


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  (LS strain) fused to the cauliflower mosaic virus-derived 35S promoter.
2 tified 32 independent incursions of an avian virus-derived A allele into mammals, whereas 6 introduct
3 be detected from tissues 14 d postinfection, virus-derived Ag continues to drive a CD4(+) T cell resp
4 tion to determine the duration and impact of virus-derived Ag presentation.
5 cted DC maintain the ability to present both virus-derived and exogenous Ags, but that they actively
6           Assays measuring both Epstein-Barr virus-derived and human IL-10 yielded higher values than
7                    When a similar test using virus-derived antigen was performed, a loss of both spec
8 gle day of antigenic stimulation even though virus-derived antigens (Ags) are still presented by DCs
9    The kinetics of presentation of influenza virus-derived antigens (Ags), resulting in CD4 T cell ef
10 nd proliferation in response to bacteria and virus-derived antigens.
11                              Mutation within virus-derived CD8 T-cell epitopes can effectively abroga
12 uantum dots, carrying a controlled number of virus-derived (cognate) and other (noncognate) pMHC-I co
13 s transposon reverse transcriptases, produce virus-derived complementary DNAs (vDNA).
14 ll nuclei, usually through the deployment of virus-derived components.
15 ve previously shown that vaccines expressing virus-derived cytotoxic-T-lymphocyte (CTL) epitopes as s
16 n, many prokaryotes incorporate fragments of virus-derived DNA into loci called clustered regularly i
17 the ancestral parvovirus genome into a large virus-derived DNA transposon of the Polinton (polintovir
18                                  The Sindbis virus-derived DNA vectors described here increase the ut
19 thway that responds through the detection of virus-derived double-stranded RNA to suppress virus repl
20               P19 homodimers sequester 21-nt virus-derived duplex siRNAs, and it is thought that this
21 nstituted of viruses that infect host cells, virus-derived elements in our chromosomes, and viruses t
22 Rel is a chimeric protein that has 11 helper virus-derived Envelope (Env) amino acids (aa) at its N t
23 t three mutant residues in the eleven helper virus-derived Envelope (Env) amino acids (aa) at the N-t
24 plication, orchestrated by integrase (IN), a virus-derived enzyme.
25      Using a panel of 38 defined influenza A virus-derived epitopes recognized by C57BL/6 mouse CD8(+
26  as yet inadequate for identifying influenza virus-derived epitopes.
27 f persistent exposure to structurally stable virus-derived epitopes.
28 of HIV-, hepatitis B virus-, and hepatitis C virus-derived epitopes.
29 mulation with a lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus-derived escape mutant as demonstrated by the susta
30 d humans were infected by an HIV-1 precursor virus derived from a contaminated poliovaccine.
31           Two were infected with a wild-type virus derived from a full-length infectious clone (A12-I
32 d for efficacy against a multidrug-resistant virus derived from a highly experienced patient expressi
33 f influenza A/WSN/33 (H1N1), a mouse-adapted virus derived from a human influenza strain first isolat
34 f HIV-associated immunopathogenesis, using a virus derived from a human pathogen, we identified a sig
35                                              Virus derived from a second clone, p19/wenv16, caused so
36 cular evolution of a feline immunodeficiency virus derived from a wild cougar, Puma concolor, during
37  no long-term viral evolution, implying that virus derived from activated latent cells must dominate.
38                                              Virus derived from both clones caused persistent infecti
39                                              Virus derived from clone p19/wenv17 caused severe debili
40 ith BALB/c-adapted A/New Caledonia influenza virus derived from four consecutive lung pool passages.
41                 Here, we describe a chimeric virus derived from GB virus B (GBV-B), an unclassified h
42                                            A virus derived from HSV-1(U(L)17-stop) but containing a r
43 isrupt the U5-PBS-tRNAMet interaction of the virus derived from HXB2(Met-AC).
