


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 s, due to infection with an adeno-associated virus vector.
2 l as imaging of gene delivery using a herpes virus vector.
3 with a live attenuated recombinant influenza virus vector.
4 using a Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE) virus vector.
5               Controls were exposed to empty virus vector.
6 ich are desirable characteristics for an RNA virus vector.
7 'hopper burn', as well as being an important virus vector.
8  in trans, utilizing a noncytopathic Sindbis virus vector.
9 kemia virus, adenovirus, or adeno-associated virus vector.
10 ippocampal neurons, using a defective herpes virus vector.
11 s well as targets expressing the recombinant virus vector.
12 s cleavage site was expressed with a Sindbis virus vector.
13 tion of APN as the first receptor in a plant virus vector.
14 i) cassette delivered by an adeno-associated virus vector.
15 etrograde axonal transport to a heterologous virus/vector.
16 ained using single-stranded adeno-associated virus vectors.
17 ent serotypes of recombinant adenoassociated virus vectors.
18 he set of cDNAs was expressed using vaccinia virus vectors.
19 l line that packages Moloney murine leukemia virus vectors.
20 t may influence the immunogenicity of avipox virus vectors.
21 ies specificity of conventional Epstein-Barr virus vectors.
22 n part by poor expression of globin genes in virus vectors.
23 f genes carried by subgroup A avian leukosis virus vectors.
24 rosinase, expressed via recombinant vaccinia virus vectors.
25 ng herpes simplex virus and adeno-associated virus vectors.
26 ltures more efficiently than murine leukemia virus vectors.
27 lar to the best recombinant adeno-associated virus vectors.
28 ty of escalated doses of an adeno-associated virus vector (AAV) expressing a normal ND4 complementary
29       We used a recombinant adeno-associated virus vector (AAV) to deliver a foreign gene, green fluo
30                 Recombinant adeno-associated virus vectors (AAV) were prepared in high titer (10(12)
31 vector, HSV.CMVlac, and the adeno-associated virus vector, AAV.CMVlac, is affected by cellular differ
32 rminal htt scFv-C4 using an adeno-associated virus vector (AAV2/1) significantly reduces the size and
33                          An adeno-associated virus vector (AAV9) for alpha-synuclein was injected in
34 e substantia nigra using an adeno-associated virus vector (AAV9).
35 ressing recombinant M1 from a Semliki Forest virus vector allowed nuclear export of vRNPs.
36 tive Stat5 protein expressed from a vaccinia virus vector also induced apoptosis of K562 cells, consi
37            PKMzeta overexpression by sindbis virus vectors also increased Na/K ATPase activity.
38 heir therapeutic potential, adeno-associated virus vectors also represent outstanding investigational
39 tor cells with a recombinant adenoassociated virus vector and implies a novel approach to gene therap
40 the dystrophin open reading frame in a foamy virus vector and quantified packaged vector RNA and inte
41 of a type 2 BVDV E2 protein from a mammalian virus vector and raises the possibility that the WPRE ma
42                 For the infectious influenza virus vector and recombinant VV constructs, the receptor
43 ynaptic neurons in postrhinal cortex, used a virus vector and standard gene transfer procedures.
44 uide RNA constructs into an adeno-associated virus vector and systemically delivered them to mdx/Utr(
45 -cell level, we constructed murine stem cell virus vectors and assayed the growth of myeloid progenit
46 ically bound adenovirus and adeno-associated virus vectors and by a modified adenovirus vector that h
47 d allow enhanced infection with a variety of virus vectors and cell types.
48           cDNAs were expressed with vaccinia virus vectors and tested for sensitivity to Ellman reage
49 viral sequences in recombinant hypovirus RNA virus vectors and the absence of hypovirus-defective int
50 in combination by employing adeno-associated virus vectors and then challenged with HIV-1.
