of virus genome concatenation via inhibition of cellular do
98 g this change back into the wild-type cowpox virus genome conferred resistance to ST-246, suggesting
99                              The influenza A virus genome consists of eight negative-sense RNA segmen
100                              The influenza A virus genome consists of eight negative-sense RNA segmen
101                                          RNA virus genomes contain cis-acting sequence and structural
102 ntially modulate HIV replication because the virus genome contains a retinoic acid response element.
103 anslated region (UTR) of the mouse hepatitis virus genome contains two essential and overlapping RNA
104 equences, the detection of core antigen, the virus genome copy number, and the virus titer in IHH cul
105 most one-third of all ORFs in 1,456 complete virus genomes correspond to ORFans, a figure significant
106                    A search of the influenza virus genome database reveals anomalies associated with
107                            The levels of the virus genome declined over an extended period up to 60 d
108                               Indeed, mutant virus genomes deficient for IE1 expression exhibit globa
109  with an essential contribution to influenza virus genome delivery and reveal a potential role for RA
110 otic viruses, little is known about archaeal virus genome delivery and the associated particle change
111 ied in this region of the avian encephalitis virus genome, despite little nucleotide sequence related
112     This new approach to the study of dengue virus genome differences should better reflect the true
113                       Human immunodeficiency virus genome dimerization is initiated through an RNA-RN
114 in order to accumulate defective interfering virus genomes (DIs).
115        The test uses amplicons produced from virus genome DNA by PCR with a consensus primer pair des
116                    Viral latency, in which a virus genome does not replicate independently of the hos
117 lly eliminated from classical H1N1 influenza virus genomes during virus evolution in humans.
118  Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus genome, each containing an identified late express
119   Segments 7 (M) and 8 (NS) of the influenza virus genome encode mRNA transcripts that are alternativ
120                                        Giant virus genomes encode proteins considered as signatures o
121 ombinant cytomegaloviruses (CMVs) from which virus genome-encoded immune modulation genes have been d
122 a virus with a targeted deletion in gp145, a virus genome-encoded inhibitor of protein kinase R, usin
123  the addition of two uridine residues to the virus genome-encoded RNA replication primer VPg prior to
124 ular translation initiation factors with the virus genome-encoded viral protein genome (VPg) protein,
125                              The hepatitis B virus genome encodes an oncoprotein, HBx, which binds va
126 tudies have identified a gene cluster in the virus genome, encoding enzymes involved in nucleotide-su
127                                          The virus genome encompasses most key chordopoxvirus genes t
128 man DC, flagellin expressed from the rM51R-M virus genome enhanced the production of cytokines.
129 ilencing, especially for newly infecting DNA virus genomes entering the nucleus.
130                   Moreover, we show that the virus genomes exhibit considerable degree of polymorphis
131                          During latency both virus genomes exhibit limited transcription, with the HS
132 ram of transcription from the superinfecting-virus genomes, failing to transition to latency I.
133 d by evaluating their distribution along the virus genome for isolates of five species of cassava gem
134 analysis indicated that the canine influenza virus genomes form a monophyletic group, consistent with
135 ting virus replication and to protecting the virus genome from deleterious mutation.
136 lso act as molecular sieves that isolate the virus genome from host defense mechanisms and allow the
137                        We sequenced 99 Ebola virus genomes from 78 patients in Sierra Leone to ~2000x
138 re found among the three currently available virus genomes from microcephaly cases.
139 1 and methods for the robust assembly of the virus genomes from short-read data.
140  we sequenced 153 pandemic influenza H1N1/09 virus genomes from United Kingdom isolates from the firs
141  was taken to assemble segments of these RNA virus genomes from viral populations isolated directly f
142                   As the number of sequenced virus genomes grows into the thousands, and the number o
143 1 (Mahoney) [PV1(M)] sequence, the synthetic virus genome harbored 27 nucleotide (nt) changes deliber
144 s demonstrate that rearranging the influenza virus genome has great potential for the development of
145  much of the transcriptional capacity of the virus genome has not been analyzed in detail; to date, o
146 dividually or in combination within a single virus genome has not been defined, nor do we fully under
147               Evolution of minimal DNA tumor virus' genomes has selected for small viral oncoproteins
148 distinct mutations in the 2009 pandemic H1N1 virus genome have occurred with increased frequency afte
149 , that even when recombinationally disrupted virus genomes have extremely low fitness and there are n
150   Incorporation of IFN-gamma into the rabies virus genome highly attenuated the virus.
151                       Replication of the B19 virus genome, however, introduced either by viral infect
152 al Latency I expressing EBNA1 only from a WT virus genome, (ii) Wp-restricted latency expressing EBNA
153 haracterized by the lack of the Epstein-Barr virus genome in tumor cells.