44                                              Virus derived from IN-minus provirus is noninfectious.
45 in pig cell lines productively infected with virus derived from NIH miniature pig and Yucatan pig PBM
46                                              Virus derived from pHXB2(His-AC-GAC) with M184V RT had s
47 d provirus from a cell culture infected with virus derived from pHXB2(His-AC-TGT) revealed a G-to-A c
48 tRNA(His) to initiate reverse transcription [virus derived from pHXB2(His-AC-TGT)] revealed five addi
49                                              Virus derived from pMRE16ic replicated with the same eff
50               SHIV-KB9, a molecularly cloned virus derived from SHIV-89.6P, also caused CD4+ T-cell d
51 otypic analyses showed no difference between virus derived from subjects after TCN-032 treatment and
52  virus isolates and rechallenged them with a virus derived from the 2009 H1N1 A/CA/04/09 virus, named
53                                              Virus derived from the BAC clone had a wild-type phenoty
54                                        While virus derived from the clone containing the M47 mutation
55           Using the Wyeth strain of vaccinia virus derived from the Dryvax vaccine, we generated a re
56                              Plaque-purified virus derived from the infectious construct replicated e
57                              Plaque-purified virus derived from the infectious construct replicated e
58             An infectious molecular clone of virus derived from the isolate from macaque PGm (PGm5.3)
59                          Using a recombinant virus derived from the JFH1 strain, we confirmed that pl
60 inated target cells infected with autologous virus derived from the latent reservoir, both in vitro a
61 A at 1,000 times the lethal dose of vaccinia virus derived from the licensed Dryvax vaccine seed.
62                    Several studies have used virus derived from the molecular clone SFV4.
63              Nevertheless, comparison of the virus derived from the mutant (ps51) and wild-type (ps55
64           Following long-term infection with virus derived from the pathogenic GL8 molecular clone of
65                                              Virus derived from this clone differs from nonneuroinvas
66                                            A virus derived from this mutant but bearing a restored U(
67 ld-type S.A.AR86 infectious clone, ps55, and virus derived from this mutant clone, ps51, was signific
68                                          The virus derived from this yeast-assembled genome, KOS(YA),
69                                              Virus derived from transcripts containing mutations in t
70 iants that arose after drug selection, using virus derived from two different HIV proviral clones, NL
71 Animals were inoculated with a plaque-cloned virus derived from VR-2332, the North American PRRS viru
72 rain of the 2009 new pandemic H1N1 influenza virus, derived from the A/California/07/2009 isolate and
73  components, prompting hypotheses that these viruses derived from a fourth domain of cellular life.
74                                              Viruses derived from a Merlin-BAC derivative in which RL
75 ), and infection of a single pony (678) with viruses derived from a mixture of five of these molecula
76 reen of primary viral isolates revealed that viruses derived from asymptomatic, infected people had l
77  parent virus at 32 degrees C. ts+ revertant viruses derived from both mutants have also reverted in
78                      These results show that viruses derived from C499 are more pathogenic for chimpa
79 s with HCV pseudoparticles and cell-cultured viruses derived from different heterologous 1a, 1b, 2a,
80 uate the infectivity and cellular tropism of viruses derived from different hosts.
81 sting each primer-probe pair against various viruses derived from laboratory virus stocks, as well as
82 arboviruses more efficiently infect DCs than viruses derived from mammalian cells.
83  To assess the cellular source of infectious viruses derived from MDM, virus-containing media from in
84                                              Viruses derived from Merlin-BAC in fibroblasts had mutat
85 ral strains, including neutralization escape viruses derived from other nAbs; however, no single nAb
86  p6 domain of Gag are frequently observed in viruses derived from patients on protease inhibitor (PI)
87 vealed that by day 15 of culture, the PBS of viruses derived from pHXB2(His) and pHXB2(His-T psi C) r
88                                 In contrast, viruses derived from pHXB2(His-AC) maintained a PBS comp
89 erably more nucleotide substitutions than in viruses derived from pHXB2(His-AC-GAC) containing the M1
90 s obtained after transfection, we found that viruses derived from pHXB2(His-AC-GAC) with the wildtype
91 ) with wild-type RT and M184V RT compared to viruses derived from pHXB2(His-AC-GAC).
92 tion of reverse transcription was delayed in viruses derived from pHXB2(His-AC-TGT) with wild-type RT
93 proviral genomes revealed that the PBSs from viruses derived from pHXB2(Met) and pHXB2(AC-Met) revert
94                             In contrast, the viruses derived from pHXB2(Met-AC-Met) stably maintained
95 , novel mutant viruses were identified among viruses derived from pHXB2(Met-C-Met) at day 35 postcocu
96                                              Viruses derived from pMRE16icDeltaE200-Y229 and pMRE16ic
97  We characterized the replication fitness of viruses derived from pNL4-3 containing P236L or K103N in
98 f the growth phenotypes of additional mutant viruses derived from RNAs containing DEN2-WN chimeric 3'
99                                  Recombinant viruses derived from S648 and HSV-1(delta U(L)15ExII) an
100      Here we use wild-type and Vif-deficient viruses derived from the CD4(+) T cells of multiple dono
101                            Sequencing of the viruses derived from the D17 cell lines revealed second-
102       We used NS1 truncated mutant influenza viruses derived from the human isolate influenza A/TX/91
103 e with a randomized DIS, infected cells with viruses derived from the library, and monitored the emer
104                                 Furthermore, viruses derived from the MLV chimera with SNV CA could s
105 ase-driven replication capacity than that of viruses derived from the mothers (P < 0.0001 by a paired
106  were inoculated with two recombinant hybrid viruses derived from the parent viruses SIVmac239, a lym
107 oliomyelitis have been shown to be caused by viruses derived from the Sabin vaccine strains.