51      Most successful vaccines are based on a virus-vectored approach expressing the protective glycop
52                              Poliovirus live virus vectors are a candidate recombinant vaccine system
53                     Oncolytic herpes simplex virus vectors are a promising strategy for cancer therap
54                               Herpes simplex virus vectors are being developed for delivery and expre
55                                           As virus vectors are improved and mechanisms of humoral imm
56 hese results suggest that rNDV and influenza virus vectors are suitable candidate vaccines against AI
57                                    Enveloped virus vectors are used in a wide variety of applications
58                                        Plant virus vectors are viewed as a viable option for recombin
59                                        Foamy virus vectors are well-suited for stable delivery of lar
60 tion of muscle or liver with adenoassociated virus vector, as well as new nonviral gene delivery stra
61  using the direct infection of a recombinant virus vector based on the plant virus, tobacco mosaic vi
62                 Recombinant adeno-associated virus vectors based on serotype 2 (rAAV2) can direct tra
63                 Recombinant adeno-associated virus vectors based on serotype 6 (rAAV6) efficiently tr
64  first stable packaging cell lines for foamy virus vectors based on SFV-1.
65 d underlying spontaneous motor behavior in a virus vector-based aSyn overexpression mouse model 4 wee
66 iptionally targeted oncolytic herpes simplex virus vector (bM24-TE) in which replication is driven by
67            Therefore, systemic DNA prime and virus vector boost of lactating rhesus monkeys elicits p
68 more robust in milk than in blood after each virus vector boost.
69 mosaic virus), a rymovirus (Agropyron mosaic virus) vectored by a different eriophyid mite, or a clos
70 ble for transmitting about half of the plant viruses vectored by insects.
71       These results demonstrate that a foamy virus vector can be administered with therapeutic benefi
72                            Improved vaccinia virus vectors can be generated by deleting additional ge
73 ys and may provide the basis for designing a virus vector capable of delivering genetic material via
74 ansgenic lines that encode a replicating RNA virus vector carrying a gene of interest.
75 e constructed a recombinant adeno-associated virus vector carrying the NDI1 gene (rAAV-NDI1).
76 ion of rTMD1 or recombinant adeno-associated virus vector carrying TMD1 could be a promising antiangi
77   In contrast, suppression of Tobacco rattle virus vectors carrying CMV RNA 1 sequences did not occur
78                                              Virus vectors carrying host-derived sequence inserts ind
79 is potential was applied by optimising foamy virus vectors carrying the full-length dystrophin open-r
80 mbinant replication-defective herpes simplex virus vector coding for glutamic acid decarboxylase (QHG
81  in the vector have been identified for some virus-vector combinations.
82 en HDEP agents from four different transgene-virus vector constructs in separate batches of Ad.
83 ntly developed recombinant canarypox (ALVAC) virus vector containing the MAGE-1 gene (vCP235) to acti
84 onses induced by DCs infected with canarypox virus vectors containing HIV-1 genes.
85                        Recombinant canarypox virus vectors containing human immunodeficiency virus ty
86 rahippocampal injections of adeno-associated virus vectors containing the astrocyte-specific promoter
87                     Defective herpes simplex virus vectors containing the B7-1-immunoglobulin (B7-1-I
88 nant-negative forkhead boxO adeno-associated virus vector delivered directly to the diaphragm.
89                     We used adeno-associated virus vector-delivered siRNAs to selectively knock down
90 strategy with a recombinant adeno-associated virus vector delivering a modified FVII transgene that c
91 trategy whereby recombinant adeno-associated virus vectored delivery of anti-prion single-chain fragm
92 We have constructed defective herpes simplex virus vectors designed to be induced by necrotic neurolo
93  functional studies, generation of oncolytic virus vectors, development of delivery platforms of gene
94 ucidation of disease complexes, nematodes as virus vectors, development of host resistance, and new t
95 : under these conditions, the Semliki Forest virus vector-directed mRNA became very abundant in the c
96 ew gene by using a two-component approach: a virus vector directing expression of cre recombinase; an
97 ation assays, calculations of pairwise serum-virus vector distances, and cluster analyses.