154 ucleotides (nt) (5'-GGAUCU(OH)-3') of the WN virus genome in viral replication.
155 , we assembled the fragments into a complete virus genome in yeast, transferred it into an Escherichi
156 ates included circularized monomer and dimer virus genomes in a head-to-tail array, with associated s
157 ntial for the replication and maintenance of virus genomes in latently KSHV-infected cells.
158                           However, a lack of virus genome information hinders our ability to answer f
159              Replication of the Epstein-Barr virus genome initiates at one of several sites in latent
160 ke previously reported HSV-2 BAC clones, the virus genome inserted into this BAC clone has no known g
161  and the subsequent release of the influenza virus genome into the cytoplasm.
162  developments including transcription of DNA virus genomes into RNA ligands, and the recognition of v
163    The 3'-untranslated region of the Sindbis virus genome is 0.3 kb in length with a 19-nucleotide co
164                                The influenza virus genome is an 8-segment single-stranded RNA with hi
165                  Thus, the cricket paralysis virus genome is an example of a naturally occurring, fun
166 rst open reading frame (ORF1) of the Norwalk virus genome is analogous in gene order to proteins 2A a
167                              The influenza A virus genome is composed of eight negative-sense RNA seg
168                                The influenza virus genome is composed of eight negative-strand RNA se
169 , it is possible that the Cauliflower mosaic virus genome is composed of genes from two different sou
170               The red clover necrotic mosaic virus genome is composed of two single-stranded RNA comp
171                                    The foamy virus genome is detected by confocal microscopy in the n
172 hat targets the capsid, but less so when the virus genome is directly targeted.
173       Following a HSV-1 virus infection, the virus genome is localized to promyelocytic leukemia prot
174                Transcription of the vaccinia virus genome is mediated by a virus-encoded multisubunit
175 hus, we conclude that replication of the B19 virus genome is the primary limiting step governing B19
176                                The influenza virus genome is transcribed in the nuclei of infected ce
177                                          The virus genome is translated to produce a single polypepti
178       Insertion of reporter genes into plant virus genomes is a common experimental strategy to resea
179                    Recombination between RNA virus genomes is also well known.
180                  Replication fidelity of RNA virus genomes is constrained by the opposing necessities
181          Sequence information from influenza virus genomes is instrumental in determining mechanisms
182 volutionary processes that shape influenza A virus genomes is key to elucidating the mechanisms under
183  show that TLR7 recognition of enveloped RNA virus genomes is linked to virus fusion or uncoating fro
184 al artificial chromosome recombinants of the virus genome, it was reported that the enhancer region o
185 on during the DNA repair process of the ASFV virus genome; it is highly error prone and plays an impo
186 translated regions (UTRs) of plus-strand RNA virus genomes jointly control translation and replicatio
187 ining the ability of Moloney murine leukemia virus genomes lengthened by 4, 8, or 11 kb to participat
188 llenges with the sampling and cultivation of viruses, genome-level viral diversity remains poorly des
189 eered to constitutively produce an influenza virus genome-like luciferase reporter RNA driven by the
190 e interactions between PAP and turnip mosaic virus genome-linked protein (VPg) were investigated.
191   Replication and transcription of influenza virus genome mainly depend on its RNA-dependent RNA poly
192  conserved mechanism, which ensures faithful virus genome maintenance in host cells during cell divis
193          Verdinexor blocks progeny influenza virus genome nuclear export, thus effectively inhibiting
194 I) particle and did not bind the full-length virus genome or any other viral RNAs.
195  containing either the full-length, complete virus genome or precise deletions of the NSs gene alone
196 rotocol did not introduce bias in either the virus genome or transcriptome, the findings indicate the
197 SVG in infected cells confirmed the expected virus genome organization.
198 uggesting a similar mechanism of influenza B virus genome packaging.