108                                              Viruses derived from the transfection of these proviral
109                               Using a set of viruses derived from these chimeras by exchanging portio
110 re detected in the growth characteristics of viruses derived from these clones as compared to the ori
111       In assays using a panel of reassortant viruses derived from these strains, the difference in AT
112                                              Viruses derived from these transfected cells were infect
113                               Propagation of viruses derived from TR-BAC, TB40-BAC4, and FIX-BAC in e
114 ptation, we selected mutant receptor-adapted viruses derived from two P1/Mahoney variants, one which
115 ted subjects or seronegative plasma to which viruses derived from wild-type and mutant infectious mol
116 susceptible to infection with avian leukosis virus-derived gene vectors.
117 ronger cellular immunity in rodents than did virus-derived gene.
118 ell death in response to the accumulation of virus-derived glycosphingolipids upon infection of natur
119 uced a predominant Th1 response, and the PR8 virus-derived HA110-120 peptides induced a mixed Th1/Th2
120  complexed with a H-2Kk-restricted influenza virus-derived hemagglutinin peptide (Ha255-262) but does
121 nce an alternatively added HA (for influenza virus-derived hemagglutinin) epitope tag caused similar
122                Hepatic overexpression of the virus-derived human ET-1 mRNA was accompanied by a 13-fo
123 ructural motifs within Op-IAP, an efficient, virus-derived IAP.
124  and with VSV-mediated virotherapy, and that virus-derived IFN-beta would add further safety to the V
125    In contrast, expression of CrmA, a cowpox virus-derived inhibitor of the Ced-2-like proteases ICE
126 iated herpesvirus are autocrine dependent on virus-derived interleukin-6 (IL-6), but not on cellular
127 ant genes and there are no reports of animal virus derived IRES activity in plant cells.
128 oto-oncogene from which the Abelson leukemia virus derived its Gag-v-Abl oncogene, recent results hav
129  sites, located between two Moloney leukemia virus-derived LTR, into which genes of interest may be i
130                       Thus far, detection of virus-derived miRNAs has been largely limited to DNA vir
131  well known that these pathogens make use of virus-derived multitasking proteins, as well as dedicate
132  SHIV(MD14) carrying simian immunodeficiency virus-derived nef established significantly higher virus
133                             Correspondingly, virus-derived noncoding and antisense transcripts may sh
134 hus, neither the A nor the B allele of avian virus-derived NS segments necessarily attenuates virus r
135 responses to infection showed that the avian virus-derived NS segments provoked lower levels of expre
136 o test this, a number of clade A and B avian virus-derived NS segments were introduced into human H1N
137 ty of infected cells or cells triggered with virus-derived nucleic acids to produce type I interferon
138                    Mammalian cells recognize virus-derived nucleic acids using a defined set of intra
139 n (IFN-I) and other cytokines in response to virus-derived nucleic acids.
140 ly related to the avidity of the TCR for the virus-derived peptide (p) + major histocompatibility com
141 te algorithms identified 101 influenza A PR8 virus-derived peptides as potential epitopes for CD8+ T
142                                          Six virus-derived peptides from five different viral protein
143 se by inhibiting the cell surface display of virus-derived peptides on MHC class I molecules.
144 ple, of a large collection of ~30,000 dengue virus-derived peptides only 0.3% were predicted to bind
145  virus-infected cells through recognition of virus-derived peptides presented at the cell surface by
146 inal proline residues was observed in Hendra virus-derived peptides presented by Ptal-N*01:01 on the
147                CD8(+) T cells that recognize virus-derived peptides presented on MHC class I are vita
148 :01, and elucidated the binding capacity for virus-derived peptides.
149 elicit cytotoxic CD8(+) T cells specific for virus-derived peptides.
150                  We also report detection of virus-derived PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) in Drosophi
151                       Using a Tobacco rattle virus-derived plasmid for in planta transient expression
152 and 8 CFU of Escherichia coli carrying Ebola virus-derived plasmids.