98     The live attenuated vesicular stomatitis virus-vectored Ebola vaccine rVSV-ZEBOV is currently und
99                    A feline immunodeficiency virus vector encoding both full-length myocilin (amino a
100 time of primary immunization with a vaccinia virus vector encoding gp160, the mAb blocks the subseque
101               A recombinant adeno-associated virus vector encoding human delta-sarcoglycan conferred
102 e constructed a recombinant adeno-associated virus vector encoding the p210(BCR-ABL) b3a2 variant fus
103  we generated a recombinant adeno-associated virus vector encoding the VEGFR2-neutralizing mAb DC101
104 transduced with recombinant adeno-associated virus vectors encoding multiepitope immunogens for vacci
105                               Semliki Forest virus vectors encoding murine leukemia virus (MLV) envel
106 cacy of a recombinant cold-adapted influenza virus vector expressing a foreign antigen has been evalu
107 brain, we have generated an adeno-associated virus vector expressing a small hairpin RNA targeting ER
108 matopoietic stem cells transduced by a foamy virus vector expressing canine CD18 had complete reversa
109 conjugated to a VSV-G-human immunodeficiency virus vector expressing Escherichia coli beta-galactosid
110  injection of a recombinant adeno-associated virus vector expressing factor IX successfully cured the
111 ccines were analyzed, a recombinant vaccinia virus vector expressing Friend virus envelope protein an
112 ion of a self-complementary Adeno-Associated Virus vector expressing full-length SMN cDNA (scAAV-SMN)
113 nucleus (STN) infusion of an adenoassociated virus vector expressing glutamic acid decarboxylase (AAV
114 on of a replication-defective herpes simplex virus vector expressing glutamic acid decarboxylase (vec
115 iana plants transduced with a tobacco mosaic virus vector expressing GRFT.
116 d NAcore astrocytes with an adeno-associated virus vector expressing hM3D designer receptor exclusive
117  problems, using recombinant adenoassociated virus vector expressing human alpha1-antitrypsin in muri
118 rapy with a single-stranded adeno-associated virus vector expressing human Factor IX.
119 on of a replication-defective herpes simplex virus vector expressing human proenkephalin (vector SHPE
120                  Furthermore, injection of a virus vector expressing microsomal prostaglandin E synth
121 n newborn SCID-X1 dogs, injection of a foamy virus vector expressing the human IL2RG gene resulted in
122 ke pathology, a recombinant adeno-associated virus vector expressing TNF-alpha was stereotactically d
123                          Somatic delivery of virus vectors expressing cre recombinase into the brain
124 owing immunization with recombinant vaccinia virus vectors expressing either glycoproteins B or D, vi
125 ects were infected with recombinant vaccinia virus vectors expressing Gag, Pol, and Env and were able
126 d cells transduced with recombinant vaccinia virus vectors expressing HCV genotype 1a Ags.
127 mmunospot assays, using recombinant vaccinia virus vectors expressing HIV proteins.
128                               Semliki Forest virus vectors expressing IL-12 (SFV-IL-12) were shown to
129 the efficacy of recombinant adeno-associated virus vectors expressing inducible IL-2 or TGF-beta1 tra
130 investigating the potential use of influenza virus vectors expressing selected tumor-associated antig
131 fety and immunogenicity of attenuated rabies virus vectors expressing simian-human immunodeficiency v
132 use model in which vaccination with vaccinia virus vectors expressing the respiratory syncytial virus
133 ntranasal administration of a live influenza virus vector, followed by an intramuscular boost with ei
134 (NSG) mice by the use of an adeno-associated virus vector, followed by engraftment of human hematopoi
135 us SHRV in cells preinfected with a vaccinia virus vector for T7 polymerase expression.