199                                  In many DNA viruses, genome packaging is initiated by the small subu
200          In herpesviruses and many bacterial viruses, genome-packaging is a precisely mediated proces
201             Flagellin expressed from the rwt virus genome partially protected human DC from VSV-induc
202  stool of humans is less prevalent, although virus genomes persist in gut-associated lymphoid tissue
203 gether, these results suggest that the foamy virus genome persists in nondividing cells without integ
204                              The influenza A virus genome possesses eight negative-strand RNA segment
205 ted that in the context of the avian sarcoma virus genome, precise deletion of both ASV dr1 elements
206       Recent studies have identified ancient virus genomes preserved as fossils within diverse animal
207                  We further found that while virus genome production is higher in cells infected at a
208                                   Integrated virus genomes (prophages) are common in such genomes.
209 diting through assembly methods in large DNA virus genomes raises dual-use concerns, we believe the i
210 infected, this mutation was detected only in virus genomes recovered from serum at day 4; viruses rec
211                             Four hepatitis C virus genome regions (the core, E1, HVR1, and NS5b) were
212 h the addition of the NS1/2A and NS5 vaccine virus genome regions.
213  types in vitro and that the number of total virus genomes relative to the number of viral particles
214             This report shows that the foamy virus genome remains unintegrated in G(1)/S phase-arrest
215  previous reports, it only modestly inhibits virus genome replication and transcription but is import
216 s highly phosphorylated and involved in both virus genome replication and virion assembly.
217 plays key, yet poorly defined, roles in both virus genome replication and virion assembly/release.
218 ay play a role in the initiation of vaccinia virus genome replication and/or genome encapsidation.
219 be established in the absence of significant virus genome replication in neurons.
220                          Positive-strand RNA virus genome replication is invariably associated with e
221                          Positive-strand RNA virus genome replication occurs in membrane-associated R
222              We propose a model of influenza virus genome replication that relies on the trans-activa
223  our study implies that HCV coopts FAPP2 for virus genome replication via PI4P binding and glycosphin
224 egulated in an inverse relationship with the virus genome replication.
225 -interacting protein 1 (Rint1) to facilitate virus genome replication.
226 n, suggesting a similar role during vaccinia virus genome replication.
227 es for a subset of these phosphoacceptors in virus genome replication.
228               Due to high variability of the virus genome, resistance to available antiviral drugs is
229 ation within and among different loci in the virus genome restricted the genealogical analyses to hap
230 ine gene into the VP37 locus of the vaccinia virus genome resulted in 100- to 1,000-fold higher expre
231                  Genetic analyses of the new virus genome revealed a classic genomic organization but
232 RNA, complementary positive-strand influenza virus genome RNA (cRNA) and influenza virus gRNA were dr
233 tion and replication of vesicular stomatitis virus genome RNA.
234 s creating attenuating deletions on multiple virus genome segments.
235 d and requires no prior knowledge beyond the virus genome sequence.
236 viruses/ and catalogs all publicly available virus genome sequences and curates reference genome sequ
237 , we show how evolutionary analyses of Ebola virus genome sequences provided key insights into virus
238                                 As influenza virus genome sequencing becomes cheaper, faster, and mor
239 cal innovations have ignited an explosion in virus genome sequencing that promises to fundamentally a
240 quences and develop well annotated reference virus genome sets.
241                 Phylogenetic analysis of the virus genome showed that EPEV roots the Aedes-associated
242           Sequence analysis of the assembled virus genome showed the presence of five open reading fr
243   Analyses of a collection of full-length TT virus genomes showed nearly half of them to be recombina
244  identify sites of positive selection in the virus genome, showed that primary HIV-1-specific T cells
245 trachromosomal reporters and the hepatitis B virus genome, suggesting a direct mechanism of transcrip
246 californica multicapsid nuclear polyhedrosis virus genome suggests that at least 10 transcripts from
247 tein structures that regulate (+)-strand RNA virus genome synthesis are potential sites for blocking
248 ore common in the noncoding region of the TT virus genome than in the coding region.
249 y, we had identified a region of the Sindbis virus genome that interacts specifically with the viral
250 rom the 5' leader region of the Rous sarcoma virus genome that is sufficient to direct the packaging
251           The recent discovery of four ssDNA virus genomes that appear to have been formed by recombi
252 ept for the feasibility of creating chimeric virus genomes that express lentivirus structural protein
253              Therefore, as that of other RNA virus genomes, the replication of the HCV genome may inv
254  RNA rapidly conformed to that in the helper virus genome through a previously described template swi
255 t protein (MP)-mediated trafficking of plant virus genomes through plasmodesmata.