153 nt DLAV vaccine (TV005) with pools of dengue virus-derived predicted major histocompatibility complex
154       Peptides were fused to the hepatitis B virus-derived PreS domain as recombinant fusion proteins
155 I mainly by interfering with the function of virus-derived primary siRNAs.
156 lerated primary B cell response to influenza virus-derived protein, evidenced by high anti-nucleoprot
157                     To study the role of the virus-derived proteins on the development of these elect
158 r untreated primary cultures with viruses or virus-derived replicons that lacked the structural prote
159 n of replication-incompetent murine leukemia virus-derived retroviral vectors.
160  the 3' U3 region of Moloney murine leukemia virus-derived retroviral vectors.
161 fense against viral infection by recognizing virus-derived RNAs and are localized to intracellular me
162 replication-competent, noncytopathic Sindbis virus-derived RNAs.
163 ve-strand RNA viruses requires production of virus-derived secondary small interfering RNAs (siRNAs)
164 gh mice infected with viruses with the avian virus-derived segment 8s had reduced weight loss compare
165 nal plasmid vector and from a Semliki Forest virus derived, self-replicating vector.
166 ting genetic subtypes were included, as were viruses derived shortly after transmission and during th
167  report here the generation of an X31 (H3N2) virus-derived single-cycle infectious influenza virus, X
168 s was associated with a much higher level of virus-derived siRNA accumulation compared to plants infe
169                                   In plants, virus-derived siRNAs (viRNAs) can target and silence cel
170 antiviral RNAi pathway and the generation of virus-derived siRNAs (viRNAs).
171 ivirus-induced gene silencing by quantifying virus-derived siRNAs and by evaluating their distributio
172  mature human somatic cells produce abundant virus-derived siRNAs co-immunoprecipitated with AGOs in
173       Next, we evaluated the distribution of virus-derived siRNAs on the respective virus genome at t
174 NV) does not result in the production of any virus-derived siRNAs or viral miRNAs.
175 S is likely initiated by a process guided by virus-derived small (s) RNAs that are 21/22-nt in length
176                                              Virus-derived small interfering RNA (siRNA) is a primary
177  of polymorphisms and recombination, and the virus-derived small interfering RNA (vsiRNA) sequences i
178                   In addition, AGO1 recruits virus-derived small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) in vivo, s
179 ntiviral RNA interference (RNAi) directed by virus-derived small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) represents
180 eins to suppress RNAi as their hosts produce virus-derived small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) that direc
181             Diverse eukaryotic hosts produce virus-derived small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) to direct
182 ies and mosquitoes induces the production of virus-derived small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) to specifi
183 is antiviral immunity involves production of virus-derived small interfering RNAs (viRNAs) and result
184 llenberg virus resulted in the production of virus-derived small interfering RNAs (viRNAs) of 21 nucl
185                                We identified virus-derived small interfering RNAs (viRNAs), 21 nt in
186 s in infected cells showed the production of virus-derived small interfering RNAs (viRNAs), which are
187 nd RNA viruses can trigger the biogenesis of virus-derived small interfering RNAs (vsiRNAs), we show
188 verse eukaryotic organisms, Dicer-processed, virus-derived small interfering RNAs direct antiviral im
189 ible for antiviral defense and generation of virus-derived small interfering RNAs, in DI RNA producti
190                                 The roles of virus-derived small RNAs (vsRNAs) have been studied in p
191            We now report the accumulation of virus-derived small RNAs (vsRNAs) in hypovirus CHV1-EP71
192 he generation by Dicer-like (DCL) enzymes of virus-derived small RNAs of 21 to 24 nucleotides (nt) th
193 ped a sequence-independent strategy based on virus-derived small RNAs produced by the host response,
194                                By sequencing virus-derived small RNAs, we show that the viruses repre
195     Here we describe examples of influenza A virus-derived small viral RNAs (svRNAs).
196  results in the RNAi-dependent production of virus-derived, small-interfering RNAs (viRNAs), which in
197 to miRNAs, we also identified novel forms of virus-derived smRNAs, revealing greater complexity withi
198           Mice were immunized with a pool of virus-derived T-cell epitopes.
199 f HIV-1 RT and on wild-type HIV-1 and mutant viruses derived thereof, Ile100 and Cys181, in cell cult
200 tly delivering sgRNAs using a Tobacco mosaic virus-derived vector (TRBO) designed with 5' and 3' sgRN
201  the lentivirus vector and a murine leukemia virus-derived vector in thymocytes.
202                       Using the Rous sarcoma virus-derived vector RCAS, we previously showed that mut
203 lla luciferase) expression from an influenza-virus-derived vector.
204  Gag was expressed by using a Semliki Forest virus-derived vector: under these conditions, the Semlik

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