136 ficacy of in vivo gene therapy using a foamy virus vector for the correction of canine X-linked sever
137 ay provide the basis of a safe and effective virus vector for the in vivo expression of immunological
138 ing recombinant LANA expressed from vaccinia virus vectors for electrophoretic mobility shift assays,
139         Recent reports of the utilization of virus vectors for foreign gene expression in fundamental
140                                              Virus vectors for human in vivo gene therapy based on th
141 RNA packaging signals to establish influenza virus vectors for the expression of foreign genes, we st
142 dy, two families of oncolytic herpes simplex virus vectors (G207 and NV1020 series) that have been in
143 olving a single recombinant adeno-associated virus vector harboring two expression cassettes, one con
144      The protein A-envelope chimeric Sindbis virus vector has minimal infectivities against baby hams
145   Direct gene transfer into neurons, using a virus vector, has been used to study neuronal physiology
146 er genetically modified cells or recombinant virus vectors, has produced partial restoration of behav
147                     The same adenoassociated virus vectors, however, were largely ineffective in stim
148  observed in vivo following a single dose of virus vector; however, depending on the application, rep
149 of trophoblastic cells by the herpes simplex virus vector, HSV.CMVlac, and the adeno-associated virus
150 oretical ecologists have recently focused on virus-vectored immunocontraception (VVIC).
151 emonstrated the power of shuffling for plant virus vector improvement.
152 m a glucocorticoid-responsive herpes simplex virus vector in the hippocampus in vivo.
153 ression of these genes from adeno-associated virus vectors in C57BL/6 mice is able to induce peripher
154  by infection with subgroup A avian leukosis virus vectors in lines of transgenic mice that express t
155 sting protocols for VIGS with tobacco rattle virus vectors in other species like Nicotiana benthamian
156 pidly deleted from recombinant hypovirus RNA virus vectors in wild-type and dicer gene dcl-1 deletion
157 terol along with a low-dose adeno-associated virus vector increased Rotarod latency by 75% at 4 wk, i
158  well as showing that a recombinant vaccinia virus vector induces humoral immunity and confers partia
159 osphatidylserine (PS) liposomes can increase virus vector infection by up to 20-fold.
160 tinal ganglion cells via an adeno-associated virus vector injected into the vitreous.
161 ated by a limited number of adeno-associated virus vector injections in the cat model of human alpha-
162 pti, the latter an important Zika and Dengue virus vector insensitive to Ls Bin.
163  and deciphering the complex network of host-virus-vector interactions to bridge the gap between geno
164 provides new insights into the complexity of virus-vector interactions.
165 icles occurred after introduction of Sindbis virus vectors into the PCLs.
166 e observations suggest that adeno-associated virus vectors may be used to modify trophoblast function
167 y which immunity is primed by live influenza virus vectors may have beneficial properties.
168             Helper virus-free Herpes Simplex Virus vector-mediated gene transfer has supported studie
169  a combined adeno virus and adeno-associated virus vector-mediated gene transfer leads to sustained G
170   We examined the efficacy of herpes simplex virus vector-mediated gene transfer of erythropoietin in
171                                              Virus vector-mediated host restriction was bypassed by r
172 he BNST reduced CO2-evoked freezing, whereas virus-vector-mediated expression of ASIC1A in the BNST o
173 cultivated plants and some of them are plant-virus vectors (nepovirus).
174 on mouse model of AD, using adeno-associated virus vectors normalized glutamate signaling dynamics, i
175 This could be reversed by reintroduction via virus vector of exclusively ER-retained vIL-6.
176 ted a series of recombinant adeno-associated virus vectors of serotypes 1 and 5 encoding mouse Acrp30
177 of two separate recombinant adeno-associated virus vectors, one encoding an inducible murine erythrop
178            A mixture of two adeno-associated virus vectors, one expressing the transcription factor c
179 chieved using a specialized adeno-associated virus vector optimized for the production of full-length
180 s expressing either HIV-1 genes via vaccinia virus vectors or HIV-1 immunodominant synthetic peptides
181 were comparable to those induced by vaccinia virus vectors or peptides.
182 e important insights into how nonreplicating virus vectors or synthetic lipid-based carriers used as
183 ansfer therapy with defective herpes simplex virus vectors overexpressing hsp72 improves neuron survi
184   In vivo gene transfer using herpes simplex virus vectors provides a unique option for treatment of
185 ciently infected by a human immunodeficiency virus vector pseudotyped with VSV-G.