256 serted neutral barcodes into the influenza A virus genome to generate a population of viruses that ca
257                                 Mutating RNA virus genomes to alter codon pair (CP) frequencies and r
258 new tool to determine the sensitivity of RNA virus genomes to mutagenesis as well as interrogation of
259 ', n = 5-20) in more than 1500 microbial and virus genomes, together with five genomes of multicellul
260 omal factor with a crucial role in influenza virus genome trafficking, suggest cooperation between un
261 tiple domains that work in concert to enable virus genome transcription and replication.
262  the cellular receptor, internalization, and virus genome transfer into the nucleus, occurred with si
263 hose we hypothesized had potential to affect virus genome translation and included murine ISG20, ISG1
264  similar to human B19 parvovirus in terms of virus genome, tropism for erythroid cells, and character
265                                              Virus genomes typically consist of distinct structural a
266 d identified three additional regions of the virus genome under selection that were not previously re
267   The null mutation was transferred into the virus genome using these complementing cell lines.
268 ave variously been proposed to correspond to virus genomes, virus replication intermediates, viral tr
269 nants of MEC infection of MRE16, the TE/5'2J virus genome was altered to contain either domain chimer
270 ome (BAC) containing the 142-kb pseudorabies virus genome was constructed such that the viral genome
271                                              Virus genome was identified and quantified by polymerase
272                                         Each virus genome was predicted to carry six open reading fra
273 ng-term survival of neurons harboring latent virus genomes was demonstrated.
274  the first 19 nucleotides (nt) of the rabies virus genome, we demonstrate that L alone initiates synt
275   Using sequences encoding 78% of the rabies virus genome, we explored the extent, repeatability and
276 er of publicly available, complete influenza virus genomes, we have discovered several anomalies in t
277 (RNAi) imposes diversifying selection on RNA virus genomes, we quantified West Nile virus (WNV) quasi
278 d open reading frames (ORFs) in the vaccinia virus genome were expressed and tested using responder c
279        Both episomal and linear forms of the virus genome were present in lungs, implying the presenc
280  for host-specific movement of TEV, chimeric virus genomes were assembled from TEV-HAT and TEV-Oxnard
281                  Fourteen different chimeric virus genomes were constructed from two infectious cDNA
282 gola outbreak itself, a total of 16 complete virus genomes were determined, including those of the vi
283 the 5'- and 3'-termini of the West Nile (WN) virus genome, were designed to anneal to important cis-a
284 in the region of the simian immunodeficiency virus genome where the rev and env genes overlap, result
285 ptional analysis of a region of the vaccinia virus genome which contains three early genes (M1L, M2L,
286 des (residues 146 to 163 of the yellow fever virus genome, which encode amino acids 9 to 14 of the ca
287 roughout the region by analysing 1,610 Ebola virus genomes, which represent over 5% of the known case
288 L-10 has closely related homologs in several virus genomes, which testify to its crucial role in regu
289                   Complete sequence of the B virus genome will certainly facilitate identification of
290      All 24 mutants were introduced into the virus genome with a genetic marker rescue/marker transfe
291 scue the replication defect of a hepatitis B virus genome with an ablated core gene.
292 stigate functional compatibility of the 1918 virus genome with gene segments from an LPAI virus and t
293 A copy of the cell culture-adapted HM175/18f virus genome with sequence encoding firefly luciferase.
294 (BAC36wt-KSHV), we constructed a recombinant virus genome with the gB open reading frame (ORF) delete
295 taE200-Y229 and pMRE16ic, representing MRE16 virus genomes with and without the deletion, respectivel
296 s and the CSF of cases for detection of Zika virus genomes with quantitative RT-PCR and for detection
297 ication in cells and can be deleted from the virus genome without reducing virus replication.
298 mbination to yield a nonsegmented infectious virus genome would then require several independent cros
299 ontaminated with low levels of human enteric virus genomes, yet evidence for waterborne disease trans
300 ns in the 3' untranslated region of the Zika virus genome (ZIKV-3'UTR-LAV) prevent viral transmission

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