186                                              Virus vectors pseudotyped with an alphavirus glycoprotei
187  constructed a nonreplicating herpes simplex virus vector (QHNgSR) to express a truncated soluble fra
188   We introduced recombinant adeno-associated virus vector (rAAV) carrying a lacZ reporter into muscle
189                 Recombinant adeno-associated virus vector (rAAV) incorporating a constitutive cytomeg
190                 Recombinant adeno-associated virus vectors (rAAV) show promise in preclinical trials
191 transduction by recombinant adeno-associated virus vectors (rAAV).
192 of a serotype-1 recombinant adeno-associated virus vector (rAAV1-IFNgamma).
193 tration of a Ngb-expressing adeno-associated virus vector reduces infarct size and improves functiona
194                                              Virus-vector relationships can be complex and diverse as
195 n of an RNA which corresponds to the Sindbis virus vector replicon.
196 odeficiency virus type 1 and murine leukemia virus vectors, respectively.
197 s, and that double-stranded adeno-associated virus vectors resulted in expression of Factor IX that i
198 vely active Rac1(G12V) mutant, via a Sindbis virus vector, resulted in a dramatic stimulation of memb
199 g a replication-incompetent adeno-associated virus vector, results in tumours with a bronchiolo-alveo
200 tion with recombinant lentiviral or vaccinia virus vectors revealed that such peptide precursors indu
201 g RNAs, in DI RNA production and recombinant virus vector RNA instability.
202 and gene augmentation using adeno-associated virus vectors robustly sustained the rescue of rod funct
203 (gB DNA) and attenuated recombinant vaccinia virus vector (rvacgB), both encoding the gB protein of H
204                                   Pseudotype virus vectors serve as a powerful tool for the study of
205 ther gene delivery systems, adeno-associated virus vectors show long term gene expression without imm
206 -based production system following the 'full virus vector strategy' with the viral coat protein as fu
207   For RNA effectors, consideration of an RNA virus vector system for delivery and expression is reaso
208 ene transfer into neurons in the brain via a virus vector system has potential for both examining neu
209                      The neurotropic Sindbis virus vector system was used to investigate a role for t
210 re many different natural vectors, few plant virus-vector systems have been well studied.
211 to be more profound with the empty canarypox virus vector than with MVA.
212 orted on a plasmid (amplicon) Herpes Simplex Virus vector that contains a VGLUT1 promoter.
213 K-21 cells transfected with a Semliki Forest virus vector that contains ORF IV demonstrated the prese
214 ent of a pseudotyped Moloney murine leukemia virus vector that contains the G envelope protein from t
215         We examined whether a herpes simplex virus vector that expresses human proenkephalin could be
216 In summary, bPIV3 was shown to function as a virus vector that may be especially suitable for vaccina
217             Thus, it is desirable to develop virus vectors that contain either a glutamatergic or GAB
218 scribed above in combination with attenuated virus vectors that express Env.
219 ne marrow cells marked with integrated foamy virus vectors that express green fluorescent protein, we
220 croinjected helper virus-free herpes simplex virus vectors that expressed a constitutively active PKC
221 kaging limit of recombinant adeno-associated virus vectors that have been shown to be safe in clinica
222                             Unlike other RNA virus vectors that have been used previously for VIGS, t
223                   The development of Sindbis virus vectors that target specific cell types could have
224 yellow dwarf virus and an important pest and virus vector, the bird cherry-oat aphid (Rhopalosiphum p
225  infection, or when gE/gI is expressed using virus vectors, the glycoprotein localizes to the trans-G
226 er, this and other subunit vaccines, such as virus-vectored thrombospondin-related adhesive protein (
227  dorsal root ganglion using a herpes simplex virus vector to achieve release of GABA in dorsal horn w
228                  We used an adeno-associated virus vector to achieve targeted insertion of a gamma-re
229 dase (HN) genes of human PIV3, was used as a virus vector to express surface glycoproteins derived fr
230 nd miR-155 function in vivo, we used a foamy virus vector to express the miRNAs in human hematopoieti
231  and plant defense, we used a Tobacco rattle virus vector to silence these genes in Nicotiana bentham
232 epresent the first successful use of a foamy virus vector to treat a genetic disease, to our knowledg
233                               We found foamy virus vectors to be remarkably less genotoxic, well belo
234 ndings suggest that vaccine approaches using virus vectors to deliver an Ag may be optimized by disru
235          Here, we have used adeno-associated virus vectors to disrupt dominant-negative mutant COL1A1
236                 Here, we used herpes simplex virus vectors to examine how transient increases in the
237                  The use of adeno-associated virus vectors to express short-hairpin RNAs targeting dy
238           Recently, the possibility of using virus vectors to immunize cattle against selected bovine
239 ese results suggest that targeting canarypox virus vectors to mature DCs could potentially elicit bot
240 er has been developed for targeting specific virus vectors to specific peripheral cell types; a speci
241            Here we describe the use of foamy virus vectors to treat canine leukocyte adhesion deficie
242 ascular administration may deliver oncolytic viruses/vectors to each of these tumors, its efficiency
243 constructs delivered by AAV (adenoassociated virus) vector transfer.
244 C57BL/6 mice compared to no protection using virus-vectored TRAP alone and 40% protection using adeno
245 ti-CSP antibodies is seen when combined with virus-vectored TRAP, and the combination is no more prot
246 tude, which is maintained when combined with virus-vectored TRAP.
247 ines, a DNA plasmid vaccine (pKarp47), and a virus-vectored vaccine (Kp47/47-Venezuelan equine enceph
248 rally administered, enteric-coated, vaccinia virus-vectored vaccine might safely protect humans again
249                        Replication-competent virus vector vaccines might have advantages compared wit
250 ighlight the ability of vesicular stomatitis virus-vectored vaccines to rapidly confer protection aga
251 es mediated protection against malaria using virus-vectored vaccines.
252 mically important animals.IMPORTANCE A novel virus-vectored VC2-EHV-1-gD vaccine was constructed usin
253 administered vaccines containing a canarypox virus vector, vCP1452, with HIV-1 genes encoding multipl
254 be further increased by recombinant vaccinia virus vector (vv) boost, resulting in enhanced CD8 memor
255 nvestigate the clinical relevance of a novel virus-vectored (VV) tuberculosis vaccine administered vi
256             We prepared recombinant vaccinia virus vectors (VVV) to transfer the gene constructs indi
257 s by a similarly pseudotyped murine leukemia virus vector was approximately 30-fold less than by the
258 human erythroid cells by the recombinant B19 virus vector was significantly higher than that by the r
259 phox, MSCV-h91Neo, based on murine stem cell virus vectors, was evaluated using a human X-CGD myeloid
260 ng an inducible recombinant adeno-associated virus vector, we investigated the effect of low systemic
261                    Several DNA-based Sindbis virus vectors were constructed to investigate the feasib
262 ific (vCP 205) and rabies (vCP 65) canarypox virus vectors were delivered systemically and/or mucosal
263                     Defective herpes simplex virus vectors were used to express L1 protein with the c
264 on were achieved with the haploid AAV2/8 1:3 virus vector when compared to that of AAV8.
265 nternal GluR2 pools expressed from a Sindbis virus vector, whereas pABP-L is membrane targeted and as
266 is system includes a murine Moloney leukemia virus vector which contains a neomycin resistance gene (
267  constructed five novel recombinant vaccinia virus vectors which contained overlapping deletions of c
268 rably with those obtained by murine leukemia virus vectors, which suggests that HFV vectors may be ef
269 se, to our knowledge, and suggest that foamy virus vectors will be effective in treating human hemato
270     A replication-incompetent herpes simplex virus vector with erythropoietin under the control of th
271 e we compare the effects of adeno-associated virus vectors with neurotrophin gene inserts, AAV.BDNF a
272  toxicity, we developed new adeno-associated virus vectors with skeletal muscle-restricted expression
273 olecular characteristics of adeno-associated virus vectors, with a particular view to their applicati

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